I decided to finish up my edit on the first part of chapter four. Seeing as how it’s a short one, it didn’t take that much time during the break at work to look it over. The next part is also pretty short which I’ll try to go over this week as well. Not keeping anyone’s hopes up though, as I’m quite engrossed in reading another visual novel as well recently.

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I’ve also corrected links on the previous releases to open on a new tab instead of just opening it on the same page. This should allow people to easily look over references now (I’m still procrastinating on making them footnotes though).

All that’s left now is part two and three of this last chapter and the epilogue, which I’ll release along with the afterword. After that, I’ll probably take a few weeks off to read in advance during the holidays. I decided to do that instead of just reediting past releases so it would be a slower but cleaner approach.

Well then, please enjoy the translated chapter below.


Chapter 4

Ako-chan’s Nest

TL note: Reference to Dragon Nest.

Part 1

Translation: Yamaking

“Tamaki-san came to school in the morning, but it seems she left before first period started.”

It was after school in the Modern Electronics Communication Game Club. Saitou-sensei said the former with a troubled voice.

I see, so she really went home after that.

I had an inkling that maybe that act of hers earlier looked kind of real so I thought that she might do that.

“To add, I’ve already received a notice of her absence for tomorrow as well.”

“That girl really is good at preparing for nonsensical things isn’t she!”

That was out of my expectations!

Is she really that serious about running away from all of this? This won’t pass just as a bit of a joke anymore.

“I didn’t think she would be that upset over it…”

“More than being upset, it might be that she’s more shocked over it. Her feelings for you are stronger than you think. I would like you to at least understand that.”

“Ye, yes.”

Even Akiyama-san seemed despondent when she got briefed on the current situation.

Well that’s a given of course. If she were still all smiles at this point, even I would get mad— Actually, even now, I’m already plenty mad.

“You know, Akiyama-san. You probably wouldn’t get what I’m about to say, but hear me out.”


Contrary to how I usually am, I seriously said that to Akiyama-san, who in turn, just kept silent as she turned her gaze towards me.

As I could see a genuine apologetic look on her face, my tone softened up a bit, and I began to speak.

“How should I say this? It’s kind of hard to put it. You see, for people like us, having outsiders, especially ones who clearly have higher specs than us, invade our personal space is really tough on us. It’s like when an ikemen drops by in a shop for otaku, all we could do is just click our tongue at that guy. For those without even the courage to do that, all they would do is glare at them from far away and wait for them to go away. That kind of thing really hurts us, you know.”

“I, I didn’t mean it like that that.”

Akiyama-san took her gaze off me and then spoke in a soft, gentle voice.

“At first, it just looked like Akane was acting weird so I thought I’d have a look see. She’s always saying those mean things to Nishimura-kun but actually gets along with him secretly, and she got along pretty well with Tamaki-san too, who just recently wasn’t coming to school at all. I thought to myself, ‘Ah, there must be something going on here’. But Akane didn’t really tell me anything, so I had no choice but to have a look see—”

“And it looked a bit interesting, so you just suddenly decided to mess with us a little, is how it went?”

“Y, yeah.”

“…Well, if the person in question wasn’t Ako, it wouldn’t have been this big of a deal.”

Segawa said that with a complicated look on her face.

“I see. After hearing the story, it seems Tamaki-san may have overreacted.”

Saitou-sensei said that.

That may be so. Normally, it wouldn’t even be a joke you would pay attention to. If I had to say it, if it wasn’t Ako, then they would have probably just laughed it off and let it pass. But, that person would still be pretty angry about it. Thinking about it like that, it’s not Ako’s fault at all.

But you know, that kind of thing just irritates me after all.

Being on the receiving end of a snide remark, and them thinking of it just as a light-hearted joke, only for the one on the receiving end to be the only one riled up by it, thus causing them to be weirded out is a situation I’ve experienced. There’s definitely a lot of guys that I remember who did that.

I just can’t ride along with those normies. What they say is clearly meant to mock me, but do I have to grin and bear with it because it’s just a joke? Just how much joking around does one have to grin and bear with until it’s enough? Is it wrong to get mad? Just why is it that when the one getting ridiculed gets angry, they turn out to be the bad guy? This makes me furious.

Then again, no matter what I say, they just wouldn’t understand. That’s just how different our playstyles are. Between me and them, our stances on real life and the game are completely different.

Though, just thinking about this will get me nowhere. I have to do something about it first.

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“Anyway, the cause of this is all something along the lines of a misunderstanding. If I talk it out properly with Ako, this matter should resolve itself.”

“So, how are you going to do that? I’ve been trying to call her since earlier but she just wouldn’t pick up.”

Of course. She’s probably decided on secluding herself so she would stubbornly do just that.

“Then what are you going to do Rusian? Visit her directly at her home?”

“That’s fine too but you know where Ako would escape to right?”

‘It’s here’, is what I hinted at as I pointed toward the PC.

“She in there, probably.”


When I logged on to LA, as I expected, Ako was ingame.

The only difference is that, she wasn’t at the usual cafe, but rather at some farming spot. It seems that she also playing solo.

“How long has it been since Ako went off to farm on her own?”

“It should be something along the line of a few months, at the very least.”

Were you that shocked by it, Ako?

Rusian: Ako, are you there?

Ako: You’re just in time, Rusian. I was just about to level up. Would you like to join me?

So she replied. But that attitude of hers pretending like nothing was wrong is scary.

“Anyway, just explain it to her. It should be fine if you just clear up the misunderstanding.”

“I guess so.”

Rusian: Listen to me. That thing earlier was just a misunderstanding of sorts, a sham, just something she did on random, or something like a prank of some sort.

Ako didn’t answer.

Rusian: I’ve talked to Akiyama-san about it, and it seems her primary reason for doing that was Segawa. She was just planning to mess with Schew when suddenly, you and I got caught up in it. This should already be obvious, but she’s not interested in me at all.

“Yep, I’m not, not even a single bit, interested in Nishimura-kun at all.”

“…I already knew that though.”

I knew it. I knew it but, having you say it like that gets on my nerves!

I got a bit excited too when you suddenly hugged my arm, but that’s just too bad isn’t it! Damn it!

Rusian: Just now, she tore me a new one by telling me that she was not, even a single bit, interested in me at all. I understand that you’re surprised by all this, but it’s not something you should worry about.

Ako: That’s a lie.

Rusian: There’s no way I would be lying right? What would I even get by lying to—

Ako: That’s a lie!


That statement had such an impact that I was left speechless.

She’s mad. Ako-san is seriously mad.

Ako: To begin with, someone like me couldn’t win in a fight against another female high school student who’s also a normie. The real Rusian was just a prize beyond my reach. It couldn’t be helped.

No, no, you got it all wrong. The real prize here would be you.

That’s what I thought but Ako’s next line of chat came out that I was stopped in my typing.

Ako: I’ve already given up on everything. I’m going to throw away this life that doesn’t have Rusian in it.

Rusian: Ha?

Throw away your life… You, you’re not thinking of—.

“I didn’t think that Ako, in despair of being turned down by Rusian would…”

“No, no, there’s no way that’s the case! It’s not like I turned her down!”

“M, Make haste and get a car ready to get to Ako’s—”

“Wait, I’ll go call their home.”

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As we were at our wit’s end, Ako’s next line of chat appeared.


Ako: I’m going to level to the max and reincarnate. I’m betting everything on the next life!


She just spouted out some nonsensical thing!

Level? You’re going to raise your level? So when you said reincarnate, you meant that system in the game where if you hit max level, you could transfer over abilities to a new character you’ll make, that kind of thing!?

“It was just a for a quick 5 seconds, but I was really going pale there…”

“That goes for me too…”

“…Cancel that thing about the car.”

Master just said something to her cellphone. It looks like she really called for a car. Nekohime-san had already sunk to the floor. Really, give us a break will you?

Rusian: Ah—, Err… Just what are you saying…

It seems that Ako didn’t pay any heed to us, who dejectedly went limp, as she energetically said.

Ako: What, you say? Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to level up, buy a new character card, design my cute, bright, and popular self and be reborn! I’m going to aim for my ideal life in the next life. Until then, I’m going to enjoy LA to my heart’s content!

No, no, the next life is just out of the question. And actually, that’s not aiming for the next life, that’s just throwing your life away.

In other words, it would mean the end of your normal life.

Ako: Rusian, would you like to join me as well?

“There’s the invitation to an unorthodox lover’s suicide.”

“I don’t want to die as well. That aside, when Ako said she was going to throw her life away, she really meant she has given up on real life huh…”

That’s pretty troublesome in and of itself. If Ako disappears, that lovely flower in my life would disappear as well.

What’s more, when a friend, who was in so much despair that they would think of throwing of their life, actually does it, you would feel a sense of helplessness. It’s difficult.

Ako: I mean, please think about it. Your own self in your next life. That self would be someone cool, smart, good at sports, would have a talent for music, would have good aesthetic sense, and would do everything positively, and you could also be born into a rich family too! How does that sound!?

“……Living your ideal life in the next life huh.”

Rusian: It would be a bit wonderful if that could happen.

Ako: Right!?

“Why are you getting brainwashed by her! Rather than being an unorthodox lover’s suicide, it’s just going to turn into a normal one!”

“Nuuuoooooooooo, stop it! Stop it!”

My neck was being strangled by Segawa as she shook me violently. My eyes! My eyes are spinning!

“But you want to do that right! To become that new self!”

If it’s just becoming it, I would really want to become one. My ideal self that is!

“There’s no way I would want to become that kind of a superman! Actually, you wouldn’t be yourself anymore when you become like that, so what’s even the point!”

That’s the case but, I’d still like to become like that after all!

Anyone would think that, even if there was only one thing they could have. That one thing that they could be proud of about themselves.

Be it their looks, their smarts, their athletic ability, their musical talent, their great aesthetic sense, being able to press on regardless of the hardships, or even just being born into a wealthy family! I would think that it would be nice if I could have just been born with any of those!

Ako: There you have it Rusian. My real self is going to die, and from now on, I’m thinking of playing this game more seriously.

Rusian: Ah, yeah.

I shouldn’t be getting convinced by this, but going with Ako’s momentum, I unconsciously agreed.

And then, Ako continued.

Ako: So— Rusian is a high school student right?

Rusian: Well of course.

Ako: To go to the next life, I’m going to strengthen my character.

Rusian: Yeah.

Ako: So won’t you quit school?

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Ako: I’d also like to take turns with Rusian in leveling my character, so I’ll tell you my ID and password.

No, I already know your ID though……Err, eh?

Eh? Eh, that, eh?


“That’s not what you’re supposed to say here, get a hold of yourself.”

“Oh, yeah.”

I was swallowed up by the intensity of Ako’s no-lifer like act, that I shook my head to cool myself off.

Quitting school for the sake of the game? Why would you say something, that I feel like I’ve heard before, like that, Ako?

Ako: For the record, I’m going to quit school too.

So that part is already decided!?

“Dropping out of school is definitely out of the question!”

“This is bad. That girl’s considerably gone off the deep end.”

“It’s going to be problematic if we don’t stop her here. What will you do, Rusian?”

What will I do you ask? There’s no choice but to calm her down right!

Rusian: Calm down Ako, you’re worrying too much about this.

Ako: I am calm though. I calmly thought about it and this is what I came to.

Then go think some more!

But the way she said all that, without hesitation, makes it seem so real, that it’s frightening.

Ako: And so, I’m going to live in LA from now on. I don’t need the real world anymore. As long as I have LA, I can go on living. It’s in the world of LA that Rusian is my husband after all.

Rusian: You…

Ako: Well then, I’m going to do my best and aim for reincarnation!

Rusian: Hey, wait! I said wait!

S, she turned her chat off! She’s even blocked whispers! Anything I say now is not going to show on her screen anymore!

“This is bad, Ako just broke.”

“This is… very troublesome.”

“Erm, is this by any chance, my fault?”

Akiyama-san’s expression twitched as she said that. It yours— and my fault as well. I don’t even have to say it.

“Would having all of us barge in her house like this be okay?”

“Won’t that just make her even more unnecessarily stubborn?”

“I guess so…”

“For the moment, let’s give her some time. If we give Tamaki-san some time, I’m sure she would cool off and who knows? She might secretly come back to school again.”

Saitou-sensei was being teacher-like and summed up the conversation.

“If that would happen then that would be the end of all this needless anxiety…”

As we looked at one another with uncertainty, we gave out a sigh.

Just like that, we were sent home.

But to be honest, going to sleep and waking up the next day to find Ako back to her old self, is an idea that no one even thought about.

The next day, Ako didn’t come to school.

In exchange, it seems she has increased her level by one.


“This is an abnormal situation. That girl raising her level on her own is just impossible.”

“That’s right. The severity of the issue at hand could be seen through that alone.”

“…To be honest, I also have the same opinion.”

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Since this an event without a precedent, you could say that she has really ran off to LA. I think the current situation is just that serious, however stupid that may sound.

“We should be talking Ako-kun out of it, but she has blocked any incoming messages from us.”

“Then how about creating a new character and talking to her?”

“There’s also the option of talking to her directly. But… I’d like to wait until Ako has calmed down a bit more.”

“This is rare. You’re not going to rush to Ako’s side at this moment? Normally, you would’ve already gone.”

“Well, you know.”

We’re talking about an Ako that’s been swallowed up by the current situation. For these kinds of dangerous cases, we should be properly planning out what to do first. That’s just how much responsibility I feel for this. And even I sympathize with some of the worries that Ako is experiencing.

And also, honestly, towards Ako, I really—

“Sorry to say, but that’s just not going to fly.”


Saitou-sensei lightly placed her hand on my shoulder as she said this.

“It’s about this club you see. Because of the improvement of Tamaki-san’s condition— or rather, it’s because she would go to school for the time being, that the club is holding up. But if this keeps up, people might say that it turns out that was just our imagination and it actually had the opposite effect instead. In the worst case scenario, the place that Tamaki-san could return to, would disappear.”

“That’s a problem…”

So we couldn’t put this off any longer huh? But taking that differently, doesn’t that mean we don’t have to worry about Ako dropping out from school anymore?

“Dropping out… Ah, Sensei, what about Ako’s dropping out of school?”

Saitou-sensei was not Ako’s adviser, so she might not have heard it, but I might as well ask.

“Hmm—, how should I put this. It seems there was a phone call from a female that named herself Tamaki-san that hinted at her dropping out.”


I was startled.

Did you really just give them a notice of your withdrawal, Ako!?

“I was the one who answered that phone call but I just kind of went, ‘Ah? Yes. Alright’, since I was pretty exhausted at the time. I couldn’t remember the contents of the conversation. It was probably lagging, don’t you think?”

“I don’t think the school phone would have something like lag…”

So the one who ended that conversation was Sensei.

“Is that going to be okay?”

“There’s no way it’s going to be okay. If word gets out, it would be a huge problem.”


Dropping out is really that big of a deal. It’s not something you can just pretend to not hear and continue on as usual.

But, Saitou-sensei only seemed a bit troubled as she shrugged her shoulders.

“But, this situation is different than if we’ve left her alone. Unlike the time she faced me with her fake cutter knife, now she’s just closing herself off, right? I think that she’s improving, in her own way.”

“I guess so. Recently, she’s been working hard in what she could do.”

“You see? And so, I think that some boy who understands it all ought to be able to take care of it.”

‘Right?’, she said as she smiled.

“Aren’t meow able to do something about this, Rusian? Didn’t meow say that meow didn’t marry her on a whim or just for show right?”

“I don’t know about placing that much faith in someone who’s just a student though.”

“There’s nyeow meaning to a teacher who can’t trust her students.”

“Guh… There you go saying something cool like that.”

You’re at no age to be saying things like ‘Meow ♪’ though— is quite an awkward response that would not be coming out from me.

It’s because she’s always been like this, that I got stuck with that mess of a trauma. Darn it.

“It had to be like that. Else, I would feel sorry for Rusian who fell in love in with mew.”

Saitou-sensei giggled and laughed.

What’s with feeling like I got tricked. Was it that obvious?

“I understand. Since you’re going that far, I’m definitely going to have you help me— Nekohime-san.”

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