Chapter 52 – Boring conclusion

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“You can feel proud knowing you are going to experience first-hand the peak of power.”

Said Helvi, as Theo treated Xena behind her.

When Theo got Xena to retreat, he panicked a little as he realized he had nothing to treat her with, but suddenly their things came down from the sky.

As he thought he had to thank Helvi later, Theo started briskly treating Xena’s wounds.

“And… Done. Are you alright?”

“Yes, thanks Theo! Pretty much all the pain is gone!”

Her wounds were not deep, but she was hurt all over.

“It’s been a while since you were hurt so badly. How many years has it been?”

“About three or four? Back when I still didn’t have a good grasp on my steel magic. It’s probably the first time since I’ve learned how to use it well.”

Theo had also never Xena so hurt.

This man, the leader of the bandits, truly was on par or even stronger than Xena and Celia.

“I-is Helvi going to be alright…”

Theo believed in Helvi’s strength, but was still worried about his wife taking on such a strong opponent by herself.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine Theo.”

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“I think so too.”


Xena and Celia did not seem particularly concerned.

In fact, they were a little unhappy about having their prey taken away from them, and looked at Helvi’s opponent with pity.

Theo did not understand, but Xena and Celia did so very well, since they had fought both Helvi and the boss.

They knew very well who was stronger.

Helvi and the boss stood in front of each other.

Helvi was simply not moving, but the same could not be said about the boss.

(…! I don’t get it! What is this…!?”)

He could not move.

Usually he would be the first to attack in case of a deadlock, but he could not move at all.

He knew that no matter how he attacked, it would not land.

It was not as though he could not see an opening, in fact, Helvi had her guard down completely.

He simply could not see himself winning no matter how or where he attacked.

“What is the matter? Do you like staring contests?”

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“…! Dammit…!”

At that rate, nothing would change.

He ignored his intuition, took a step towards her, and swung his fist.

His first attack was easily dodged, as were the blows aiming for her stomach and chest, even though they should have been more difficult to dodge.

(If I can just hit her once, my fist will rip through her flesh and sever her bones…!)

His fists were more powerful than even Xena’s steel magic. Even a single hit could turn into a fatal wound.

But in the end, none of that mattered if he could not hit.

His attacks continued to be dodged, but his opponent would not attack him.

Although he looked as though he was struggling, his opponent had a calm smile on her face.

(Dammit, if I can just hit her once…!)

He thought as he continued swinging his fists.

And then…

“Hmm, enough. I think it’s time to end this.”

Whispered Helvi, as the boss’ fist landed on her stomach.

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He thought for sure he had won.

He had done this many times before. His fist would create a hole and blow away his opponents intestines with the sheer intensity of his strike.

He was sure the same thing would happen that day… But it did not.

“Why…!? Why won’t it pierce…!?”

His perfect hit caused no damage, not even a little scratch.

“Are you using the rotation power of your fist? Not a bad technique, but it will not work on me.”

By rotating his fist at an abnormal speed, he could tear through his opponent’s body as if he were digging into it.

Not only did Helvi quickly realize this after just one hit, but the hit itself was completely ineffective.

“Why… You…!”

“I told you. I am the peak.”

Helvi grabbed his arm with her left hand.

The boss tried to run, but could not move from that spot.

“Now, one for one. I will also hit your stomach, so I advise you to harden your abdominal muscles as much as you can.”

Helvi made a fist with her right hand, and just as she lightly pulled her arm back, the boss came to a realization.

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(I’m going to die…!)

Helvi punched at full speed.

“…Hmm. I did not expect you to avoid it.”

Helvi opened her right hand, which did not hit her target, and threw away the arm she was still holding with her left.

“Ahh, ahh…!”

The boss grimaced as he held his left shoulder and tried to bear the pain of losing that arm.

His strategy of sacrificing his arm before Helvi’s attack connected was a success.

He estimated that if Helvi’s attack hit him, he would not be left with a hole in his stomach, but rather his entire torso would have been obliterated.

(She’s dangerous. She’s on a different level than those girls…! At this rate I’m gonna die..!)

He barely avoided this attack, and figured he would not avoid another one.

Helvi stepped forward to finish him off.


The frightened boss ran away as fast as he could, weaving through the trees.


Helvi had a bored expression on her face as she watched the boss run away.

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