My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 61: Chapter 61 - You're No Longe

Chapter 61: You’re No Longer My Student

Lu Chengzhou looked towards Lu Zhan. “Dad, I’ll bring her somewhere to rest first.”

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Lu Zhan watched the silhouettes of the disappearing figures and narrowed his eyes.

Yu Zhongjing fumed. “Look at the difference in treatment! I want to have hot milk tea as well! I want to rest as well!”

Lu Yī smiled politely. “Haven’t you forgotten something, Doctor Yu?”

Yu Zhongjing paused. “What have I forgotten?”

“Ms. Xiwei.” Lu Yī reminded him dutifully.

“Oh, that’s right, that’s right.” Radiance flashed across Yu Zhongjing’s aged eyes. “Where is she now?”

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Lu Yī made a gesturing motion. “Follow me, please.”

Lu Xiwei was locked up in the basement under the Lu residence, guarded by at least four men at all times. No one had responded to her cries for help.

Suddenly, the door to the basement opened with a creak.

Reflexively Lu Xiwei’s head shot up to see who it was. She frowned upon seeing that it was Lu Yī. She wanted to ask when she would be released.

An unexpected figure entered her vision.

“Teacher?” Lu Xiwei called out excitedly. Was her teacher here to help her?

With his hands behind his back, Yu Zhongjing observed the trussed up Lu Xiwei. She had a hopeful expression and seemed to be smirking coldly.

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Lu Xiwei’s eyes reddened. “Teacher, is my granny out of danger now that you’re here?”

Yu Zhongjing stared at her gravely and said in a mild tone, “Xiwei, do you still remember the first rule when you came under my mentorship? Repeat it to me.”

Shock passed through Lu Xiwei’s heart and her expression froze. She stammered, “To scrupulously abide by medical ethics, seek constant improvement, to not be conceited, to spare no effort in curing the illnesses that ail humanity, to uphold the sanctity and honor of the art of healing, to help the dying and heal the injured, and to never harm the health of a patient by putting my needs over their own.”

Yu Zhongjing nodded. “Have you abided by this rule?”

Lu Xiwei’s heart hammered wildly in her chest. Despite the pressure she was under, she would never admit to breaking this critical rule.

She looked aggrieved as if she had been badly wronged. “Teacher, did Gu Mang spout nonsense to you?!”

Yu Zhongjing frowned and his tone became icier. “Even now you’re still unrepentant.”

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An aggressive case of bad luck must have befallen him to make him take her under his wing!

Upon reading the situation, Lu Xiwei’s expression changed drastically. She said hastily, “No, Teacher, let me explain…”

“There’s no need for an explanation,” Yu Zhongjing said coldly. “You’re no longer my student. All the best to you.”

With that, he turned to leave.

Lu Xiwei realized that Yu Zhongjing had already made up his mind and spiraled into a panic. Struggling against her restraints, she dragged her chair forward. “Teacher! Teacher, I’ve understood where I went wrong! I’ll change! Give me another chance, Teacher…”

The leverage she had in the medical organization came from being the student of the number one neurological expert. If news that she had been expelled spread her reputation would be utterly ruined.

She stared wide-eyed as Yu Zhongjing’s silhouette disappeared through the basement doorway. Lu Xiwei slumped back into her chair, defeated.

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Lu Yī gazed at Lu Xiwei, expressionless. “Ms. Xiwei, Young Master Lu says that this is only a small punishment. If you are discreet enough, there is still a place for you in the Lu family.”

Even if Lu Yī had left out half of the last sentence, Lu Xiwei would have had no problem understanding the meaning.

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