Naruto Hiden

Chapter 1.5

Pages 38 and 39

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RAW English
旅人風のコートを羽織り、 一振りの刀を背負った男と、黒いベストを着た眼光の鋭い男が対峙していた。 The man had put on a coat that was suitable for a traveling. He was carrying a sword upon his back. He then confronted another man who was wearing a black vest; he had a sharp glint in his eyes.
ベストの男の背後には、十数人の仲間がいたが、コートの男は連れもおらず、一人だった。 Behind the man in the vest, there were about ten of his comrades. The man in the coat was unaccompanied by anyone, and was alone.
彼らの近くには、数張りのテントがあった。岩山と砂に囲まれたアジトだった。テントの色は砂と同系色で、上空から視認されにくいようになっている。 There were many tents near them. Their hide-out was surrounded by rocky mountains and sand. The colour of the tents were a similar shade to that of sand. From the sky, it seemed to be difficult to discern (their camp) by sight.
「本気で言ってるのか? 俺たちと手を組み、木ノ葉隠れの里でテロを起こすと」 “Are you serious about what you said? That you’ll be joining us, and lending us a hand to cause terrorism in Konohagakure Village?”
ベストの男が聞いた。 The man in the vest asked (the other man).
コートの男はうなずいた。 The man in the coat nodded.
「そうだ。何度も言わせるな」 “That’s right. Don’t make me say it again ”
「俺の知っている話と違うな。。。 お前は、里への憎しみを捨て、里のために戦ったんじゃないのか?」 “It’s different from the story that I know about, eh?….Didn’t you cast aside your hatred towards the village? Didn’t you used to fight for the sake of the village?”
「人は変わる」 “People change”
コートの男は冷たい声で言った。 The man in the coat responded with a cold voice.
「憎しみは消えてなどいなかった。 俺自身、 一旦は消えたかに思えたが、それは思い違いだった。俺はもう一度動く。里を潰すためにな」 “My hatred didn’t vanish. For a moment, I personally could have thought about whether or not it had disappeared…but that was a misunderstanding. I’m mobilizing once again in order to crush the village.“
ベストの男は、相手の顔を見返した。 The man in the vest stared back at the face of the other man.
会うのは今日で二度目だった。 Today was the second time that they had met.
一度目はすぐに追い返した。持ちかけてきた話があまりにも胡散臭かったからだ。 The first time, he was immediately sent away. (Because at the time), the proposal that he had had come to suggest was much too shady and suspicious.
しかし、懲りずにこの男は会いに来た。 However, without learning anything from his earlier experience, that man came for another meeting.
「なぜ、俺たちと手を組みたいんだ?理由を聞かせろ」 “Why do you want to join and lend us a hand? Tell us the reason why.”
ベストの男は聞いた。 The man in the vest had asked.
「アンタらの噂は聞いている」 “I’ve been hearing rumors about you guys”
コートの男は無表情に言った。 The man in the coat was speaking expressionlessly.
「元砂隠れの忍で、手練れの集団だと。 特にリーダーのアンタは、なかなかの風遁使いだそうだな。その力を見こんでだ」 “I heard that with your foundation of Sunagakure shinobi, you have a skilled group. Especially you, since you’re the leader. It seems that you’re a considerably talented Fuuton (/Wind Release) user . I’m expecting that power.”
「それだけでは答えになっていないな。 俺たちがどういう組織かわかっているのか?」 “That alone isn’t much of an answer, isn’t it? Do you understand what kind of organization that we are?
「わかってるさ。砂の現体制に不満を持つ、砂の抜け忍で構成されたテロリスト集団だろう」 “I know about it. You’re disgruntled with the present system within Suna. You’re a terrorist organization composed of Suna’s nukenin, right?”
相手の言い方に、どこかこちらを軽んじるような響きがあって、ベストの男は不快だった。 The other man’s manner of speaking seemed as though he was somehow looking down upon them. (His voice) echoed. The man in the vest was displeased.
「そうだ。確かに俺たちは砂の現体制を変革したいと考えている。そのために強い忍を欲していることも事実だ。だが、俺たちは木ノ葉に対してはなんの恨みもない。その俺たちがどうしてお前と手を組んで木ノ葉を襲う必要がある?」 “That’s right. Certainly, we are thinking about wanting to revolutionize the present system within Suna. In order to do that, it’s a fact that we also want strong shinobi (to join our ranks). However, we don’t have any kind of resentment against Konoha. So why is it necessary for you to join us to attack Konoha? ”

Pages 40 - 42

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RAW English
「俺の力はアンタらの組織にとって有益なはずだ。俺の力があれば、砂でクーデターを起こすことも容易だろう。そのためにまず、俺の木ノ葉崩しに協力しろと言ってるんだ。木ノ葉崩しが成ったあかつきには、アンタらが砂で起こすテロにも力を貸してやる」 “My powers ought to be beneficial to your organization. If I use my powers, perhaps it will even be easy for you to cause the coup d’état within Suna. Hence, that’s why I said that I should crush Konoha first. That’s why you should cooperate with me. When we complete the destruction of Konoha, I’ll cause terrorism in Suna with you guys by even lending you my powers.
ベストの男は鼻を鳴らしてかぶりを振った。 The man in the vest snorted through his nose and shook his head.
「協力しろ。力を貸してやる ……お前はなにか勘違いしていないか?なぜお前が上から物を言う?」 “So you’ll cooperate with us. You’ll lend us power….Aren’t you misunderstanding something? Why are you speaking as if you’re above us?”
「俺のほうが上だからに決まっているだろう。いいか?勘違いしてるのはアンタらのほうだ。仲間じゃない、 俺の手下にしてやる。そのほうがアンタらにとっても得だから、そうしたほうがいい」 “Because from my perspective, perhaps I’ve decided that I am above you guys. Listen up! You’re the ones who misunderstand! We won’t be comrades. I’ll make you my subordinates. Because it will be even to your benefit. You had better (agree to such terms).”
ベストの男は目を閉じた。 怒りを静めるための眼目だった。 The man in the vest closed his eyes in order to suppress his wrath.
目を開け、ベストの男は言った。 Opening his eyes, the man in the vest responded:
「決裂だな。話にならん。さっさとここから失せろ」 ” (Our discussion) has broken down while we’ve been talking, eh? Quickly disappear and get out of my sight”
「……そうか。ならば消えるとしよう。だが――」 “…….I see. If that’s the case, let’s disappear. However――
そこで相手は目を細めた。 (After saying that) the other man narrowed his eyes.
「貴様らは、俺の木ノ葉崩しの計画を知ってしまったな」 “I’ll have you ******s understand my plan to destroy Konoha”
直後、ベストの男は両手で印を結んだ。 Immediately after that, the man in the vest formed seals with both hands.
――風遁・風切りの術! ――Fuuton(/Wind Release): Kazekiri no jutsu! (/Wind-Cutting Technique)
斬風が、相手の体を蹂躙し、その四肢をばらばらに切断した。 A decapitating wind violated his opponent’s body. His extremities were severed into pieces.
「いい反応だな」 “What a good response, eh?”
声が耳元でしたのと同時に、ベストの男は自分の体が背後から刀で貫かれていることに気づいた。 Simultaneously, he heard a voice near his ears. The man in the vest then realized that a sword was piercing through his own body from behind
風遁で仕留めたかに見えたが、それは幻術だった―― It seemed as though the Fuuton had killed him, but that was a genjutsu――
「ぐっ……!」 “Guu…….”
口から血と苦悶の声がもれたときだった。四方八方から忍が殺到してきた。 Blood and an anguished voice escaped from his mouth. Shinobi came rushing (up to him) from every direction.
「全員動くな!」 “Everyone, don’t move!”
乱入してきた忍たちは、砂隠れの暗部の仮面をつけていた。 Shinobi came barging in. They were wearing masks from the Sunagakure ANBU.
腹の異物感が消えた。と同時にベストの男はぐらりと倒れた。 The foreign feeling in his abdomen then disappeared. Simultaneously, the man in the vest unsteadily collapsed.
横倒しになった視界のなかで、コートの男が大きく跳躍して、この場を離れるのが見えた。 He had toppled over sideways. In his field of vision, the man in the coat was leaping far away. He seemed to be leaving that location.
「逃げたぞ!」 “He escaped!”
暗部の誰かが叫んだ。 One of the ANBU shouted.
怒号と、忍具の飛び交う音。仲間と、暗部たちが戦っているのだ。 With their angry bellows, there were also sounds of flying ninja weaponry. His comrades and ANBU were battling.
砂塵のなかで、ベストの男の視界は暗くなっていった。 Within the cloud of sand, there was the man in the vest. His field of vision was becoming dark.

//End Translation.

//Section 5 completed.

//Chapter 1 completed!

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