This was a time in LA— Legendary Age, when about a year has passed since I started playing.

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Even though I immediately left my guild after the trauma of confessing to a trap, I found it hard to continue playing solo in an online game. Since it came to this, I figured I might as well try playing the game seriously for once and applied for one of the “hardcore” guilds.

PVP, Quests and Leveling, they all took those things seriously. That’s the kind of guild it was.

One look at their guildmaster (IGN: †Black Magician†), and you can see that he was pretty powerful, being a male character donning an assortment of shiny equipment.

To be honest, I was completely unnerved by that sight now that I think about it.

Even so, I mustered all the courage I had and this was what had transpired.

Rusian: Excuse me, I’d like to join the guild…

†Black Magician†: Oh, a new member application? Well, shall we get to the interview then?

A sudden interview right off the bat.

Huh? Interview? Even though I’m just joining a guild in-game?

It’s a bit late to back out now, but the voice inside me was telling me that something was off about this as I continued standing nervously in front of the guy.

Well, it’s only to join a guild in the game so it can’t be that big of a deal right? Yep, I think so.

†Black Magician†: For starters, how about telling me the games you’ve played before LA?

You’re starting from there!? You’re asking about my gaming history!? Is this something like a resume!?

I was so surprised that I almost slipped and fell from my chair. Well, for now, I’ll just go along and answer.

Rusian: LA is my first game so…

†Black Magician†: Ah, is that so. This is you first game huh? I see.

Just what is that reaction? Does it mean good? Or was that bad?

As the person who was talking in front of me seemed to resemble a company executive, my heart started racing.

†Black Magician†: So then, what do you do in real life?

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You’re going to ask about my real life next!? Not something related to game!?

Ah, I see. This is an interview directed towards the person behind the player ”Nishimura Hideki” and not the ingame character Rusian. It might be a bit late, but I get it now.

Rusian: Err…

†Black Magician†: Ah, it’s not as if I’m asking for your occupation. What I just want to know is, your login schedule, how serious you are with the game, stuff like that.

Even if you ask me how serious I am with the game, a game is just a game after all. Nothing more and nothing less.

Rusian: I’m a student so I can play from evening onwards.

†Black Magician†: Ah, you’re not in college are you? Probably high school or something lower right? You’re probably the type that when it’s time for dinner you’ll have to drop out, or when the bath is ready you’ll drop out too. And when it comes to late at night you probably can’t log in, that sort of thing. In our guild, everyone is basically always here. But when we start farming, it’s our style to continue farming for about three hours without stopping so having someone suddenly drop out in the middle of it is kind of a bother.

Rusian: Ah, I see.

Ah, I’m definitely going to be rejected! He just completely dismissed the way of life of a typical student!

Is it weird? Am I the odd one here? Scary! This is a really scary guild!

†Black Magician†: I didn’t mean that that’s a bad thing. It’s just that it would be hard to find fun in playing together when our play styles don’t match since it would entail that you’d always have to be watching out for others that way. I just thought you might be able to find other guilds that are better suited to your play style.

Rusian: I see…

This was only supposed to be a conversation prior to me joining a guild, but it feels like I was getting lectured by my teacher. Just what kind of guild is too hard for a normal student I wonder.

I probably failed the interview anyway, so I should just do as I please and leave already. With those feelings in mind, I carelessly typed away at the keyboard.

Rusian: Then if I quit school then I’ll probably fit in with you guys huh? lol

†Black Magician†: You’re definitely not wrong there. lol

I said that like it was a joke and †Black Magician†-san just laughed back at me as he answered.

Oh, so he wasn’t completely serious about all of that before. And when I was just feeling relieved thinking that…

†Black Magician†: But, hmm, let’s see… There’s a lot of people in our guild who quit their jobs or school to play net games and everyone seems to be having fun.

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He goes ahead and says that.

What the heck is that? Scary.

†Black Magician†-san kept directing his unperturbed smile at me, who was frozen stiff, and continued talking.

†Black Magician†: Ah, could you also tell me about your main character’s level, job, gear, life skill level, PVP score and your progress on the questlines?

Rusian: E, excuse me!

†Black Magician†: Eh, what? Hey, wait—?

I ran away. Of course I ran away.

I’m never going near the gathering spot for that guild again.

It’s clear enough that we both live in different worlds. I knew that much.

It was this incident that made me realize I cannot survive in this game if I keep playing like this.


Rusian: I still shudder when I think back on it. Now, I’m just glad that I met my current comrades.

Ako: So Rusian had his fair share of troubles too…

As soon as she finished hearing my story, Ako said that as she sympathized with me, her eyes downcast.

Rusian: You see? Those hardcore players are really scary. This is why you shouldn’t thoughtlessly go with people you don’t know.

Ako: But I got three levels because of that. I even received this cute equip.

Rusian: This is exactly what happens that’s why I told you it’s not good!

Jokes aside, even under normal circumstances, you’re already a princess-type character!

That’s right. In the world of LA, my “Waifu” Ako, was taken around by other girl characters who were dressed very cute (according to her story), brought to a high level farming spot where she proceeded to cause trouble for them, and then ended up getting a lot of experience in the process, in addition to being showered with items before coming back here.

Ako: But they were really nice people.They even explained to me the monster’s weaknesses and how to better operate my controls.

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Rusian: So, did you understand any of it?

Ako: Nope, not at all!

Of course right—

If it’s just those things, I’ve already explained them to you enough. But no matter what, you always end up doing as you always do, don’t you?

Ako: By the way Rusian, how were you after that incident? They didn’t follow you around and bully you, did they?

As if something that stupid would happen. There’s no such thing as bullying in net games.

Actually, it was even the other way around.

Rusian: Those guys looked for me afterwards. They said that even though I couldn’t join the guild, we’re still fellow players playing the game so if I ever had trouble, I could always let them know. After that, I received a lot of help from them on my quests.

Ako: Weren’t they all good people then!

Yeah, they were really good people! They were really strong too, and knew just about everything! I had complete confidence that I could never become like that!

Rusian: That’s why I respect those real hardcore players. And it’s not like I’m bad at dealing with them but just like he said, I’m probably better off playing with somebody with my own play style. It doesn’t really matter if I play alone, but if you’re playing in a group, it’s really hard if you’re not accustomed to each other’s play styles.

Play style is really important. Forcing yourself to play with someone who just doesn’t match up with your style is just brewing tragedy.

For example, let’s see, an event where a PVP-focused player and a life-skill player are forced to face off under the pretext of Valentine’s would never come to pass.

I mean, this could very well lead to the life-skill players to quitting!

Ako: I know what you mean. If it were me, I would be tired after seriously playing for a few hours.

Of course you would be. When we’re out farming, you just sitting down and chatting for an hour is pretty commonplace in our guild, Alley Cats. There’s no way you could desperately keep up hunting with those hardcore players.

Rusian: And that’s why you shouldn’t be carelessly going along with strange people that you don’t know. If you feel like you can get along with them, that’s fine. But if you feel like something’s off, immediately head on back. Understand?

Ako: Okaaaay. —but you don’t need to worry about me, I’ll always be by Rusian’s side you know? I even properly explained to that person that I’m married to Rusian so farming as a pair is not possible.

Rusian: I’m not really worried about that though.

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Ako: Isn’t that a bit cruel!?

Rusian: I trust Ako after all.

This much is true. Even if they’d proposed, there’s no reason to not trust Ako.

On the other hand, I actually have to take care as to not increase the number of Ako’s victims.

Up until now, persistent whispers (private message) from the trap players that Ako played with saying, “Get away from Ako!” kept popping up in my screen. I refuse to let it get worse than this. Argh, the notification sounds are really noisy.

Ako: But, that was kind of nice, wasn’t it?

Rusian: Nice? What was?

While I was busy closing these annoying PM windows that I kept getting, Ako spoke as she flashed a smile.

Ako: Just like that Black Magician-san said, quitting school and everything and just living to play games is like a dream isn’t it?

Rusian: And then what? Are you planning for me to provide for you?

Ako: How did you know?

Rusian: So I got that right! I won’t do that! Seriously, keep trying hard for your future’s sake!

Ako: My future dream is to be a housewife though…

Rusian: I don’t plan on denying you your dream but I don’t have the ability to allow that kind of dependency!

Ako: Eeeh…

Even if you say it in such a sad voice, what’s impossible is impossible.

Really, this girl is just hopeless in a number of ways. Seriously.

—And that was the conversation we had before, three days after the official start of the operation of the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club. At the time I didn’t really think much of it, but thinking about it this time around made me feel like I was being given a glimpse of something.

A glimpse of what you say? What else could it be but the blunder that’s going to be caused by my “Waifu”.

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