Chapter 3 Unrest at Katjvarna’s Northern Boundaries

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Beginning from the foothills of the Grand Arfatra Mountains, countless military boot footprints marked the ground.

Including PFC Kanna Temari who was at the front of the ranks, the imperial army marched forward, while continuing to increase the number of prints. They formed long continuous rows on the narrow mountain road, if there were someone who could observe the current situation from above, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to differentiate them from ants’ march.


In a situation where the burden on the lower body continuously increased, Kanna desperately tried to maintain her breathing to a certain rhythm.

Having to march uphill while carrying heavy baggage, for Kanna who has long graduated from being a recruit this felt like an overly demanding task. They haven’t even reached a fifth of the itinerary, moreover this was not something that would end with some easy relaxing when they reached the top. Their orders were to reach the top and crush the enemy.

–Defeating the enemy, shooting at human beings… Murdering lives.

Once she started thinking about it like that, adding to the physical weights, made Kanna really want to throw away the air gun strapped to her shoulder. Since she was at it, the backpack and uniform too… throw away everything beside her partner Tabb.

“Halt! Halt! Start the general break!”

The soldiers exhaled in relief after hearing the superior’s roar. They began to sit down from the row that finished the roll call and while they should be allowed to have conversation, not many voices were heard. Probably because everyone thought that if they were to waste energy here, their current actions may later result in a fatal injury.

“Air gunners, let your partners swallow the bullets first! Rapeseeds will be distributed to the incineration troops, you too let your spirits eat that!”

Expecting to encounter enemy soldiers, the superior ordered to assume an offensive formation while climbing up the mountain. Being an air gunner unit, Kanna took out ball-shaped bullets from her pocket and fed it to Tabb’s mouth. The bullet swallowed by the partner will automatically move to the air tunnel in the spirit’s body, furthermore the spirit itself will become a safety device, therefore there’s no need to worry about misfire.

While feeding the second bullet to Tabb, Kanna secretly observed her surroundings. The incineration troops got the rapeseeds containing large amount of oil, they made their partner eat those oil-rich tiny black particles, when the fire spirits spit out the residues, their body were already supplemented with fuel.

“…the war is getting closer.”

Seeing this spectacle, an emotion different from pure fatigue surfaced in Kanna’s chest. That is the fear of forgetting the atrocity of killing each other when you are just looking at your feet when marching forward.

“…this is not what I had wished for.”




Till the moment she stepped onto the escort wagon, her highness Chamille didn’t stop complaining to the members of the order of knights.

The carriage ferrying the nobles fleeing the flames of war left to the south, the guard duty for the journey was left in charge to a battalion. While the uneasiness still remained due the previous instance of betrayal from personal guards, however considering the geographical characteristics of the northern region, there shouldn’t be many with enough backbone to revolt against the royalties — this optimism was fairly rational.

“So they left… honestly I am relieved. Although the princess said otherwise, but since the war has already begun, a noble such as the princess shouldn’t keep staying on the frontlines.”

Among the members of order of knights who came to see her off, no one objected to Haro’s thought.

The fort they were moving to was in close proximity to the Grand Arfatra Mountains, which was where the Shinaak tribe lived. If the enemy were to obtain info regarding the princess’ presence, the chances of her being targeted would be really high.

“…. let’s first not talk about the escort operation itself…moving to the new post in the base on the southern tip of the northern region itself is….”

A skeptical expression emerged on Matthew’s face, it was because Lieutenant General Safida did not let her Highness the Princess go back to Central, instead he just evacuated her to the southern part of the northern region. While she would be far from the battlefield thus the risk was not high, however for it should have been a ‘Conclusion reached taking the safety of the royalty as first priority’, there is no doubt this choice would come hard to understand to others.

“From the princess’ current standpoint, returning to Central isn’t necessarily the safest… but even if we were not to consider this, we should still think that behind this matter of not wanting to return the princess is the desire of forestalling interference from the Lieutenant Generals in central.”

Torway shared his thoughts–Even if he were to command as Lieutenant General, it still wouldn’t shut the mouth of a royalty. There was intelligence in the northern base that would be really bad if it was gotten a hold of by the princess who returned to Central, thus she was to be left in the northern region. Having this kind of thoughts was a very natural reaction, Yatori too nodded in agreement.

“The responsibility of safeguarding the local security on all four sides of the Empire is totally left respectively to the Eastern, Western, Southern and Northern garrison. Thus Lieutenant General Safida’s particularly fervent involvement in the Shinaak Tribe’s armed rebellion was also inevitable in such case…. Having said that, since he mobilized the troops to this extent on such big scale, he should have first reported to central and asked for instructions.”

“I can hardly believe he would have honestly followed those steps. Since just the day after the incident, he already informed the whole army to marshal a punitive force to subjugate the Shinaak tribe, this totally shows how Lieutenant General is grandstanding.”

Ikta didn’t hide his unhappy mood. Because he was not joking like he usually would have, it made Matthew feel extremely alarmed.

“…. Bu… But, no matter how the war will evolve, in the end we still would be maintain our current standby status right? Even if coming to this new post in the northern region was to let us accumulate practical experience, but this kind of situation was not expected. Even Lieutenant General Safida wouldn’t send the precious High Grade Military Officer cadets to the dangerous frontlines right?”

“This is a very legitimate claim, my buddy Matthew… but it’s really sad, the so called common sense is only meaningful to those who understands common sense, right now we can only pray Lieutenant General is one of these people.”

“…That’s true, especially now that Major Taekk has passed away.”

Although they spoke those words, both Ikta and Yatori showed no sign of expectation. Even Torway who always smoothed things over is now sticking to a heavy silence.

While thinking he should make mental preparations as soon as possible, Matthew looked over to the peak of the Grand Arfatra Mountains surrounded by thick clouds. Five seconds after him, Haro too reached the same conclusion.




That evening, after learning that a certain cargo coming from central was delivered here, Ikta called Torway over to the outdoor shooting training field after midnight.

He set a row of targets tens of meters away from the firing position, at night it looked like dark figure standing side by side. Hard to believe legends were also circulating among the soldiers here because of these sinister atmospheres.

“What’s the matter Ikkun. Is there something here…?”

Ikta didn’t answer Torway’s question, he just kept quietly walking forward, shortly after, they arrived at the corner of the shooting ground, there he uncovered the drapes hiding a certain object with substantial longitudinal width.

The thing that appeared from under the cloth was a gun rack with the attached lock, and the air guns that hang there. The total number was around forty, every single of them shone with the light of new metals, making people understand at first glance they were brand new goods manufactured not long ago.

“Yours– this one is good, take and try it.”

Ikta opened the lock on the gun rack and urged Torway’s action. He picked up one of those and in an instant, his experience as air gunner already told him something felt wrong.

“…. This gun is extremely heavy…? It clearly has the same length of my usual air gun but the weigh is double…”

“I already obtained permission from superiors, starting from tomorrow use this in trainings… honestly I originally intended to replace all air gunners commanded by the order of knights, which mean including mine and Matthew’s troops’ equipment with these, but at the current stage, just making them send this many experimental works was the most I could ask for. Although mass production should soon start.”

“Experimental work…? Then, Ikkun, in other words this is…”

“Basically I only had the soldiers test-fire them, the result was not bad. With your skills, you should be able to quickly understand the differences of these from the old air guns. Although the basic usage is the same, the maintaining process had changed a little, in that regard I will find some time to teach you in dept. Also, although the numbers are limited, try to let everybody shoot some of these new kind of ammunition.”

The youth while finishing speaking, took out an acorn shaped bullets stored in the cotton stuffed crate. He did not elaborate further to the confused Torway, instead he proceeded with more instructions:

“In short, you have to get used to this while we can. After all we don’t know for how many more days we will remain training here, and don’t know for how long we will be able to stay out of the war which already begun… However, as long as you can get familiar with this equipment, in perilous moments your troops will become our trump cards.”

After this summary came to an end, Ikta put back the air gun and covered the gun rack with cloth, he then left the training grounds.

…The next morning Torway, who used these air guns in actuality, felt indescribable surprise.




The third day after the march, at past ten in the morning. The battle began on the frontline at an elevation of 2000 meters.

The enemy built a fort to block the mountain road and was waiting.

The Shinaak tribe was hiding in the fortress made of wood and mud-bricks, once they sighted the empire troops, they immediately launched a full attack.

“What are you people afraid of! Advance! I said Advance!”

In a situation where arrows and bullets were falling down like rain, Kanna and others were forced into a desperate battle. The imperial army’s strategy was very simple, just breaking through frontally through a human wave attack.

Tl note:

Their commander seems to have concluded that compared to the losses they would suffer from backtracking and finding a detour to fight at the next fortress, fighting upfront by forcibly breaking through would be more convenient. Furthermore, Supreme commander Safida requested a ‘daring and swift attack’ which also contributed to the decision:

“This is definitely impossible–”

Kanna murmured with trembling voice three minutes after the fighting begun…. No matter the era, it was always the soldiers on the frontline who would first find out the mistakes a superior make when estimating the lives cost. This time Kanna was also included in those people.

A fist sized shell came flying sending the male soldiers around Kanna flying. A piece of flesh is missing from the leg directly hit by the artillery revealing the broken bones, but it did not possess the power to grant immediate death to those hit. This was in fact a very cruel tactic. The battlefield was filled with panicked and painful cries from companions who were unable to move because of injuries.

“Do not flinch! That would be falling for the enemy’s strategy! Act like soldiers and bravely challenge the enemy!”

Even commanders were inciting soldiers like this, but the loss the imperial army suffered of course wasn’t due to a lack of morale. To the eyes of Kanna, who was pushed to the frontline, the true reason could be said to be understood at a glance.

“I said this was impossible……! Don’t they see how many wind mortars the enemy has set up on the ramp?!”

Just looking up, in front of them was a whole row of cannon muzzles. The consecutive shells shot from the muzzle sent the soldiers flying, extreme impacts had them bounce and roll off the slopes. In dangerous situations a single shell could hit four to five people.

Just as Kanna had seen through, Shinaak tribe warriors’ use of wind mortars had reached almost maximum efficiency. Short range, insufficient power, difficult handling– these shortcoming were well known, but there was in fact a unique method of utilizing them that makes up all of these.

That was to line them up on high places and after setting the muzzle beforehand, engage the enemy who wants to climb up the slope. That alone would make the mortars perfect. First by relying on the aid gravity gives, it can increase its firing range, the power would of course increase too; then setting the muzzle to an angle that’s is parallel to the slope, it makes ‘Aiming and firing at the enemy’ so easy that it’s surprising.

When firing on flat grounds, normally the shells had to be fired at an upward oblique angle, and hit the enemy after travelling a curved arc. Thus you could archieve the longest firing range, but on the other side it was also extremely hard to hit the enemy with accuracy. The reason was because in that situation the soldiers had to at same time aim horizontally at the enemy and also calculate the vertical angle.

However, if you were meeting the enemy’s assault from a slope, this would suddenly become easy. Because if you had aligned the muzzle parallel to the angle of the slope, considering how the enemy could only have attacked, crawling up the slope, then there would have been no need to re-adjust the angle. Furthermore, the shells could in one shot get rid of all enemies in a line.

As a further step if you could prepare wind mortars in enough numbers to fill longitudinally the mountain road that formed the slope, then the groundwork would be perfect. The defending side did not even need to aim, they just had to keep firing in order to defeat the majority of the enemy, as for the few who managed to slip thorough, the air guns and crossbows would do the job.

Kanna’s current situation was really similar to this theory. Even if they wanted to use the huge difference in numbers to overwhelm the enemy, but short story, the enemy’s current shelling was too intense, of course there wouldn’t be many brave enough to dare a frontal assault rushing up this slope of death.

On the other hand, after considering the fortress made by wood and mud-brick should be susceptible to fires, the incendiary corps tried to shoot burning arrows toward the enemy’s field.

However, the shooting range of the crossbows was shorter than the enemy’s air guns and wind mortars, which meant in order to make this plan work they had to run into the hail of bullets, few were also the heroes who would be able to pull this off. The hearts of the soldiers on the front were filled with fear, and this fear would in a blink of eye transmit to the rear.

“We have to bring out the wind mortars too! If we have wind mortars supporting the infantry, then we would be fighting under the same circumstances!”

This was shouted by the commander who had lost his patience, but of course this order was also a mistake. With the current situation, unless they fix the issue of the two side being at different altitude, the conditions would definitely not be the same. The initial decision to force a frontal assault to break through had already signed the imperial army would fight an unfavorable battle.

However, albeit thinking it as a mistake, orders were orders, and soldiers had to obey. Granted that Kanna wasn’t part of artillery units, but using wind mortars required multiple wind spirits, which is why together with the comrades in the same squad she had the duty to bring her partner Tabb to the artillery platform.

“We need to go, follow me and don’t fall behind!”

“…Uuh… okay! Let’s go! Private Yazan, you too get up!”

Kanna finally suppressed the fear in her heart, grabbed the hand of the only junior who was her squad and rushed out from behind the rock. The air gunner a year younger than her reluctantly followed, but maybe because he was too scared and was running with a staggering pace, in the mere ten meters they ran, he almost fell three times.

“Get your act together! Okay, now put your partner in this battery! Do you still remember how to do it?”


” I understand… your brain went blank huh… anyway copy my actions!”

Kanna while taking care of the junior who was fundamentally useless, put the wind spirit Tabb in the connection port of the wind mortar. She aligned the air tunnel in Tabb’s body to the nozzle and tightly wrapped the fixing belt. However, when she was just about to extend her hand to do the job for Private Yazan who was being slow, suddenly a chill ran back her spine– with the corner of her eye she saw the enemy’s muzzle was aimed right at them.

“This is bad…! Squad leader! This place is also being targeted!”

Kanna, while speaking, loosened the fixing equipment with actions as if to break the belt and picked Tabb up. She then ran to cover while dragging Private Yazan– although he was being too slow fixing the wind spirit, in this case it became a stroke of luck.

A second later, the shell that came flying hit the mortar barrel, shattering the wind mortar. However, Kanna and the companions from the same squad managed to take cover behind a rock in the nick of time.

Hu~ the earlier breathless Kanna started inhaling again, right then the squad leader spoke to her:

“PFC Kanna, it’s all thanks to you noticing the earlier attack that we managed to avoid the same fate as that worn-out mortar.”

“Ha…Haha…you’re welcome… it would be a great help if the enemy’s wind mortar was a little more worn-out….”

Although Kanna’s answer held no particular meaning, what was amazing was, from then on the enemy’s shelling began to decline. The shelling density fell, air gun shootings also became sporadic, finally the battlefield became completely silent.

The commander was left in wonder as he couldn’t figure out the reason the enemy would loosen up on attacks in such moment, but after thinking for a short while he found a plausible reason and made a heartfelt cheer.

“Great, those guys ran out of ammunitions! You guys, quickly charge!”

The soldiers advanced forward taking the superior’s worlds with a grain of salt but in the end they truly did not encounter resistance. Or it should be said the fortress was left empty, there were totally no living being left inside.

The enemy must have considered the moment they exhausted ammunitions was the right time to close the curtains on the battle so decided to retreat. The commander, not resigning as he didn’t get the chance to retaliate the same treatment they were subjected to, fiercely smacked his lips– these barbarians sure are quick in running away.

“Send out the pursuing units! The enemy should still be nearby!”

Right after the battle, without even getting the time to catch a breath, the pursuing units received a new order to sortie…. however, the enemies were scattered in all directions because of the advantage in geographical knowledge unique to local residents they had which made the soldier’s effort end in vain, in the end the pursuing concluded with the scenario of them not capturing any of the fugitives.

“They make ire me so much…! …. Forget it, after all we obtained victory in the first battle! This is what matters!”

Compared to the enemy who virtually got almost no losses at all, the imperial army suffered one hundred twenty-four casualties, the number of injured was ten times greater. They had no enemy prisoner, and of course got no information regarding the enemy camp.

When the military commander in charge considered this a ‘Victory’, they already had one foot in the grave. But at that time only few were aware of this fact.




Three weeks after the punitive army against the Shinaak tribe left for the Grand Arfatra Mountains, perhaps it could be said to be expected? The order for the High Grade Military Officer cadets like Ikta to standby was cancelled. Instead they were tasked to do resupplying missions and transport materials back and forth from the base to the foothill of the mountain.

“Although I had already expected so, but the extent of this lack of planning is just way too much.”

Ikta complained while directing the soldiers who were pulling the cart. What was piled up like a mountain on the cart was not food nor ammunition but huge amounts of clothing.

“They actually told us to bring overcoats and gloves as soon as possible. Do you understand? The funny part is they are saying as soon as possible at this point. It can’t be the Lieutenant General didn’t know it was really cold on the mountains, what do you think, Suuya?”

“I don’t know how to respond to that question even if you were to ask me that… I can’t just can’t bear the thought of how our comrades on the frontline are suffering the cold.”

“Suuya your kindness rivals that of the virgin Mary. When you will be feeling cold I will warm you up with my body warmth.”

“In that situation please make a fire– well we have arrived.”

Suuya while dealing with the frivolous superior, told the troops they had reached the destination. At the foothill of the Grand Arfatra Mountains was established an supply relay station in addition to the multiple soldier camps, there was even a huge tent erected for the commander. After noticing the delivery of the goods, soldiers immediately came to check on the contents.

“Yeah, the third illumination training platoon has now arrived. The content of the cargo are large amounts of coats and gloves.”

“You have worked hard Warrant Officer. I will immediately confirm the contents.”

Ikta left alone the soldier who neatly started the checking and started to look around his surroundings. He immediately noticed something was out of place– The number of units waiting around because their superior was absent was incredibly high.

The feeling of something being out of place turned in an instant into nasty premonitions, making him feel like it would be best if he left as soon as possible– after reasoning this, Ikta turned to leave but the soldier who finished the checking hurriedly stopped him.

“I am terribly sorry, there is another matter….”

“…Isn’t the checking already over?”

“It’s not that, please go in that tent. The superior has called for you.”

Tl note: it's hard to render in English but the soldier has been speaking in an extremely polite manner

Seeing the direction the soldier was pointing to, Ikta’s face clearly pulled down– the nasty premonition came true. Having said that, he couldn’t find any reason to escape and could only give up. Ikta shrugged and left the platoon, Suuya too nervously watched him leaving.

“Excuse me… Hn… Whoa…”

Just lifting the cloth covering the tent’s entrance made Ikta speak those words. The reason, inside the tent he though could only fit four to five people, right now was crammed with more than ten officers sitting side by side. Furthermore, they were all faces he knows, the other three members of order of knights, excluding Haro, were also present.

Tl note: In the original it literary said 'open the door to the tent' but I though lifting cloth was more appropriate since we are talking about tents.

“You are Warrant Officer Ikta Sorlok right? Sit down over there.”

Hearing the order from someone wearing a Lieutenant class badge, Ikta sat down after reaching the corner of the tent. Confirming all seats were now occupied, the male officer begun to talk about the topic.

“I am late in presentation; I am Lieutenant Amuuse Surkatta. I will be taking responsibility for managing your troops instead of Lieutenant Sazaruf who was dispatched the frontlines. Therefore, the order I am about to give is one from your direct superior, you have to remember this well.”

Since Lieutenant Sazaruf who was the instructor guiding the cadets was enlisted in the first wave of the punitive army and sent to the frontlines, Ikta and others who were sent from Central were left in a pending standby position, it was finally decided they would go under this Lieutenant Surkatta.

“Although you were already tasked to transport materials from the base, the next order is to transport materials from here to the next relay station. First take a look at the map previously distributed.”

The maps were distributed earlier and the only one who got the map now was Ikta alone. The youth after taking a look at the supply line shallowly cutting into the Grand Arfatra Mountains, gently sighted.

“The road to destination is as shown on the map. The goods you will be tasked to transport includes food, ammunition and clothing– They were the things you transported here so there’s no need to go too much into details. Do you have any questions?”

The bucktoothed Cosala from the group assigned from Central raised his hand.

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“That… it means, we too will be sent to the frontline?”

The confirming to the question came in a reproaching tone, but this was a sentiment shared between most of the High Grade Military Officer cadets.

–All these people are elite cadets! Shouldn’t you treat them with more care? Coming to the northern region was just a simple midway stage, to think they got us involved in such troublesome dispute!

Even without clearly stating so, their expressions showed that. Lieutenant Surkatta coughed once.

“…. It’s too exaggerated to say frontlines. The next relay point is just some place closer to the battlefield than here, the route to there is also guaranteed to be secured. The possibility of encountering enemy during the travel is presumably fairy low, but of course you still have to be careful.”

Lieutenant Surkatta finished answering with this and asked whether there were more questions. This time it was Yatori who raised her hand.

“Lieutenant, I don’t see medics division in here, may I ask where they went?”

This question was sprung from Haro’s absence. The Lieutenant answered this promptly too:

“They were sent to destination before you because we wanted to set up a field hospital as soon as possible.”

Yatori after nodding lowered her hand, however commotion spread among the others. Because from Lieutenant Surkatta’s words emerged the reality that injured unceasingly increased on the frontline. The atmosphere in the tent became heavier.

“Are there more questions? …if there aren’t I will now organize the transporting units into troops, it obliviously is my job to integrate the units of all present and unify into a central command. Good, as instructed go outside and mobilize the troops.”

The young officers asked to leave all harbored bitter expressions and their footsteps were especially heavy.

“…They actually pushed us out so quickly. Really, the frontline looks pretty miserable.”

Ikta whispered while slowly walking at the rearmost of the group.




Under almost the same circumstances of the first battle, for two more time Kanna fought the Shinaak tribe hiding in fortresses. Wherein the second battle they made the detachment split into two and attack on two fronts which resulted in ending without taking serious losses; However, they once again fell into the predicament of fighting uphill with a hail of bullets during the third battle.

“…Huff…. huff…. huff…. huff….”

Kanna dragged along her exhausted body that finally made it past the breakthrough which lasted half a day, in order to further advance in the invasion, they continued mountaineering. It was impossible to recover the stamina with just one hour of general resting, adding in the worsening weather, the soldier’s morale fell sharply.

–I did not expect my body was so tenacious.

Remaining unscathed after three battles, Kanna herself was taken aback. Maybe she was born to be on the battlefield? The fear in her heart that made her shrink during the first battle, was already half gone by the second, when the third battle came, she even understood how to not easily die.

“Well Yazan, you have to more consciously adjust your breathing. Inhale twice and exhale once, inhale~inhale~exhale~ this way. Because if you keep gasping for air you will feel even more tired.”

“Ye-Yes… I’m really sorry, Lance Corporal Kanna….”

Tl note: Lance corporal is a rank above PFC and one below corporal.

The recruit, Private Yazan, managed to keep his life thanks to the many helps from her. Although Kanna inadvertently seemed to have become the one responsible for the care of Yazan, she herself was not bothered by it. After all she couldn’t just throw away this junior who was seemingly helpless, then the idea of simply take care of him from the beginning felt easier.

“You don’t need to apologize. While you indeed are dragging me down, however I also know you are truly putting all your efforts.”

Besides that, the reason to caring for another diverted Kanna from her thoughts. While fighting, people would naturally be terrified, even during the period they were marching people would be pestered by anxiety attacks. Maybe I won’t survive next time, maybe the enemy will jump out from behind the rock over there, and so on…

Being called ‘Lance corporal’ she was unaccustomed to, made Kanna recall the comrades in her squad who left the march because of the wounds they suffered. She worried about whether him, who had been shot in the abdomen, would be eligible to go get treatment in the rear.

On the other hand, precisely because that person left, the sentence ‘the one to take over my position will be Kanna Temari’ made Kanna a nominal Lance corporal. The thought of him naming herself to take over, increase her sense of responsibility even more.

“Halt! …. Spotted a fortress ahead!”

The soldiers in front warned. Hearing the word fortress, Kanna, who thought they had to fight for another time an enemy hiding inside, felt very frustrated, however the report of the scout who had gone to investigate betrayed her expectation.

“The presence of enemies could not be confirmed! There is nobody inside!”

The commander pondered for a moment by putting his hand on his chin which was pitch black because of the unshaven beard.

“We are at high ground, the position is good too… Very well let’s make use of this fort! The two platoon behind, follow me!”

Kanna and others who were called, after going to the observation point found there truly was an abandoned fortress. In the particularly prominent rocks in the surrounding seems to be dug trenches, it even had the space to station more than one hundred soldiers.

“Here is the most suitable place to engage the enemy… good, let’s set up camp in here. But we can’t station the whole company here. Two platoons of air gunners, one platoon of illumination, and one platoon of medics should be enough.”

By the orders of the commander, the troops in front of the army started to be assigned to the camp. The unit Kanna was in was also included, to tell the truth it made Kanna sigh in relief. Because this way she didn’t have to climb anymore.

“But, there seems….”

After observing the surrounding scenery from the scouting post, Kanna felt in her heart was an uneasiness she couldn’t grasp the gist of. Why was that? She thought. Here the field of view was great, almost 360°, regardless of which side the enemy would attack, they would be spotted immediately. And to be in a defensive position, the advantages of high ground was so oblivious it doesn’t even need to be explained.

“I will lead the remaining troops and continue marching. Without further instructions, you have to defend this fort with your lives!”


Kanna and others replied to the order with a conditioned like reflex response…however at this time, whether it was the one who gave the order nor those who received the order, nobody understood… the true intentions of the enemy who abandoned the fortress knowingly that it would be taken. And more importantly they didn’t understand the limitless burden an order like ‘with your lives’ carried.




Ikta and team departed from the foothill of the mountain toward the next supply relay station. However, after reaching there with the carriage, they found another development waiting for them.

“Oya~ the old transport troops were all dispatched. So sorry to ask this but can you transport this to the next relay station deeper in?”

“I heard the next front is lacking in blankets, we are really busy with our tasks to you guys deliver it in our stead.”

“These are the required supply of bullets and rapeseeds. Don’t show an aloof attitude because you guys are elites, you should just all work!”

Just like that they suffered the same fate each time they delivered the goods. Lieutenant Surkatta’s order for the cadets to transport goods set the perfect precedent, the others thought ‘Well, if it’s like that then we too should make use of them’ and started dictating them around.

Even the right to command the cadets had transferred from Lieutenant Surkatta to the other commanders. Among the officers in the northern region, many hated the High Grade Military Officer cadets, therefore the ‘guest’ treatment they had before changed in a blink of eye, they fell down to the position of people doing chores.

“…So friends, this is how we got dragged into the mountain step by step by doing the delivery task forced upon us to and fro…. Although I don’t know where has the frontline been pushed to, but the area around here cannot be called rear anymore.”

Ikta murmured while biting on the thin toasted bread which was the staple food.

The time was now dusk of the evening. In the camp amid the valley you could see the wounded sent back from the frontline, as well as the medics taking care of them who were hurriedly running left and right.

Although this development to him was still within the range of estimation, however the past him, who was still at the rear, was dragged into this quagmire with speeds faster than anticipated… The civil war had obliviously been going on for more than a month and half, yet no clear result came, which only made the soldiers’ anxiety and uneasiness grow further.

“Even with no achievements they should still prepare some countermeasure, like to exaggerate the reports of victories to maintain the morale… Don’t tell me Lieutenant General Safida couldn’t even take into account such small matter?”

While what Ikta said were only in words, if that really happened then it too would become something to be worried about, as he was thinking about is, he walked toward a tent with a basket in hand containing bread, tea and fruits. After closing in to the light leaking from fissure of the cloth covering the tent, one could hear the faint groan of injured coming from inside.

When he was just about to go in and greet, the curtain got lifted and a woman walked out. It was Haro with her medical apron deeply stained with the wounded’s blood. Once she saw Ikta, she took off the apron and revealed a stiff smile on her ashen face.

“Good evening, Ikta-san…. don’t tell me, that’s my dinner?”

“That’s right. Eating in the headquarters while hearing the higher-ups talk acrimony is unbearable, so I slipped out using the excuse delivering food to you. Let’s eat together, Haro.”

While talking Ikta lifted his hand and showed the basket. Haro softly smiled seemingly embarrassed.

“Sure… but, look at my appearance, won’t this affect appetite…?”

Haro asked while indicating to the uniform which still had traces of blood everywhere although she removed the apron. Just this was sufficient to figure out the reason of her poor complexion. As member of the medics’ division, Haro was exposed the harsh reality of the battlefield before anyone else in the order of knights.

However, Ikta totally did not care for such thing and with no change in expression, shrugged.

“It’s unfortunate that tonight’s menu does not includes tomatoes.”

“…Haha, is that so? Then let’s eat together.”

The two found an appropriate spot beneath the shade of a tree and sat there. Under the low light of Kusu’s Lantern which created shadows, Ikta and Haro begun eating the simple foods and started a conversation.

“The field hospital’s business seems to be booming, the soldiers sent from the frontline are only growing.”

“Yeah, I’m rushing off my feet. Furthermore, the inventory of bandages, splints and disinfectants are already bottoming out.”

“I thought so. Although we have been refilling them day and night, honestly we do not have enough manpower. Like even now Yatori is still making the horses run around, borrowing some of light spirits from my troops as light source to shine on the road.”

Ikta said so with a disapproving tone. Haro who was sipping her tea while talking, suddenly stiffened her face.

“……Ikta-san. After finishing dinner, I intend do a report to the higher-ups.”

“Yes, we need to propose to reduce this front’s field, while also send a part of injured back to the rear at once right?”

Ikta finished her sentence. Haro only blankly stared at him.

“You definitely need to propose that. I wanted to tell them that before coming, but then I though your words as a medic would be more persuasive so I restrained myself. The least we have to do is move the field hospital more into the rear…. specifically, it needs to be re-set at lower altitude.”

“…. Ikta-san, when did you notice it…?”

“I already expected this since Lieutenant General Safida announced we would invade into the Grand Arfatra Mountains, furthermore I just had to in the fact that lately many soldiers were sent back with no trauma at all… Although I warned them of the dangers before this started, however it seems even having talked so much nothing reached the top brass’ ears.”

Haro looked at Ikta who was unhappily scratching his head and felt once again she got a glimpse of this youth’s unfathomable strength.

In this kind of busy life that simply made people disoriented, how could he notice such tremendous amount of details in areas outside of his duties? Haro totally couldn’t comprehend how broad his perspective was.

Right then, sounds of hoofs stomping the ground came from behind. Noticing the sound Ikta lifted Kusu and its lamp on his head to send out signals, which made the incineration division’s leader at the front leave the troops and rode there on horse.

“I have just come back, were you two eating?”

“You have worked hard, Yatori. Your portion is in the basket as well, come back to eat after you leave the horse….”

“You guys sure looks to be enjoying yourselves.”

Ikta’s sentence was interrupted, with fatigued faces, Matthew and Torway walked there from the direction of the headquarters. Wherein the youth with a few extra pounds with embittered look, stared at the three.

“Especially you, Ikta! Don’t run away from the Captain’s nagging alone, put yourself in our shoes whom got told off with your portion as well!”

“That’s so regrettable, Matthew, I thought I could understand your feelings better than anyone else. Are we not best friends?”

“Did you know? Each time you speak of best friends, the meaning it represents diminish. Now the its value should be so light it could make balloons afloat huh?”

“The dinner earlier truly was bad for our stomach…. let’s drink tea together to clear our mouths.”

Everybody approved of Torway’s idea. However, just when Yatori was about to go leave the horse, panicked screams from the soldiers stationed at the front of the camp reverberated through the base. The person running at the forefront shouted with a sharp voice:

“Ene…Enemy attack! Someone, come help engage! Please!”

The field became noisy in an instant. Before their voices could be buried by the growing chaos, Ikta promptly shouted to the tent their troops were resting.

“Platoon Ikta! Platoon Matthew! Platoon Torway! Take up your arms and assume formation in front of the tents! Fast!”

The soldiers who have heard of the orders rushed out of the tent one after another, like the rollcall they previously had, they assumed formation in front of the tent. The three columns formed by the soldiers’ reflex condition were lead to their respective leaders following the light signals Ikta sent by waving Kusu around, and ran to the sides of the three. At the same time, Yatori too called over her cavalry unit.

“Yatorishino’s cavalry platoon will standby in situ! Wait for my instructions!”

Ikta handled the situation relying on the analytical skill he was born with, Yatori and Torway too started moving almost at the same time, Matthew and Haro were a breath later in keeping up. As reaction speed goes, their troops could be said to be exceptional.

“–Captain! Enemy attack, please give instructions!”

After rushing into the tent, Yatori immediately tried to get the orders from the superior inside. The fourth instructor who got the power to command them– Captain Nikafuma ran out of the tent and stared with livid face the front of the camp where reports of enemy attack were coming.

“How is this possible, hasn’t this area long been under our control… enemies… where are the enemies?”

“This is a night raid Captain, I’m afraid the enemy is attacking without using lights and it would be really difficult to identify them with naked eye.”

“Is… is that so… that makes sense… at the front of the camp are stationed the guarding troops, if we leave it to them…”

The field was set to be in a rectangular formation, the length from left to right was short side whist the long one was from front to rear; in order not to block the line of sight from front to rear, the tents were longitudinally aligned. In addition to that, the front also had a space left for engaging battle, in such situation they had to pull up a defensive line and meet the enemy there.

“Then our troops will wait armed behind the engaging point. This way we could guard the sides from enemy assaults, and at the same time be ready to support in case the front was to collapse, how does this sound?”

Ikta gave up on the competences of Captain Nikafuma and had made a specific proposal.

“Ugh…yeah, right, that’s good. No matter what don’t let them get close to the headquarters and the field hospital.”

“About that, what should we do regarding the field hospital? We have to take into consideration all scenarios…”

“That…that’s right, we must have them be prepared to quickly evacuate at given order…. You are Warrant Officer Haroma right? Good, go immediately to the field hospital and tell that to the person in charge.”

After nodding, Haro started to run. The others too looked like they didn’t have any more business with the Captain and returned to their troops. Next, they moved the soldiers as instructed, assumed battle formation behind the battlefield at the front of the camp and formed a second line of defense.

“I… I say, Ikta… although you said that earlier but is it really the best for us not to join the forces in fight? Isn’t it basic knowledge to converge forces?”

“It’s really chaotic at the front, if we were to merge our forces because we are in a hurry, then our troops would be affected too. Right now calmly overlooking the situation from behind is the smartest choice. Also if we were to join with allied forces, the command would be transferred to their captain as well.”

As they were more and more forced into dangerous situations, Ikta’s desire to keep the decisional and acting right and responsibility to himself increased as well. Matthew thought that was the key difference that separate him from normal people… Because generally in such situation you would want to push responsibilities onto someone else.

“Then Ikta, our temporary supreme commander is decided to be you huh?”

“It seems so. Although you too were an option, but if possible a cavalry such as yourself would want to be in charge of offensives right? Which is why you would be more suitable for that than me who prefers to move as little as possible.”

“Heck, I even displayed such hope on my face? I should also try to be more low profile.”

Seeing the two who were boldly smiling and joking around, with such talent in maintaining calmness right before facing enemies, made Matthew stare at them feeling incredulous. Even Torway felt like that.

As screams and roars coming from afar reached his ears, his hands gripping the air gun started to tremble. His emotions could not keep up with the rapid change of going from normality to war. Just the thought of how he was about to shoot at enemies made him unable to stop his feet. Although this was not the first time he has killed, the feeling of doing something irreparable had not changed.

Without waiting for them to be prepared, the battle moved to the next stage. In Ikta’s field of view a large amount of silhouettes seemed to be running back disorderly from the front. He widened his eyes in the darkness trying to identify them– those are not enemies but allies. Was their rear attacked when they returned from the supply mission? If so, then enemies should still be following from behind.

“Not good, the formation has scattered. From the look of it the enemies and allies from the back will mix in together”

Yatori, seeing the same scenery, commented. The next moment, Ikta turned and shouted to his troops.

“…. All infantry troops, equip bayonets!”

While they followed the order, on the face of the soldiers emerged a ‘has it finally come?’ face.

Air guns were fitted with bayonets while crossbows were embedded with short spears making preparation for a bayonet charge complete.

Tl note:

Ikta chose the timing which would not make the soldiers restless and issued the next order:

“Warrant Officer Torway, Warrant Officer Matthew, without orders the troops are not allowed to load ammo! In order to avoid hitting the retreating allied troops, it is forbidden to fire for now!”

In this case ‘ammo’ was a military slang, it indicated all types of long range projectiles–which mean it included crossbow arrows and wind mortar shells. Although the air gunners paled up when their ‘advantage of distance’ was taken away, however they trusted their commanders would not leave this adverse matter alone.

“Illumination division of platoon Ikta, prepare for light strike! Set your partners on the cross bow and after coordinating with the orders fire the high beam at maximum brightness! After that start an all-out assault, aim for those few idiot units that rushed too much to the front and separated from group! Absolutely avoid hitting friendly units because you are too nervous!”

Ikta paused there for a moment and finally gave instructions to Yatori who was on the horse:

“Yatorishino’s cavalry platoon will maintain the position and take care of those who slips through the net! However, after the battle starts you will calculate the right timing and give orders to charge in and take care of the enemy in one fell swoop. After that deploy guerrilla tactics at the discretion of platoon leaders…That’s all!”

After finishing giving orders, Ikta once again faced the enemy while at the same time installed the short spear and Kusu on his crossbow. After adding the spirit’s weight made beam equipment lose efficiency in melee combat, however especially in night battles, the advantage of illuminating any direction at will is greater than everything. All troops were ready, the next was waiting for an opportunity. At that moment– Matthew throttled close to Ikta and while keeping his head down asked a question:

“…Ikta, I know it is shameful, but can I ask a question?”

“Matthew, my best friend, you can ask me whatever you want.”

Then the youth with slightly plump body swallowed the worthless feeling of asking such a question and opened his mouth:

“…What do I have to do to be able to keep being calm like you…?”

While Matthew was speaking, he had his thumb firmly pressed into the center of his palm, and was trying to get his body to stop trembling. A short distance away, the figure of Torway nervously pacing back and forth could also be seen.

Ikta, after seeing the condition of the two, stretched his arm around the neck of the slightly plump youth and with a low volume whispered into his ear:

“…. Let me tell you a story Matthew. Long, long ago, there were two generals.”


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“One was a brave general, he always fought off enemies with a smile; the other was cowardly, he never fought a disadvantageous battle. At a certain banquet the cowardly general asked the courageous one: ‘What do I have to do to not fear war?’ hearing this question the brave general with no sarcasm, sincerely asked back: ‘I on the other hand really want you to tell how to be like you, how can you maintain calmness even in those hellish situations?.’ the cowardly general could not answer– during the following war the courageous general fell to a nameless soldier.”


“Directly facing your own cowardice, while also trying to improve. This time you are already calm enough, Matthew– You do not need to worry, you will stop trembling the moment the battle starts.”

Ikta convincingly asserted so and patted on his shoulder– Matthew just silently nodded, perhaps he became relatively calmer, he then turned back to his own troops.

After moving away his gaze from the friend’s back, Ikta once again focused on the front. The soldiers fleeing passed from their sides–

These were people from the army. However, just as Yatori has said, amid the battlefield it must already be in a state of chaotic mixture between allies and foes.

The soldiers who charged to the front of the camp in high spirit to fight the enemy got surprised and scared, they could not elaborate a decision to engage close quarter and ended up watching from the sidelines. Looking at that it would have been better if they just let them go through instead of staying in the middle like a sieve.

In other words, right now–being in front of the field hospital which was filled to the brim and the headquarters, the remaining defense was only their own units.

“…. Platoon Ikta, aim at the front with your partners.”

A particularly large group of people rushed to them. They could see enemies raising the Kukri blade reflecting the moonlight among people wearing military outfits. The youth forcefully sucked air into his lungs–and then…


Following the order dozens of light spirits released their high beam at maximum output. The darkness was dispersed by the yellow light, the people whose vision was blinded by the intense brightness naturally raised their hands to cover their eyes and stood in place. Grasping this golden opportunity where no matter allies or foes all were equally defenseless….


The unleashed soldiers released a violent roar and fiercely struck at the immobile prey.

The short spears’ tip penetrated chests, the sharp edge of bayonets cut into necks. Three soldiers forming a group each cut down an enemy, then stepping on the dead enemies’ body they moved on to the next target.

Although the greatest advantage comes for a few seconds the light was cast, however as long as they were fighting in light, the effect of blurred vision will last for many minutes, taking advantage of this short time frame to take care of the enemy was a must. To archieve maximum efficiency, they had to form three man groups and push forward. The soldiers, while giving a pat on the shoulder of the friendly units running back, slashed the back of the enemies who happened to be nearby. This battle could not be called a fight anymore, it was a straight forward massacre, there was no room for mercy.

“Lights off! …We managed to get through the first wave! Torway, Matthew reset and group back here!”

Ikta remained indifferent and with merciless words kept directing the effective killing. Of course he too participated in battle, utilizing the time he used to ascertain the status of the battle, he dealt a fatal blow to the Shinaak warrior groaning at his feet by piercing through his eye socket with the short spear.

“P-Platoon Matthew, two lightly wounded, no damage to the main unit!”

“Platoon Torway, three lightly wounded, will not affect the operation!”

After the report of the two Platoon leader Ikta nodded while getting rid of the blood on his short spear.

“Good, well done… Our fleeing troops seems to have gotten behind us, you are now allowed to fire. I am afraid the next wave will be the enemy’s main unit, they may not fall for the same trick again, do not expect to be able to attack while they are under of inhibited vision.”

Thus Ikta had his subordinates assume formation for a light strike, Matthew and Torway too had their men fed bullets into their air guns.

However, when they had just put some distance, the enemy suddenly fired shots. The bullets swept at their sides making a chill run back at both of their spines.

The light strike of the illumination division also had its risks. The enemy was not assuming line formation that could make up the accuracy with firing density, furthermore they were in total darkness and shooting randomly which was why in this case they wouldn’t just be hit by stray bullets. However, it would be another story after the light strike revealed the position of the troops. The enemy bullets would be concentrating in the direction source of the light and it would be impossible for the soldiers to fend it off.

“I will leave the front to you two– Suuya! We will use cross illumination! I will count on you for the left wing!”

“Yes, Sir!”

After separating into two groups, platoon Ikta ran left and right and assumed position behind the trees used as covers– The light strike did not necessarily have to be frontal, there were also uses such as aiming from a safe zone and striking with both sides.


The beams from left and right exposed the figures of Shinaak warriors in a corner of the night. They obliviously fired back at the light sources, but Ikta and others already have taken cover behind the trees. Although the effect of hampering the vision was low, but under these circumstances it was not an issue. Because….


Matthew and Torway’s air gunner units, who were embattled right in front of the enemy, already grasped their position from Ikta’s earlier beams and proceeded to attack. Facing the uniform shooting from a rock solid formation, the enemies at the front collapsed one after another.

“Good, it’s time to clear things up– Go Yatori!”

Ikta started flashing the high beam to the rear to send signals, receiving the instruction the Yatorishino Igsem cavalry platoon charged forward as if they could hardly wait. They were separated into two groups and rendezvoused after passing to the left and right of platoon Matthew and platoon Torway rearranging into neat columns in the short distance.

“Ready your swords! We first break through the middle to cut off the enemy then turn back and wipe them out!”

They too had a good grasp of the enemy’s position after the earlier cross illumination. To the enemy who had already suffered a major blow from the shootings of air gunners, the appearance of charging cavalry was the embodiment of despair.

The cavalry’s great speeds and massive blows mercilessly ravaged them. The charging horses crushed bones, the short spears in the riders’ hand pierced torsos one after another.

Once there is an opportunity for cavalry units to get close, the enemy wouldn’t have any mean to stop their charge. By the stormy charge they were separated into two halves, their fate afterward was subjected to a pincer attack by the air guns shooting from the front and the cavalry from the back.

“Yeah, this is over.”

Ikta watching the scenery which was mostly settled up said so without showing emotions. Soon after once he saw the enemy could no longer form organized resistance, he joined up with the half team left previously in Suuya’s care and moved next to Torway and Matthew’s units and joined in shooting.

In the end, of the more than one hundred twenty people the enemy had, seven tenths died, two tenths escaped and the remaining one tenths were captured alive and became prisoners of war. Of the units commanded by Ikta who were at about the same numbers, although eight were wounded, however their injuries were all light.

Killing a hundred enemies while only getting eight injured. Even one were to consider in the factor of luck, but still this destructive power was way too abnormal. The black haired youth who produced such result barely mentioned his victory, but facing the soldiers looking at him with eyes full of expectation and reverence he casually said these words once:

“It was easier than expected right? If we get nasty jobs, we just have to get the knack of how to handle it.”




After the whole platoon was accommodated in the high ground base, Kanna spent several days is guarding shifts and transmitting orders, when she was free she also had to take care of Private Yazan whose physical condition quickly deteriorated to one that often made him feel unwell.

Of course they kept being vigilant but this time around the actual battles temporarily did not occur, her emotions were also left a bit of margin. Perhaps it was because of this– Kanna remembered the incredible youth she had only met twice before the war broke out.

“…I wonder how is that guy doing”

Kanna muttered so while she had the junior sit down at a corner of the camp while she wiped his face with her wet handkerchief. Probably because he heard her words, Private Yazan turned his pale face toward Kanna.

“…. Who are you referring to?”

“Huh? Ah… oh…. It’s just a person I know… He is a weird guy too, at our first meeting he suddenly started to call me his junior apprentice.”

A smile was brought back to her face when she recalled those memories. Private Yazan who stared blankly at Kanna’s actions, opened his mouth and asked:

“…. Lance Corporal Kanna, is there anyone you are interested in?”

This sudden question made Kanna stiffen, Private Yazan reflecting on his words shook his head.

“I apologize, that question was too abrupt. My brain feels groggy…but that… how to say….”

“….. How to say?”

“Because I feel like Lance Corporal Kanna you would be a great mother, compared to the army you are more suited to be in a family environment.”

Hearing this unexpected evaluation, Kanna turned her back to her junior in order to hide her embarrassment.

“A family huh… but it’s precisely because I was driven out by my family in law that I joined the army.”


“After my marriage, my husband soon passed away because of illness, I didn’t even have the time to conceive a child….as result wouldn’t I who married into them lose my place to fit in? Thus I decided to leave, I also got travel fees paid and my favorite book as parting gift. The problem was I couldn’t go back to my poor maiden family, when I did not know how to keep making a living and found myself cornered coincidentally I saw the Imperial Army’s recruitment poster.”

If that time there wasn’t a vacancy of air gunner, or Kanna’s partner wasn’t a wind spirit then perhaps her fate would have been different. In any case, she has chosen the military in order fill her stomach. Since then she used her healthy body that never got ill as a weapon and struggled till now.

“…. So you were married….”

“Yeah~ it’s because I was a kid from poor family. After reaching fourteen years old, raising me was became an economic burden so they immediately kicked me out after deciding who to stick me to…. It’s only, even I did not expect something like that would happen right after I got married.”

Facing Kanna who was wryly smiling while talking about her past story, Private Yazan restlessly bowed his head.

“…. I’m sorry it was really insensitive of me.”

“Don’t worry, after all my personality is not one that get bothered by the past.”

Even after she had said, Private Yazan was still crestfallen, because her words sounded like she was overexerting. After thinking for a while, Kanna decided to smooth things over in another way.

“About that…although I was sent away I still have fond memories of my family in law.”


“That household had a huge study room. Or perhaps it should be called library? Anyway for a personal collection it should be considered on a remarkable scale. I heard my husband inherited them from his collector grandfather, it had classic works to novels, cobbled up together with a variety of types and had no organization at all. Since I was taught words, I spent the time I was not doing housework there. Especially <Records of Grand Arfatra> I found it to be great book, in it is meticulously described the time the author spent living with the Shinaak tribe, it was even more entertaining than poorly written novels. Yeah I was really happy back then….”

Kanna lifted her gaze from Private Yasan who could not really understand and recalled the atmosphere of that room filled with the smell of books…. That place was filled with unknown worlds, it even made her frustrated to be kicked out before she even finished going through half of the collection. And most importantly that place made Kanna understand the joy of ‘Seeking Knowledge’.

“…If it’s that guy, will he teach me more of it? About that Science….”

If it really was going to happen that would be great, Kanna though. She found a reason she could strongly pray to, for this she must get back alive.

“…. Lance Corporal Kanna you really do love books.”

“Yes, a lot. Basically if its content is something I don’t know about, any book would be fine.”

Seeing Kanna nodding with a smile Private Yazan scratched his cheek with his finger.

“…. Next time let me gift you a book you like. Because of how I am always troubling you, consider it a present in return.”

“Eh? I’m really happy but…. books are quite expensive, are you sure about it?”

“Is that so? ….. But during the first battle you saved my life, so the least I could do is to pay a price equivalent to my life. If it were to cost more than that then I could only ask you to give up.”

Since he recovered to a point he could joke around, Private Yazan stood up patting his knees. However, the next instant felt headaches– he desperately tried to keep control of his weak legs and tried to show he was alright in front of his senior.

Kanna, holding her hand to her chest, sighed in relief as the result of him trying to flaunt. However–

“Alert! Alert! Confirmed enemy presence at four o’clock! All personnel move to battle position!”

The two’s short resting time came to an end by the sharp noise of the ringing alarm.




“…. I say Suuya. Our job this time was a delivery mission to the frontlines right?”

“Yes, you are correct. If you need it, I could repeat the details.”

“I know you have a reliable memory. But my question now wasn’t about that, instead– ”

Ikta sneaked the binoculars out from behind the rock and peered at the other side of the wide angled mountain road. The scenery that could be seen after hundreds of meters of ramp was the three trenches reinforced with wood and mud-bricks with shadows of Shinaak tribe guards holding air guns with one hand and with alert eyes monitoring the surrounding.

“–What do we have to do in the case the delivery post had already been captured by the enemy?”

Ikta, with a face like he had enough of it already, made this conclusion. Anyway the reconnaissance he was ordered to has finished so he decided to lead the soldiers back from the same route they came from. While being careful not letting out any noises, they spent ten minutes going down the mountain road, the main transporting units were waiting for them below there.

“I went to ascertain of the situation. Unfortunately, the post in front of us has really been taken by the enemy.”

Lieutenant Niger’s mouth twisted as he heard the report. He was the fifth superior Ikta had after coming to the northern region, but if we were to talk about his lack of patience to cope with unfavorable situations he without a doubt ranked first in history.

“…. approximately how many were the enemy’s numbers?”

“As the enemy was located at the top of the slope we couldn’t ascertain their presence within the base. However, we earlier received info that two of our platoons were allocated there, if we consider the layout of the fort and thinking in reverse from there, I guess the enemy’s number should be more than two platoon.”

“Don’t go saying random estimations! Why don’t you go carefully investigate that with your own eyes!”

Lieutenant Niger’s hysterical yelling fell on Ikta’s deaf ears. He was the kind to rage whenever he was in a bad mood, how could Ikta deal with that every time.

“Damn those Shinaak tribe barbarians…. this way we can’t deliver the supplies to the frontline!”

“This was the enemy’s purpose huh? I believe we have to take radical countermeasures in order to maintain a viable supply route.”

“Warrant Officer Yatorishino, you are speaking out of place, it’s an act of transgression! That kind of issue would be tackled by the main headquarter back at the fort!”

Yatori bowed and apologized for being rude. Differently from Ikta who had already half given up to reason with this superior, no matter how many times she was told off, she didn’t stop trying to counsel. This revealed the difference in the two’s personalities.

“In conclusion if we don’t break through here we can’t accomplish our task, and retreating is out of question!”

“The terrain is unfavorable to us, if we do a frontal assault I predict we will suffer a quite serious blow.”

“Didn’t I say you are talking too much?! …. First we must grasp of the enemy’s numbers.”

Lieutenant Niger thought for a moment and then issued the command:

“Warrant Officer Ikta, Warrant Officer Matthew. I order your units to go on firepower reconnaissance. Have skirmishes with the enemy and derive the enemy’s force from actual experience.”

Are you kidding?! Ikta though. The firepower reconnaissance approach was as saying ‘let’s first have a battle to measure the enemy’s strength’, not only such practice would put the troops performing it under huge risks it also will definitely end victims. Since retreating appears to be out of question then it would be better to just throw in all troops from the beginning, the act of wasting soldiers’ lives for useless reasons was intolerable.

“…Uhh~ Lieutenant, I have just reported this, if we take into consideration they have enough soldiers, it would then be about two platoons. Even if we were to go to firepower reconnaissance, under unfavorable conditions sending the same number of men is not a good strategy.”

“Shut up, I already gave the order.”

“…. Then can we at least have Warrant Officer Torway’s unit as support? First the presence of air gunner troops as back up would change the pressure a lot. I won’t let them become a target.”

“That’s enough–”

“I volunteer! Please let us go Lieutenant!”

Torway emphatically intruded in the discussion, Lieutenant Niger looked at him with a stiffened face.

“Are you people not planning to respect orders! How could we fight war in this condition! Listen well, the so called army is–”

“I will defeat the enemy in one hour. How about it, Lieutenant?”

Ikta interrupted at the perfect moment. Hearing him blurt out those words made the Lieutenant temporally speechless.

“If you leave this to me, Matthew and Torwas’s three platoon we will in exactly one hour take back that fort, and we won’t incur in heavy casualties. This is a lot better that firepower reconnaissance right?”

Ikta declared so with an approach so full of confidence that it could be considered weird. Lieutenant Niger originally intended to yell ‘What nonsense are you talking about!’, but seeing the face of the youth with no fear nor cowardice he decided to go the other way– for this kind of person, it’s better to have them experience tragic failures early on.

“…Since you are bragging to this extent, then do as you wish. However, don’t forget the reality that you are refusing an order you were given, if you were to fail, you bunch… especially Warrant Officer Ikta, don’t think you will keep living as servicemen.”

Lieutenant Niger who spoke those words thought that was the greatest threat, however to the recipient it was taken as reward instead. Because of the temptation, Ikta had to suppress his urge to intentionally fail.

“The great I solemnly understand…. Then Warrant Officer Ikta Sorlok will temporally have command right over the three platoons, and will now attack the enemy’s defensive post.”

Ikta doing a salute that carried no respect at all, took his companions and once again went up the mountain road. The moment they left the team, Matthew immediately started a series of inquisitive questions:

“Ikta why would you……! Capturing those trenches under an hour is just reckless!”

“There’s no problem Matthew, my friend. I already decided on the course of action. If it goes smoothly the actual combat won’t last more than twenty minutes, isn’t that right, Ikemen?”

“…. Yeah. If Ikkun had the same idea as me, then I don’t think we will need to spend so much time. However, to archieve that, the units’ placement will be crucial.”

Hearing Torway point out the important stuff, Ikta replied with a light nod. After reaching halfway from the trenches he halted the march and shifted his gaze diagonally above, toward the left. The mountain road they were in was in spiral shape, which is why to their right side was a sharp angled downslope while at their left, a steep upslope.

“Can you see there where the terrain forms a lateral protrusion? It’s vertically climbing thirty meters from here. Although I only have visual estimation, I think it is at the same elevation as the enemies’ trenches…. So following the curvature of this road, that protruding position also continues to extend forward for a while.”

“…So that’s how it is, as a result of that you would get a straight trajectory. What is the approximate final distance from the enemy?”

“It should be a little more than one hundred fifty meters. But considering the foothold width, at prone shooting it only has space to accommodate three people in one row.”

“So we can’t bring many men…. I understand, including me I will choose six people from my platoon.”

Ikta and Torway continued discussing, while Matthew, whose understanding couldn’t keep up, was left behind. Shortly after four air gunners were picked up and together with platoon leader Torway gathered in front of Ikta.

“We will depart when your figures disappear behind the protuberance, after that we will begin the attack in exactly five minutes. You will need twenty minutes to climb up the wall, then take the five minutes to set up in a good position. This also includes the time to readjust your breathing, Torway there is no issue about this right?”

Torway once again evaluated their current position to the protrusion and then heavily nodded.

“Good, then you can start climbing. Make me a favor and don’t get spotted by the enemy.”

After getting Ikta’s permission, six people, including Torway, grabbed the ivies and roots and started climbing. Matthew, as he nervously watched their figures leave, once again pressed Ikta:

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“Oi! What kind of strategy is this? Are you planning for Torway to provide covering fire while we do a frontal assault?”

“More or less that, are you anxious? Matthew.”

“You are asking if I am anxious?! I am totally fully anxious! You too know that the effective shooting range of air guns is at most forty meters right? That’s right, maybe Torway is able to hit something twenty meters farther away but even that way it only makes sixty meters…. Then how far from the enemy you said those five will be positioned?”

“By visual alone I’d say a bit more than one hundred fifty.”

“There you have the problem! From a place one hundred fifty meters away from the enemy how could they perform an effective covering fire?! Not one shot will hit! Furthermore, there are only six people, even the tactic of using high density shooting to compensate for hit rate is not viable!”

Matthew getting to the point stopped talking and stared at Ikta, he however with expression of heartfelt admiration applauded.

“Thank you for clearly stating the main points. Since long ago I felt that you were very good at explaining to others in an easy way what you couldn’t understand.”

“Your words are totally not praises! That is because your actions are always incomprehensible to others!”

“Okay, okay, calm down. It is true that during the previous battle it was very difficult to see the differences…. but if what I ordered before was truly something impossible then Torway too wouldn’t have simply agreed to it, right?”

With only this sentence Ikta blocked further questions from Matthew, he then revealed a bold smile while looking up the wall.

“–While we were having this conversation, they had already climbed to a relatively high position. Matthew it’s almost time to let the soldiers load the bullets. After they are done, have them mount the bayonet too, because this time we are going with a full scale attack from the beginning.”




The moment enemy columns appeared on their field of vision caused immediate reaction from the warriors of the Shinaak tribe who were guarding the trenches seized from the empire, no, the correct wording would be the trenches they took back, they had already prepared for the next confrontation.

“…The enemy, they have come! Quickly ready the artillery!”

Everyone started moving at the leader’s orders, as expected in this fortress their main power still relied on the wind mortars with the addition of gravity. Every trench had two openings and in total six artilleries were set up. The ones tasked for operating the wind mortars quickly rushed to the position they were responsible for.

Although the wind mortars here were of a smaller type, however, for it to function properly it still needed four wind spirits to power and three people to maneuver. After the wind spirits were set up, shells too were loaded, they reached the condition to be able to fire at any time should the orders be given.

“Okay, we are ready! Do we fire?”

“Do not rush! Wait till they get a bit closer!”

The leader calmly waited. Since the shell speed of wind mortars are not great, even if was within the firing range, there was the probability of the enemy dodging if it was too far away. Since the number of shells were limited, they had to fire with the best possible efficiency–this was the knowledge imparted to them by the instructor.

“The distance is two hundred fifty, two hundred forty, two hundred thirty…… two hundred…. good, right now– Gah!”

Just as the leader was about to issue the order, his body fell backward. No, he was not the only one unlucky enough to be the recipient of a surprise attack, in every trench an artillery troop suffered the same fate. Some were leaking fresh blood from the chest, some were leaking from the eyes, but the one thing in common was all were lying motionless on the ground.

“What…! Wh-what happened–”

“It’s gunshots! From where, the guys in front of us clearly are not holding guns– Guh!”

Before they could understand the situation two more fell. The Shinaak tribe warriors who had lost their leader were shaken–




“First trench, artillery unit hit. Down for a chest wound.”

Twenty meters above Ikta, three air gunners including Torway were prone on the naturally formed protruding eaves of the terrain and sniped at their targets.

“Bullets loaded– trench one, the target is the male on the left. Ready, aim… shoot!”

The slight sound of compressed air exploding echoed. The acorn shaped bulled shot from the muzzle travelled one hundred fifty meters and hit the solar plexus of the man who was desperately trying to lift up one of the fallen companion.

“–Trench two, the enemies are in cover. Prioritize sniping the spirits to get rid of the artillery. Ready, aim… shoot!”

As the sentence finished, triggers were pulled. Behind the three who were actually shooting, there were the same number of people looking through binoculars with lowered body stance. They had four tasks: confirm hits, correct the trajectory based on the results, protect the shooters–and if the case were to call for it, substitute them.

“Trench three, the newly appeared artillery target was hit. It’s a minor wound to the arm, try a follow up.”

“Trench one, no more enemy presence detected, judged to be temporally suppressed. Change to supporting trench two”

They were so quiet that it was scary, the sniping mission was performed with machine-like mindset. That was also natural. Right now they didn’t feel the threat of nearby enemies, as such they also did not need to muster the courage to face such threat. Doing a unilateral shooting from one hundred fifty meters away, this sort of stuff has already become simple gestures.

“… our force is beginning the frontal assault. All snipers maintain the status quo and continue with covering fire.”

Torway’s ordered with ice cold tone, as if he was another person. He then aimed at the next target, very easily adjusted taking into consideration gravity and ‘the distance from the target’, and pulled the trigger.




“The annoying artillery has quieted down huh– good, Charge!”

After estimating the right timing, Ikta and Matthew’s units launched an all-out attack. Including the main force of Torway’s platoon, over one hundred soldiers rushed into the enemy trenches. The battlefield was filled with roars.

“Suuya! Cross illumination! Destroy the enemy’s vision!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Being next to the charging troops with raised bayonets, the illumination troops released the supporting high beam. Part of the enemies distorted their eyes due to the blinding light, weakening their ability to react, taking advantage of this, platoon Matthew took the lead and stormed into the trench.


Melee battle spread through the narrow trenches. The soldiers cut the head of enemies who didn’t even have time to fit the bayonet, or pushed them down and stabbed their chest with the short spear. Some were howling like beasts, there were also those wailing like babies, at that moment everyone was putting all their focus on how to keep surviving on the abnormal setting that was the “Battlefield”.

“Stop….Please…Help me!”


However even in these abnormal situation one could occasionally feel the ripples of normality. The female soldier who threw away her weapon and was asking to be spared was such an example. If the one they were facing were not carried away by the bloodlust, they would be affected and momentarily hesitate whether to strike.

Right now Matthew was in such predicament but in this case it resulted in adverse consequences. Grasping the moment his fighting will wavered, as he was lowering his blade the female Shinaak soldier who was originally pleading jumped over.

“Whoa…! Y-You…!”

Her fingers grasped Matthew’s thick neck, with a grip strength unlike that of a girl she sank her nails into his skin, the woman was being serious. With eyes like beast pushed to a dead end she used all her strength attempting to empty-handed tear his carotid artery.

“Ugh…uugh…Some-Somebody fast–”

The reaper’s footstep was getting closer to Matthew who started having trouble breathing because of the blocked airways. Due to the brain hypoxia*, even the cry for help didn’t come out.

Tl note:

Just as his vision was starting to be tainted with red– he saw the female soldier widen her eyes to the limit, then the hands strangling his neck lost strength and her whole body went limp on Matthew.

“Huff…! Cough…Cough, cough… Huff…!”

“You alright Matthew? That won’t do you know, in places like this you can’t go thinking of other things beside killing.”

Ikta, after kicking away the female soldier’s body extended his hand to the friend. Matthew while getting up with his help, looked with teary eyes at the woman– a pinky finger sized hole on the back of her head proved how she already lost her life.

“Cough Cough…S-Sorry, you really saved me there…”

“The one you need to thank is not me but Torway. Seeing clearly two people fighting from 150 meters and then with pinpoint accuracy shoot one of them, of all the people in the world this was something probably only he could have pulled off.”

As Ikta was speaking, he moved his gaze and looked outside the trench. Matthew too, while trembling, stared at the same direction, but with a distance of 150 meters, he couldn’t even spot the figure of the friend.

His mood moved past gratefulness and instead started to cause fear– did he really just got saved from such distance?

“…Good, we should be done with all trenches now. There is no need to force yourselves to chase fleeting enemies but you must check if there are enemies hiding. Ensuring the safety before noticing the main unit to come is an extremely important job.”

Seeing the battle has come to an end, the youth immediately begun to compositely give post-battle orders. Matthew, while helping, was anxiously waiting for the explanation that would come.




Back in time to a few months before, the place was the central military base of the Empire.

The sound of exploding compressed air was something everyone present was used to hearing, however now many were covering their ears because of the emitted noise.

“…Oioi, is this real?”

A second shot, third, forth, shots were continuously fired. Each time it did, the commotion grew larger and the everyone’s surprise begun to gradually become oblivious.

Behind the shooter participating in the experiment were gathered more than twenty coworkers. This was not a spectacle even those who have long worked in this department would often see.

“…The one hundred shoots are done. Hey, how are the results?”

“P-Please wait a moment. Uh… since it’s like this… I got it, in the 50 meters shooting the accuracy was 94%. After a rough calculation there is a 500% increase in accuracy compared to previous air guns.”

After getting the concrete numbers, this exaggerated improvement made all preset speechless.

Among the departments present at the central military base the unified military equipment managerial department was one of the many military facility of the Empire. As the name implies, it was a department responsible to development and production of various military equipment headed by the air guns. The new military technology would be first sent here after coming out from the internal researching R&D department.

“To be able to produce such results from just digging some helical groove inside the barred in accordance with Pakda’s blueprint…”

Tl note:

The summoned researchers were also mixed with the spectators but the one concerned was showing a more surprised face than anyone else.

He recalled the guy, the high grade military cadet who was known as being a “freak” who already went to the north, it was precisely that boy the one who handed him the blueprint of this miraculous new air gun.

It was not like Pakda couldn’t understand design concepts, that piece of blueprint had the conformity to catch the attention of the leading researchers. It made him deem that no matter what were the results, it would be worth trying to make a prototype. It was just even Pakda couldn’t have imagined it would have produced such extreme results.

“Hey you’re amazing, Pakda! Stop be dazing around, you should be happy, this is a great merit!”

“Carving helical grooves inside the barred make the fast travelling bullet rotate at high speed which result in improved ballistic stability and straight shooting…is it? Indeed, after hearing the explanation I too can understand the theory.”

“To devise something like this from scratch, it must be the work of a genius… I admire you, Pakda. I’m truly sorry, to think I didn’t realize you were such an outstanding guy.”

After receiving praises from his colleague one after another, Pakda didn’t know what kind of expression he should show–as how it stands now, it created an atmosphere that prevented him from admitting it was not an invention he himself had thought of.

The thing he was particularly afraid of was how his colleague’s envious eyes would become one of disappointment.

“H-How is the reduction of the projectile speed? Since the grooves were dug in the barrel, it would allow air to leak from the space in groove and the bullet…”

“Oh, in the blueprint it is included the design of an acorn shaped bullet to compensate for it. We should immediately begin the production and experiment on it. Given the current situation, the result seems to be something to look forward to.”

“This is a historic moment…… After all, from today onward, the old air guns the empire air shooters are using will gradually be replaced!”

The unexpected invention drove up the coworkers’ excitement like an ignited flame in the furnace. Pakda felt anxious by thinking of the hectic days that would come– but before being submerged by that, there was one more thing he has agreed to do.

“…A-About that! Regarding the troops which will first get the prototype, can I advise on that?”

“Eh? Indeed, the allocation of trial equipment at early stage of development is completely entrusted to us of the unified military equipment managerial department…”

“Wait, you have someone who you want to show the results first? Something like a longtime friend… Oh, I bet it’s a woman!”

The colleagues surrounding Pakda were noisily speculating on silly reasons. Inside him, he thought it would be better if it really was like that, but on the surface he calmly stared at the highest ranked department head.

“It’s not like I can’t understand your feelings, however… mixing your private life with job is not a commendable behavior, Corporal Pakda.”


“Although it is not a commendable behavior… But this time you have archieved a great merit.”

The tone suddenly changed to a gentle one. Pakda who was feeling dejected, lifted his head with surprise only to see a slight smile on the rarely relaxed face of the superior.

“You can point the troops and the commander… Right, write it on the blackboard over there, I will go later to confirm it, although we have to consider the numbers of the unit first, but as soon as we scrap together enough pieces, the first shipment will be to them.”

“–T-Thank you so much!”

Filled with gratefulness, Pakda with the most respectful salute replied to the superior who reverted to his default conduct…But then again, he had totally forgot– forgot that he was originally still hesitating whether or not to reveal the true identity of the author to that blueprint.

Due to this grave forgetfulness, the top military innovation in the empire’s history become entirely his credit. Henceforth, the innovating exploit of “Replacing the old smooth-bore air guns with rifling air gun which would become the new main weapon” will forever be associated together with the name of Pakda Sonnyanai.

Tl note: It's SonnYanai and not SonnyAnai




“So, these are the experimental air gun prototypes?”

Yatori asked while looking inside the barrel. Beside Haro who stayed in the rear, all four knights were gathered in the trenches once again taken from the enemy, and were discussing about earlier battle.

“Eh~ Ah~ that’s right~ because of the effect of the rifling carved inside the barrel~ the effective range~ compared to the old smoothbore air guns~ is increased five or six fold~ it’s something that once mass production begins~ will become a new weapon~ that would give rise to revolution of the battlefield~ ”

Torway who couldn’t stand Ikta’s lack of drive anymore, took his place in explaining.

“My afterthoughts of actually using it is the overall trajectory stabilization is really outstanding. Even using it from more than 100 meters, the impact point would not be susceptible to luck. If I have to find some fault in this, it would be the body became two times heavier… it truly is a revolutionary weapon.”

“So that miraculous long distance shooting was feasible because of this… but even so, to be able to shut six cannons with three shooters alone, it’s so mind-blowing that it’s hard to believe.”

Matthew pondered with his hands folded on his chest, Torway instead calmly shook his head.

“This was the inevitable result since the effective shooting rage was increased so dramatically. The average rate of fire of wind mortars is one shell per forty seconds, compared to that the air guns’ is one round every five second. So in the time the enemy shoots one shell, we could have shot twelve. Since we had such a big margin on time, taking care of the artillery soldiers before the cannon was loaded is completely feasible.”

Although Torway kept it very simple, Matthew was grinding his teeth while thinking… Even with the same equipment, the present him wouldn’t be able to archieve that. It was precisely because all the shooters had proficient shooting technique that this result could be reached.

“Is this one of the technology hidden in <Anarai’s box>? Even if I heard it from Ikta before, but seeing the actual thing, it’s feels really different. The Empire ceded the important person to Kioka huh… No, it would be more correct to say the dreadful person.”

“Yeah~ but you don’t have to worry about that. For example, it could be seen from the matter of Empire manufacturing the rifling air guns, old man Anarai don’t want military progress to favor any one country. Regarding the disclosure of new technology, that old man upheld the doctrine of passive equilibrium.”

Ikta said so while yawning. Right then Yatori showed an expression as if she thought of something.

“……I say, Ikta. I remember that when we were about to come to the northern region, during the ballistic lecture you insisted on giving a speech about the need to popularize other new technology different from air guns right?”

“Oh, you mean the blast cannon*? Since Kioka has already implemented them, based on that if we see it with the perspective of ‘Technologies the empire need to develop as soon as possible’, blast cannon and rifled air guns can be said to be at exactly the same level. However, the cannon uses the same principle of ‘rising air’ as in blimps which would come in conflict with the Alderah teachings. On that alone, we couldn’t even shield ourselves from the covering fire…. forget it, it’s not something we can do about even if we were to vex over it.”

Tl note: Ikta says 爆砲 (ばくほう), literally 'exploding/explosion cannon' and my guess is he means the canonic cannon powered by explosion and does not use spirits, the rising air he cited is the same of the one in V1Ch2 (hydrogen and helium) which is highly inflammable

With a snort Ikta changed mood and moved his sight on Torway.

“Oi, Ikemen. The actual combat show has ended, isn’t it about time you tell us your plans?”

“Ah– Yeah, that’s right, there’s no more reason to keeping it secret.”

Torway, as if he was woken up, started his explanation to all present: “With the help of this rifled air gun, in the future the foothold position of air shooters should be able to advance to the next stage. First, in the foreseeable future there would be no more need to have large numbers of soldiers to compensate for the low hit rate, I think the current base unit will be replaced by squads* and spread opportunistic maneuver will substitute in as basic tactic, at least the scenario of shooting at each other on plains will lessen.”

Tl note:

“You mean hiding and sneakily shooting enemies will become mainstream? Although I understand the reasoning, but it’s not a vision of the future I really want to welcome.”

The corner of Yatori’s mouth twisted, this feeling was really consistent with her style and identity of ‘White arm* Igsem’

Tl note:

“No, no, Yatori, I think it will depend on which perspective you look at it. After all the infantry motto to date is ‘Keep shooting even if the comrade on your side were to fall’. If we talk about it, that too is a really nasty scenario isn’t it?”

“Hahaha…. perhaps both are just about the same, but humans cannot resist the trend of the times. From the standpoint of a commander of air shooter troops, we first have to adapt to the tactics of the new era, and if the opportunity arises, also promote development. In order to archieve this goal, I thought of establishing a new type of unit called ‘Sniper'”

The substantive that was never heard before aroused the interest of all. The situation was leaving Torway a bit nervous and just as he was about to open mouth and keep explaining– Suuya frantically rushed into the trench.

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” I deeply apologize for interrupting your conversation but since the Lieutenant is not present…. Report! A messenger has just arrived from the frontline ahead of here and is asking for rescue!”

Yatori stood up first, her long flaming red hair was swinging and the red eyes shining of fighting spirit.

“Asking for rescue? It sounds to be a very dire situation, call the messenger here.”

“I think he will arrive shortly, however he looked like to be deeply wounded… ah, he is here!”

After clearing the way, another soldier dragging his feel stepped in. His military uniform was stained red by the blood, furthermore there was a crossbow arrow stuck in his right thigh. It’s because of the contraction of the muscle that it couldn’t be extracted huh? Just thinking of this unimaginable tragic appearance made the atmosphere become very heavy.

“…I’m officer Higasoz and I belong to the first Shinaak punitive brigade, thirty second air shooter platoon.”

“You did a great job bringing the message even when suffering from such deep wounds. Please sit on this chair and try to relax, I will immediately call for medic–”

“Thank you for your concern, but time is precious, please first allow me to give the report.”

Officer Higasoz first inspired deeply many time to readjust his disordered breathing and then again opened mouth:

“Our base one day by foot away from here is surrounded by enemies and is currently at risk of falling completely. I think everybody can understand from my appearance alone, just getting a messenger through cost the lives of many soldiers. As things are now, there is no time to hesitate, please send reinforcement as soon as possible… Guh…!”

Right then officer Higasoz, as if he couldn’t bear with a headache, lowered his head, after struggling and groaning on the ground like an animal he finally lost consciousness and lied motionless face to the ground. Ikta while telling Suuya to get a medic, kept a severe expression from beginning to end while looking at the condition of the officer.




The soldiers understood they were in a desperate situation only after the situation was already irreversible.


Following the anxious order of the commander, the soldiers embattled at the top of the high platform opened fire. Although the target was the swarm of enemies below blocking them, the result was lacking. The reason being the enemy keeping distance at the edge of not suffering serious damage from air gun volleys.

“Lieutenant, this way we can’t have a winner! Before our ammunitions runs out we need to break through their encirclement…!”

Although the reasoning of the adjutant was correct, after hesitating, Lieutenant Bellary, the acting commander dejected the proposal. The tragedy he witnessed just a few hours earlier made his heart waver in implementing a breakthrough.

“…. Dismissed! You too should have seen the fate of our comrades who just did that!”

Besieged on all sides, this was the simplest way to describe their current situation.

Around this high ground field base occupied by four empire platoons, were enemies in the lowlands on all four sides deploying an inclusive formation. Even if their troops already outnumbered the empire soldiers, the enemy didn’t make the initiative to attack. They only occasionally exhibited the will to charge in, increasing psychological pressure and basically maintained the encircled status. Moreover, that was already enough.

“But they are waiting for us to exhaust our ammunition! …furthermore in the meantime the supply chain to the frontline has been cut…!”

Interrupt the supply chain, and one after another eliminate the weakened enemy which stopped receiving support from the rear–this was the Shinaak tribe’s tactic. To archieve this goal, they didn’t necessarily need to defeat the enemy, it could be done as long as the enemy doesn’t march out of the relay station. This not only blocks supply to the frontlines, but also makes the surrounded bases gradually get consumed in the isolated battle. Just like the predicament Lieutenant Bellary’s troops has fallen into.

Being on high ground had advantages over the enemies in the lowlands, this was the common sense Lieutenant Bellary had learned in military commanding. Because from a higher elevation they had good visual on the enemy, thus it made easy to react whatever action they should take; And if they were to charge into them, running down the slope would create momentum making it become power.

However, he carelessly forgot, forgot that the place his troops were battling was not a single tower rising on a plain, but in a part of unique mountain area rich of undulating terrain. He also forgot that even if he wanted to break through with a charge, after that, awaiting for them was a steep terrain unsuitable for a smooth march.

In contrast, the Shinaak tribe warriors understood that very well. Which is why when the Empire soldiers charged down from the high platform they didn’t confront them frontally, instead they let the enemy pass through first. Waiting for the moment of hesitation the enemy showed when they reached the dangerous terrain formation, and then they presented their fangs. Followed by impeccable preparations, they mercilessly devoured the unprepared backs.

“Even if we can break through this encirclement, the following terrain will not allow a safe retreat…Now that I think about it, an abandoned high ground base was obliviously a trap, not catching on it was my mistake.”


“Strengthen your will, Sargent Ikshini. It seems we can only fight a protracted battle”

Waiting for a judgemental error from the enemy, or the arrival of allied reinforcement, since they already lost the retreat route, Lieutenant Bellary was psychologically prepared for a complete siege battle.

On the other hand, Lance corporal Kanna Temari who was at the same base and responsible of engaging the enemy felt fear from the indeed approaching ambiance of ruin.

Since the moment she saw the surrounding terrain she had this unjustifiable ominous presentiment. However, Kanna was unable to poke deeper into her intuition until the feelings became truth. As an infantry she never had the education to effectively capitalize onto those feelings.

“Squad leader! The range of air guns are not enough…! We still can’t use the wind mortars?”

“We can’t! Mortar shells are even more scarce than bullets! If we waste them now, we would have no means to fight off the enemy in the event they launch an offensive! If we use it, it will be by taking advantage of when they rush to determine the outcome and get careless, that’s our only chance to deal a major blow to the enemy….”

Although he said so himself, watching his attitude, the squad leader wasn’t really keen on the probability of that event. Probably because he thought that the enemy who devised such a thoughtful approach to the offensive wouldn’t commit a last moment mistake right? Kanna also felt the same.

“…Ugh…Then, we have to keep shooting knowing it won’t hit?”

“No, this is a pre-combat operation. If we insist in not using mortar shells, the enemy may suspect we no longer have them. If it was like that the enemy might decide on a charging attack, I think the Lieutenant is counting on that advantage to deal substantial damage to the enemy.”

Kanna moved her focus onto the wind mortars to make sure if ordered, she would be able to immediately go operate it…. Because if they couldn’t just stay put and wait for reinforcement, this tactic would be their last mean to break the status quo.

“Report! The enemy units begun to gather to the north! It’s possible they could directly go on offensive after gathering!”

The scout situated on the northern side of the base, responsible for monitoring enemy’s movement shouted with high volume. The one in command, Lieutenant Bellary, after hearing the report, with a face full of hatred crooked the corners of his mouth.

“Their actions is nine out of ten just trying to shaken us and not to actually planning an attack…”


“…. However, if we ignore all other possibilities, and got really bad luck, then it will be all over”

Facing the reality that he could only act accordingly to the enemy’s ploy made Lieutenant Bellary grind his teeth, in the end he just rearranged the deployment so more soldiers could be moved to the north edge from other sides. Since they had to move the wind mortars as well, it made the already tided soldiers’ stamina drop even more severely.

“Lance Corporal Kanna! We have to move to the north side! Leave Private Yazan here!”

The squad leader after receiving the orders from Lieutenant Bellary started to move, Kanna as a reflex looked to her junior.

“If something were to happen I will immediately have someone report, please be assured and leave this post to me.”

Since his tone was firmer than she thought would be, Kanna nodded in relief.

“Then I will leave it to you.”

Kanna left the monitoring duty to Private Yazan and together with comrades in the same squad she started moving the wheel mounted wind mortar. Since at the beginning they were drawn in by horses, to move them now with only arms strength it truly felt quite heavy.

During the time they were pushing the wind mortar, suddenly one comrade fell on his knee and started vomiting followed by another who felt dizzy and sat on the ground.

“Hey! What happened? Pull yourselves together! Quickly push the mortar…!”

Although the squad leader was shouting anxiously, Kanna inadvertently looked around and found–this was not a phenomenon happening only in her squad, but all squads had members suffering from poor health. No, not only that–

“…. When did everybody become so thin…?”

Kanna was rendered speechless. The face complexion could not be called livid anymore but white pale, their skin was dry and cracked, the meager cheeks sunken. Under sunlight doesn’t everybody look like a diseased?

Of course Kanna too was quite tired because of this war lifestyle but she had yet to incur in serious health issues. As things are now, she finally was aware that she was quite lucky. As everyone were become like that, her companion just didn’t escape from that rule.

While Kanna felt a shiver ran down her spine because of noticing this, in another area, Private Yazan who was left to monitoring the west field also experienced and abnormal situation. But he did not believe this abnormal situation was originated from himself.

“….it clearly is daytime then why is it so dark? Did clouds cover the sun…?”

Private Yazan murmured so while under a blue sky with no cloud in sight. In truth the world seen through his eyes indeed appeared to be dim. Furthermore, his symptoms of headache, tinnitus* and nausea also worsened, but he no longer was in the condition to determine these symptoms were all chained together by one condition.

Tl note:

The task of monitoring the west side was of course not left to him alone, each squad left one person in charge for the same job. Although it was not ordered by the commander, the personnel choice was based on ‘those with not much stamina left’. In other words, although the enemy’s action must be corresponded by having soldiers running around the base, or pushing the mobile heavy wind mortar—to be excluded from that one had to reach the point of being the weakest soldiers among all.

Not counting him, around Private Yazan were four other soldiers. Some directly lost consciousness while leaning on the wall of the fort; others knelt and threw up whatever was in their stomach; there were even some who started humming because of confusion…. the common trait between them was that they did not have the strength to correctly grasp the reality in front of them anymore


In the scenario of him not being able to stop his mind from wandering off, the world slowly devoid of light and even color shown by Private Yazan’s eyes, a fuzzy black silhouette appeared. The perception crisis did not kick in. He was already unclear of where he was or what situation he was in.

“…Who…are you?”

Even till the moment that arm swung down bringing down a certain ㄑ shaped object, Private Yazan offered no resistance at all.





Ikta after briefly telling the troops to stop, probed a little bit from behind the rock and observed the situation on the other side.

“Huff…huff…how is it? How do you feel about it? Ikta….”

Matthew asked him while gasping for air. The effort to look for an appropriate route paid off, they reduced the supposed original one-day march by two hours, but of course this fast paced march couldn’t have not brought fatigue to the soldiers.

“There’s no problem if you want to immediately attack, I already obtained the permission from the company commander.”

The one saying this, Yatori, was the exception, her breathing wasn’t disturbed by one bit. Facing her spirit that has not lowered since the war began, Ikta instead could not respond with the command of ‘commence battle’.

“Although those words were encouraging, but there’s no need for them.”

Ikta’s tone kept being very dull, that strongly excluded to ‘show emotions’ because that could shake the soldiers. Because currently, the ‘Science’ that he believes in, was in need of someone who is able to carry on with no emotional attitude.

“The results from scouting were that there’s no friendly activity from within the high base, there’s also no enemy presence in the lowland, in other words– everything is over.”

“We will not proceed with the rescue. For at least the next two days the troops will not move from here”

After entrusting the fainted officer Higasoz to the medic unit and ordering them to send the officer to the rear, Ikta, still keeping a dull tone, told his heartless plan to the companions.

“…. Huh…? Ikkun, what did you just say….”

“I said we will not be going to rescue them. More correctly is we have no means.”

Facing Ikta who made such a cold assertion, of the present, only Yatori could immediately understand his intention. Matthew, Torway and Suuya were focusing the line of sigh mixed with surprise and reproach on him.

“Hey! What’s the meaning of this Ikta! To say we have no mean to rescue them, but we don’t even have a clear understanding of the situation on the other side right? Don’t give up before even knowing the enemy’s numbers!”

“Platoon leader, please let’s go help them at once! The soldiers’ stamina is not an issue!”

Ikta while facing them and frontally bearing their blame said:

“The issue is not manpower, Matthew; and not stamina as well, Suuya. It’s because of other reasons, unless we stay here and prepare for two days first, otherwise we would be incapable of keep moving higher onto the mountain.”

The three showed an expression as if they couldn’t accept it, suddenly then Yatori decided to point to the heart of the issue.

“…it’s to adapt to the altitude right?”

Hearing those words, Ikta closed his eyes and confirmed. The trio stared at him with strong puzzled looks.

“Although I believe nobody has forgot this, but right now we are engaging battle on the Grand Arfatra Mountain range, compared to the altitude we are used to live, the elevation we are risking our lives at is different as day and night… Then if we want to do such whimsical act, then we have to comply to the rules of the highlands.”

“Rules of the highland…Ikkun, you mean…?”

“First, you can’t suddenly increase the elevation in a short amount of time, especially after reaching 3000 meters– although there are other rules, but currently the main reason for our inability to immediately go on a rescue mission is this.”

After estimating when Ikta would finish speaking, Yatori temporally substituted him in explaining.

“I think everyone has experienced this, the more you go up on the mountain, the harder it is to breath. It is said that it’s because compared to the plain the air on the mountain is thinner. Then after reaching the highlands the people who used to live on the plain like us will be affected by a series of symptoms caused by the thin air. Including headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, insomnia, swollen limbs, chest tightness and so on– together these are called ‘Mountain sickness'”

“If we neglect on the signs the body shows us and keep climbing, then our condition will worsen. Other than the more severe symptoms of what Yatori has said, you will show inability to walk straight, see visual and hear auditory hallucinations, narrowing and darkening of the field of view and others. If you were to lose consciousness, then that mean you are almost dead…So how are you guys feeling about this? Although I admit that I had taken this issue into consideration as far as I could, but showing early symptoms of headache, nausea and chest tightness is also a normal phenomenon.”

Matthew and Suuya immediately pressed their chest. Ikta looking at their actions continued:

“Professor Anarai collectively referred to these symptoms as ‘Altitude sickness*’, it’s a hazardous trap lying in the mountains. The iron rule I was taught about climbing is first avoid to fall into this trap. To archieve that the essential step is just as Yatori has mentioned at the beginning ‘Acclimate to the elevation'”

Tl note:

“……Acclimate to the elevation….”

“Correct, just as it literally says it makes the body adapt to the elevation, at least till the symptoms of ‘mountain sickness’ no longer appears. When you are over 3000 meters if something like this is not done, it could be fatal. Incidentally the place we are right now is a lot higher than that benchmark.”

“In other words, it’s to let our bodies adapt to the altitude that for two days we can’t move from here…?”

“Right. There’s risk in climbing alone, if you also want to fight then it’s just looking for death. If you have to agonistically strain your body before it adapts, it will suddenly make the altitude sickness effects a lot worse. What do you think will be the fate of increasingly weak soldiers when facing enemies in battles?”

No one else raised objections, because the result was too easily imaginable.

“Based on the aforementioned, the earliest time we can go on a rescue mission is two days from now, in that time we must do our best and adapt to the altitude. The specific method is to drink twice the average amount of fluids and urinate a lot, while breathing pay attention to do deep abdominal inspiration and while sleeping be careful to keep your body warm and not expose it to the cold.”

After finishing talking, Ikta moved his sight away from the others and with a somehow alienated manner announced:

“Of everyone here, the current temporally commander is me right…Assuming that responsibility I decided not to report to Lieutenant Niger about Officer Higasoz’s request for reinforcement.”

Hearing those words, everyone showed a severe expression, in such situation the youth deeply sighed and once again opened his mouth:

“…how do I say this… I know saying these words is stupid, I also know that you don’t want to hear them–but even so, I have to say this is an order, and you must abide.”




“…. There is no ambush set for the rescue. Since our allies were completely destroyed, I thought the possibility of that was quite high.”

Yatori said so while she climbed the hill full of bodies from allies and enemies. Since they already sent scouts to survey the interior, they would not fall into enemy’s ambushes. On the rear were Matthew and Torway plus Lieutenant Niger’s troops in formation, to assure an escape route just in case.

“Maybe it’s because the Shinaak also suffered so much damage that they couldn’t set ambush anymore… Achoo!”

Following the sneeze, Ikta stepped onto the high platform– that is where the field base was set. He stopped his feet in the middle of the base and looked around. Yatori who was late by one beat, caught up and showed a stiff expression to the spectacle in her eyes.

Right now the base was filled with the silence of over one hundred casualties from the four platoon and dozens of enemies. The freezing and dryness typical to highlands preserved the bodies from decomposition, those who fell in battle, those who perished in panic, and also those who lost their lives without even realizing it…the way of death was different for everyone. From their body posture and location, one could deduce their last moments as well as how they were trying to fight the inevitable.

“…Although painful but the choice you face might be forced on the battlefield, like whether or not to go and help your companions. Which means you first have to put on the scale and balance the risk and chances of success, then decide whether you will join the battle…”

Yatori murmured so, it was rare to see her show the conflict in her heart.

“The majority of the bodies are within the base, it seems till the end they didn’t try the strategy of gathering all troops and trying to break through the encirclement.”

Till the last moment of the last man standing, did they believe the reinforcement would arrive and waited? Ikta was convinced that not bringing Matthew and Torway here was the correct decision.

“…However, although we have arrived here, there is almost nothing we can recover. The spirits were all taken away, and at the current stage, even if we wanted to carry the bodies we wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Let’s collect the tags of commanders who fell in battle and then withdraw.”

After reaching a consensus on what to do, the two together with the troops they brought, separated to look for the commanders’ corpses.

Ikta moved to the eastern side of the base–while inspecting this zone of the fort, the image two bodies stacked on each other entered his vision.

Just as Ikta was about to inadvertently pass on the sides, a sudden gust of wind made the loosened ribbon from the hair of one body entangled in his feet. However, just as the youth was about to reach and remove the ribbon–a sense of familiarity he didn’t want to feel swarmed his mind.


The brown ribbon was stained with marks of the owner’s blood. Ikta still remembered this color and this plainness, remembered the unremarkable decoration on the ponytail, and also remembered it being the only cute part of that girl’s dressing–

“Why it had to be…”

This moment he could not help but whisper those words as his actions were already involuntary. That’s why Ikta closed his mouth and as if it wasn’t enough he held his breath too.

When he finally managed to get his self-control back, he slowly moved his sight on the two bodies again…The first to have perished should be the male soldier below her. The girl was in a supine position that covered the body of the male soldier, her body was lacerated with countless stab wounds; furthermore, her still held an air gun with the bayonet equipped–You could understand with a glance that her life ended when she wanted to protect a companion.

“I had since met you twice.”

His self-restrain begun to crack and his tightly closed lips softened. The words that shouldn’t be said poured out of Ikta’s heart.

“I always, had been looking forward to our third meeting–”

This was a meaningless confession, for him to be a follower of science those were empty words that should not have been said.

“–…. Kuh………Good bye, Kanna.”

As if he was swinging down a hatchet, with those words Ikta bid farewell and cut off his current inexcusably disgraceful appearance… As if sensing the time was ripe, a gust of wind took the ribbon in his hand away. The youth did not try to catch the object that was flying far away, he turned his back and walked past.

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