Chapter 136: Two of Lin Jinsong’s Weibos.

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After the phone’s automatic download was complete, the heading [Update: Yes or No] popped up.

Shen Yuanye directly clicked on [Yes], and then looked at the loading circle above that showed the progress. Then she turned off the phone and casually stated, “You have killed someone before.”

Her tone while making that statement showed that she was absolutely positive.

Lin Jinsong naturally could hear it, but he retorted with panic on his face: “Don’t slander people with empty words! You want to beat me until I confess? When did I kill someone?”

This kind of reaction was no different from that of ordinary people when they were accused of having killed someone. However the difference was that he did not have the personality or morality of a normal person, so it was a bit deliberate.


Shen Yuanye didn’t think that she would get any information. Now, Weibo was about to update. She could directly check out the new features, and maybe discover the results directly.

Not long after Ren Lulu waited outside, the door was pushed open.

“Did you get any answers?”

The following parts of the text will be scrambled to prevent theft from aggregators and unauthorized epub making. Please support our translators by reading on secondlifetranslations (dot) com. If you are currently on the site and and you are seeing this, please clear your cache.

Fbld Zwydul pbssj bkp blye, “Ls.”

Sld Nwzw nswze ynvwyzzu twlpp vbl swvnsxl. Rq kv olal vbyv pkxrzl qsa bkx vs srld bkp xswvb, vbld vblu oswze byhl y alpwzv cu dso.

Fbl pyke: “Psd’v osaau, vbl srrsdldv pbswze byhl pvsrrle dso, yde vbl nyrvykd okzz plde psxlsdl vs oyvnb uswa pkel.”

Fbld Zwydul dseele, “R’x tskdt cynj qkapv, kq usw byhl ydu dlop, rzlypl zlv xl jdso.”

Fbl rwv sd vbl xypj ytykd, pvsrrle y vymk swvpkel, yde oldv pvayktbv vs vbl yryavxldv.

Mbl wreyvl sd vbl rbsdl oyp hlau pzso, yde vbl wreyvl rastalpp bye sdzu alynble 70% yqvla pbl yaakhle yv vbl yryavxldv.

Fbld Zwydul vssj y qlo ellr calyvbp yde oykvle kdvldvzu.

Xaktkdyzzu, pbl vbswtbv ycswv plnalvzu altkpvlakdt y Elkcs qsa Nkd Kkdpsdt. Tsolhla, kv pllxle vbyv xyucl vbl dlo qwdnvksd xyu cl yczl vs tkhl bla yd ydpola ekalnvzu yde pbl oswze dsv dlle vs es yduvbkdt lmvay.

After a 100% update flash, Weibo finally took on a new look.


Shen Yuanye looked at the color of the icon and felt that it seemed to be brighter.

Everything on the setup was normal. She clicked into the settings, and the previous version number had been replaced by the new one, proving that the update was successful.

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Shen Yuanye was first attracted by the 99+ notifications on Weibo.

She didn’t know if it was obsessive-compulsive disorder, but every time she saw a message that was not clicked, she would feel uncomfortable. This instance was no exception.

It was just that she froze when she clicked on it.

“Blogger, what did you do to our A Xuan (TLN: nickname for Chen Mingxuan)? Is it an ulterior secret?”

“Ahhhh, my A Xuan finally followed someone after eight hundred years. Although I don’t know this person, she is very good-looking!”

“A Xuan’s eyes are really good, cute sister Yuaye is so beautiful.”

“I just want to know the relationship between the blogger and A Xuan!”

Opening private messages, almost all of the content was like this. Shen Yuanye was still a little dazed at first, but after putting it together, the general situation came out.

Chen Mingxuan followed her. However, because she usually doesn’t follow people, and this was sudden, her fans were very surprised.

Shen Yuanye guessed that it might be because of the act of helping her on the plane, so the other party followed her.


She clicked on the hot search first, and this matter was indeed in the rising hot searches. When she clicked on it, there were many marketing accounts and fan accounts, all of which were gossiping about it.

The marketing accounts all regarded the process as a story. Although there were some embellishments, the basic plot was still similar to what she thought.

She most definitely had to return the follow, but if she clicked now, there would be many marketing accounts watching.

Although her fame could rise from this situation, she didn’t know what would come of it.

Most of the hot searches on Weibo were related to yesterday’s Golden Moon Season Awards. The top ones were naturally Ling Lizi and Chen Mingxuan. Both of them were popular, and they were the award presenters and winners, so they would naturally attract a lot of attention.

The accompanying picture of the news was that when two people hugged, they looked very harmonious.

Shen Yuanye browsed the news for a while. Only when it became midnight, while guessing that most people were doing other things, that she went and followed Chen Mingxuan back.

As for the death information, there was nothing wrong with just looking at it.

It just so happened that the new function still needed her to follow someone to be able to try, and Chen Mingxuan could be an option.

She entered the words Chen Mingxuan in the search box, and her Weibo instantly popped up below. Shen Yuanye clicked on it, looked carefully at her homepage, and clicked Follow.

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This time, there was no black screen, but a curtain-like animation pulled down from the top of the phone, which was black and directly covered the entire screen.

On the left was still the posthumous photo, Chen Mingxuan’s photo, no different from her now.


On the right was the date of death.

Name: Chen Mingxuan

Date of Birth: February 14, 1995

Date of death: October 1, 2018

Shen Yuanye stayed on the date for a while, noted it in her heart, and then slid down.

The following new content was the same as previously; it was the calendar diagram, without any changes.

So what was the use of this update?

Shen Yuanye was puzzled, and clicked on the first day. On it was Chen Mingxuan holding a wine glass. In the background was a lobby full of many people.

Basically, they were all famous in the entertainment industry.

Below it was a line of words: [Chen Mingxuan attended the celebration reception]

Although Shen Yuanye was a little disappointed in her heart, she continued to scroll down. She didn’t plan to read the other calendars. Anyways, she would have an accident in early October.

As she expected, there was still a death video at the bottom, but Chen Mingxuan’s death video seemed very strange.


Shen Yuanye paused on the cover.

This video cover was the sexiest one she had ever seen…

On the cover, Chen Mingxuan was only wearing pajamas, and it could be seen that she was not wearing any undergarments. The hem of her pants were already rolled up on her thighs. Apart from the bright red bed in the background, this whiteness was abnormal.

Shen Yuanye paused, thought for a few seconds and then clicked play.

Although she didn’t know why Chen Mingxuan died in such a strange way, there may be other meanings in it.

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The video started playing after the initial black loading screen.

Shen Yuanye’s eyes also darkened.

The next moment she felt that she had come to a strange place.

Shen Yuanye pinched herself and found that it was quite painful. She was not dreaming, but Chen Mingxuan’s figure had already appeared in front of her eyes.

It was as if she was standing in front of her.

Video turned into 3D movie?

Shen Yuanye guessed, and continued to observe silently.

Chen Mingxuan appeared in the kitchen in front of her. She had a very calm expression on her face, similar to what she had seen before. She was wearing the pajamas she had worn when she died, and she walked around beautifully.

Then Chen Mingxuan flipped a switch on a cooking appliance.

Shen Yuanye didn’t know what kind of switch it was. Although she often made her own food, they were all very simple fruits and vegetables. She didn’t use the things needed for fried rice, vegetables, or anything similar at all.

She looked down to look at the time, Chen Mingxuan paused at the switch for about ten seconds, and then turned on the switch.

Shen Yuanye felt as if she smelled something, but when Chen Mingxuan left the kitchen, she could only follow her and move with the camera.

After entering the bedroom, she realized that there was another person lying on the bed, but the person was covered by the quilt, so she couldn’t see them.

Chen Mingxuan stood in front of her, “Don’t blame me…”

The voice was not loud, but very gentle, and a little dazed.

Shen Yuanye heard it clearly from behind.

After a few seconds, Chen Mingxuan walked to the other side of the room, and picked up a small bottle from the cabinet next to the bed. She then proceeded to pour out the contents, and put it directly in her mouth.

What Shen Yuanye saw was at least a dozen pills.

It was as if she was watching a person taking medicine with her own eyes. She now had this immersive feeling, but her movements could only pass through objects.

She could not see anything toward the side of the bed.

Not long after eating, Chen Mingxuan’s expression became very contorted. She laid on one side of the bed, with her hair draped on the other side.

Shen Yuanye guessed that the person laying on the other side should be a woman.

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Chen Mingxuan laid on the bed clutching her stomach, curled up in pain, but she didn’t make any sound, only the occasional muffled hum.

After more than ten seconds, she finally calmed down.

Shen Yuanye’s view became dark again, and after her eyes recovered, she realized that she was still on the sofa in her apartment.

She looked down, and the death video on the phone screen had finished playing.

“It felt like watching a movie.” Shen Yuanye muttered to herself.

But it was different from a movie. She smelled a certain scent in the kitchen, very, very light, she guessed it might be carbon monoxide or something similar.

Otherwise, why would Chen Mingxuan switch something on in the kitchen?

As for what Chen Mingxuan ate, Shen Yuanye didn’t know.

She logged out of Weibo, went to the browser to search for related news based on her memory, and after flipping through a few pages, she finally found a clue.

This was a suicide post, the poster is looking for a way to commit suicide, and there was a picture on the bottom of the post. The image was exactly the same as the pill bottle that Shen Yuanye saw in Chen Mingxuan’s hand.

Someone replied directly: “I guarantee that you will die quickly, but it will be a little painful before you die. Don’t worry, it will not exceed 30 seconds.”

Could it be that Chen Mingxuan committed suicide? Who was that person next to her?

Shen Yuanye was full of doubts, reopened Weibo, staring at the normal page in a daze.

What she wanted to know was Lin Jinsong’s affairs, Chen Mingxuan’s affairs had nothing to do with her, and it was useless to see them.

After thinking for a while, she decided to give Lin Jinsong a try by registering a Weibo account for him.

Shen Yuanye turned on the computer, registered one directly, and filled in the information and content of Lin Jinsong’s file from the police station. She didn’t even think about the username, she used Lin Jinsong directly.

After finishing, she searched for Lin Jinsong’s name on her phone.

However, the first one that popped up was not her registration, but a gray name that said “Lin Jinsong” with 0 Weibo followers.

And below there was the normal orange name.

Did Weibo allow duplication of usernames?

Doubts welled up in Shen Yuanye’s heart. Even if the name was the same, it was impossible for one of the searched results to be grayed out, right?

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