Naked Sword Art

Chapter 30: 30

Later that morning, Xiao Fang went to the library.

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When Xun Wei saw Xiao Fang, her expression immediatly brightened up.

"Xiao Fang, you came!", she called out to him.

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Chun Hua saw Xiao Fang too then gave him a seductive look as she walked into the backroom. He knew that look in her eyes, so he quickly followed.


10 minutes later. Chun Hua was experiencing the 3rd thrust of his Naked Sword Climbing Heaven technique, and Xun Wei climaxed to his tongue on her little pink pearl. The 2 girls shook as their waters poured.

Their sessions have been getting shorter and shorter ever day. They felt like Xiao Fang knew their bodies so well he could make them climax in seconds if he wanted to.

After they got cleaned up Xiao Fang took Xun Wei to the mission hall. Along the way he explained the situation to her.

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"Xiao Fang how could you be so dense? She clearly wanted to go alone with you", Xun Wei berated him.

"Really? How could you tell?", he asked.

"Just because she says one thing doesn't mean that's how she truly feels, you have so much to learn about women. Also, why didn't you just tell her how much the spirit technique costed?".

He thought about why he didn't want her to know. He bought the technique for her because he loved her, not because he wanted to make her feel indebted to him. He wanted their love to be genuine, not forced.

"No matter what, if she learns this secret from my mouth her impression of me won't be the same", he tried to briefly explain.

"What if she learns it through some other way?"

"If she learned it by chance, then so be it. At least then she won't think I expect her to give something back in return".

"You're spending your merit points too foolishly, you should be smarter with your wealth", she nagged.

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"Haha, am I? Ah, besides, this is something she needs. How could she pass the exam without a strong technique?"

She's been working so hard to pay for the inner court exam that she didn't have any merit points left to buy a technique for herself. With the exam being just around the corner, he believed she needed a really powerful technique to pass.




"Xiao Fang, is that her? She's gorgeous", Xun Wei said when she saw Li Lian.

"Mn, that's her", he replied briefly.

"Xiao Fang, you're late", she gave him a squinted look. He was all too familiar with that look so he began to get nervous.

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"It took me a while to find her. This is my friend, Xun Wei", Xiao Fang introduced her.

"Nice to meet you, Xun Wei. I am Li Lian and this is Gao Chen. Has Xiao Fang told you about the mission we're going on yet?".

"No, he hasn't"

Li Lian sighed, "It was previously a mission meant for inner court disciples but it has recently demoted to a tier 1 mission. Probably because no one wanted to do it.

"Where exactly are we going?", Xun Wei asked.

"To the deserted city of Mannan. Mountain rats and white tigers have been wandering into neighboring cities. There have also been sightings of iron golems deeper into the deserted city as well. We are required to assist them in eliminating the threat".




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[ Cost: 100 merit points ]

[ Tier 1 Mountain Rats: 1 point ]

[ Tier 2 White Tigers: 10 points ]

[ Tier 3 Iron Golem 100 points ]

[ Points to completion: 0/1,000 ]

[ Time given: 10 days ]

[ Reward: 1,100 merit points ]

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