Neta Chara

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Identification card

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(sponsored chapter by R.P and D.F. Yeaay please give applause to them. Too bad the next xxx chapter is still 3 chapter away ahaha)

After a while, even in this ‘noble city’, it was so hard to issue an ID card. We’re walking towards the city hall which is located on top of a small hill. Miri is now covered in blue knight’s clothing. Even though it’s called knight attire it is only a jacket and shirt with decoration that looks like school blazer uniforms. The color is navy blue skirt and white jacket. Miri skirt actually is a little too short. It was fluttering but I really can’t hold back the mood.


“Over there, is the lord’s castle.”
the direction which Miri pointed is several times bigger than her house. As expected of a castle.
The castle was located in a middle of a pond and the path is connected by a bridge. However when we’re in the middle of the bridge, we’re stopped by the guards.

“Halt there! May I know of your business?”
The guards asked with an air of dignity in him, he was different from the ones at the city entrance.

“Today we want to meet with the city lord and issue an identification card for my master.”
Miri also replied with chivalrous pride. Uuh, so cool, I still couldn’t believe she falls in love with me.

The guard then look at me with appraising sharp gaze.
“Hou, is this person is… the rumored?”

really, what rumor? Is it about the incident yesterday at the guild or what? However I can only nods lightly to respond.

“Now, please tell the lord that I’ve come. We will wait here.”
Miri suddenly issued an order to the guard and he was confused.

“Do you really need to visit the city lord to get an identification card?”
of course the guard face is troubled.

“He is the new master of my household.”

“Is that so?”

“Please, inform the city lord immediately.”
Miri right now couldn’t be refuted by anyone.

“Miri, I think asking the city lord just to make and identification card is unreasonable.”
“No way, it’s for my master.”

the guards on the bridge then asked the other man who seemed to be his subordinates to go in to the castle. After that, we’re asked to wait at a small waiting room next to the bridge.

“Miri, what kind of person is the city lord?”

“Hmm… my old household used to works for him. He is also the reason my household is able to climb up the rank.”

so, it was a superior and subordinates relationship.

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“He informed me that he really want to see you.”

getting told that a man really want to see you didn’t make it any better.
“and why is that?”
did the city lord actually have a strange preferences and I might be a sexual harassment victim?

“It seemed that he is interested in you.”

No way…
quickly I feel anxious and feel insecure. Will I be able to go home safely?

After some time, the permission to come in was granted. Another guard lead us in and we enter the castle.

The entrance was profusely and overly long corridor. At the end, is where the lords office located. When the door is opened, I saw the city lords. His age should be around forty to fifty years old. His face is fearless like a warrior, full of pressuring air like heroes in fairy tale. However one thing I’m sure of, he is from the Ashura race, the war loving tribe. His six arm is the proof. When I was examining him, he also did the same.

The city lord come and asked: “is this the new head of the black dagger household?”
he keep on looking at me with harsh look and continue appraising me. The air is heavy, was it his pressure or his thirst for blood?

“P-P-Please to meet you, I’m Kent, a demi-human.”

he ignored my self introduction and glanced at Miri.

“Miriaria, are you sure you let him become the head of your household?”
“I appreciate for your concern but if it wasn’t him, there’s no one else more worthy.”
surely, Miriaria resolution is strong.

“You know, that black dagger you give him wasn’t something easy to handle.”
is the black dagger is the one Miriaria give to me when she pledged her loyalty?

The city lord examined me again.
“How can this spineless and weak man compared to the demon lord that you chose him over the demon lord? The black dagger, you’re really giving it to him?”
the city lord voice is loud enough to cause the walls tremble. But what’s more shocking is the truth of the anger. Miriaria is actually is a demon lord bride candidate.

“City lord, I have already declined to be the demon lord’s bride.”
“I know you don’t approve his way of ruling but…”
“It will be good if we end the discussion here.”

Miriaria looked at him with resolute expression.

“Right now, he already becomes my master. There is no question. He is my master.”
Miriaria voice is loud and clear. However I didn’t know her pledge of loyalty is actually such a big issue.

“I didn’t accept this. How can you serve this powerless man?”

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at that moment, the city lord release such a threatening pressure. He spread his hand forward and the furniture around the area was thrown away from the force and he pounced towards me.

at that moment I am afraid that Miri is already to late.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

the sound of two metal collided can be heard.

When I look closer, at Miriaria neck there is an almost invisible sword. Just a bit more it could pierced trough her neck.

If Miri is hurt…

suddenly my body feels heavy.

The silence only last for a minute before a guard knocked on the door and asked.
“Master, has something happened?”

“Nothing, you can go away. Although your form is still in a mess, I couldn’t imagine you really come to protect this boy. And how can you look at me with hateful eye?”

“If you make another move, I won’t forgive you uncle Arbalest.”

if I look closer, Miri is also holding a black weapon aimed at his heart.

“Miri! Do you are intending to kill me?”

“You’re asking for this yourself.”

wait, wait, I’m at a lost him. Uncle? So the city lord is her relatives? Ugh my head hurts.

“I just want to take a look and test my cute niece but actually I almost got killed. Hahaha.”

they put away their weapon and the city lord come to give me a handshake.

“Ah, you really caught me by surprise there Miri.”

I couldn’t take it in and even when we’re shake hands, my hands are trembling.
“So, this is all an act? Even about the demon lord bride?”

“Of course that’s true. The current demon lord is captivated by Miri beauty.”

“Uncle, don’t say anything strange to Kent! Master, there’s no such thing.”

“And, what about the black dagger? Is it okay for me to have it?”

“Ah, you’re quite smart. You don’t have to worry. It’s just that you’re become the head of our household.”

“It was a lie Kent. There’s no such thing like the demon lord bride. I was only a candidate so there’s no relationship between us. Kent, believe me.”

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however, it was too much shock for me.

“So, Miri actually can be a royal family if she becomes the demon king bride. How can you throw away such chance for me?”
“Kent… you really care for me?”
how can she turned the air into lovey dovey in an instance.

“I’m just following my heart.”
when Miri said that, I know that I have to put more effort to be someone worthy for her.
(Tl note: yeah right.. and I don’t want to tell you a spoiler but what happened 90 more chapters is………..hahahahaha call me evil.)

“Hohoho, so your reason to come today is to get an identification card right? Don’t worry I’ll take care of it.”
the city lord said that without even giving us a chance to reply. I of course wanted to refuse, I don’t want to trouble him but Miri just shook her head while looking at me.

I was taken to another room. The room doesn’t have any window and only same pale light emitted from the magic circle written on the floor.

“This is the ritual to register yourself.”
the city lord then put his hand on a black stone pillar in the middle of the room. Green light is emitted from it and a screen similar to my status window appeared.
“Kent, don’t worry this is only an appraisal stone. You just need to put your hand.”

after that, my appearance and status is displayed on the screen.

Name: Kent
Race: Demi-human
Age: 15
Combat job: –
General job: –

“How can my future nephew doesn’t have any job?”

“Uncle Arbalest, Kent is probably one of 『Forgotten race』.”
hearing that, the city lord couldn’t hide his shock.

“What? So, you’re not someone from this world?”
“City Lord, I decided to live in this world so this is my home now. That’s why I want to register myself.”

“Good, good, I appreciate your spirit. Hereby, I Arbalest Hyodo giving him authority as a resident.”

After that, the room was filled with light and not long, a business card like card appeared. Looking at the card, Miri is surprised.

“It’s a red card!”

“Eh, how can an unemployed get a red card?”

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“This is the first time I saw a red card.”
“Me too.”

seeing them both shocked, I was confused.

“Is this something bad?”
to my question, uncle Arbalest grabbed my shoulder.
“You know, red card means you are able to take unlimited number of quest.”

after that they explained to me about the identification card. Identification card is divided into five colors. Black, green, blue, purple, and red. The color signifying the number of quest they could take at the same time. Black is 3, green is 6, blue is 12, purple is 24, and red is ∞. from what I heard, there is no limit to red card holder and there’s only a really small amount of people who have red card. Is this another cheat? Getting a red card while being unemployed, even getting the black card is alright since I have no quest. There is less than 1% population have purple card, green and blue around 2-5% and black is 70% while red is less than 0.1%. some known figure having a red card is the black dragon king Faburanov and Clade from demon lord army. In other world, this is rhea (rare).

“It seems that my master is really amazing.”
“I didn’t hate that feeling but I’m still don’t have a job.”
however suddenly the card seemed to be sucked in to my body.

“Eh, the card!”
I was panicked.

“Don’t worry, you can take it out using your consciousness. Look.”
Miri showed me what to do and her card is shown. It was purple card. Miri is probably also a cheat character in this game… well I don’t really care and tried to take out my identification card. Ah, it came out. It was a red floating card on top of my hand.

“With this, the registration finished.”
Arbalest declared and then a log window popped up.

〙 You have been registered as a resident of the demon kingdom
〙 You have earned a job as citizen
〙 1 skill point acquired
〙 as a job correction, a small amount of stamina is added

I earned a job and I earned my first skill point. Right now I open my status in a hurry. The status window color also has been changed to red.

Name: Kent
Race: Demi-human
Age: 15
Combat job: –
General job: citizens Lv 1
unique skill: 【Handsome】, 【Well protected】, 【Sexual prodigy】, 【womanizer】
combat skill: –
equipment: –
language: westron , writing: –

Finally I got a job! Even though it’s only a citizen but it’s still a good step. It’s better than unemployed. After that we bid farewell to Arbalest and leave the castle.

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