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On the east side of the Qin Clan property, Nero, Choko, and the others arrived in front of a house. It wasn't as big as the main mansion, but it was still big enough to accommodate 15 people.

Entering the terrain of the house; led by Choko. Nero noticed some servants taking care of the garden of the house, or doing other tasks, such as spreading clothes and also sweeping the leaves of the backyard.

"Young lady, you're back." The servants bowed as they saw Choko arrive.

Noting the presence of more people, especially Nero, whom they had never seen before, the housekeeper asked carefully, not wanting to be disrespectful: "This beautiful young woman is..."

Choko quickly she replied with a smile: "She is my good friend Nero. I've talked about her before, right?"

"Oh, she's even more beautiful than I thought!" The housekeeper said enchanted. She smiled warmly: "Madame is inside. Come in, Madame will be happy to know that Miss Choko is back."

Nero evaluated the ruler who wore a white maid's dress up to the cinnamon, embroidered in gray color. She found the housekeeper pleasant. She said, "Nice to meet you."

"My pleasure, young lady." The housekeeper smiled.

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Jana, Jair, and Breno also greeted the housekeeper and the maids, soon after they followed the housekeeper into the house.

When they arrived in the living room. Nero was able to see a beautiful young-looking woman in her early 20s. But in fact, this woman was 36 years old.

Nero was surprised to see her, she had long black hair, swimming pool blue eyes, her long legs full, light skin. She was wearing a simple dress in a white garment, but even if it was simple, she exuded charm, in no way diminishes her charm.

The woman stood up elegantly, looked in their direction. When her eyes landed on Nero, she looked at her and smiled, "Well, well, what a beautiful lady we have here."

Choko said, "Mom, this is my friend, Nero." Then she looked at Nero and she said, "Nero, she's my mother, Latifa."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Latifa." Nero does a little bowing when she spoke.

Latifa nodded with satisfaction: "My daughter has talked a lot about you. She was right, you're very beautiful."

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"Mother..." Choko was embarrassed to hear that. But in response, her mother just smiled.

"Aunt, good to see you again," Jana said.

"Now, child, come here and give your aunt a hug," Latifa said happy to see Jana.

Jana approached Latifa and hugged her.

"Jair, what are you waiting for?" Latifa pouting, "You too, hugging your aunt."

Jair shook his head in helplessness and approached and embraced Latifa. "Good to see you're okay." He said when he finished hugging her.

Nero was surprised by that scene. Nephew, niece, and aunt? But it can be considerate... Besides, are Jair and Jana brothers?

Although Jair is dark-skinned. Nero figured it could be the sun, or it could be a different parent. Anyway, she had no interest in meddling in their lives.

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Breno nodded his head while greeting Latifa. Although Latifa didn't seem to have been upset, she was already used to his behavior of not talking too much. Breno was always very quiet in her presence for some reason...

"Mom, can Nero stay in the house?" Choko hugged her mother. She looked up and found her mother's eyes: "She doesn't have a place to stay, I... I want her to stay here in the house, please?"

Although she was surprised by her daughter's request, Latifa had no problem saying: "Well, well, of course, she can." She looked at the housekeeper, "Marcia, get a room for Miss Nero."

"Right away!" Marcia bowed, then she left. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Thank you, Mrs. Latifa." Nero smiled when she said.

"No need to thank me." She smiled and said, "Besides, you can call me an aunt."

Nero didn't think much and she nodded, "All right, Aunt Latifa."

Latifa smiled with satisfaction: "Come and sit down, everyone, then the afternoon coffee will be served."

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After everyone sat down. Latifa asked Nero, "Choko told me you lost your memories, that's why you have nowhere to go, am I right?"

Nero wasn't comfortable saying she got her memories back, so she decided to keep saying that she hadn't yet since her story wasn't so simple: "Yes, Aunt Latifa."

"Poor child... you can stay as long as you want, and you can treat me like your real aunt." She said with a gentle smile.

She felt your heart warm: "Thank you, Aunt Latifa."

While they were talking, the afternoon coffee was served. Even if she is a little out of place, Nero managed to follow the conversation and she ate with them and sometimes she laughed.

She couldn't go into much depth in her conversations, not wanting to reveal anything that might say that she hasn't lost her memories. Her situation was not simple, she had to be cautious. First, she had to seek out new and current information. Besides... increase her strength.

But as Choko and they said before, she could only get into dungeons by forming a group with 5 people and her best chance was to be with them, since they knew some of her secrets, but apparently, they didn't tell anyone...

That made her believe them. But still, she was careful with them. In her memories, she went through many things... which made her a little paranoid, not being able to trust someone so easily.

Time went by very quickly. Soon she had already had dinner and a bath and brushing her teeth. After she entered the room that was arranged for her. Nero noticed a single bed, a large closet and a small chest of drawers next to the bed. There weren't many other things, but for Nero, she thought it was enough.

Although she did not do anything that required much effort, she felt tired. Wearing simple pink pajamas, cut in the back so that her wings would fit, she lay down on the bed. Luckily, even lying on the back of her bed, she wasn't uncomfortable with her wings. She looked at the unknown ceiling and sighed.

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