Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 11

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Blood Clone P.O.V

I get up from bed and get ready for the first official day of academy since this week has been just orientations and introductions, man its going to be torture, letting out a yawn I started taking a bath while creating a shadow clone to prepare breakfast, I finished and opened up the closet to change, I looked at the retarded killme orange tracksuit and felt really reluctant to put such a monster on, sigh the sacrifice I make for Boss. [Will refer to original like that from now on]

I put it on and changed my hair colour to my original blond, I sat down and started eating thinking about the happenings that are coming, I didn't know what I should do regarding some of the people, I know I won't be in the same class as the rookie 9, it would happen 2 years from now as I try to fail the super easy graduation exams since they haven't closed down early graduation test yet, well until Itachi kills his clan. I had Hinata on my mind as I knew today would be when she'll be bullied by the kids, I really had a soft spot for her in the show, a pure child that's afraid of violence forced to go down a path her clan chose for her but then banish her after making her little sister the heiress. It really left a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it. I placed the plate in the sink and walked out after locking the door.

I could train her and give her the strength she needs to stand up to them, but it would screw up the timeline, hmm If she agrees to hide her strength it might work, she wont have to hide for long, atleast until after the graduation or until the chunin exam where I can back her up because by then I would have enough strenght. I arrived in the academy and just sat down and started sleeping in class.

It didn't take long for the day to end, none of the teachers seemed to care about me and some were even happy to ignore teaching me, I could always see this hate whenever I walk around so I got used to it.

I went to the park and waited on a tree, I saw Hinata looking absentminded while walking, she knocked into a boy and fell down, I kept watching as they surrounded her and started tripping and pushing her while calling her weird and monster for having creepy eyes. she started crying and closed her eyes when one of the boys wanted to punch her. I appeared and grabbed his hand and started applying pressure making him scream before I kicked him away, his other 2 friends stood there petrified, before they could recover I kicked them too towards their friend, they got up fast and ran away.

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When I turned around and saw Hinata looking at me with those eyes I couldn't help but want to glump her, she's really cute.

"ah, t-thank y-you for helping me"

I recovered my wits and handed her a paper I prepares that said, "Don't worry I deal with these jerks all the time, your eyes are beautiful so don't let them lie to you"

She started blushing, and I swear I could see steam come out of her ears. She soon recovered and asked why I don't talk, I handed her another paper, "I'm mute, can't speak"

"Oh I-Im so-"

"HINATA-SAMA, are you alright I was so worried Hinata-sama, you shouldnt run around like that"

Her caretaker came and cut her off, I think his name was Ko Hyuuga, he started fussing around her before he turned to me, I could feel disgust and scorn.

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"Lets go Hinata-sama, you shouldn't talk to that de-person, he's not good"

Before he got to drag her away I threw a scroll towards her of my training schedule and if she wanted to be trained so she can be strong, she looked backed at me before being dragged away by Ko.

I didn't see her for a week after that which disappointed me, though I could do nothing about it if she didn't want to train, though she did appear when I sitting and meditating, she asked me to train her so I gave her my 3 rules.

1. You can't tell anyone about this training

2. You have to hide your ability until you graduate

3. You can't quit after starting and have to follow my training without complaining.

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When she accepted I gave her a scroll that I made for her last week which included everything she needed to learn. I placed a Restriction seal on her and started the training. I replaced her taijutsu with the Gentle Steps and told her about it. I continued training her for 6 months in chakra control, physical training, improving her clan jutsu, made her follow the diet I made, set books for her on Genjutsu, medical Ninjutsu and poisons because of her chakra control and trained her Byakugan to make her process the information she receives from the 360 vision faster and react better as well as help her cover up the blindspot all Byakugan users have, I made her use senbons which would fit with her style since she could see the chakra system, the physical training was the worst for her because of her frail physique but she never complained, we would usually spar with taijutsu only to point out her errors while I used my perfected Water stance which had the same principle. I also made her read books about everything needed to be known in a kunoichis career and learn the jutsus made for them, she had a green face when she knew what happened to captured ones and had started doubling her efforts since then, I started hammering in the basic jutsus for ANBU and made her start to reduce the hand signs and ommit saying the jutsu out loud. I also sat down with her after our meditation sessions to talk about our lives, I would usually listen and advice her on how she could react in certain cicumstances and started scolding her dad when she told me what he is doing, I almost ran there to beat him up if she didn't stop me, I sat her down and told her all about how it was bullshit and how wrong her dad was, I kept complimenting her and she started to come out of her shell more and gained confidence, though she didn't make it known to anyone else, she was still a very shy, gentle and modest girl thanks to her upbringing, though I made sure to tease her to make her used to it unless someone exploits her when she's flustered.

[Hanabi was born in the same month and Itachi joined ANBU in april and had started spying on the Uchiha for the Hokage while Shisui was ordered to keep and eye on him]

It was on the end of the sixth month when Ino had followed us to find out what we were doing together, I felt her but didn't say anything and made her watch us train, when she confroted us and asked us what we're doing, I told her we're training, she wanted to know why Hinata didn't show such skill in the academy and I told her if she wants to know she has to join us, she had already started her crush on Sasuke so she agreed to train to impress him, not before making her accept the 3 rules.

She started joining us in training after that and I made a similair scroll to her as Hinatas with the only difference being hers focusing more on poisons than healing, I taught her my Earth stance for taijutsu and made her promise not to teach it to anyone else, she was complaining and being a bitch in the first 2 months, she kept talking about Sasuke constantly and fangirling, it wasn't until I started to explain what it means to be a kunoichi and how shinobi don't like these kind of girls in detail until she started to quiet down and take the training seriously. She started following the plan seriously and eating healthy

[News reached me that Shisui died which means that his eyes were taken and Itachi gained Mankegyo]

[9 months later I felt Orochimaru leave with another person, which was probably Kabuto after he killed his adopted mother]

Its been 16 months since I started training Ino and both she and Hinata have come far, I didn't participate with them anymore after Ino caught me with the mind body technique which cut my connection with Boss which dispelled me leaving me as a poodle of blood 1 year ago, boss had to hurry over to explain that he was alright to the traumatised girls, but boss forgot to change his attire so they saw him in his ANBU clothes, so he had to explain everything to them and show how he really looked, didn't see a girl blush that hard ever.

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After that incident I had them train against eachother, I had to detoxify them from the poison tipped senbons they hit eachother with, then they have to heal eachother which made them progress their mastery over healing, I started taking them under disguise to the hospital to help out and gain experience for 2 hours every so often, they started vomiting seeing severe injuries and blood but they got used to it over time. They both reached intermediate in their respective taijutsu and learned all the jutsus I gave them but didn't master them, though it was easier for Hinata since she can see how I mould it, both have Genin chakra levels from all the work out and meditation which is pretty good, they are both at level 3 on the Restriction seal. They can accurately use their senbons on moving targets. They can dispel and create C rank Genjutsu and lower but they can't use any higher ranks because of their chakra capacity. They both mastered all chakra control exercises and are better at chakra control than me. I also moved into their class after failing 2 years.

[8 months later I felt a big foreign chakra appear out of nowhere when I was actively sensing around, and I felt another signature that felt disgusting, it felt like corrupted life force, I knew it might be Obito and Zetsu so I made sure to remember their signatures in detail, 3 days later and the Uchiha massacre happened after Itachi asked Hiruzen to take care of Sasuke while crying, Boss was there since he just started in the guard for a month now. Itachi ran away and became a missing nin joining Akatsuki and I felt Obito meet with Danzo though, I don't know about what, Sasuke woke up 3 days later becoming more reclusive looking traumatized, Class started calling me dobe because of me sleeping and getting the deadlast position though became friends with Shikamaru as sleeping buddies]

Nothing happened 2.5 years after the Uchiha massacre other than Kabuto coming back to start spying and training Ino and Hinata, both of them have really blossomed in these 5 years of training, both of them mastered their Taijutsu styles, they got up to level 6 on the restriction seal and have chakra capacity of high Chunin. They branched in different directions for medicnin, Hinata chose to keep focusing on healing and have been progressing in the hospital and advancing in her medical knowledge while still under a disguise, and no one asks questions, the Hokage included because Boss is the one who brought her there, Hiruzen just said we'll take responsibility for any error happening. Ino on the other hand started focusing on poison and antidotes using the Yamanakas flower and herb gardens to experiment and create new recipes, as well as read their extensive library which boasts for being one of the best medical knowledge archive, she also befriended Anko and is learning from her too. They can dispel A rank genjutsu in 3-10 seconds and anything under that is instant, though Hinata gave up on creating and focusing her attention towards other things, Ino on the other hand was scary in Genjutsu, she could create realisitic illusions and trap you in them, even the most basic genjutsu became stronger when she uses it, I suspected she might have a natural Yin affinity, thats why the Yamanaka techniques become strong in her hands.

When it comes to clan techniques Hinata managed to master a self created version of Kaiten that could also attack which was called Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, She mastered the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm to attack targets outside her physical range or deflect incoming attacks aswell. She also mastered the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and all the versions under it. The best technique in her arsenal though is the Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists, creating a lion head of chakra in each hand, she drains the target of their chakra where she strikes, she can combine it with the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms making it a really crazy technique. Her Byakugan can now see up to 14 km and she can use it to attack with perfect accuracy which she can share with anyone to improve their own. She also mastered all the jutsus I gave her and can use them without handsigns. Her overall fighting strength without the Restriction seal is Tokubetsu Jonin.

Ino is a monster when it comes to her mind arts. I had taken her to T&I under a disguise in where she trained there on prisoners, she has great sensory perception, able to detect even the smallest changes in another person's chakra. She can lock onto an enemy's chakra signature and transfer the information to her allies for their benefit, she could also probe people's minds for information. She is not sure what is needed to master her techniques but she's fast with the Mind Body Switch Technique which would save Hinata from dangerous situations when we spar. She also learned the Mind Body Disturbance Technique, which allows her to force her enemies to attack each other. She also learned Mind Clone Switch Technique, which allows her to control multiple targets at once. Her best technique is the Mind Body Transmission Technique, she can communicate telepathically with someone, convey memories and feelings to them. She was even able to connect more than 2000 shadow clones through a telepathic link. She can even transmit what she senses into a target's mind and by making physical contact with a person, she can make them communicate with another person connected to the link while the technique is active. She just needs to improve her telepathich link range to improve it more. She would be frightening in a war with coordination and information gathering if she connects all allies. She mastered all the jutsus I gave her without handsigns thanks to her perception to feel out how I do it. Her overall strenght is Tobuketsu Jonin without the Restriction Seal too.

My Boss did a summoning technique last week and was sent to the Panda summons where he signed a contract with them, he's leaving today to train there. I have 2 more years of academy

Clone Peace Out

Timline: January Year 61 ME

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