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I switched on the light and sat in the living room, reading some scrolls. When the sky brightened and first shops were already opening, I walked out of my house and went in the direction of the training grounds.

I was doing some exercises with those weights that Fukushū gave me. They are quite helpful when you get used to them. Now I wear them all the time. 10 kg on each hand, 20 on each leg and 20 on my waist. I made them invisible so that they won't attract everyone's attention.

Now running with them at a speed of regular jounin is not a problem. I also sometimes add more exercises to my curriculum. For some reason, I don't feel comfortable without my weights and previous training just isn't enough for me... Wait, did I become training-addict?!

"...." This world is scary. All I'm doing is living here and it has already changed my opinion on exercises, slowly turning it into a fullfleged, shinobi training. I was throwing shurikens and kunais. I'm also practicing proper Taijutsu...

'Teacher... this world sure changed my way of thinking... I now want more of your spartarian training.' I heaved a sigh at my sudden realisation.

It was almost noon when I finished with my training. I sat under the tree and at that moment an ANBU agent appeared before me. He had a monkey mask on and had a letter in his hands.

"The Hokage-sama have had send me to summon you into his office."

"Eh? What does he need?" I raised an eyebrow.

{Hashirama, what happened?}

{Madara finished with the plan. We need you to come.}

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As the ANBU was about about to answer, I disappeared from the spot. He stood there dumbfounded with an empty hand. I took the letter that he brought.


"Damn it! Who is she?!" The ANBU cursed and returned into the Hokage office. Or so he was about to do, but another ANBU stopped him while shaking his head. It was that unfortunate 'Mole' from yesterday.

"That girl had already entered and told us to leave. If you value your life, don't try to oppose her." He whispered.

"...." The 'Monkey' got angry, but still listened. 'Mole' is one of the ANBU that is trusted by everyone, so if he tells you to do or not to do something, it is usually for the best.


"Hello!" I appeared inside the office and saw that Madara had a blueprint in his hand and a few notes, no, a lot of notes were placed on the Hokage's desk.

"I didn't know you would finish the plan this fast, Madara!" He turned his head and I saw dark circles under his eyes. "You didn't sleep..."

"I couldn't fall asleep, so since the moment I reached my house, I've been working on this." He smiled tiredly.

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'Enough with this topic, I guess. It is painful.'

"So can you show it to me please?"

I took the notes and the plan into my hands and studied it very carefully. On the plan a three story building was drawn. The gates were wide and had a shuriken like symbol on top. Many offices and interrogation rooms were included, as well as the rest area. The location of the special unit was 10 meters underground. The rooms 9f different purposes and a big assembly/emergency meetings room were clearly imprinted and a lot of side notes, dimensions and exact locations were written all over the blueprint.

On the separate piece of paper many notes about the security were written. Everything, from entrance to a simple room, was filled with all k8nd of traps, scanners and so on...Honestly the demands of his... are out of this world.

"Madara, you do know that this is like a super complicated thing... I'll have to work the whole day to place everything you want. Also, what's up with the security!? I don't remember telling you about the worlds I went to." I complained with a blank face.

"I placed everything I would like to see in there. Most of this are just guesses what will be more accurate for a particular task." He admitted wryly. "However, it looks like you can make those fantasies come true, so I'll leave that in you capable hands."

"A day is not much. Usually this kind of project would have taken years to complete, so stop complaining, Malika." Tobirama chacled. "Here, Elder brother and I couldn't sleep yesterday as well, so we worked on the ANBU headquarters." He added with an evil smirk.

I reluctantly took it and....

Another complicated and world defying project!!!? I glared at Hashirama and Tobirama, but saw that only the later was smiling. Hashirama just had a blank look on his face. "Tobirama, was it you design the security?" I asked feeling tired already. That training in the morning didn't feel as taxing as this short meeting. All I got from him was a wider smirk.

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'It was you..' All I could do is accept those unreasonable demands of theirs and follow one of the ANBU to the location where the police station will be. On the blueprint, it was stationed near the leaving district and next to the prison. It was written there by Madara as a side note 'easier to keep an eye on the prisoners".

"Okay, shall I start?" I told the 'Monkey' ANBU to move away and imagined the building in its complete form. Everything, from shape of the building to the colours appeared inside of my head and I casted a spell.

*Poof* and out of nowhere a complete building materialised. Well the easy part is done. I stood there checking if I forgot anything and heard a loud *thud*. Turning around I saw that the ANBU that escorted me here fell unconscious. Was the heat a little too much for him? It was reasonably hot today, but it shouldn't be enough to get overheated. I placed him under the tree, removed his mask and poured some water on his head. When I saw his face I realised that he was from Sarutobi clan. I remembered everyone's faces just in case.

'Huh.. so he was just shocked... He wasn't one of those who saw my first appearance in this world or my majestic entrance on the battlefield. '

He was still out but I couldn't waste anymore time, so I just left a bottle of water next to him. Now...

I spend the rest of the day just following instructions of the notes and blueprints, placing the security everywhere. It was already dark when I was done.That ANBU woke up after a few more minute, but I was already busy with installing the security and couldn't have him watching, as it was confidential information, so I send him away.

I reported that I ended the construction and went home. Sleep~


Hashirama contacted me through telepathy and informed that I can start choosing our elites for the special unit.

'We don't have the name for it yet. Since I'll be the first leader, I will be naming it then.' I felt that a smile formed on my face. 'Well, first things first. Tomorrow we will have the tournament!'

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I walked out of my room and saw Izuna sitting on the terras, gazing at the stars. I am so glad that the war was put to an end before I lost my only alive brother. I sat next to him and joined his stargazing.

We sat there in silence and just admired the dark wasteness of the sky that was sparkling with miriards of lights. The moon was calmly shining upon the Earth.

'It's hard to imagine that there is a unfamoble being, that was sealed, resides.' I sighed.

"Izuna," my little brother looked at me in the eyes, "go and inform everyone of the Uchiha clan, to assemble on the main training ground tomorrow by 8 o'clock in the morning."

"Eh? Why me?" He whined. When the war finished he started to become lazier.

"Because I asked you to." I stated.

"Ugh... Why should we assemble anyway?"

"You'll know tomorrow. Now go and when you are done, go and get a lot of rest. You must be in your best shape."

"Fine." He stood up with an unwilling expression and vanished from the spot. Tomorrow will be an interesting show. I'll probably call Malika to watch. She likes seeing shinobi fighting.

Her excited face appeared in my mind making me feel really peaceful. She appeared out of nowhere and was building this village with all of us. A lot of time have had passed and I slowly started to see her as someone really dear to me. Like..

"I wish I had a cute little sister like her.."

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