Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 13

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It's been a week since I've come to the panda realm, I was given a room and and was told to rest before beginning training, I was able to walk around the forest, it wasn't big, at most 90 km on all sides, it was covered by a strong barrier seal that even I can't understand or make a dent in.

Before we started I managed to open the 7th chakra point, Ahjna, which is the 3rd eye between the eyebrows. I gained an affinity for Yin and Time, my physical foundation and chakra density increased by directly 45% without waiting, I felt my density comparable to Kuramas.

When the evolution finished I lost myself and all my senses, all I could feel was my soul shifting into different colours like a cycle, first it was black, then black and gold, followed by every colour of the rainbow constantly rotating, I could feel it all suddenly stop before the world went silent. I didn't know how long that state remained, but I could only watch as my soul started compressing, the rainbow colours started getting drained inside a TaiChi diagram that moved into the 3rd eye of my soul. When my soul stopped compressing itself it looked like a younger me, around 2-3 years old but with white hair and black eyes, he looked a bit transparent. He wore a high-collared white yukata which has YinYang symbols running down the centre as buttons, he had fingerless black gloves and black sandals with a black and gold belt in the middle, the edges of the gown were adorned with intricate black and gold lines. He was sitting crosslegged on top of a white lotus with black and white petals going around it with a black and white bo staff on his lap. There were also 2 black balls behind him that keep rotating around eachother. He had the TaiChi diagram inbetween his eyes that kept rotating, drawing in energy and feeding it to my soul, under the nourishing energy, my soul kept growing before it stopped when it looked around 5 years old. Looking at this made me curious, why did it create such a scene, I saw my inner self open its eyes and when I connected with those black eyes I heard a explosion going off in my head before I was bombarded with all my memories from both lives, they kept repeating themselves constantly, I had seen this before in the dark space, so I started meditating and watching everything and reflecting, with my changed mentality I could see many more flaws especially in my last life, everytime I see and fix a flaw, my soul would lose some of its transparency, I don't know how long it took to go through it all, but I felt refreshed, content and at peace, the same feeling of being purified as in the space happened. I looked back at my inner self and saw that he had become solid, and lost all transperency, he felt and looked like a normal person if I didn't know better. I was blinded by a strong light and found myself inside my mindscape, but it had changed, it looked more realistic, I couldn't pinpoint what cha-.

"You did good kid, you finally made it here"

I turned around and saw a small dot of energy, it felt like pure darkness, looking at it I could feel a connection to it as well as familiarty. I suddenly remember.

"You're the mass that was in the middle of my chakra centre!, who are you"

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"I am you-"


"Let me finish, when we were sent to this world we arrived on the same day Kurama was freed from Kushina, our soul entered and merged with young Narutos, the process was finished and complete, but the Shiki Fujin and Kuramas overabundance in yang created a small rift between our 2 souls that we haven't closed yet, because of the imbalance in Yin and Yang we have been using only 80% of what we can do, you have to retrieve Kuramas Yin side to balance it out and close the rift. It shouldn't be to hard, hurry up and do it too, you won't be able to train proper Senjutsu with that imbalance"

I found myself back in my room, but I didn't care about that, I felt my world explode with colours, my perception was evolved, I could see a multitude of colours, everytime my perception touched it I would get a comforable feeling, I could feel the vitality in the air and the natural energy flowing around us, It's beautiful, I looked like I was a blind person that could see for the first time. I could also see a small TaiChi tatto between my eyes that kept drawing in the energy slowly.

"Stop looking stupid brat, what did you do to cause such a scene with the natural energy, the whole forests natural energy almost doubled when you started sucking in the natural energy from outside the barrier, and stop drawing in the energy with that mark unless you want to turn into stone"

"Interestingly he's not drawing it into his body, old hag Lei you've brought an interesting fellow."

Startled I looked up to see Elder Lun with another small panda next to her with Bei Bei trailing behind them. I was shocked hearing the other panda calling her old hag. 'is he another elder?' I got up before bowing towards them.

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"Hello elders, I was meditating and compressing my chakra when I felt my perception evolving and the mark appeared between my eyebrows. It started sucking in natural energy and I can't seem to stop it." putting on a helpless face while coming up with a explanation, I couldn't tell them the truth.

"Its fortunate that it isn't entering your body, it might be the doing of that ninth brat, this old geezers name is Elder Bao, I'm the best Senjutsu user you'll find, we will be taking over your training for Fuinjutsu and Senjutsu, while little Bei will be teaching you Onmyo Bojutsu."

"Alright boya, before we begin we need to get the fox brat out of you or get his other half or else you won't be able to start learning Senjutsu. Which do you want?"

I looked at elder Lun surprised, this is exactly what I needed, I thought I had to do it myself, this saves me time.

"I would like to retrieve his other half, this is a legacy my dad left me to protect and he's safer with me. The other half was sealed by my father with him inside the Shinigamis belly."

"Give me something that belongs to your father and sit still, this might hurt"

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I took out one of his Hirashin kunai and gave it to her.

"Huh?, your dad made this? he must have a good understanding of space-time, be ready boya, we're starting"

She took the kunai before looking it over, her eyes started glowing before she placed a paw on my stomach. Natural Energy kept gathering around her before she started shouting.

#Forbidden Sage Arts: The Thousand Year Retrieval#

I could see the natural energy starting to take form after she finished, it soon turned into a man with spiky, yellow-blond hair, he had jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face and he was wearing a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, and blue sandals. he was also wearing a short-sleeved long white haori over his attire, closed in the front by a thin, orange rope. The haori was decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "Yondaime Hokage" written vertically down the back.

His closed eyes opened before he started looking around confused, when he saw me he was first, shocked then hesistangly called out. "N-Naruto?, is that you?", he could see the resemblance, it was like looking at a mix between him and Kushina.

"Hi dad, its go-"

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"BRAT we don't have time for this, he can only stay here for 60 seconds before he has to return"

I looked at him and started explaining, "Dad, I need the other half of the kyuubi, I have an imbalance in my chakra and I can't start training with my summons without fixing it, its either removing the kyuubi from me or taking your half, Elder Lun brought you here but we don't have much time"

He looked hesistant for second before he threw away his hesitation and went towards my back and placing his palm there, I could feel overwhelming Yin chakra flood my system before it started moving towards the seal and disappearing, I didn't feel any discomfort at all, should probably be because of my cleansing and foundation, the body is the vessel, the bigger and better materials its made of the more it can hold. Some of the chakra was assimiliated to my core and my chakra levels started increasing like crazy before stopping at 3 tails worth. I could also see that the more Yin chakra I got, the smaller the dark spot in the middle of my core was getting. When the last bit went into the seal I could feel something breaking and then felt the missing part of myself return along with a power boost, I felt whole, I could also see my soul aging to around 8 years and he gained 3 more balls behind him, totalling 5.

"It's done boya, I can't hold it anymore"

I looked back to see that my dad was disappearing slowly. "it was good seeing you again, I'm sorry and goodbye son, take care of yourself" he waved before disappearing slowly. I sat there thinking and recollecting everything, I also centred myself to adapt to the change to my body. It was time.

"Alrigh brat, we got 2 years to make you a summoner worthy to carry our name. Prepare yourself."

Timeline: January Year 61 ME

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