Chapter 3 Harbinger

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It took almost a week for Mu Nan to replace all the doors and windows in the house.

His house and Qin Huai's house were opposite to each other,

and a security door was specially installed outside facing the corridor,

and the two families shared a security door.

However, the anti-theft door is a bit old.

After all, it has been more than ten years.

This time, Mu Nan replaced the anti-theft door with a high-quality one, which cost a lot of money.


In order to make it easier for people to install doors and windows, Mu Nan put all the furniture in the house into the space in advance.

After all the doors and windows were installed, Mu Nan directly changed the layout of the house a little bit.

The layout of his house is very simple.

One bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom,

Mu Nan left two rooms empty, and later planned to get vegetable pots and soil, and grow vegetables at home.

Although the space can be stored and kept fresh, he is will be idle after being closed at home.


In the living room, he didn't put a sofa, but put a bed directly.

He didn't want to place the TV coffee table, so he just set up a table, which is enough for a computer and meals.


Because the balcony was closed, Mu Nan directly made some cabinets on the balcony, some of his clothes and quilts were placed in the space, and some were placed on the balcony.


He also tidied up Qin Huai's house.

Although the doors and windows were not changed, Qin Huai's house didn't have much furniture.

He piled them all up in one room.

Mu Nan also planned to use the spare room and living room to grow vegetables.

As for if Qin Huai came back in the future, as long as he could come back, he would not have to worry about having no place to live.


When the houses on both sides were almost rectified and the vegetables were planted,

Mu Nan even raised a few chickens on the balcony of Qin Huai's house.

The house was tossed like this, and it was probably would make Qin Huai pissed off.

Thinking of Qin Huai's angry appearance, Mu Nan laughed, but after laughing, he felt a little uncomfortable.


The scariest thing is not that there is no hope, but that hope and expectation will eventually come to nothing.

Before the smog came, there was a period of torrential rain.

Mu Nan still remembered that the torrential rain lasted for a long time, causing many places to be flooded.

At this time in his last life, he was finishing a project.

He needs to go and back from school, and he gets wet every day, making the house damp, and he feel sticky and uncomfortable when he is sleep.


This time, the dehumidifier is on 24 hours a day, and there is no need to be busy dealing with dampness.

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You don’t have to go out.

You sit in a dry room, listening to the sound of rain outside, leaning on the bed and holding the computer to watch movies and shopping online,

although it is raining heavily, there is still a period of time before the smog comes.

The operation of express delivery is still normal, and things can still be purchased normally.

There are two alumni groups hanging on the small window of the computer, one from a junior high school and one from a university.

The junior high school alumni group is quiet, but the university alumni group is very lively.


Because of the bad weather and it happened to be during the graduation period, because of that the students complained a lot.

Because Mu Nan didn't live on campus, his relationship with his classmates was relatively normal.

Since high school, he has basically been alone, isn't it?

He didn't want to blend in with others,

but when he finally got out of the influence of Qin Huai's departure,

he was already used to being alone.

He is used to watching other people’s excitement quietly.


A female classmate in the group complained about the terrible weather.

She said that her little nephew had a cold and cough.

After coughing for more than a week, it didn’t get better.

The throat was still swollen and achy.

The little nephew had to go to the hospital for injections every day.

Sometimes her elder brother and sister-in-law are too busy and ask her to help take him to the hospital.

She is very busy doing the final project, and then encounters this kind of difficult weather to go out, which tortures both adults and sick children.


Some people suggested that it is better to do a hospitalization directly and live in the hospital,

So, as not to run between the two ends between the family and the hospital, the adults are fine, but the children will suffer.


The classmate said that although the family thinks the same way, there are too many people who are sick recently,

most of them have a cold and fever, and some of them have severe fever and cold, and they are unconscious.

It is too difficult to get for a bed, so they can only be wrapped up every day tightly for a run at both ends.


Looking at the content of their chat, Mu Nan couldn't help being surprised.

The symptoms the girl mentioned were exactly the same as those caused by smog.

It started with a fever and cough, and then their body swelled and ached.

Finally, the entire lung swelled. When the lungs started to swell, it was basically hopeless.


In the last life, the root cause of the epidemic was found.

It was a kind of poisonous mycelium floating in the smog.

It was so small that it was invisible to the naked eyes.

It was easy to be inhaled by people and then infected them.

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But he always thought that the mycelium was accompanied by the smog.

Apparently, if someone has already been infected, then maybe the air is already carrying this kind of toxic mycelium.

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Nan couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Although he had already prepared what he needed to do, and he had done enough psychological preparation for the future,

but when the disaster really struck again, he still can.t doing nothing. Just has to accept calmly.


Mu Nan saw that the group quickly turned from sick children to complaining about the weather,

and couldn't help typing a paragraph in the group:

[It is said that there is an unknown infectious disease spreading recently, everyone can stay indoors if they don't need to go out, if you have to go out, you must wear a mask for protection, and store more food at home to be prepared]


Mu Nan has hardly spoken in the group.

When he made a sound, the hot chat group fell silent for a while, and some people began to tentatively ask Mu Nan if there was any more inside information.

No wonder they asked this question.

It is really that there have been so many people getting sick recently, which makes people feel a little flustered.

It's a pity that no matter how many things Mu Nan know he can't say it, he is just an ordinary person with selfish attributes.

The only time he went to the police station in his life was because of his parents' accident.

He didn't have the courage and consciousness to be the savior of the world.


As for whether others take what he said to heart, he just doesn't care too much, everyone has their own destiny.


With the sound of ding, Mu Nan glanced at the download interface, the few TV dramas he selected were downloaded,

and then Mu Nan found some TV dramas, movies and variety shows and put them in the download list to wait for download.


For this reason, Mu Nan specially bought more than a dozen mobile hard drives with the largest capacity.

In addition to various entertainment items, he also downloaded a lot of materials and books.

Those materials range from how to make soap and candles to how to build a house, etc.

All the things he thought of that were useful for survival skills were downloaded and classified.

Fortunately, the Internet will not be interrupted before the big earthquake, so he still has a lot of time, so don't worry.


Although the network was slowly restored after the earthquake, it was a local area network, which can only be used in a specific area, and cannot connect to the cloud network at all.

Although Mu Nan is not a dead star without the network, but prepare as much as possible if he has time,

Several hard disks are placed in the space without taking up space.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Mu Nan took out his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway.

There was a barbecue restaurant whose barbecue taste was very good, the meat was very fresh and the ingredients were abundant,

but the stall was small, and they had to take it away or order takeaway.

Now with such heavy rain, he can only take out.


Mu Nan ordered a lot in one breath, and then got up from the bed to take a shower.

The weather is already a little hot, and some families who are afraid of heat turn on the air conditioner early.

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Fortunately, Mu Nan is not so afraid of heat, and There is not much need to go out, and an electric fan squatting at home is almost enough, otherwise the air conditioner he bought will be running with a little bit of power.


While taking a shower, Mu Nan looked at his glasses and poked his own face.

Because of his occupation, he always stays at home, so although his skin is fair, it looks a bit unhealthy white.

It seems that exercise should be done quickly.

After a while, he pulled his hair which was too long,

and he planned to go downstairs to have his hair cut tomorrow after the rain has subsided a little.

He thought that the disease was caused by the smog after the rain stopped, so he originally planned to get a haircut before the rain stopped and never go out again.


But now things are a little bit beyond his expectations, but even if there is already smog now, the condition while the rain still going should not be as serious as later when after the rain fall,

So, it shouldn't be a big deal to go downstairs for a haircut after wearing a mask.

At this time in the last life, he was unprotected and ran to school every day without any accident, but now he still needs to be careful.


Although the place he lives in is an elevator room, it is considered an old community.

There is an old shop in the community where you can get a haircut for ten or fifteen yuan.

The place is even under their building.

You can pass through the canteen directly, and you don’t need to get in the rain at all.

Although there is no style for the haircut,

but after the air outside is worse and the smog is bigger, you can’t go out for a long time,

so, he simply cut it short to avoid the danger to go far for a good haircut and stay outside for a long time.


The owner of the barber shop is also an old neighbor here.

If his parents were still alive, they would probably be familiar with him,

but Mu Nan has not been outside for a long time.

In fact, he is only familiar with some old neighbors here, and he can’t even mention their names.


The uncle who cut his hair also persuaded Mu Nan to go to the barber shop outside for styling when the rain stopped.

He can only cut it short here.

It would be a pity not to have a styling for this handsome young man.


Mu Nan smiled and said, "Just cut it short for me. My hair is too long and I'm so hot. Just because my face is pretty. What kind of style do I want?"

Every few months, he will come to him for a haircut.

Every time he cut his hair, he will talk about how cute and smart his son is.

He is wearing a red scarf and a bar in the first grade.

Now, who won't be proud of your son to go to heaven.


Mu Nan listened quietly, and occasionally responded with a smile.

Although many years had passed, in the mouths of these old neighbors, his parents seemed to be there all the time.


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Mu Nan just cut his hair, and didn't get a hair wash in the store.

Anyway, he will go upstairs and got home.

After returning home, he can take a bath and wash his hair together.

Before leaving, Mu Nan reminded the uncle to buy some masks and disinfectants.

Tell him that It seems that the flu has coming, which is very contagious.


The uncle agreed with a smile, and Mu Nan didn't say anything more.

He put on his mask and went home.

While waiting for the elevator, the elevator on the other side came down, but a young couple came out, holding a child wrapped in a raincoat in their arms and walked out anxiously.


Mu Nan stand sideways the wall and avoided it, did not go up the elevator that had already come down on the other side, and continued to wait on the spot.

Those things he knew, he couldn't remind everyone before the matter was too serious.

He is pretty weak, it’s not easy to be a pioneer and a whistleblower,

and it's not like if you do it, things will develop as you want.

In the end, he is just a small person who is struggling to survive.


After returning home, Mu Nan went directly into the bathroom, threw the worn clothes into the washing machine, put in the laundry detergent and disinfectant, and took a shower from head to toe.

The freshly cut hair felt a little rough to the touch, but it really made me feel a little relieved.

After changing into comfortable clothes, Mu Nan went to the opposite room and inspected around, looking at the growth of those dishes.


However, vegetable just buried to the ground, and it can't grow so fast.

He made sure that the doors and windows in the house are all right, and no rainwater has entered, and then he cleaned up the balcony.

After all, there are chickens, which are somewhat dirty.

The balcony was cleaned and feed was given.

After drinking water, Mu Nan went to the living room, and then lay on the bed while sorting out the files he had downloaded, and flicking movies at the same time.


Recently, Mu Nan has become a bit obsessed with disaster movies.

He has almost revisited many old movies, and sometimes he can sum up some experience from some disaster movies.

Although it is a movie, art comes from life, and we can learn something from it.


For dinner, he ate a bowl of gnocchi casually.

Eating alone is inevitably a little simpler.

he just wants to save his stomach to breath.

The alarm clock rang.


Mu Nan turned off the alarm clock and got on the treadmill very consciously.

Among other things, physical fitness must not be left behind.

He can't fatten up at home just because he can't go out.

If he is weak, he can only wait to die in the future.

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