Volume 5 Chapter 2 Part 3

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Going with the same type of release as before, please read the above stuff if you want to read the chapter part. This is stuff you’ll end up knowing if you read anyway, so not like it matters right? Though I’ll still mix up the styles of release every now and then so that you won’t have to run those noggins every time.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I can finally do my usual random talk. Lately, it seems that some attention has been sparked for Netoge again, so that makes me kind of glad. The author, Kineko Shibai, and illustrator, Hisasi, did a really wonderful work on this series, especially, with volume 20 (which was just released 2-3 weeks ago). That cliffhanger was placed so darned good that I really wish the next volume would come out already.

Also if you didn’t know, the latest volume had 392 pages for the whole thing. It was so bulky in fact, that the author decided to not have an afterword because adding those pages would’ve put it in a higher book classification which would raise its price. He also opted to remove it instead of some illustrations, so I’m quite thankful for that, but that cliffhanger just makes me wish there was one. Although, the author said in one of his tweets that he would be posting the afterword instead sometime after volume 20 has been released so there’s that to look forward to.

Netoge aside, since I’ve already finished volume 20, I thought of finishing up on reading the Nareru! SE manga that I had bought along with it. It’s been really fun so far with the new Operation Systems character’s, Kozue’s, appearance. I really want to translate this, but since I’m still too busy to learn another skill right now, that would sadly have to be put on the back burner.

Anyway, please enjoy the chapter link available above and don’t read the garbage below. Else, if you’re still reading on those sites, then you can have the thing by Google-sensei below.


Chapter 2

Part 3

Translator: Google-sensei


TL note: Seriously, why are you still reading garbage at these sites? I thought you’d learn from the release before this one, but I guess that’s just how it goes huh? You can find the actual stuff on Hotdog Translations or Novel Updates by the way.


When it’s a big crack, the sound of something melting and the sound of the cavity resonates in the room.

“No way, no way! It hurts terribly! I’m leaving! I play! Look!”
“I sincerely apologize for all this because I saw everything by mistake!”

“It’s not a qualification. You can certainly have an INC INC, but that’s true. It looks like it’s a stupid scream! Or something like that.”

“Of course, it’s true. You’ll end up fighting with me.”
“How do you say this now?”
“I don’t read newspapers, so I don’t interfere in reading Internet news I know!”
“So why do customers want to cause so much pain? Is it because they like professional wrestling?”
Akiyama talked about his work while looking at the details of his work.
In response to the cheerful greeting, the teacher withdrew Aku from me and withdrew the fragile body.
“Oh, oh! Before this! Did you see him the first time I stood before you?”
“Talk about doing what you want to do and then earn money.”
“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

“Oh, that … it was dangerous … he fell from the rabbit hole …”
Uu Uu Uu Uu! The last one was as painful as you know!
“Is it easy to do the right thing? Simply put your opponent’s head under your arm!”
“Would you like to watch Internet news?”

Echo noticed on my cheek when his eyes suddenly got wet.

“Instead of hitting the Russians like that,” You’re a cat! “You have to say it and practice it. When hitting another girl.”
If possible, choose a simple one that does not hurt.
“Look, each customer is a collection of obstacles like you.”
I was suddenly hungry, so I stepped on my flying feet. My movement overturned all the skirts, but if I see that the ball bends the knee, I will pretend to pay attention.
“Uba, it hurts … alias?”
“How was this job?”

His bouncing right hand also had my right cheek on his back!

Taking action really hurts everyone.
And so, when he squeezed it, he pulled my chest and went to “Boin.”
So I say, but the general objective of this is to get out of Segawa’s idea: such a blow was not really in my plan, but I have no choice but to accept it.

“The teacher is better, what to do … Do you think he is like a silly man who really cares about others?”
“… I think it’s time to show my true abilities. Forgive the Russians, see the real strength. But lie on the ground there.”
The teacher’s eyes shone in response to my honest response.
“Oh! The company that made Gundam? Nline?”
“So, are you mad at Aiko? And really, if you already knew you should hide.”

“It will be difficult for Schwein to become someone’s subordinate.”

He doesn’t seem happy to say you’re an idiot.
Instead of being painful, this looks great.
“It was a wonderful ending.”
“Gra … not far from the teacher, otherwise I will enter you later.”

“Now, go ahead, wherever you go … you’ll love it …”

“Russians, did you see them too?”

… do not wait Thinking about this man after entering the wrestling organization? Did she say something like that? What she can do with Lariat.

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Please take a moment.
“Hey, isn’t it a wrestling movement? Does it look different …”

Echo approaching me from the front took my head under his arm.

I thought I could get a bolder answer.
When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw that Akko’s appearance collapsed.
But it is not broken and has not moved.

“I understand, I understand”.
“As you know, you can’t kill the Russians.”
“Hey, are you going to do that?”
Your “like” face is not right!

Why can’t you meet this girl?

Isn’t this kind of thing considered a prize even in our culture? !
“I think that consumers who demand fighting movements are definitely more dangerous than me …”

I started to get angry when I realized.
When all the club members looked closely, the teacher continued to repent while maintaining a formal sitting position.
Everyone’s voice begins to be heard far away. I am losing all my physical strength and I feel that I am trapped by the echo.
And very well, he began to exert slight pressure on my back.
“Ohm, Russia …”
“You say you’re giving someone the biggest bitch, do you know when you say you’re not really sure?”

“For example?”
“Well, can you treat me that way?”
“But that was true. Nishimura-kun was your subject so far. That was fine, but do you think you can do it even with an old man you don’t know?”

However, Segawa and Aoko looked strangely.

“Now everyone. Let’s stop bullying Nokohim.”
“In other words, do I want to hug Russia’s head so hard that I can fix it?”
There is no need to establish a strange flag!
“… Why don’t you cry, don’t get hurt?”
“After all, the hourly wage is good and seems a bit interesting.”
It really didn’t hurt much after giving it some time because it wasn’t going to hit me seriously. It’s just a feeling that Segawa’s little hand hit me.
Oh yes, he must have been hurt. He must be really hurt. You can see these red damage indicators actually coming out.

Don’t tell me a joke. It is a request.
Warm, soft, the fragrance is very good … I can always live like this …
“The normal part-time job you say …”
“And Teacher, I’m not really sure, but isn’t this type of underwear against school rules?”
“Wii, you!”

“Don’t practice because it’s really useful!”
“Nekohim! It hurts! It really hurts!”
“STR is low, but DEX is high, so we’ll let you know when you do Crit Land.”
I think I heard Nakohim’s voice.
“You see?

“… what exactly is that?”
Also, there are parts of me that are bigger!
Is it my level? Is my level not enough?
“Oh, did you feel I had to sit while you were?”

Suddenly, the touched back feels small and thin.
Then she immediately lowered my leg, dropped me, and the teacher grabbed my hand!

“Hey, I’m sorry! But Russia and Ako are stupid too, so it looks like a classic club!”
“And we go here for Nishimura-kun.”
“It seems that you are doing this type of massage.”
“Teacher, doesn’t wrestling really mean knowing the movement of professional wrestling?”
It was dangerous It was very dangerous. I am dying without being able to continue from the rescue point.
I think I should express my gratitude in words.
“Thank you”.
“First, this essay seems to be marking, so it will actually happen in the future and don’t do it anymore!”

First of all, we do all this to save Segawa, isn’t it strange that Master has gotten into me?

Nekohim was tired of seeing us all return to us.
“Looks like you’re saying something else!”
“I stopped! Touch it! Look! I can’t stand this anymore!”
“No, you’re welcome.”

And really stop rehearsing for such useless things!

“Wow, look at it, it was dangerous.”

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“I didn’t know that our counselor was such a violent teacher …”

“I know Russen, but nobody can do these things.”

If this is a game, my words will have more influence.
Oh yes The character of our monk must be him. She said before hitting me it was very nice after all.
Segawa suddenly pushed her skirt when the ground slowly crushed her.
“Job Description # 2, take the client carefully.”
“Yes, that’s pathetic. I’ll show you how it looks.”
Nekohim is not just a show.
It’s not like that. Absolutely

“… What is this?”
“A, are you really Russian?”

Oh, I can really feel myself moving along these light steps.
“Sto, wi, seriously!”
You don’t need this type of essay!
“I always do it because I took you when you entered!”

“Russian, Russian! This news article says that this young woman won thousands of yen in about a month!”


A child who seemed worried was seen nearby. The eyes could also see a surprisingly bright SEGAWA, she didn’t get into me, and the teacher’s face was very red when he entered me. This is the view I looked at, looking at them.
“I will continue this until it is correct-”

“There are many stores that look like this, but you have to exclude them. Not everyone can buy only with money.”
“Now, go here! Brush your teeth!”
“What the hell are you inspiring?”
If this mysterious conversation continues, Maki Akiyama will look strange.
Segawa stretches his right hand,

“Time’s up! Stop! Cancel! Wow!”
“Cancellation is not allowed. As we are at this stage anyway, I can also step on it, but come here and step on it too.”

I closed my eyes and waited.

Oh, this guy is very good at driving Echo. She must agree with him like that.

“I feel good”
About ACO … well, I think there are many reasons to do so.
With my blurred vision, I thought I could see the word “back to the save point” in front of me.

But this guy hit me three times in a row, what happened to him?
“Does the job description # 3 bring the movement of struggle to consumers?”
“Then I started to lick you and the teacher started to trample on you, should it be the last thing in the echo?”

I am completely relieved because you are a normal white color, but do not approach Akou because you seem to show me off!

The teacher also accepted it.


TL note: You managed to read all the way here? Please, you can find the actual stuff on Hotdog Translations or Novel Updates.


Please wait, I am a beginner you see. If you take this seriously, my body can’t get out of it!

I feel a little pain.

“If you think it’s suitable for the rehearsal, is it good? You can go out and say,” You are a scammer! ” In doing so ”
It doesn’t matter what you step on my stomach or on my head.
“Everything is alright?”
“You are useless!”
I was bored and answered the echo.

“Oh, we just tried the professional wrestling movement.”
Your image is far from being a sad system.
“… In fact, when I think about it now, I feel it was a big mistake to do it in Nishimura. Can I claim this now?”
Isn’t your suggestion try it?
I pushed hard with his hand, Segawa sighed and finally released his grip.

“Yeah? Right now?
Without thinking about it, I was about to change my mind, moving from the floor of the clubroom.
“You are almost free!”

“About your part-time job … eh … finally …”

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“It seems somewhat distracting, I look forward to it”.
If you can handle heat-hitting — or in short, it seems.

Later, my right hand was sticking to my right hand, my head was holding my right hand, my head was holding my right hand.
“True, okay and you, Segawa, both fools” … ”
「It’s pretty honest with everyone … 」
“Gotcha. When ever.
AcquisitionsHere’sAcquisitionsHow ‘Me! Me! ‘. It’s a beautiful one
“ El, look here … ”

“That Keviritevarusian-Kunhuta?”

If you are happy with your parents, you will be able to respond to them.
Sensei suddenly made a facepalm
“Goshouin-san, you too. You have to shave your life from your own eyes to the many things that are already being done by yourself.”

“We need to know exactly what you are looking for. But since we did not know how to do it, I just informed you and tried a headlock instead.”
For some quests that is, ‘In the worst case, enemy reinforcements will come and not at all! ‘, Nephew.
“Job Description # 1, Customers Are Buoyed Up”
Then there is the person next to you, then the person next to you.

“Then, it looks like ‘wrestlers’ are the most popular attraction here, do you know?”

But, hey, that sounds kind of cool.
‘Smack! ‘, Nephew.

“ In other words, I just wanted to beat him … So … Okay, try it ”

“So … please forgive me”. ”
「Just say hello … …
“What do you do with the lines now, when you hit me? Do you know my wife is in agreement? For nothing good will happen to my girlfriend”.

“ Of course, my meaning is because … ah … err, no … ”

“But how do you relate to that kind of sensible communication?” ”
We had NetGames, it was a different story, but something to say that totally unrelated to us.

Nominee, Echo, Surprised.
“Exactly one of the most popular” ”
She looked at her body while looking at her. Segawa happily kissed his lips, Segawa happily kissed his lips.

It was the amazing frigid sound
“… need to apologize to any of your friends”

“Okay, don’t worry too much”.

I just flashed and they had a flop of faces on the first floor, I just flashed and they had a flop of faces on the first floor.
“Damn it!”, His arms fluttering in his arms.

“Fufufu, here I am.

I have an account for preparing my waveform.
“Segawa-san needs to be operated by other people, so the price should be favorable for you, don’t you?”
“Wai, stop, stepmother!”
To do so
“Looking for a Tamaki-Housewife? Here’s a quote about how a part-time worker might not like a wife.” ”
Sitting in the posture immediately postulates the posture and causes a sudden change in position.
However, I do not recognize anyone using the words ‘sorry’.
The kind of thing you want again and again is returned
But he managed to catch her with his left hand and caught her with his left hand, but he managed to catch her with his left hand and caught her with his left hand!
My heartbeat is so much worse that I feel more like a heartbeat in my body.

“And is it worth having a headlock? Seriously … when you sell headlocks …”
“How should you do that? Well, just something simple to do.”

“Why is it that you are hurting yourself even if you are not aware of the situation at all? And why are you hurting me?”
With a full gaze, I saw a mess …
Segawatte took off without being charged, Segawatte was arrested for not being charged.
“… off the road. What’s real?”

So not with force but with the use of sex to drive me down

Someone else has a tear-jerked face — but I wish I had a HIV infection.
“Russians, though, how to get to the bottom and how inexperienced? Do you want to know where to look?”
“ Eh, mistake … ”

યો Russian Baghdad rugs … 」
“Step by step? If you have any problems, you should definitely be killed!”
Tosburg … sounds like …

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See if he or she had a headache or when he was hitting his head and then, he said part-time job flyers and said,

Master Master Are you crazy?
The job, part-time, is more … I like to worry about my first job, even with my help.

It works
You should get the basics of the evening here!
I would have a simple interaction of ‘Oh, that’s awesome! ‘Or some of them.
「Just ask me …」
Question mark around the aconyms
So it will add an end to your community, then it will add an end to your friend!
You are welcome to get information about renters!
“Okay, stop there!”

“How silly you are,” she said as if she knew about the facts.
“Shadeup. Striped panties should be enclosed by character letters”.
Hmmm, Hmmm.

“From Tebulkuln … you see, errands … take, come on”.

This looks really great. I can care less about everything else at the moment.
“Looks good. Ah Russian, I’ll take off my shoes so you don’t worry.”
“It’s a hobby of mine so …”

Master, Black, I can see your black and incredibly courageous thing! You come to school wearing such a thing ?!
“I think it’s also boring that when you hear pro-wrestling words you’re thinking of dirty things!”
It is not good to revert to this without thinking about it.

“Come on, come on, so how do you feel about moving forward? Do you feel like you’ve opened your eyes to this kind of thing now?”

“It’s okay you know? If the Russian wants it, I’ll always be available to set foot on you!”

This guy is bad news! She’s not listening to anything I’m saying!
If you are all proud of saying that, I would still ask you to read it, you know?
A, ah I see. I just realized that, but the only thing hitting my head to the right was Segawa’s body.
“Squeeze—, squeeze—”
“Wi, can you please stop lecturing me as if I am going in a really dangerous way ?! You don’t even know that kind of motive!”

“Idiot … a stupid character that you say … I’ll inform you that my year is in the upper class of my year …”

“Yeah, yeah … so Russian plans to defile my pure white uniform with his footprints …”
“Please do not go about starting such strange quests.”
“I don’t need this kind of thinking so you can just forget about it.”
“How do you plan on just tapping me out of this situation?”
Akima-san was the only one standing far away, watching as she was tormenting herself!

I’m not even taking a single bit of damage here. Rather than that, I’m actually healing up at such an incredible speed.
“Mu, is that so. Rusian, turn over and face here for now.”


“I completely understand it now…”

“From the front! Okay!”

“Forgive me. Was that too much?”
“So you’re really going to do it huh…”
“This club looks really fun doesn’t it—”

It went Crack! She’s going to crush it! This would hurt!
I could sense bloodlust seeping through Nekohime-san!

“A job that a housewife can do! That sounds nice!”
I’ll see it! I’m going to see them! If you raise your legs any higher than thaaaaaaaaaat!

“Took you way too long to figure that out… You should learn to be a little more shameful.”
I was finally able to see the sight of everyone looking down on me.

That might be the case but! It’s not simply an issue of seeing it or not!

“Ah— …you’re not, are you?”
Master was quite shocked, but the two of them just doesn’t seem to be convinced at all.
“You already completely did.”

“…Now that I look at it like this, I can tell that the pro-wrestling stuff is definitely bad news. They’re practically hugging already aren’t they?”
Considering our recent circumstances regarding lunch, I’m pretty conscious about that thing right now!

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