Netoge no Yome Volume 4 Chapter 3 Part 2

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Chapter 3

Part 2

Translation: Yamaking


“The awaited Castle Siege is finally close at hand. From this point on, we’ll be starting with our strategy meeting!”

“You’re too noisy Master—”

“Meow is not a good time so please leave that for later.”

We only gave a cold gaze towards Master, who was enthusiastically standing in front of the siege map.

“Master, just hurry up and start making these flower decors too.”

“No matter how I try to make them they all end up looking weird!”

“Ako, just how clumsy at this are you…”

Since we were so absorbed into stuff about the Castle Siege, we completely forgot about making the decorations for our club.

And since we realized that just now, even though it’s right before the deciding battle, we’re here trying to prepare for our exhibit.

“Look here Ako-chan. If you do it like this, it would turn out nice you know? Two-flower type combination complete—”

“H, how can you make it look so pretty?”

“It’s the same as making a corsage after all.”

“Koorsaj? If you mean sabotage then that’s my specialty but…”

“Ah, I specialize in that too—”

The sabotage Akiyama-san’s talking about here isn’t related to skipping but that destructive type of thing right?


TL note: It’s pretty hard to fix this up because going from corsage to sabotage to さぼる (saboru – means to skip e.g. skipping work) just doesn’t have an equivalent in English. It’s basically just misunderstandings


“Displaying an enlarged image of me doing a Ran-Ran would be perfect here don’t you think? Maybe I should add focus lines around Schwein as well?”

“You’re really forcing yourself to stand out, aren’t you Segawa?”

“…I guess I’ll just leave out the focus lines after all.”

I think that’s a sound decision.

“W, well, could you please just listen to me for a bit while you’re working on those?”

“We’re telling you to come and help us already.”

“Well then, this is regarding our plan for the day of the siege but…”


Master really takes things at her own pace doesn’t she?

“The plan is divided into three phases. For the first phase, we are to occupy the fort. Our goal here would be to take ownership of the fort from its current owners, that is, ‘Wallenstein’.”

“That’s impossible right?”

Segawa said that dejectedly.

True, if they were to defend, then trying to take the fort from them would give us a really hard time.

“Indeed. However, ‘Wallenstein’ is a mercenary guild obsessed with attacking. It seems that they have no interest in putting up a defensive line. It looks as if the chance of them leaving the fort up for grabs is quite high.”

“Yeah, if I remember correctly it’s going to be left there up for grabs.”

As I said that, Master tilted her head a bit in confusion.

“Mu, how do you know that?”

“I asked them.”

“You asked them directly?!”

She seems surprised about that.

I mean, that’s the easiest way to find out no?

When I asked them, ‘Are you going to defend the fort?’ they just normally replied.

“When I went with Ako to ask them they said, ‘Defending is boring. Bringing down forts when attacking is way more fun than just desperately defending it after all’.”



“You two… No, I suppose that’s why high level players are needlessly fond of you.”

While it’s true that Ako’s circle of friends may be small, when she does happen to get to be friends with someone, it’s one who has an unreasonably high level character. But I don’t think the same thing applies to me.

“Well then, since the issue regarding the first phase of the plan is left open, let’s get to discussing on how to occupy the fort. There’s a possibility that we would be contesting it along with other guilds. In the situation that it gets occupied, we’ll be on the offensive group like I’ve stated earlier. In case that occurs, I’ll have Sette move out as well.”


Oh, so you’re calling Akiyama-san Sette huh Master?

Seeing things like this, it feels like the apathetic Master is starting to recognize her as a friend even though she wouldn’t let her be a part of the group.

“Umu, I’ll be counting on you.”

After Akiyama-san, who was still in the middle of making flower decorations, nodded to her, Master continued.

“After we’ve occupied the fort, we will begin with phase two of the plan, defending it. From this point, we will be defending the fort from other larger scale guilds. The enemy we should expect to be facing is ‘Emperor Sword’.”

“We can’t really lose as we are now right?”

“Nekohime-san and her people are strong meow know?”

Nekohime-san, who has completely turned into the founder of a new religious sect, is brimming with confidence.

“That’s what I think as well, but we never know what could happen in the battlefield. I ask everyone here to fight with all you’ve got.”

A sound idea.

Just because we won last time when we were with ‘Wallenstein’ doesn’t mean that we can declare that we’ll also win this time. We have to give it all we’ve got.

“And then last is the third phase— our last line of defense. Large guilds may come prepared and coordinated, but that would mean they would have less time to do the actual siege and that would dampen their mobility. On the other hand, there are a lot of small guilds that aim for the forts and that is what I am aiming to break up.”

“Can small scale guilds even occupy forts?”

Segawa asked that in wonder.

“With a small elite force, that much is possible. They can run past the defensive line and ignore it while only aiming for the crystal. After that, they can replace it with their own and claim the castle for themselves. If the Castle Siege ends at that moment, then the fort would end up being theirs.”

“So they’re betting it all on that one chance before it ends huh? It’s not something we can opt to do is it?”

“We cannot afford to lose after all.”

In order to avoid participating in the inter-club relay races, we definitely have to win here.

It’s not as if we can’t completely do that, but we just can’t take that risk.

“By the way Master, are there a lot of guilds with those small elite forces?”

“From the data I have at hand, ‘Last Days’ and ‘Rabbit’s Horn’ fit the bill. They’re Racer guilds that excel in ability to break through defenses. There’s another one—”


TL note: Racer guilds is what RO JP called the smaller guilds who would do try to occupy the castle by rushing it at the very last moment and only going for the emperium. As there was no equivalent term in the other servers I know of regarding this, I stuck with this one.


Master looked in silence at the printout, with all the data on it, in her hands.

Speaking of guilds with small elite forces, just who else is there?

Right now, in our minds, there is only one name that would come up.

“—However, bringing that up won’t change anything now. We’ll beat down any guild that comes our way. That’s all there is to it.”

“Showing up means they’re in for meowtal combat!”

“I suppose that’s just how we do it.”

“I guess so. I didn’t really pay much attention to all that stuff earlier after all~”

I wish you would give things more thought moving forward though, Ako.

“That’s all for the plan. The final battle is tomorrow. It’s only a few days remaining until the ‘Saki Fest’. I’ll be counting on everyone’s best efforts.”

As Master wrapped it up like that, we all cheered ‘Yeah!’ in unison.

The time to test everything we’ve worked hard for is close at hand.

Whether we’re against this or not, it’s still really nerve-wracking.

“Then Master, now that you’re satisfied with that, can you start putting on the decorations?”


Though I say that, I can’t really sense any sense of nervousness from us who were desperately putting up decorations at the eleventh hour.


The next day, it was our final attempt.

Of course, we’ve all gathered up in the club room.

There’s no way that we would pass up using the facilities in the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club when they come with specs much higher than our own individual PCs.

Even Nekohime-san wouldn’t be able to complain about coming in today.

“Since we’ve gone all this way, there’s no way we’re going to lose!”

“Mu-tan, do your best okay?”

I feel bad for Akiyama-san, but I’d like her to let him sit this one out.

“Rusian, my class said that I can have less shifts because I worked hard!”

“Oh, that’s nice to hear.”

“…Isn’t that just an indirect way of saying you’re DFA?”


TL note: This is another baseball terminology which is short for ‘Designated for Assignment’. The entry on Wiki is here (



“Why did you have to go and say something like that Master!”

“S, sorry.”

Ah, everything seems normal.

Even though it’s right before the siege, the atmosphere doesn’t really feel any different that usual. Yeah, I think this will work.

“Then it’s time for our builds. How are your equipment?”

Err, for my character build I went with…

“Tank Karasawa Karasawa Izanami Izanami RD.”

“Melee Charge Batt Batt AOEDB Ox Anti-Archer.”

“Priest Karasawa Karasawa Amaterasu RosaRing RosaRing.”

“LW Burst Str Fire Str Fire Meteor Sub TBD”




“PB k.”


A’right. No problems here.

“P, please speak in Japanese!”

For some reason, Ako was mad as she looked like she was about to cry.

What? Why are you mad?

“Do you still not understand that even after you’ve practiced with us all this time?”

“I don’t! I have no way of understanding that at all!”



You’re joking. Didn’t you ask us a lot about that?

“Look, what I’m trying to point out here is that I’m a tank. I’ve enchanted two Ripple of Karasawas on my gear which raises my MDEF. I’ve also added double Prophecy of Izanami enchants to them which also raises my max HP. And finally, I mentioned that I plan on taking down enemies via Reflect Damage. That’s about everything I was trying to say.”

After I said that, Segawa spoke up next.

“As for me, I’m a melee class that would be charging into the frontlines. I’ve enchanted my gear with two Battle Master enchants which increases my physical ATK. I’m also wearing gear that can cause AOE status debuffs. And I’m also wearing an Ox Bandit Sword so my attacks would be more effective against long-ranged classes. That’s what I was saying.”

While Ako was still dumbfounded by all of this, Nekohime-san continued on.

“I’m a healer. I’ve enchanted two Ripple of Karasawas on my gear which raises MDEF. I’m wearing the Amaterasu armor which grants me a huge resistance against non elemental melee attacks in exchange for not being able to perform melee attacks. I’m also wearing two Rozario Rings which raises my healing. That’s all I was saying you meow?”

And when Ako suddenly looked over to Master, she said,

“As for me, I am a Law Wizard. I’m wearing a Burst Ring which increases the damage of fire spells. I’ve also enchanted my gear with two Strike Damage: Flame enchants which also raises the damage of fire-based spells. I’ll be using the fire elemental spell Meteor as my main DPS. My sub AOE is still to be determined so please pick one out for me. That’s everything I’ve said.”

And then after that,

“Ice elemental Perfect Blizzard is fine.”

“Ice elemental Perfect Blizzard is fine.”

“Non elemental Soul Energy Rain is fine.”

“Perfect Blizzard, got it.”

It was that kind of conversation you know?

“Sorry, but I don’t really get it.”

“Uuu, isn’t it mean to have only Sette-san on my side?”

“Ako-chan, isn’t your treatment of me the meanest thing around here?”

Now, now. You two are at your best when you go with it at your own pace after all.


TL note: The whole stuff above are references to Armored Core. Karasawa for one, is an overpowered beam rifle that is made even more useful with the Izanami energy amplifier shoulder parts (which in this case, you can coincidentally also fit two). The whole charade with the PB, PB, SER, PB K is also another AC reference starting from Rusian’s line. It’s supposed to be a joke on how pros go about chatting in the online lobby before a match begins which just leads to them talking about their loadouts in a way that casuals won’t even be able to understand. If you’re curious about the original post, this is what it was:

The lines go from low rank > mid rank > high rank conversations. Basically for the low rank, everyone just fools around. Mid rank, you can see some discussion about loadouts, but still pretty casual. Then in high rank, it turns into some kind of conversation completely alien to people who do not play this game hardcore as they spout their loadouts in one line.


Nekohime: It’s almeowst time for us to meet up. Let’s head me-owt!

“A’right… Let’s get going then!”

Rusian: Got it.

Schwein: Yeah!

Ako: Yes!

Sette: Kaaaaay.

Apricot: Well then, Alley Cats, move out!

It’s time for the final battle. A group of players totalling to 35 members gathered up in a corner of Fort Cantor.

From the guild ‘Alley Cats’, there’s me, Ako, Schwein, Master, and the temporary member, Sette-san, which adds up to a total of five people.

From the guild ‘Nekohime’s Elite Guard’, there’s 30 of them, including Nekohime-san.

This is a pretty good turnout compared to before.

Of course, we didn’t force anyone to show up here. That’s just how we roll after all.

We only asked everyone to come if they could, but even so, everyone came.

Rusian: Huh, is Fine-kun not here?

Nekohime: It seems it was his child’s Sports Day meowday.

Rusian: Then that means… I’m the only tank?!

The only thing troubling me right now is that the only other Armor Knight is absent.

Because of that, all the tank stuff and stuns needed by this 35-person group is going to be handled by me.

Ah no, no. It’s not as if I’m saying it’s that big of a deal.

Since we only have this much people, I can still provide cover for them by myself.

“Ako, did you properly split up buff duties this time around?”

“I just left that to others since I’m part of the commanding team.”

“How sly!”

She completely making use of the fact that Alley Cats belongs to the ones giving orders!

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“This is how you wield authority you know?”

“Don’t you go learning weird things from Master.”

But I guess that’s fine. Goodness.

Apricot: Are you ready everyone?

Master stood in front of everyone and fired off her chat.

Apricot: To everyone who has gathered here in order to help with the fulfillment of our wishes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

†Cloud†: We are here at the behest of Nekohime-san!

Nekohime: It’s true that I asked meow all to do this but! I asked meow all but! But, buuuuuuuuut!

Nekohime-san cried out. And from that, laughter began to fill the air.

Apricot: …Thank you. Members of Alley Cats and Nekohime’s Elite Guard… There are no differences between our guilds that have gathered today.

She looked over everyone who was lending her their ears.

Apricot: Alley Cats— in other words, ‘Stray Cats’ and ‘Nekohime’s Elite Guard’! We are one! At this moment, limited to this specific occasion, we shall be called the ‘Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard’!

Master firmly raised her clenched fist into the air.

Apricot: We shall carve our victory onto the dawn’s horizon! Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard, move out!


TL note: The speech is a reference to Kancolle’s slogan.


Cheers rose up from the crowd.

Alright! I’m getting all fired up now!

“…So Alley Cats actually meant stray cats?”

Ako asked that in a low voice.

Eh, you’re asking that now?!

“After being in the guild for over a year… Just what are you even saying?”

“Ah no, I had no idea at all.”

After mulling over it for a while, Ako then spoke out with a soft voice.

“…The guild wasn’t named like this because you were searching for Nekohime-san who disappeared from this guild right?”

“No way! No way! No way!”

Why would you name a guild after something like that?!

“It’s because everyone here was a stray when we all met up together. We were just like stray cats back then that’s why it became ‘Alley Cats’!”

“I, is that so?”


Weren’t you there as well? Back when we…

Nekohime: The name Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard is strange don’t meow think? …Nekohime-san is clearly in the center of meow all… It’s supposed to be Nekohime-san looking after meow all…

“Isn’t this just fine? The club members are doing their best for their adviser. It’s a beautiful sight to behold.”

Nekohime: I’m just not convinced by all meow this.

[The Castle Siege will now commence]

The announcement declaring the start of the Castle Siege has arrived.

Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard’s first and final battle has begun.


Apricot: We’ll proceed as planned!

Master’s orders came out.

Apricot: Resource collection squad, do as we’ve planned and keep gathering resources, but you may switch over to the siege weapons if necessary! Those resources are also going to be needed to repair while defending so take care not to use them haphazardly!

Sette: Everyone let’s go digging—

The resource collection squad’s leader, Sette-san, led some of the other low leveled members and went off.

Since it’s easy to lose morale in the backlines, having Akiyama-san’s talents there to cheer everyone up is valuable.

If it’s her, I’m sure everyone would be able to enjoy the Castle Siege as well.

These things are important.

Yuyun: Reporting in about the castle owners, ‘Wallenstein’… It seems we can’t find any trace of a defensive line anywhere.

A report just came in from the surveillance squad.

Apricot: It’s as we expected. All squads head to the fort!

It looks like ‘Wallenstein’ really isn’t defending the fort.

That means we only have to occupy it.

Rusian: …Actually, Yuyun, you were there?

Yuyun: I am! Are you realizing that just now?!

Rusian: Come to think of it, you were a friend of Nekohime-san as well weren’t you?

That really brings me back. Also, is your wife (Guy In Real Life) doing well?


Just like that, we all marched towards the barren fort.

I was thinking of wrapping things up and occupying the fort so we can get to defending, but it looks like it won’t be that easy.

Yuyun: Enemy forces at 12 o’ clock!

Apricot: Who is it?

Yuyun: It’s ‘Emperor Sword’! They easily number to over 30 people!

So they really did come huh? Those people from ‘Emperor Sword’.

They did keep this fort until last week when Bats and the others took them down after all. There’s no way they wouldn’t come this week to take it back.

Apricot: It seems they’ve brought more members as a countermeasure for ‘Wallenstein’. This is a larger group than I had expected.

Schwein: They sure like to get in our way don’t they?

Nekohime: Nekohime-san and her people won’t lose this one me-owt!

Yeah! We’re not going to lose just because we’re a bit shorter on members!

Apricot: At this rate however, they’ll be able to occupy the castle before we do. Those who need to swap gear should go back and swap! Swap out your gear for defending and change into one for attacking!

Sette: I’ll prepare the siege weapons okay?

Apricot: I’m counting on you!

Every single person rushed to get their move on.

Since my gear doesn’t really change whether we’re defending or attacking, I guess I’m still taking it easy.

Sette: Gi, moving out!

Rusian: Escort Knight heading out.

I’m actually an Armor Knight though.

Sette-san and the resource collection squad prepared the Giant Catapult.

They were aiming it at a corner of the northern outer walls, where mages were standing by to intercept us.

Sette: Faiya—!

The bombardment has begun.

Though I say that, a single Giant Catapult is not enough to break through a fort’s wall.

This is simply to open up a hole in their defensive network.

Apricot: Assault vanguard unit, go!

†Cloud†: For Nekohime-sama!

Yuyun: Kill the heretics!

Nekohime: Go grant mew victory!

Is she Jeanne d’Arc or something?

Our allies, who have already won a battle like this before, have improved with their coordination. Even as they hold Nekohime-san atop a palanquin, the fully motivated Nekohime’s Elite Guard sure is strong.

We overcame the defense immediately and broke through the frontlines.

However, the battlefront they’ve set up in the middle of the fort’s courtyard is tough.

“Darn it, we’ve hit a stalemate huh?”

“This is bad. They’ve concentrated their forces on this narrow battlefront so we can’t slip past it.”

“We’re losing out on numbers. Bombarding them with AOEs won’t be enough to push through here.”

The enemies who fell back also merged into here and so, a fairly sturdy defensive line was made.

Rusian: Even so, it looks like there’s not much of our allies here. Wasn’t there supposed to be more of us here?

Yuyun: There are many members of the Elite Guard scattered everywhere. It seems that they were chasing members of the enemy team that failed to merge here.

Rusian: They’re being way too rash about this!

Schwein: Those troll decoys are really annoying!

I could hear her clicking her tongue.

Come on now, that’s vulgar. In the first place, is someone like you who dives into the middle of everything really in any position to say that?

Sette: Gi, moving out!

Ruin: Infantry Gi, moving out!

Kabo-tan: Decoy Gi, moving out!

Limit: Transport Gi, moving out!

Ako: There’s a ton of Giant Catapults approaching from behind!

So next is the enemy’s archers and mages!

And wait a minute, that won’t move without five people in it right?! Isn’t it just going to stand there all useless?!

Apricot: We don’t need Gis at this moment! Call out your wraiths! Your wraiths!

Rusian: That’s enough of that and just get more knights to the frontlines! Hurry!

Sette: There’s not enough resources—, we need more members for the resource collection squad—

Schwein: There’s! Way! Too many! Gis! You’ll only be wasting resources!

Sette-san overdoing things  is working against us!

This is why you just can’t trust normies!

Rusian: Darn it. There’s not enough tanks! We can’t break through!

The long stalemate continued on.

A simple vanguard with simply me here is tough. I don’t feel like I can do anything about this.

“I guess it’s time for me and Rusian’s Speedrun Strat huh?”

“Darn it, should we just go ahead and charge into them?”

“If someone has to do it, then it’s got to be me!”


TL note: The Speedrun Strat here is actually a reference to TAS in context. If you’re not aware, TAS means Tool Assisted Speedruns. The phrase used here is one used when in a TAS run, there’s a long winded event (usually events that work on a timer requiring to finish or something) you can’t skip so TAS just ends up doing weird stuff while waiting so it looks like TAS is annoyed at the fact. As this is pretty hard to translate, I just went with speedrun strats since it still kind of works in context.


‘Should I go Ran-Ran?’, is what Segawa seemed to be asking as her eyes sparkled.

You’re really hooked on Ran-Rans aren’t you?

“I won’t permit any reckless assaults.”

“There’s a chance of success with this one. Even I wasn’t wasting my time during these last three weeks you know?”


Master closed her eyes and pondered it for a moment, and then gave a nod.

“Do as you please.”


Schwein: You guys! Follow my bad self!

‘Yeah!’ yelled the assault vanguard PT who was forced to wait for the end of this unskippable section.

“Alright… All that’s left is to get an opening.”

“Opening? So you only need someone to make an opening?”

Sette-san had just finished dismantling the Giant Catapult as she approached us.

“Nanako, can you do anything about it?”

“Hmm, wait a bit.”

Akiyama-san tapped away while typing something on her keyboad.

Sette: Hang in there! Black Magician-san said he’ll be arriving here shortly!



Sette: xsend

Eh, what did she just type in public chat?

We’ve been talking in guild chat up until now so that the enemy won’t see it, but everyone would be able to see what you type in public chat. The members of ‘Emperor Sword’ completely saw that.

“Nishimura-kun you say something too.”

“‘Something’ you say…”

Rusian: It’s a lie! They’re not coming.

Apricot: TMW won’t be coming.

Ako: No worries here~

Just what is this unthinkable atmosphere in the middle of a Castle Siege?

It should be obvious, but of course, there’s no reply by the enemy side to this message.

“Just wait a bit okay? Like this… Yep, you can go now.”

“Eh? Can I really go right now?”

“Yep. Go. Right now.”

“A, alright then…”

Schwein: Here I come you bastards!

At the same time Schwein came charging towards a number of them, chat messages from ‘Emperor Sword’ members came flying out.

No way that’s happening lol

What a huge lie lol

That isn’t something you could even call a bluff lol

Replies came out from ‘Emperor Sword’?! Now of all times?!

“Hey, isn’t this your chance?”

“How did you know when they’ll react?!”

This person is seriously scary!

Schwein and the others, who charged in as the enemy was typing, were able to avoid the barrage of AOEs thrown at them.

As she got even further in, Schwein lowered her stance and,

Schwein: Have a taste of my special technique!

Just like that, she swung around her greatsword in a huge arc.

“I’m fine with dying as long as I can get off a Ran-Ran! If I can kill two people with it then that’s a net positive!”

Hit confirm— once, twice, three times! And there were a lot of numbers overlapping with each other as well.

“This is what you call the Akane Style!”

“I feel like I’ve heard that somewhere before?!”

It’s strong. It’s not your normal everyday Ran-Ran.

But of course, their death is a already certain. They went in so deep that Schwein and the other were even able to hit their mages. During the 10 seconds leading up to their death, they rampaged as much as they could.

Apricot: Move up to the front!

Our backliners moved up to the front by weaving their way through the barrage of AOEs that had already let up.

“If DPS frontliners group up to charge something, then of course it’s going to be strong. In most cases however, this just ends up with everyone dying not being able to accomplish anything. That being said, having to return after dying is boring. There’s no such thing as a soldier who would blindly listen to orders like that without any hesitation.”

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Master let out a nasty laugh as she patted Segawa on the back.

“Schwein, you’ve been raising my troops without me knowing haven’t you?”

“Don’t you dare underestimate me.”

Just what exactly happened without me knowing?

But if it’s just a portion, especially that of a group whose DPS is gimped, then we can break through it.

The stalemate between two supposedly equal groups is now coming to an end.

Apricot: Push them back! We’re going to their spawn point and spawn camp them!

You fiend!


After going with the momentum we had, Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard could not be stopped by Emperor Sword. And as such, we’ve arrived to where their crystal stood.

Schwein: Here we go—

Schew cracked apart the crystal with her hand.

If we place our crystal here, then we would be occupying the fort.

Nekohime: If Nekohime-san here places her own crystal on it, what would meow do?

Apricot: I would end your entire social career.

Nekohime: Y, you can count me-owt of it! I will never do that you meow?!

Nekohime-san in real life was shaking her head furiously.

Please don’t think of doing anything reckless.

Apricot: Well… I’ll be placing it then.

[‘Alley Cats’ has occupied ‘Fort Cantor’]

Rusian: Alright!

Schwein: We did it!

Ako: This makes me a hundred times happier compared to last week!

Rusian: I know right!

It’s a completely different feeling compared to just curbstomping the competition.

This is what I’m talking about. We put our best effort into it and that’s what produces this kind of result!

Apricot: Don’t let your guard down! From here on we’ll be moving on to phase two of the plan! Prepare the defensive lines!

That celebration only lasted for a moment. Master immediately went back to giving out orders.

Apricot: This time we’ll be turning their own strategy against them. Those previously in charge of resource collection, aim for their own supply line. We will reduce their fighting capabilities by scattering their forces! I will not allow any deaths from git and run!

Putting aside that ‘hit and run’ typo, I think it’s fine to let deaths from that slide you know?

If someone with a small force like ours gets attacked by a lot of Gis, we won’t be able to keep defending if our walls get destroyed. That’s why we certainly have to keep an eye out for the enemy Gis.

Yuyun: Gi alert! Gi alert!

†Cloud†: Gi Destruction Unit move out! Shred it to bits!

The timing on the call out for that Gi was spot on.

It was still in it’s charging phase yelling ‘Uoooo’ that the vanguard unit made a break for it.

Good luck—.

Yuyun: —e, enemies are gathering at the frontlines! Judging from their size, it looks like their main force!

“Tch, so the Gis were only a decoy huh! How much time is left?!”

When I looked at both the clock in the room and on the PC, they both read 1:40 PM.

“Time remaining is 20 minutes!”

“Then leaving the Gis alone would be dangerous right?”

Master’s chair made a dreadful noise as she lost her posture.

“However, judging from the scale of their troops, they’re in no position to make another attack. This would be the last. Then—”

Master stood up from her position and pointed her finger towards me and Ako.

“Rusian, Ako, organize a flying column and go around them!”

“Isn’t that ‘Wallenstein”s strategy?”

“Indeed. It’s a strategy that was once shown to ‘Emperor Sword’. The risk of using it is high. However, it will be our victory if we succeed. How about it? Do you think you can do it?”

I took a glance at Ako.

“I’ll do it. Even I won’t run away at a time like this!”

You can tell from Ako’s eyes that she was scared, but there was a stronger determination to win despite all of that.

I softly grasped her hands and nodded as well.

“Alright, understood!”

“Umu. The tank and healer are here so all that’s left is to round up some frontliner DPS.”

“I’ll leave my troops in your hands. I won’t accept poor use of their capabilities you hear?”

“What are you? A military commander from the Sengoku period?”

Way to needlessly look cool there.

Yuyun: The main force has started moving up to the frontlines!

Nekohime: Elite Guard’s defensive line has finished setting up!

Rusian: We’ll be heading out right away! Let’s go you guys!

Ako: We’ll make it back alive!

Me and Ako flew out of the fort with a few allies in tow.

We took a detour outside of Emperor Sword’s line of sight and made our way to their backside.

“Stay cool alright? If you can cleanse just the worst debuffs then we can keep on fighting.”

“Okay. I’m ready.”

“Your voice is shaking though.”

“B, but, this is scary you know—!”

“No one will mind even if you fail this one.”

“But I will!”

Ako was hitting her head with that desperate look on her face.

You don’t have to work yourself up that much. It’ll be fine.

Yuyun: We have contact with Emperor Sword’s main force!

The report just came in.


Ako took her hands off her head and our eyes met for just a second.

Rusian: Let’s go!

Ako: Charge!

We led a charge from behind ‘Emperor Sword”s formation

We’ll dive in and rampage around. That way, our allies should be able to defeat them!

As we charged in believing that, the enemy turned around to face us.

Ako: Rusian, they spotted us!

Rusian: A counterattack huh!

I guess we were exposed after all!

The part of their army that turned around had their sights completely lined up in our direction.

Even so, we can’t stop now. Charge!

Apricot: We’ll be charging from here too! All hands forward!


Putting aside their counterattack for our assault team, the majority of their troops are still concentrated on the frontlines. Even though we’re in no situation to win if we charge them head on, you’re still making our scrambled forces charge in to the front?!

“H, wai, why?”

“Nishimura, it’s fine, just defeat the enemy that’s right in front of you!”

“You don’t have to tell me twice! That’s about the only thing I can do right now!”

A huge melee here and there, one after the other.

There’s an amazing number of allies and enemies mixed up in the fight that I can’t tell what’s going on anymore.

“Do your best okay—”

Sette-san, who didn’t participate in the charge, was just nonchalantly cheering us on. Ah man, sure is nice to have it easy huh!

Ah, Mu-tan died.



“Can you tell where I am?”

“Eh, ah, uhm… yes.”

Keeping our focus on what the other is saying while we were fighting, we ascertained each other’s position.

Ako is right beside me. Master is—.

“Wai, why are smack dab in the middle of the melee even though you’re just a Law Wizard?”

“Hahahahaha! Listen well Ako, make sure to keep your eyes on me. Keep your focus only on me!”

“W, what do you mean?”

“This is what I mean!”

A large magic circle appeared below Apricot’s feet.

It’s Master’s ultimate move that I’ve seen numerous times. It’s that Meteor completely centered on herself.

“Wh, you’re going to fire off a Meteor from there?!”

Needless to say, they’re focusing their attacks on her.

Arrows, swords and magic spells came flying towards Master.

It’d be no wonder if that instantly kil— she survived?!

Master was emitting a golden aura while she was enduring all of the attacks thrown at her!

She probably has cast interrupt prevention gear on but— What the heck is with that defense?!

“I’m the guild master of Alley Cats! Don’t you underestimate me!”

Her casting steadily continued.

I’m sure they couldn’t see it coming that a mage would fight like this. What’s even more unexpected for them is that they’re not able to bring her down.

Master just stood there taking all of their attacks head on and her casting finally completed.

But just before that happened,


“—Extra Damage!”

It was a perfectly timed execution, worthy of praise.

She just casted a buff on Master which grants a double damage multiplier limited to the next hit.

If she casted it just a bit earlier, then someone would have dispelled it. And if she casted it just a bit later, then it would all be for naught.

Way to go Ako! Good job!

“This is!”

And then, the skill activated.

“This isss!”

With a thunderous roar, our screens were completely dyed in red.

“This is!!”

The double damage Meteor covered our whole vision that it even split the sky above the fort into two and it hit directly in the center of the melee.

“My firepowerrrrrrrrrrr!”

The load of so many damage numbers appearing on screen was so much that even these high spec PCs froze up for a moment there.

Uwah, it’s really laggy.

After all the stuttering was done, what we saw in our screens was the image of all the enemy troops completely pulverized.

With just one attack, everything burnt to ash.

“…How do I put this…”

After giving a sigh of relief, Segawa, who was our main DPS just a moment ago, began to laugh.

“I guess for our guild Master really is the main DPS right?”

“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!”

It looked as if Master had vented all of her anger as she laughed out loud.

Congratulations, Master.

“You too Ako. Good job.”


Me and Ako both gripped each other’s hand tightly.

Even I wouldn’t be able to pull it off with that timing. You did good concentrating on it.


And, from a PC that’s a bit farther from here, I could hear Sensei murmuring something.

“Timing-wise, I think I got my Extra Damage in there too though…”


“Sensei, get a hint will you?”

Why would you say something like that there I wonder…


There’s a little over ten minutes left.

Even if Emperor Sword comes at us again, they won’t have enough time to breach the defensive line.

Thanks to our non-aggression pact with TMW being publicly known, there was barely any possibility of large scale guilds coming to attack us.

“Good grief. Can’t we just win this somehow?”

“We went through all this trouble for the sake of the cultural festival after all right?”

“I wonder if I should go level a bit too?”

“Were you jealous of our achievements?”

“It’s not that. I think our resource collection squad did pretty well too you know?”

‘But… You see…’, Akiyama-san murmured as she looked dissatisfied when suddenly,

“Then we’ll have you help out later.”

Segawa giggled as she said that looking all proud.

“You were really great too Ako-chan!”

“Seriously. I’d really like to commend Ako for her achievements this time.”

You were much more useful than I was, Ako.

“I know right! Please give me a reward!”

“Why do I have to… well, it’s fine. What would you like?”

“That’s… uhm… then… how about… a kiss! As a reward!”

Is what she said as she puckered up her lips like an octopus and stuck it out towards me.

The mood just isn’t there.

Even this isn’t going to work on me.

“Then for starters, how about you get your hair cut first?”

“Why does it have to come with that kind of unreasonable condition?!”

“Don’t go doing those things in front of Sensei alright?”

“Ha Ha Ha.”

Master looked over our lively conversation as she let out a small laugh.

“It’s strange. I was so frustrated last week when we lost and found out that we got betrayed. I couldn’t help but feel vexed at my own helplessness. However— now, I’m actually glad that we didn’t win the last time. At least, that’s what I think.”

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Master looked over all of us as she strongly said,

“I have these friends I can trust, and all of their other comrades. Being able to fight shoulder to shoulder with comrade in arms that I can entrust my back to and winning… Everyone’s efforts, the bonds of friendship, and all those times we mulled over things together is what led us to this victory.”

Her demeanor was different from her usual cool self.

A single ray of light fell down from Master’s eyes.

“If I had acquired the seat of the lord by paying someone an absurd amount of money to do the task… Or even if I had spent even a single yen to have someone help out… I’m sure I would never have felt as great as this.”




“I guess so.”

“Yup, yup.”

As we all agreed on what was said, Master gave another small bow.

Thank goodness. Everything worked out well. It was worth doing our best.

Now all we have to do is see this through to the end. As I thought that, I directed my gaze back on to the screen.

Yuyun: Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

—A report came in just then.

“An enemy attack now of all times?”

Apricot: What’s their composition?

Yuyun: It’s ‘Wallenstein”s emblem! They number five members! Batz is leading them at the forefront!

Apricot: …I see.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds. In that moment, Master immediately changed from her softened expression back to her battle mode.

When I casually took a peek, Segawa, Sensei, Akiyama-san, and even Ako too, were all back to their serious expressions already.

Yeah, that probably goes the same for me too.

“Ah, I knew you would come Batz.”

Master was smiling as she usually does.

“It’s amusing so he betrayed us— that’s what he said right? Which means that, the more that we struggle to take back the fort, the more fun it would be for them to come and take it from us. However—”

Apricot: I will not permit it!

Members of Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard were all gathered in the lord’s room.

Apricot: We’ll intercept them! Let’s show them what we’re really made of! Don’t think you can bring down this fort in just mere 10 minutes!


Don’t even think we’ll go down that easily!

Rusian: Alright, let’s do this!

Schwein: Hey all of you! Tag along with me and my bad self!

Sette: Hmm… I’ll be hiding around here okay? Ako-chan come here too.

Ako: E, eeeh?

Apricot: That’s fine with me. Schwein’s ambush unit, standby behind the courtyard. We’re going to be borrowing Wallenstein’s tactics. The moment that they arrive in the lord’s room, go and attack them from behind.

“Well then, is this really going to work on the ones who invented this plan?”

Since she’s acting as a commanding officer, she can’t be showing any signs of weakness. That’s why Schew said that out loud instead of typing it in chat. Master had an unpleasant reaction as she replied.

“I cannot deny that what were doing is an inferior imitation. However, it’s better than doing nothing. It will definitely not be for naught.”

True, they’re not really enemies we can win against by facing them head on.

“Be careful alright?”

“L, leave it to me!”

Schwein and the others hid behind the courtyard. Shortly after, our five enemy troops came into view.

Yuyun: Those guys from Wallenstein are here!

Apricot: Begin the attack!

Master fired off an AOE right in the middle of it all.

As expected, they can’t really just charge at us non-stop so that slowed them down a bit.

“Alright! This is our chance! Schwein!”


It was at that exact moment before Schwein and the others came out to the front.

‘Wallenstein’ stopped exactly past the AOEs range and then immediately turned around right after.


“This isn’t good! We’ve been had!”

“I know that!”

I’ve had this thought earlier as well, but Schew really just charged in there without any hesitation.

But that charge of hers was evaded and now they’ll be focusing their attacks on her!

“Darn it! So that didn’t work at all!”

“That’s not, true at all!”

“Eh… hey, you!”

Schwein’s body emitted a white aura as she got back up.

Wait a minute. I’ve seen this before!

“You… That’s the White Elixir that costs 500K a pop right! Just how many did you use that time?!”

“You see, even I’m taking this seriously you know!”

She lowered her stance in the middle of that group of five and began swinging her greatsword around.

Hit confirm— once, twice, three times!

“Ran-Ran!  (`・ω・´) ”

Did I just witness the final struggles of a fallen Ranbuta?!

The ambush unit then focused its attacks on the archer which got hit by the greatsword’s swing.

I guess even a member of ‘Wallenstein’ wouldn’t be able to withstand that much damage. Out of their five members, one of them fell.

But, that was the limit.

The ambush unit died one by one to one-hit attacks.

Just like that, the ambush unit was effortlessly annihilated.

“So this is as far as we could go huh… I’m really useless aren’t I?”

“Don’t be absurd! You’re the MVP here!”

Apricot: Don’t bother with the defenses! These guys are not ones who would fall to simple AOE attacks! Don’t miss your timing on when to charge!

Master’s orders came flying out.

Well of course right? They wouldn’t be called the strongest if they can be defeat by such run of the mill tactics.

Batz: How much time is left? About 2 minutes?

Our artillery just barely got in position in time. Batz then fixed his gaze on the 20+ members that we have left.

Batz: Too EZ lol

He easily said that even after seeing the huge difference in numbers.

“This bastard…”

As we were all thinking of whether to answer back or just ignore what he said and charge, something happened.

A shadow emerged into the tense battlefield.

A character who clearly looked like they had really weak gear on, casually, and I mean casually, strolled into the middle of ‘Wallenstein”s now 4-man group.

Batz: Huh?!

Neither me, nor Ako, nor Master, nor other members of the Elite Guard were able to notice her as she slipped into the middle of their group with Batz not even able to stop her from doing so.

Batz: Wai, you!

Sette: Yaho—! Battsun!

She might have been in their blind spot, but that timing was still spot on.

As for what just happened, I completely have no idea even though I had my eyes on the battlefield this whole time.

If Wallenstein’s gameplay is godlike, then this person’s ability to read other people is godlike as well.

Batz: Get lost!

Sette-san, who had infiltrated the enemy’s formation, took the brunt of all the four members skills that threw out.

Since Sette-san was low leveled, that was enough to instantly blow her away.

However, that would cause their skills to go on cooldown.

They’ll also have to wait for their skill’s animation to end.

And after that, there’s an after skill delay waiting for them.

That fatal mistake is going to cost them!

Sette: You see Battsun, this is how you use people as sacrifices you know?

Apricot: Forward!


All members of Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard went on the offensive.

This is a perfect situation for our group. ‘Wallenstein’, who always took up the offensive, completely messed up this time.

Now is the time! It’s now or never!

“We won’t be able to win if we let them through here!”

“Make sure you give it all you’ve got to make up for the 10M I spent you hear!”

Leave it to me!

And heck, you actually drank 20 of those earlier huh?! That’s not even on the level of just splurging anymore you know?!

My Rusian spearheaded the attack. I headed straight for Bats, who had just performed a motion cancel to get rid of his after skill delay. And with that flow, I swung my shield.

If I can start it off with a stun then everyone else’s DPS should be able to bring him down!


He smoothly evaded it. He’s not an opponent that would be hit by such an obvious Shield Bash after all.

But even so!

The Law Wizard behind him took the hit in his place.

Rusian: Stun confirm over here ↓!

My macro fired off right after.


TL note: In FFXIV, you can set macro keys which is usually used for binding your skill along with callouts. Since they’re pretty flexible in programmability, you can also use them as timers and such.


Right after that, an amazing force of attacks came flying from all directions.

But it’s amazing how he still didn’t die after that.

The stun’s duration ran out, and his body emitted a white aura as he got up just like that time with Schwein. He then fired off a counterattack in my direction.

“Oh thanks for that skill!”

As expected, a portion of the damage dealt to me by such a powerful skill was reflected back using Reflect Damage.

With how much I’ve kept raising my Rusian’s max HP, I’m not going to die from a single hit of that.

After eating up damage from everyone around him and my reflected damage, the Law Wizard died.

Nekohime: Meow have crushed 2 out of 5!

Apricot: This range should work!

Master fired off her skill.

The other two who charged in got caught up in the blizzard except Batz.

They couldn’t escape while they were rooted, so they kept taking damage. Eventually, the female Cardinal healer also died.

Nekohime: Only two left!

Nekohime: Wait a meownite! What are meow?!

Batz, who charged up to the front, sliced up Nekohime-san.

But as expected, the Amaterasu armor is tough.

If he’s using non elemental weapons, then she’s not going down that easily. However, the opponent here is a veteran.

He realized it upon dealing the first hit and immediately swapped to an elemental weapon on the next hit.

Nekohime: This is nyeow good!

†Cloud†: You bastaaaaaaaaaaaaard!

Yuyun: Why youuuuuuu!

Nekohime’s Elite Guard went to rush him down— However, none of them were able to hit him.

One, two, three, five, seven, ten… Our allies were going down at an incredible speed.

This is bad. I have to hurry up and— but, as I was about to make a run for it, something tried to hit me from the side as it made a clang.

Korou: Hi there.

The other one left is Korou, another tank like me.

“Wha, a tank vs tank matchup is just going to end up a wet noodle fight…”

Wait, that’s it.

A high damaging combo is usually started off with a stun. We probably can’t stop Batz unless we’re able to do just that.

But as deplorable as it may be, the only one who can fire off a stun move in the whole Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard is only me.

As long as he can keep me here, Batz is invincible!

“I just can’t shake him off… Damn it all!”

I tried knocking him away with a Shield Charge, but he just easily evaded it. Whether I swung at him with my shield or my sword, he would just evade it or block it with his own. I’m actually receiving way more damage than he is.

The difference in player skill is just too high!

Just how good are these guys?!

“Hurry Nishimura! There’s barely anyone left to protect the crystal!”

“I get you! But this guy is!”

I can’t go back there with a much better player than me keeping me at bay! What kind of hell is this?!

Argh darn it! You’re in the way!

“Worry not, I’m still here.”

I took a glance at the minimap as she said that.

Master is still there. No, that’s not it. Master is the only one left standing in front of the crystal!

Batz: A minute to go with just one person left. Too EZ lol.

Apricot: There’s only 55 second left after you typed out that message. It seems you still need to work on your typing speed.

Theirs was a brief exchange as Batz suddenly went to attack Master.

Master also fired off a skill but… It’s no good. He’s not someone you can stop with just that.


Master took the full brunt of Batz’s attack.

One, two, three hits. The damage display and skill effects were overlapping with each other.

Four, five, six…?

“H, huh?”

For some reason, Master still isn’t dead yet.

She kept emitting a golden aura repeatedly as she stood there like some kind of Deva.

“M, Master? You’re still alive?”

That aside, Batz’s HP was decreasing at an incredibly fast rate as well.

Was she firing off quick cast spells while taking damage that could nearly instantly kill her?!

No that’s not it. Small spells like that won’t be able to deal this much damage you know?!

“What the heck is this? What’s happening?!”

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“No… no, no, no. Master, you can’t be serious right?”

Segawa’s face turned pale as she looked at Master’s screen. Just what is happening there?!

Batz: Hey Korou come over here for a sec! This one’s trouble! Hurry up and stun him real quick!

“I won’t let you…Guh!”

Aaaargh, damn it!

Why am easily hit by Shield Charge when he’s evaded it so many times?!

I was sent flying completely opposite of Master’s general direction. I can’t stop him now.

“Master! A stun is coming! Move away!”

“As if I can do that! If I move away from here then it’s all over!”

“No matter how tanky you are, that’s sure to kill you!”

Korou prepared his shield for a swing.

Master, who had no intention of moving away from in front of the crystal, was in no position to evade the hit.

Just then, a pink shadow flew out before my eyes.

Ako: You can’t—!

Gong! The shield collided with her head which caused chicks to appear.

The head I’m talking about here is not Master’s but rather Ako’s, who wedged herself in between them.

“Uuu, that looked like it hurt… Aaah, I died!”

Batz: You’re in the way!

He threw out consecutive attacks in a fit of rage which instantly downed Ako.

But that doesn’t really matter!

“Well done Akooooooooo!”

“Nice Ako! Good job!”

“E, eh? You’re praising me even though I just died?”

“Of course!”

Stun skills are strong.

But that’s really just about it. The cooldown of when you can next use it again is unbelievably long.

He very well can’t use it again with only 10 seconds left!

And that’s not all. I’m not sure if he’s shocked from what just happened, but I’ve finally found an opening with Korou this time.

“Here I goooooooo!”

I charged in with Rusian. And with a great force, I sent the two of us flying into a corner of the lord’s room.

‘Gagagaga!’, the sound of attacks and lights coming out continued on.

The damage counter and Master’s golden aura were overlapping with each other.

I won’t make it over there even if I ran now. But at least there won’t be any other nuisances.

“Master, we’re counting on you! Win this one for us!”

Apricot: Hahahaha! Is this all you’ve got Batz!

Batz: You piece of shit! Just die already!

The Castle Siege is nearing its end. There’s not even 10 seconds left.

Rusian: Three!

Schwein: Two!

Ako: One!

There was no one to interrupt the countdown this time.

Apricot: Zero!

[The Castle Siege has just concluded]

The announcement signaling the end of the siege has just appeared.

After all the lights faded away, all that’s left is Master standing like a Deva,

Batz: You’re kidding right?

And Batz who fell flat on his face.

Characters who died inside the fort were automatically revived.

[‘TMW’ has been instated as lords of ‘Imperial Palace of Lodestone’]

And then, the lord instatement announcements have started appearing.

Members of Stray Nekohime’s Elite Guard who have fallen began to gather around the crystal.

[‘Noble Lineage’ has been instated as lords of ‘Great Fortress of Granberg’]

[‘Last Days’ has been instated as lords of ‘Royal Holy Castle of Siren’]

[‘Secret Society Alpaca Ranch’ has been instated as lords of ‘Maritime Fortress of Mocomoco’]

[‘Rabbit’s Horn’ has been instated as lords of ‘Sky Garden of Spelunner’]

[‘Tekottsu’ has been instated as lords of ‘Mountain Stronghold of Gaionis’]

[‘Cleaning Crew’ has been instated as lords of ‘Templar Fortress of Ray Sword’]

And finally, the announcement we’ve been waiting for has arrived.


[‘Alley Cats’ has been instated as lords of ‘Fort Cantor’]



“We did iiiiiit!”

I inadvertently stood up.

Should I shout? Can I shout? Heck, we’re already shouting!

Ah I don’t really get it!

We did it! We somehow did it!




“We won meow guuuuuuys!”

“In your face Wallenstein!”

“Yeah in your face!”

I have no idea who is saying what.

Everything is just so chaotic from all this celebration.

Uhm, but, could you please… Guys, you’re way too close… Nah, you know what? Screw that!

Yeah! We did it!

It’s fine for me to at least participate in a group hug at a time like this right!

“I’m glad everymeow there is overjoyed as well.”

Since Nekohime-san said that, I took a look at the screen. There was a storm of delight over there was well.

†Cloud†: It’s Nekohime-sama’s victory!

Yuyun: Glory to our goddess!

Shouts of elation filled the area.

Well, this is really a joyous occassion.

Rusian: We did it!

Schwein: Well done men!

Ako: We did it!

Sette: Gi, moving out!

They don’t have to!

Nekohime: You have my admeowration everyone!

Apricot: This fort is now ours!

Master declared that as she proceeded to sit on the throne.

“We’ve finally done our payback!”

“Indeed. Do you see that? You darned traitors!”

Ah, so she was holding a grudge against them.

In response to Master, Batz gave her a suspicious looking gaze as he said,

Batz: Apricot, are you out of your mind, with what you just did?

Rusian: What’s this? Sour graping?

Just when I thought it didn’t seem like him to do so,

Batz: It’s not that at all. I didn’t lose that fight just now.

‘I mean you…’, said Batz as he pointed towards Master.

Batz: Just how many hundreds of millions did you spend in that one minute?

Huh? Hundreds of millions? What are you talking about?

Rusian: Err, what do you mean?

Schwein: Ah—

Segawa, who was able to see Master’s screen during that time, just facepalmed.

Batz: Back when I was hitting you earlier, you used a Ygg Drop every time you took a hit right?


By Ygg Drop, you mean the Drop of Yggdrasil?

The ones that cost 10M a pop?

The full heal item that I told her no one uses?

Batz: And that damage was because you chugged down RF Pots right? Just how many did you use?

Rusian: You even chugged down Reflect Potions?!

Didn’t I tell you those were only to be used in a dire moment?!

Apricot: Let’s see. I had 500 of them before the battle started— and now I only have 13 left. That victory came on suprisingly thin ice huh?

Batz: Taking this castle doesn’t even net you 5M. What are you, an idiot?

Rusian: Actually, where did all that money even come from?!

That’s not an amount you can get by playing normally you know?!

Apricot: Where you ask… I just sold off unnecessary items in my storage though.

Rusian: You can’t make that kind of money just by selling unnecessary items!

Apricot: I don’t know what to say even if you tell me that. I simply disposed of all the gacha and package deals items that I got.

Wha… items you got from gacha and package deals…?

By gacha, you mean the ones that require you to buy a ticket with real money in order to roll for a random item right?

And by package deals, you mean those item packs that have all sorts of items in them like those Starter Packages right?

You mean to say that you’ve converted all of those into ingame money? So that means…

“Isn’t this just official RMT?!”

“I’m not doing any infraction of the rules though. How rude!”

“So in the end, it was all about using money for you wasn’t it?!”

“J, just how much did you spend on all of this Master…”

Batz: Just how much money did you pour into all of this lol

Oddly enough, Ako and Batz asked her the same thing.

However, Master simply sneered as she easily answered,

Apricot: What kind of pointless thing are you asking? I only used one coin.

Batz: The hell one coin did that.

Apricot: Don’t be absurd. Listen well, Batz. I’ll tell you the truth. If it’s for the sake of my friends— even if I happen to spend millions, it’s still worth only one coin!

Batz: This guy’s seriously nuts lololol

I can’t refute that. This is tough.

To be honest, I thought this person was a hopeless case as well.

Batz: Aaah, I can’t believe we actually lost. Not to mention to a maniac who throws around money like this as well lol

Apricot: Throws around money? What are you saying?

To Batz, who refused to back down, Master had this to say with pride,

Apricot: This is the second-most beneficial use of my money in my life.

Batz: Just how serious about this are you lololol. That’s fine. I like it lololol.

Ah, this person is a hopeless case as well.

He had a real huge smile on his face as if to say ‘I’ve finally found myself a rival!’.

Batz: We’ll definitely bring you down next time so make sure to save up enough money Apricot lol.

Sette: Eh? But Battsun…

Sette-san suddenly came out from the sides.

Sette: We won’t be coming back next week anymore you know?

Batz: Haaaaaaaaa?! You serious?! That’s lame!

Korou: Rusian, what about the conclusion to today’s battle?

Rusian: I’ll pass on the conclusion to a fight between two tanks thanks.

And more than that, I’ll pass on having you guys as opponents again.

Batz: You really serious? I was looking forward to it too…

Batz and his group all looked depressed till the very end, even as they left the fort.

Even if we don’t participate next time, I’m sure they’ll still be waiting at this fort.

“Huh, Master, you endear yourself to weirdos too.”

“I’m not the least happy about that.”

This rare sulking expression Master had on her face was quite interesting.

But anyway, we won.

Thank goodness— Though I guess that’s a subtle way to put it since our expressions right now don’t really have any trace of a good sense of accomplishment.

“Huh… So in the end Master is still Master.”

“But isn’t that just fine? Just look at how happy she is~!”

“That goes for you as well.”

I grin at the sight of Ako sporting such a beaming smile.

“So how about you? You charged in there and got messed up real good… But did you regret it?”

“Nope! I’m completely satisfied with that!”

Ako really looked satisfied as she said that.

“I’m glad I did my best!”


Then you should do your best from here on out as well!

“Then let’s do our best for the actual cultural festival as well alright?”


Ako’s smile suddenly froze up.

Just like this, our Castle Siege came to a close.

And with that, our cultural festival started.

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