Naruto System In One Piece

Chapter 664: 664

Morse mountains, death falls, a few kilometers away.

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Sani took this bag of seasoning and looked at it carefully. Not only did the taste send out an attractive smell through the bag, but each one presented a crystal. If you magnify it countless times, it would be like watching the stars in the night sky.

Sani asked, "why do you take out such a wonderful thing now?"

Natalie said: "the reason why I don't tell you is because the seasoning 'Melk Stardust' has a strong addiction!"

"Ah?" Smell speech, Sani can't help but be surprised, "difficult, can't say, this is drug food?"

Natalie explained: "it's not the kind that will be banned by law. In a word, it's because it's too beautiful. This degree of taste is the overwhelming delicious ingredient synthesized by new varieties of amino acids. It can be said that it's a magic spice that hits the appetite. After eating it once, it will make people feel uncontrollable. That's it. "

"Not only does it sound good, but it doesn't look so good," said Sani

Natalie then said: "the problem is that no matter what ingredient it is used for, it will completely dominate that ingredient, but ordinary ingredients may not work. For example, ingredients of the same level as flesh of gems will not tarnish "Melk stardust."

Lei Yin said, "then I think our [glittering silk foot fish] must match this seasoning very well."

Natalie poured out a part of [Melk dust], and Sani took some salt like seasoning and rubbed it between her right index finger and thumb. The seasoning particles were not only crystal clear, but also golden.

Looking at the golden light like golden powder, Sani once again fell into meditation: silver white fish and golden powder, their encounter is simply art! There is no doubt that these two ingredients can be reconciled with each other, so we can get together here!

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He thought, sprinkle "Melk star dust" on the fish. Sani bit it and chewed it again.

This extremely delicious food makes Sani fall into soliloquy again: the taste is just like the last piece of jigsaw puzzle left. It's perfect!

Sani now only felt that most of the physical strength he had consumed before had recovered instantly after eating the fish sprinkled with the best seasoning!

Not only that, Sani's hair stands up like a ghost.

Is it the evolution of food cells?

Lei Yin has the same feeling.

It seems that Sani and Natalie's judgment is correct. The combination of "twinkling silk foot" and "Melk Stardust" has greatly improved the level of delicious food. Moreover, it is in the best environment which is nearly one kilometer away from the ground.

At this time, there was another loud bang in the distance.

It's the direction of death falls.

Three people's eyes couldn't help looking over.

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It turned out that another huge wave of water came down, making a sound.

Natalie couldn't help sighing: "death falls, if it wasn't for you two, we couldn't even get in, let alone achieve our goal."

"Don't say that, Ms. Natalie," said Sani. "It's all because of you that we have such a perfect fish! But then again, there should be more intense waterfalls and torrents in the food industry, right? But when we get stronger, we should be able to get in, right

Natalie said with a smile, "Mr. Sani, you flatter me. This time, thanks to the Queen's great skill, if only more partners, such as Mr. coco and Mr. zebra, would be great if we could work together! "

On hearing this, Sani immediately became disgusted: "don't bother me."

Natalie looked at him: "ah? How can that be? "

Sani was obviously repelled: "it's disgusting to think about zebra or something."

Because of her previous contact, Natalie felt that he misunderstood the evil looking king of four: "it's not what you said, is it? It's just a little bit of a split mouth. It's just a little scary. "

Sany said loudly, "is that enough to make complaints about it?"

Natalie also wanted to explain: "but he's really reliable! Mr. coco is also - "

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Sani's dislike has not dissipated:" cocoa is also poisonous, so it's disgusting! "

When everyone was chatting and farting, they didn't notice that the distance the queen was looking at was the hinterland of the Morse mountains.

The violent shock just now was not only a huge water wave, but also a mountain several kilometers away.

Animal intuition is always sharper than human intuition. It seems to think that this is man-made, and it's not alert -

a few days later, it's a dark and dirty area.

Many deformed monsters with dark and rough skin are gnawing at the area full of carrion and garbage.

It's an island of food waste that smells rotten everywhere. It's almost unknown.Because it's dirty and dark all the year round, many disgusting looking scavengers often come here for food.

If ordinary people come here, they will be scared mad by the scene in front of them.

It's like a group of hell ghosts, eating the disgusting carrion, and the shrill sound of these things is enough to drive people crazy.

The reason why it's so dark is that there's a lot of leftovers raining down on the island every day. This place, which was originally the sea, gradually formed a land of garbage because it accumulated tens of thousands of tons of food garbage day after day.

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The reason lies in the sky above this continent, which is known as "the kitchen of demons" and "the dining table of demons", the dining kitchen of the gourmet party!

At this time, an octopus shaped monster with two wings was flying here.

It broke through the gray clouds and landed in this strange sky.

Although it looks very gloomy here, there are still lots of smoke and the smell of food in the air.

The back kitchen here is like a huge workshop, and there are many special cooking machines. The huge chimneys discharge a continuous stream of cooking smoke to a higher altitude.

Not only that, there are many chefs and helpers here. They are like ghosts one by one, some of them operate machines, some of them are doing the first few steps of shallow processing.

Seeing this Octopus shaped monster come down, these chefs and assistant chefs all respect each other.

A chef here used to say respectfully, "Hello, chief chef, please help me."

At this time, a strange man with a dragon tattooed on his body emerged from the octopus's forehead , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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