Naruto Hiden

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:「世紀の瞬間」// Moment of the Century

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Pages 1 and 2 are title pages.

Pages 3-4

Even though it was supposed to be a secret event, they held a grand ceremony for the sight-seeing flight on the beach. They break open a kusudama, release white doves, have a parade, throw confetti, and congratulatory speeches are given. Everyone is dressed up in honour of the moment of the century. The Tobishachimaru is 223 metres long, 34 metres in diameter, and has a maximum speed of 70 km/hr (about 44mi/hr). It has six sets of propellers, a streamlined gondola, and guest quarters. The name of the Tobishachimaru is from the huge orca (shachi) with pectoral and dorsal fins carefully depicted on the balloon portion. It’s perfect weather. Tazuna tears up at the sight of seeing his own work come to fruition. Kakashi congratulates Tazuna.

Pages 5-6

Tazuna says that the balloon is filled with helium for buoyancy, which is lighter than air and flame-resistant. The sight-seeing flight is going to be 2.5 hours, only up to 5,000 metres in altitude, where other countries can’t see it along it’s flight course. The fuselage/airframe colour is to assimilate to the light blue of the sky. This info is only known to Konoha. Even though Garyo has been sent to Hyouzukijyou, the remnants of his group are still everywhere. That’s why Konoha’s skills are employed for the mission and will be monitoring the ship. The voice from the platform interrupts Tazuna and Kakashi talking, and tell them that the 57 lucky people with invitations should be heading towards Tobishachimaru for boarding.

Pages 7-8

Tazuna is overcome with emotion and smiles. It’s the moment of the century at last! They laugh together as they watch over the stream of dressed-up people starting to board Tobishachimaru. People are taking photos to commemorate the occasion, but then they suddenly hear panicked footsteps running up from behind. A woman in a long blue dress is running at full speed, waving her gold ticket in hand, telling them to wait up for her to board. Right when she is next to Kakashi, she stumbles on something and starts to fall, screaming.

RAW English
カカシは、ほとんど反射的に、その体を受け止めていた。 Kakashi, almost instinctively, catches her body.
彼女の見開いた眼と、カカシの眼が、流れゆく風景の中で、おたがいを捉える。流れるような巻き髪に、うっすら開いた唇、しっとりと潤んだ大きな瞳。。。時間が一瞬止まり、世界はカカシと彼女だけになった。 The woman’s eyes, which were opened wide, and Kakashi’s eyes caught eachother in the midst of the flowing scenery. Flowing curly hair, slightly opened lips, and moist, large pupils… Time stopped for a moment, and the world became only for Kakashi and the woman.
ドサッと、カカシの腕に倒れ込むロングドレスの女性。顔を上げた彼女の長い巻き髪が、ふわりとカカシの鼻先をくすぐった。 With a thud, the woman in the long dress collapsed in Kakashi’s arms. As she raised her face, her long curly hair gently tickled the tip of Kakashi’s nose.

Pages 9-10

Kakashi asks if she’s okay. She replies that she’s sorry for troubling him because she was in a hurry, and thanks him. She shouts again and starts to rush at the ship, telling them to wait up for her so she can board. Kakashi notes to Tazuna as he watches her run off that she seems to be really anticipating the sight-seeing flight. He also says that it must be wonderful business to be a carpenter. Tazuna responds instead by saying that she was a really beautiful woman, and speaking of occupations, he inquires about Kakashi’s formal inauguration ceremony. Kakashi shakes his head vaguely. He glances back at the woman, and they are now are awaiting takeoff. Tazuna then says this while Kakashi stares absentmindedly at the tail propellers:

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RAW English
「よく分からんが、火影の就任式とは、きみと木ノ葉隠れの里の 結婚式のようなものではないのかね?」 “I don’t understand it that well, but regarding the Hokage inauguration ceremony, I suppose it’s something like a marriage ceremony between you and Konohagakure village, right?”

Pages 11-12

Kakashi vaguely responds that it might be something like that. Tazuna thinks that he shouldn’t be worried, even if everyone has huge expectations. Suddenly, Kakashi’s eyes catch something in the shadow of the ship. Tazuna doesn’t notice, he keeps going on about the lady, asking Kakashi for example, if she tried to persistently press him for marriage. Kakashi’s ignoring him for the most part. Tazuna continues about the what-if’s of an assertive woman, and says that when he was young, he was like a hungry dog, chasing after the buttocks of women. Kakashi interrupts him as he concentrates on a suspicious man who just jumped from the stern of the ship. Kakashi then rushes towards the Tobishachimaru and the ramp where the last passengers had boarded, leaving behind a confused Tazuna. The staff of the ship are preparing for take-off.

Pages 13-14

Kakashi calls out to the man wearing a black hooded cloak, who stops for a bit. Kakashi gets the impression that the man is uninvited. The man dashes away as Kakashi tells him to wait up. They start exchanging blows, and Kakashi does a consecutive combination of attacks. Kakashi feels that the person he’s fighting against is considerably good: there are no wasted movements. They exchange more taijutsu blows and they are reading eachother’s movements. It was an attack pattern that Kakashi seemed to know well, and Kakashi doesn’t feel any bloodlust.

Pages 15-16

Kakashi realizes that there’s no indication at all that the opponent would use ninjutsu . He double-checks his intuition and looks at the man in the black hood and his stature. Kakashi lands a blow on the opponent’s chest. They continue to exchange consecutive combos of taijutsu. The enemy gets knocked to the ground, and Kakashi is exposes him and says:

RAW English
「お前がここにいるということは、ガイのやつも来ているな?」 “Since you’re here, that means Guy is also coming, right?

It’s Rock Lee! (….:D~) Kakashi goes through the crowd of other passengers and people taking photos. He heads towards the last rope at the hull that connects the Tobishachimaru to the ground.


No, there aren’t names of the taijutsu specified in this section. Just fists/elbows/legs moving around that aren’t too interesting to translate.

Same thing as in the prologue between Naruto and Sasuke, ガイのやつ= Guy no yatsu= That guy, Guy.

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Pages 17-18

As Kakashi crosses by the window of the gondola, he catches a glimpse of the people inside, but no one notices him at all. He goes on the side of the air sac and runs up to the tail of the ship. Kakashi starts thinking about how Lee had escaped the watchful eyes of the Jounin who were distributed around the venue. He muses that perhaps they were bribed. Kakashi struggles to the stern of the ship, hanging with one hand. Inside there’s a five metre long propeller. He guesses that they would have trespassed from here. The propellers start to turn, and the speed increases with a low roar. As they increase altitude, strong winds start blowing, and the temperature is colder than expected. Kakashi gathers chakra at his hands and feet to not be blown away by the wind.

Pages 19-20

Kakashi continues to crawl to the propulsion section. The Tobishachimaru seems to have finally decided on it’s course, and stops for a moment in midair. Kakashi braves against the wind and crawls into the interior just before the propellers start to rotate again, and braces himself. He’s fortunate that the propeller speed wasn’t too high, otherwise he would have been minced meat. Kakashi is relieved. But he’s still in danger of being sucked in, so he gathers chakra again to cling onto the ship. Little by little, he makes progress towards escaping that interior section and checks his surroundings. He notices that the front buoyancy air sac is blocked off, but it’s connected to where he is by a ladder that he can climb down. It seems to head to the engine room. Kakashi hears a strange noise, so he scans the scaffolding that is running in every direction.


I realize the summary doesn’t really do it justice, but in Japanese, it sounds like an action movie~~

Pages 21-22

Kakashi notices that it seems to be the shadow of Lee, who’s still wearing the black hood escaping. Kakashi jumps over iron railing and the scaffolding. On the bottom of the ship’s hold, there were many wooden boxes. The man in the wheelchair was staggering on the scaffolding that was running parallel to Kakashi’s footing. Kakashi hops over and says “What is the meaning of this, Guy!”Guy suddenly stops his wheelchair. Kakashi demands an explanation and sighs. He asks if Guy coerced Lee into giving him a ride to the Tobishachimaru, as it seems that it’s as if he threatened to cut off their student-teacher bonds. And then Kakashi notes Guy’s condition:

RAW English
マダラとの戦いで、右足の骨を砕いてしまったガイは、以来、 車椅子の生活を余儀なくされていたのだった。医者には、もう歩くことすらできないと言われた。 In the battle with Madara, the bones of Guy’s right leg were (completely) smashed/broken. Since (that incident), he was inevitably confined to life in a wheelchair. According to physicians, they had said that it was not even possible to walk again.
が、驚くべきことに、この男はそんな逆境をたゆまぬ修業で跳ねかえしただけでなく、本気の青春パワーを出したときには、 立って歩けるほどまでに回復していたのである。 However, astonishingly, by diligently training, this man with such adversity was not only bound to return, but also when putting forth the true power of youth, his rehabilitation was up to an extent of being able walk and stand.

Pages 23-24

And so Guy responds:

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RAW English
「リーなどいなくても、オレはいつだってやりたいようにできるんだ」ガイは、まくしたてた。「人間、足の一本や二本なくたって、ちゃーんと生きていけることを、オレは身をもって証明してやるんだ」 “Even if it wasn’t for Lee, I can always do whatever I want”said Guy, as he spoke on and on. “As a human being, even without one or two legs, one can perfectly continue to live. Personally, I’ll be proof of that”

Kakashi then glances at Gai’s right foot, which is in a cast, and asks him if that’s why he purposely trespassed onto Tobishachimaru. Guy responds:

RAW English
「いいか、カカシ。。。オレは忍として、まだ終わったわけじゃないぞ。いまだって、左足スクワットの千回や二千回、どうってことない。その気になれば、車椅子に乗っていようが、こんな船にもぐり込むことなんざ、屁の河童だ。わっはっはっは!」 “Listen, Kakashi…it doesn’t mean that it’s yet to be the end of me as a shinobi. Even now, the left leg (can) squat 1,000 or 2,000 times. It’s nothing (/not a big deal). If I set my mind on it, whether or not I get in the wheelchair, edging (my way) into such a ship, it’ll be easy. Wahahaha! ”


Wahahaha! Is a really dynamic, roaring laughter.

Kakashi stares at Guy, but Guy keeps on talking. He says that he wasn’t particularly interested in the ship at all, or for the scenery at 5,000 metres in sky. As for the ship that’s 223 metres long and over 200 tons, he doesn’t care how it can fly. In Kakashi’s head, he’s thinking, “This guy… no matter what, he just wanted to get aboard the ship”.


Guy is trying to play it cool, but obviously Kakashi can see right through his intentions :P

Pages 25-26

Kakashi reminds Guy about his terrible seasickness. Gai tries to brush off his chances of vomiting, He says that a ship is a ship, but this is an airship, implying that it’s a different situation. Kakashi reminds him that it’s still a ship nevertheless. Guy persists that he’ll be fine, but then his face suddenly gets pale and feels nauseated, as he’s obviously queasy. Kakashi wonders what Guy’s going to do about it. Then they change the subject have this funny chat, starting with Kakashi:

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RAW English
「この船に潜伏させている上忍は、事前に波の国に届け出ることに なってる。届け出のないオレたちが、こんなところにいるのがバレたら、木ノ葉の信用にかかわるぞ。オレたちが、飛鯱丸の情報を盗もうとしていると、誤解されかねない」 “For the Jounin who are concealed on this ship, they were reported to the Wave Country in advance. Since we aren’t reported (on the invitation), and if it’s discovered that we are here, (the Wave’s Country’s) confidence in Konoha will be influenced. If they think that we might be trying to steal information about the Tobishachimaru, there may be a misunderstanding.”
「問題ない」 “It’s not a problem”
「はあ?」 “Hah?”
「この遊覧飛行のことは、各国には秘密だからな」ガイがニヤリ と笑った。「公式には飛鯱丸は存在しない。よって、オレとお前も存在しない船に忍び込むことはできん」 “Because as for this sight-seeing flight, it’s a secret to other countries. “ Guy was broadly grinning and laughing. “Formally, the Tobishachimaru doesn’t exist. Therefore, you and I can’t be sneaking onto a ship that doesn’t exist”

“Ahh, I see”




In the raw in the earlier portion of this section, Gai says うっぷ=ulp= burp or blech, but it’s also used to indicate feeling sick, a bit like gagging.

Pages 27-28

Guy laughs with a “Wahaha!”, saying it was all premediated…but then lurches again. He asks that apart from that, what happened to his favourite pupil? Kakashi says that he’s fine and returned back to guard Hyouzukijyou (Blood Prison). Guy says that he’s probably channeling his power of youth to watch over the prisoners by proxy. He feels sick again. He tells Kakashi that since he put forth the effort into sneaking onto the ship, he ought to push him around in his wheelchair so that they can look around a bit. Suddenly, Guy’s expression changes grimly and stops talking, looking downward at the lower part of the ship’s hold. Kakashi notices as well: there are shinobi. Aside from the Jounin inside the ship that have been approved, there shouldn’t be any others. The steady their balance on the ship and study the situation.

It makes more sense in the novel because in between words, Guy suddenly breaks his sentences with “….ulp…” and then keeps talking~ Poor Guy-sensei!

Pages 29-30

Guy and Kakashi erase their presence and watch over the people below. From above, their faces aren’t clear, and their clothing doesn’t seem to be different than those of other passengers. They don’t notice Guy and Kakashi and the shinobi squat down near the side of some wooden boxes, and then hastily leave. Guy and Kakashi exchange glances. Kakashi heads over to check the surroundings and find what he’s looking for immediately. Guy asks what he found. Kakashi groans back that things are going to become difficult; he found kunai with exploding tags. Then immediately from the dining room lounge, they hear screaming.

//End Translation + Summary

50/225 pages completed~! That’s 22%!!..... OTL~~

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