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They looked strangely at Nero. Unlike her, who could see the mission window, they couldn't.

Realizing that she was a little excited, Nero took a deep breath and calmed down. She wasn't foolish, she noticed that only she could see this system screen.

More luckily, their attention was directed to a Slime that appeared not far from where they were. It was a navy-blue Slime. He looked like he was made of water.


• Water Monster Plant: [Blue Slime] Rank F: Level 6.


"Isn't that an elementary monster?! How rare!" Jana exclaimed with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yeah." Jair said, "We can't let him get away, or someone will find him. Let's just kill him!"

"Yes, let's go!" They nodded.

Nero always was unaware of what they were talking about. But I could've imagined it was about the Blue Slime that came along.

Getting close to Slime, they were on alert, as the power of the Elementary Monsters was on another level.

Just behind the Blue Slime, other Green Slime and Pink appeared, they seemed to be protecting the Blue Slime.

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Nero looked at it with interest, this was the first time she saw a Blue Slime.

"Information!" Shouted Breno.

"Yeah." They agree.

Breno and Jair were at the forefront, while Choko took the chances to finish. Already Jana as the magician of the group she was conjuring fireballs, supporting them.

Nero even though she wanted to complete the mission, she knew that this was not a good time to do so. Taking a stone out of his inventory, Nero threw it whenever he saw the opportunity.


• You've defeated the Plant Monster: [Slime Pink] Rank F: Level 2.

• You've defeated the Plant Monster: [Green Slime] Rank F: Level 3.


"Die to me!"

As soon as Jana's voice disappeared, 5 red arrows emerged over her head and flew toward the Slimes, like a rain of bloody red arrows!

Choko wasn't left behind. She moved fast, dodging water jets that the Blue Slime attacked, soon after, her red gloves shone, accompanied by deafening roars from her gloves cutting the wind she hit 2 Slime at the same time, killing them with ease.

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Breno held his spear tightly by attacking very fast towards a Green Slime on Level 4 and was also carrying a vigorous power when attacking. Such strength was enough to kill Green Slime.

By the time Breno finished, he had already retreated soon after, Jair moved forward and attacking with his sword horizontally, he cut a Slime Pink Level 3.

Nero was impressed once again, but not just looking, she adjusted her posture and risked throwing a stone in the direction of this Blue Slime.

To everyone's surprise, she got it right. Although his attack with the stone has hit and fallen to the ground, not causing serious damage.

"In the end, it's a difference of 5 levels, also this Slime is more special than the others," Nero said in his heart.

Even if they acted quickly, they couldn't avoid all the attacks, especially Jair, Choko and Breno who were on the front line. Sometimes they ended up getting hit by the Blue Slime.

When Nero realized he only had four Slimes including the Blue Slime... She approached him wanting to risk and kill with her own hands.

"Nero!" Jana got his attention, but couldn't stop her from going there.

Nero knew he couldn't risk fighting a very strong one, so she went towards a Slime Pink Level 2.

Without warning, Slime Pink jumped in his direction, Nero was caught by surprise and ended up being hit, but was surprised, because he barely felt pain when being hit.

That also gave her more confidence.

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They were also worried when they saw that Nero had been hit, but when they noticed that nothing had happened, they sighed relieved, but then they were surprised because even if it was a level 2 Slime attack, it should still cause some damage...

Nero was embarrassed to end up being hit so easily, she started attacking in the direction of Slime Pink, but incredibly, despite being just a ball that just jumped, she was managing to dodge all her attacks.

His attacks were so slow and predictable that none of them were able to accept him in full, only a few who grazed him.

"Tsc!" Nero cracked his tongue of anger, and almost took a stone from the inventory to make a sieve of this Slime Pink, but managed to contain herself since she wanted to complete the mission.

Choko and those who saw his actions found it funny and cute, it was inevitable, the appearance of a young girl running trying to attack, snorting, was a unique and rare sight.

Only after many attempts, in a stroke of luck, as if she wanted to kick a football. Nero kicked that Slime Pink hard making him crash into a tree.


• You've defeated the Plant Monster: [Slime Pink] Rank F: Level 2.

• Goal: Kill 4 Monsters with your bare hands 1/4

• Reward: Panties and bra

• Reward: 30 Essence Coins.

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"Aren't you ready to defeat on your bare feet anymore?" Nero smiled ironically.

Nero then looked in their direction, what he saw was the impressive Choko fighting against the Blue Slime alone, while the others were finishing beating the remaining Slime.

Seeing that he still had a remaining Slime alone and was a Slime Pink level 1, Nero thought about trying to kill him as well.

Jana who had finalized the Slime she was attacking. Instead of wanting to help Nero, she realized that Nero wanted to do it for herself, so she decided to help Choko who was fighting against Slime Azul.

She concentrated, then formed two arrows of concentrated flame. Making them spin like a drill, she shot an arrow in the direction of the Blue Slime! The speed was so high, there wasn't even time for the Blue Slime to dodge.

Jair who had also defeated the Slime who was fighting, came to help, holding the sword in his left hand, from top to bottom, he attacked!

Although he didn't hit the nail on the head, he still managed to do damage to Slime as well. Despite that at the moment the Slime noticed the presence of Jair attacking him, he threw a ball of water in his direction hitting his chest.

When Jair was hit, he fell back, a part of the armor he was wearing was broken at the place that was hit and also a reddish was seen. In the end, he was very close to being hit.

"What's up, Jair?" Choko asked.

"Yeah, it was just a scratch," Jair said sitting on the floor.

"Get some rest, leave the rest to us." Said Jana.

"Yes, you've already done serious damage to him." Breno agreed.

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