Chapter 3

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Record of Collaboration War

TL note: Reference to Record of Lodoss War, probably.


Part 1

Translation: Yamaking


Ako was hard at work cleaning up the dishes we just used for dinner. After I confessed to her, she was in such a good mood that she blurted out ‘This is also part of a housewife’s job!’ and just wouldn’t give up the task. As I was casting her a sidelong glance, Master and Segawa approached me.

“Since we went to a great deal to get you two alone together, you DID confess right?”

“…For what it’s worth, I guess.”

“And what was the result of this event then?”

I thought quite hard about it. It’s pretty hard to put it into words, but my conclusion is that…

“Ako is really a WITCH.”

“Sorry I don’t really get it.”

There’s no other way to put it. She’s a scary Wife In Training to Catch her Husband.

For what it’s worth, it’s still a joyous experience for me.

“For now, there’s no mistaking that our feelings our mutual.”

“Then that’s all for the best.”

“In other words, everything didn’t go you’d hoped for huh?”

You sure have a lot to say. At that time, I was satisfied just hearing her say ‘I love you’ to me too.

“Actually, I just noticed it now that we’re already at this point, but isn’t a married couple one rank higher than boyfriend and girlfriend?! No matter what I try to do, there’s no swaying Ako!”

But she would still be happy by what I would attempt to do though!

Actually, I’m pretty sure she would be overjoyed if I do stuff like that again!

“Not to mention that when you hit your dere switch, you really go full dere. It’s because you’re like that that her delusion of you that she has in her head just gets needlessly reinforced more and more.”

That’s exactly it.

I don’t know if it’s because I told her I love her, but Ako is now believing stronger than ever in our relationship as a married couple.

“So even banning her from the internet didn’t work…”

“She just can’t think of you both as anything other than husband and wife in real life too huh?”

Ako just oozes out joy as she hums while washing the dishes.

She’s such in a good mood that it was enough to make Nekohime-san, who was putting away the knives, stare at her in wonder.

“…Well, this is fine.”

“Oh? Are you giving up already?”

No, you got it wrong. That’s not what I meant.

Now that it’s come to this, I’ll just have to change my method of thinking as well.

“I won’t accept the fact that Ako’s always the one leading me by the nose. On the contrary, I’ll just ignore whatever she says from this point on. Me and Ako are lovers after all. We became a couple just today. I won’t let her object to that fact.”

“But if you keep continuing on like this, she’ll eventually end up making you marry her.”

“Noooo I forgot there was still that too!”

I don’t have the courage for that.

Actually, I can’t even call that courage. That’s just being reckless.

“…I just want us to make progress slowly. I’m sure Ako will understand someday.”

“I knew it. You’ve really given up haven’t you?”

“If Rusian says so, then it cannot be helped.”

Master seems to be the only one who was somewhat convinced by my ramblings.

“I’m done—”

Ako came back at just the right moment.

She’s acting like a spoiled dog that wants to be praised. You can see it in her expression plastered all over her face. It can’t be helped, I’ll just honestly praise her for what she just did.

“Thanks for the all hard work, we really appreciate it.”

“I’m just doing my best as Rusian’s wife!”


As soon as she said that, Ako wedged herself in the space between Segawa and me and sat herself down.

Segawa looked a bit irritated as she distance herself from us. Sorry about my wife being like this.

“Well then, it looks like just about the right time to turn in. Shall we go and sleep soon?”

“Where are we going to sleep? Is everyone going to be sleeping together? Or do we each have separate rooms?”

“Uhm, I want to go sleep with Rusian…”

“That’s not allowed ok?”


Sensei caught Ako by the neck when she said that, so she couldn’t help but nod to her.

“Why are you all talking as if we’re done here? It all starts from here on, don’t you know?”

Master suddenly stood up, looking very dignified, and then gazed at all of us.

“Due to being disconnected from the internet the whole day, everyone’s netgame powers should be in a much higher state, incomparable to how they were before. ‘I want to login to the game’, ‘I want to play’… Aren’t you just overflowing with these emotions?”

“Well of course, I actually want to go and use my phone right away.”

“I want to go play the game!”

“Hand over our PCs—”

“I know right? I know right?”

As we chanted in chorus, Master boldly spread out her hand and made a loud declaration,

“From here on, the Modern Electronics Communication Game Club’s true summer camp begins!”

As she said, Master then opened the door to the recreation room.

The indirect lighting in the room was lit up, and the cold air from inside it began to flow out.

In the room were five splendid desktop PCs set in place.

“This is where it truly begins! We won’t stop until we’re able to defeat at least ten of the so-called formidable boss monsters in LA! I name this event, ‘Either we’re beat-ten or pass out trying’!”

“Just what the heck do you mean with that beat-ten!?”


TL note: This is a reference to a TV variety show named 帰れま10 (a pun on kaeremasen – I can’t go back – turned to kaerema10) where the contestants go around restaurants and guess on ordering the top 10 items from the menu, drinks excluded. The contestant also can’t go home until they’ve guessed all 10 correctly even when they lose.


“So passing out is already a given!?”

What kind of event is this?!

“Wait a minute Goshouin-san. There’s five PCs here. You can’t mean…”

“I’ve also prepared one for you Ms. Saitou. Please go ahead and supervise us.”

“It’s already time for lights out you know? Go to sleep, all of you—”

“I won’t approve of that.”

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“Meow are so cruel…”

This is a club where the words of the club president hold more power than the actual adviser.

But wait a minute here. I want to play. Truly I do.

But see, it’s pretty late you know? We did all that swimming and exercise earlier, and then eating up a lot afterwards. Even I think it would be the perfect time to sleep right about now, don’t you think so too?

Are we really going to do this now? Seriously?


“Ako’s already passed out!”

“Wake her up! Wake her up I say!”

It seems like Ako was clinging on to her chair with her eyes closed so I shook her awake.

“Rusian… I can’t eat anymore…”

“You’re awake aren’t you! You won’t hear that kind of sleep talk from someone who’s actually asleep!”

You just want to go to bed don’t you? Get over here!

“Buuut, I’m already at my limit you know.”

“That’s the most ideal state to be in! When you lose all control of your voluntary senses and proceed to perfectly control your character by pure instinct, that’s the time that we gamers really become complete!”

“Then I’m fine with being incomplete.”

“Don’t go making your club members manual bots.”

“That’s enough babbling, we’re going.”

She dragged us to the middle of the room and then sat us down in our chairs.

Seriously? Are we really going to do this? Are you really going to make us play while I’m sleepy enough that I have to keep rubbing my eyes to stay awake?

True, I wanted to use a PC, but I didn’t think that it’d have to be while playing a netgame until I pass out.

“We’re going to begin! First on the list is Extreme Titan!”

“That’s impossible!”


TL note: This is a reference to the Extreme Titan fight in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. It’s one of the first fights in FFXIV:ARR that acts as a wake up call boss battle for most people way back when it just released, as it is really mechanic intensive (and it also houses one of the first instances of a permadeath until boss reset since you could fall and not be able to be resurrected). See the video here for reference ( This is definitely something you shouldn’t attempt when you’re about to pass out. I’d also just like to point out that the BGM for this fight is damn great. The BGM gradually changes depending on what phase you’re in and actually syncs with what is happening in game – cue Titan’s Earthen Fury along with Under the Weight playing (


“Would it kill you to think if we can actually do this given the condition we’re in right now?!”

“Nooo! My bad self’s EXP points!”


She just wouldn’t bat an eye to our pleas.


Apricot: You’re letting the adds run free Rusian! Manage the aggro better!

Rusian: Sleepy…

It’s been a few hours since this ‘beat-ten’ event has started. It’s not even a question if I’m sleepy or not. Half of my brain is already taken by sleep. I’m sure of it.

Everyone’s even sick of talking already that they’re just typing away in chat.

Apricot: Schwein, don’t stop in your tracks! The boss is heading over here!

The one in charge of cleaning up the adds while I go kite the boss around was supposed to be Schwein, but her movements are starting to look strange. It’s also going to look bad for me if I get hit while kiting, but I’ve been taking damage since earlier as well.

Rusian: Schew, you alright—

Schwein: qwddsssssssssssssssssss

Rusian: Stop opening the chat window if you’re trying to move!

Ah, she’s so sleepy that she’s messing up her controls now.

Normally I would be laughing at this spectacle, but I’m getting way too sleepy to even care.

Ako: The boss is coming over here—

Ah, Ako was working hard to heal Schew that she took the boss’ aggro.

Ako: I died to the boss—

Ah, Ako just died.

Schwein: Our healer is dead… I guess I’ll go follow suit…

Rusian: I guess so. This is game over then…

We can finally sleep if we get wiped. It would all be over if we just get wiped.

As we were all hoping for that to happen, a green light suddenly covered our screens.

Ako: Eh?

Ako, who had just died, started moving again.

From a safe distance away, a cat-eared girl could be seen proudly puffing out her chest.

Nekohime: I’ve revived meow! Meow can still keep at it!

Rusian: Why did you go and do that!?

Schwein: Darn it, why do we have an off healer right now of all times!?

Nekohime: Why are meow all getting mad at me!?

Nekohime-san is definitely not at fault here. She isn’t, but!

Rusian: You could’ve taken a hint and just let us die there! You’re really useless aren’t you!

Schwein: This darned cat! I’ll lure the boss over to you!

Nekohime: Meowhyyyyyyy!?

Nekohime was suddenly berated with such remarks that lack any modicum of reason!

Nekohime: If meow keep that up then I won’t use Revive and Heal on meow.

Ako: I can do the healing all by myself—

Nekohime: Nekohime is not that free that she has enough leeway to be partying up with scrubs like meow!

‘Normally, one healer would be just fine’, is a retort that no one else had the energy to say. ‘You’re our adviser you know?’, is also another one that no one would just point out.

The members of the guild Alley Cats kept dying to the boss’ attacks one by one.

“Everyone’s dead… We can finally sleep…”

After I’ve confirmed Master, who was hanging on ‘till the very end, to be finally dead, I went on to close my eyes.

It’s been a while… since I passed out from gaming…



“—Hey, wake up you!”

“Nnn… Uh…”

I was being shaken so violently that I was forcibly woken up from my deep sleep.

When sat myself up, I could already see a bit of sunshine peeking through the windows.

“It’s morning already…?”

“It’s noon.”

Segawa bitterly said that.

Seriously? As I turned to look at her, I couldn’t believe my eyes for a second.

“You, that face— Pfft!”

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I was surprised for a bit there, but then I burst into laughter.

“You have all these keyboard marks plastered all over your face!”

Segawa, who looked disgruntled, had all these keyboard marks sticking on to her face.

“That just screams ‘I completely passed out last night while playing’! That’s hillarious, pfft!”

“Shaddup. You have it too you know.”


I reached out for my own cheeks.

I could feel all these marks engraved into my face as well.

“…Now that I’m aware they’re there, it’s starting to get itchy.”

“You really shouldn’t be scratching it though…”

Segawa said that, looking as if she had given up on everything.

‘She might actually be a pretty great guy’, is the weird thought that suddenly came to mind.

“Nyau… You can’t go around touching me there…”



As I was looking over the sight of Ako getting kicked after her moans of ecstasy, I could only let out a large sigh.


It was way past noon when everyone finally woke up and got together.

“Today’s the second day of our camp, but the weather outside has taken a turn for worse.”

Even though it’s noon, there’s no rays coming from outside. Apparently, there were signs of a storm coming today.

“We can finally play net games all day right!”

“If we’re just talking about being able to do it, then sure we can but…”

I wonder if she’s been having withdrawal from the internet ban we had going yesterday, but Ako seems very pleased.

“What are we gonna do? Are we really going to play?”

“I really don’t want to put in our daily report that all we did was play around with the PC all day.”

For what it’s worth, this camp is also a part of Nekohime-san’s job, so she was staring at her clipboard with mixed feelings.

I wonder if they’ll get mad if she writes about us passing out last night in front of the PCs? I’m a bit worried.

“There’s no need for concern everyone. I figured this might happen, so I’ve prepared a plan in case you all got bored!”

‘Rain or shine, I’m going to make this camp fun!’ is what Master said as she puffed out her chest in pride.

“We’re going to move lodgings for today!”

“Why are we doing that again?”

“The reason for that you see is… This!”

She pointed towards the announcement on the official LA site being displayed on the computer.

What’s written there was,

“Legendary Age Collaboration Hotel…?”

“A collab… you say?”

“And they’re even going to a hotel for that?”

We were completely dumbfounded.

When net games cooperate with other companies to carry out an event, they’re called either ‘Collaborations’ or ‘Tie-Ups’. They occur quite frequently, but the most common is probably that of the officially endorsed PC brands by the game.

There are items you can only get from events like these, so I’ve participated in a lot of them as well.

But, even so…

“A hotel huh…”

“I guess they’ve really stretched as far as they can go.”

“Is it that rare?”

“Rather than being rare, I’d say there hasn’t even been any collabs with hotels.”

“Wasn’t there one like that? That love… love… love love love kind of thing?”

“That was with an inn though.”


TL note: This is a reference to Love Live’s collabs with various lodgings. There’s actually one still going on in 2019 right here (


Though I don’t think there’s much difference between a hotel and an inn.

“So LA’s at the last stage of its milking plan already huh…”

“It’s not that big of a deal. I’ve looked a bit into it, and it unexpectedly doesn’t seem to be half bad.”

So I guess we’re already going ahead with this plan.

We didn’t particularly unpack our stuff anyway, so we just cleaned up a bit of what’s there and moved them back to the vehicle.

“Its location is just a stone’s throw away. Well then, let’s depart!”

“…I wish I could’ve enjoyed staying at cottage some meowre…”

Being in the lower middle class, the villa was just too good for Nekohime-san.

I hope I could sleep in an actual bed if we could go again next time…


When Master said it was just a stone’s throw away, I wonder how close it actually was. Turns out, it was actually pretty close.

It’s probably the hotel people stay at if they want to go to the same beach we were just at.

“We’re here. This is Hotel Flores.”


TL note: I actually looked into possible references for the name, but I was met with this instead: (Warning NSFW) It’s a love hotel located in Niigata with S&M amenities which is pretty fitting for (spoiler) Master, as she is a closet M (you’ll find out why in volume 5). I’m not sure if this is what the author had intended though.


“Uwah, there’s a large ‘Legendary Age Collaboration’ sign right there!”

And the logo for the game is already plastered everywhere!

They’ve even decorated the lobby with large plushies!

“They have a giant Poaring here!”

“That one has a smug face on it, so that’s probably the Master Poaring.”

This smug looking slime, who’s pretty much the iconic troll in the game, was the one that greeted us out front.


TL note: Reference to Ragnarok Online’s Poring, which could very well be the game’s mascot.


Ako ran towards the Poaring to hug it, and was stopped by its fluffy exterior.

Segawa also looked a bit envious of Ako, but it seems her pride won out this time so she didn’t get to hug it. It’s fine if you just went you know.

“It’s huge…”

“Is this its real size? Really?”

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“I’m surprised we were able to beat this thing back then.”

It was so huge that it was almost hitting the ceiling.

“But… this is kind of embarrassing.”

“Even though we’re not really doing anything wrong… You just can’t help but be ashamed right?”

Seeing LA, LA, LA plastered everywhere just makes me embarrassed for being someone that plays the game. Just what is this strange feeling?

“Rusian! Rusian! Just what is with this hotel? It looks a bit familiar.”

“I feel like I’ve also seen it somewhere before.”

“That’s because they used the inn in the capital as the basis for this design. They even went as far as they could to copy the interior design as much as they can.”

The inn… at the capital?

“Ah! That’s where Rusian and me were going to cybehmppfffh—”

Alright, that’s about enough out of you. After all, you were clearly phrasing it to allow misinterpretation.

It’s that one we went into when we were looking for a new hangout spot right? Nothing more, nothing less.

“I went ahead and checked us in. It looks like there were already reservations for us though.”

“Preparing in advance is very important.”

Sensei, who had just returned from the front desk, handed out keys to each of us.

In addition, she also distributed… what is it I wonder? It a small object or something in the shape of a Poaring.

“This hotel has quite the interesting set up you see. It’s working together with a currently running event in-game that requires this thing to progress. To be specific, this is a token used for that particular event.”

“Hee, so it’s a Poaring shaped token huh?”


TL note: As seen in the anime, token here refers to something akin to an RSA SecurID which functions as a physical one time pass. I just put it here in case anyone didn’t know and wanted to find out what it actually is (


When I looked at the back, I could see an ID engraved on it, along with a password display that changes based on the current time.

If they just foolishly distributed fixed IDs and passwords to the guests, then that information could be spread to web and cause people other than the actual guests to participate in the collab event. To make sure that only actual guests of the hotel could do the event, they even went out of their way to make a token for this.

“They sure are devoted, aren’t they?”


Well this is pretty great. I sure hope I can use this thing in the upcoming stuff as well.

“And there’s more. After you clear the event, you get points added to your Poaring token.”


“And then you’ll be able to use those points to get to play LA at this hotel, for free!”

“But if I don’t have points to play for free, then how am I even going to get those points? …S, sorry.”

Ako, who felt that she had retorted on something she shouldn’t have, apologized. You should watch what you say from now on.

“Nn… As for me, I feel that stuff like these collabs and online events are just mocking the players, so I don’t really like them. I mean, it’s pretty clear that they’re just doing this so they can suck more money out of you right?”

Segawa said that as she swung the token around.

Ah, I get what you mean. It feels pretty bad that they’re just tacking on stuff unrelated to the game so they can milk more money out of you.

“But, now that I’m actually seeing it upfront like this… just get me really fired up about it.”

“I know right… I guess we’re really pretty easy to please aren’t we…”

“It’s really cute isn’t it!”

Ako was hugging the Master Poaring.

She was really hugging into it that it started to get a bit deformed.

“So there you have it. It’s a real and game event happening at the same time. The starting line for this event is at the front desk.”

“Over there?”

You mean the front desk with that ikemen right there?

“No, that’s wrong. It’s the front desk inside of the hotel in-game.”

Master pointed to where an older model of PC was set up.

There’s a large notice here too with the words ‘Legendary Age Collab!’ written on it.

“We can log in from here, and from there on we can bring our characters into this hotel.”

The PC was a bit old so it took quite some time to start up LA, but Master was able to log in her character Apricot and proceeded to walk to the hotel at a steady pace.

Doorman: Welcome, would you be staying at our hotel?

As soon as she hit OK, an entrance that wasn’t there before suddenly appeared and the NPC asked for an ID.

“This is where you input the ID and pass on the token.”

Master slowly typed out her token’s ID and the password that was currently displayed on it.

After she did that, she was greeted with a resounding fanfare.

Doorman: Your check-in is now confirmed. We are truly grateful for your stay with us today, Ms. Goshouin.


“They really work together right—”

After the conversation with the NPC, rather than getting warped to the usual inn, she was sent to a much larger place. It was a faithful replica of this hotel.

“Oh, that’s amazing. This map in front of the PC tells us where we currently are at now huh.”

“Let’s line up together like that and take a picture too!”

“How is it everyone? Not too bad is it?”

Master showed a smug face in front of everyone, who were all getting fired up. Darn. It’s quite vexing to admit it, but this is quite interesting.

“Now then everyone, give it a try as well!”


After Master logged out, I was the next to log in to LA.

Just like her, I went to the inn and then input my ID and one-time pass.

Doorman: Your check-in is confirmed. We are truly grateful for your stay with us today, Mr. Nishimura.

“I just got called Mr. Nishimura…”

Though conversations with NPCs only remain in their own windows so nobody else but me can see them.

But even so, having my real name displayed in-game is kind of embarrassing.

“Being called by your real name in-game sure is embarrassing isn’t it?”

“That’s always how it is for me though.”

That’s because you’re a special case Ako.

So then, I went on further inside and saw some event NPCs there, working.

“Ah, that guy looks just like the one at the front desk!”

“It seems like they change it too, according to their shifts.”

“That’s some unnecessary effort into it right there—”

I clicked at the NPCs all lined up together at the front desk.

As I did that, the words ‘Event Start!’ appeared in large letters on my screen.

“‘The event ‘Legendary Age Collab Stamp Rally’ is now in progress. Your next destination would be the 3rd floor, at the Melodious OCEAN restAuRanT in hotel flores‘ is what it says here.”


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TL note: I’m completely stumped on this one. This really sounds weird as a reference but I have reason to believe it may be related to this site due to the way the original line was written ( The reference phrase can be seen by clicking on that site (where it shows Melodious OCEAN in eARTh with ART being capitalized). Just like the Hotel Flores thing, I have no idea if and why the author put it in.


“By the hotel written there, they mean in the real world right?”

It’s telling us to go eat while we’re at it too huh?

Oh— that’s cunning. Very cunning.

“Having students go through this event is like giving them a glimpse of the grown-up world isn’t it?”

Nekohime-san had a difficult expression on her face.

Isn’t this just fine? We haven’t eaten yet anyway.

We headed to the Melodious OCEAN restAuRanT in hotel flores, fully intent on completing that in-game quest.

Although, even though it was written LA Collab right outside the restaurant, there doesn’t seem to be anything different about it. Err, I wonder where we should go…

“For now, shall we have some lunch?”

“Table for five pleaseee—”

Even after we went inside, I still couldn’t see anything special about it.

I timidly called out to the waiter.

“Uhm, where do we go to use this?”

The refined and cool Waiter-san took a look at the token I brought out, and then flashed me a business smile as he said,

“Ah, the Legendary Age Collaboration Event right?”


“Fwhe, fwhe…”

Segawa and Ako just spat their drinks out! If I was drinking just then, I would’ve definitely spat it out too!

Stop it! Stop saying the complete thing! I understand that it’s your job but it’s really embarrassing to be told that by an employee here you know!

“About that, if you would look at our menu here, you could see the theme we are going for this collaboration.”

“T, thank you… very much.”

While I was hiding my embarrassed face, I took a look at the menu.

The contents look normal. Stuff like beef curry, shrimp and cream doria were listed there.

The problem is what’s written to the side of it.

“STR+ 10 for one hour…?”

“Ooh this one has INT+ 8 for three hours written on it.”

“If we order the things listed here, does that mean we get these consumables with the same effect in-game too…?”

“It looks like you get 10 pcs of the item for each dish you order.”

How very cunning! This collab event is way too cunning!

“It’s cunning, but even so, I want to get my hands on some VIT+ 10 items! Which one has the VIT increasing dish!?”

“It’s this one right? Simmered Wild Vegetables with Fish Balls.”

“I don’t want to eat that! You should consider the age of your target customer before actually deciding on this kind of menu!”

“INT is… Dragon Cocktail right? I suppose I’ll pick this one.”

“Ok, listen up. Alcohol is off limits okay—?”

“Tch… How absurd…”


TL note: These two meals are a reference to the VIT+10 and INT+10 consumables in Ragnarok Online which are Immortal Stew and Dragon Cocktail respectively. Immortal Stew uses wild herbs and mermaid hearts in the recipe (wild vegetables and fish balls) and Dragon Cocktail is basically the same name.


I wonder what the restaurant had in mind when they made this menu?

Why didn’t you think about this with the collab in mind? Don’t go putting stuff like Black Black Gum or ramen in there, just make it more appealing to your target audience which are students. You could put stuff like Hamburger steak in there, for instance.

“I suppose we could just go with curry as a safe choice and get this over with…”

“I want to eat a sandwich.”

“STR is also pretty hard to pass up on, so I guess I’ll have the T-Bone Steak and Fried Shrimp Set meal…”

Segawa decided that while looking at the menu a bit teary eyed.

“Don’t go bloating yourself up so early in the day.”

“You sure like to talk a lot, how about I hit you with the fried shrimp?”

It looks like she could send five of them flying my way so I’ll just shut my mouth.

“Hmph, I mean, it can’t be helped you know…”

This is the fate of someone who got caught in the trap of these premium consumable strength buffs.

“Then, I’ll take the Simmered Wild Vegetables with Fish Balls.”

“And you think you’re one to lecture me?!”

This too is the fate of someone who got caught in the trap of those premium consumable vitality buffs.

“How about you Sensei?”

“I’ll take the one that gives the moving set of cat ears, so I’ll have the Cat Doria Set meal.”

Nekohime-san stated her decision definitively. That expression didn’t have any hint of hesitation at all.

“Uhm… Do you want one?”

“No matter how many cat ears I get, it still makes me-w happy.”

As I gazed at the image of Nekohime-san smiling, I could see the sight of a player who’s really in character.

Even though I was a bit troubled at first, it was delicious.

I guess this is kind of the feeling you get far into a collab event right? It’s always something to worry about for me. That when a collab is about to end, sometimes you just end up buying the event items. Well, that’s probably what they were aiming for in the first place anyway.

“Is it here? Ah, there’s a PC right here.”

“So there’s one over here too?”

Right close to the restaurant, there was a PC that was hidden in an area covered by decorative plants that it was hard to find.

“So you type the token ID and password here and the item code will be sent to your email address.”

“Then I’ll go first. …Hm?”

This PC seems to be acting strange.

Even though I properly logged in to my free mail account as usual, it didn’t accept or reject the password I just entered. The screen looked like it was still at the login page but it was asking for my credentials again.

Hmm— What was that I wonder? Something feels off about this.

But well, old PCs like this tend to act up every now and then.

“For now, let’s just give it another try… Here I go.”

I restarted the browser and tried to log in again.

This time, I got in without any problems. Geez, they really should have prepared newer PCs for this event.

There’s a lot of new messages in my inbox. Among one of them was the VIT+ 10 item code.

“Alright, that’s done.”

“Where’s the next location?”

“Err… The souvenir shop on the 1st floor.”

“H, how cunning—!”

There’s just no brakes on this milking train! Or at least, that’s what it felt like.


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