Chapter 1 Rebirth

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There was a somewhat ear-piercing sound from a rolling shutter door that was slowly lowering.

Mu Nan watched the rolling shutter door fall to the ground from the rearview mirror of the pickup truck.

Mu Nan then pushed the accelerator, and drove away with an empty pickup truck.

The warehouse was empty, and the goods that were originally delivered to the warehouse were all packed into his small space by Mu Nan under the cover of the truck.


Mu Nan has a secret.

This secret was discovered when he was sixteen years old.

He has a space, a world that suddenly appeared, like another world that exists in the dimension of his mind.

He still doesn't know how big the space is, but no matter how many things he puts, the space is never full.

But apart from this storage function, his space can't hold any living things.


The sudden extra space made Mu Nan flustered and excited for a while.

This kind of existence beyond scientific cognition is undoubtedly novel and full of mystery to a young man who is establishing a worldview.

I feel that among all living beings, I am very different.

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However, the desire to explore and excitement quickly subsided.

Because Mu Nan found that having such a seemingly mysterious space didn't seem to change his life much, except for storing and things are a little more convenient.

Besides, based on the premise of being public and law-abiding, he can't use this space to bring himself any financial benefits.


So slowly, Mu Nan let go of the matter of space.

Occasionally secretly using space to bring a little convenience to life, and at other times, he lives a life he should live.


Until the year Mu Nan graduated from university, his plans for the future of his life were completely shattered by natural disasters one after another.

This seemingly useless space on weekdays became the greatest life-saving card he had.


Thinking of all the things in her previous life, Mu Nan didn't feel that he had anything to regret.

But still there were some regrets after all.


After returning the truck.

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On the way back, Mu Nan packed several servings of pork rib powder.

The rib powder was from an old shop that has been around for decades.

And it still retains its original taste.

When the smog cleared, this shop never opened again.

Passed through the shop door, Mu Nan would buy a lot every time he passed by the shop.

And he had already stocked up a lot in the space.

Because in the future, he would eat it less and less.


Mu Nan lives in an old house now.

And it was also the first group of civilian houses with elevators built in the city planning.

He lives on the seventeenth floor; the highest floor is twenty-three.

And the house is not bad.

He has lived there since he was a child, but now he is the only one left in the family of three.


Looking at the group photo of his parents with a lot of dust on the wall, Mu Nan sometimes thinks that maybe it is luck that his parents passed away early.

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At least they have not been tortured by the end of the world.


Putting down his backpack, Mu Nan took a set of clean clothes and took a shower,

washing away the fatigue and dust from a day of traveling outside,

and after wiping his hair until it was half-dry, he sat down to eat a refreshing meal.

The rice was cooked by himself, and the dishes were bought outside before,

and he secretly put them into the space, and now they are still steaming when they are taken out.


Mu Nan doesn't know how to cook.

Before the end of the world, he lived on takeaway food.

After the apocalypse, he didn't have the conditions to cook.

But since his rebirth, he has been good at cooking.

As long as he is at home, he will start cooking all kinds of dishes and cook them well.

And just put it in the space.

because there should be no conditions to fire for a long time in the future,

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so, before that, Mu Nan should store more ready-made food.


It has been three months since Mu Nan was reborn.

He has already hoarded those necessities for survival.

He even bought some lethal weapons at a high price for safety.

Naturally, don’t think about gun.

He has the time and space to smuggle in, but without that channel, even if he goes abroad, he can’t just buy it casually.

At present, Mu Nan is already very content.

At least this time, he won’t be stuck in the room again without the power to fight back.


This was biebie very first pit.

biebie really like to read webnovel especially chinese, so biebie want to share with you interesting story according to biebie and have not been appear or upload by others.

biebie can't use Mandarin and English was their thirds language, biebie use machine translation and edit it as much as possible. so, biebie ask you for your understanding in their writing.

biebie warmly welcome any healthy critic for their writing.

Hope you enjoy it meow ;),,,

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