Volume 5

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Chapter 3

Part 2

Translation: Yamaking


This just had to happen on this day, of all days.

What was it called again? Murphy’s Law?

The construction of the house would be finished while we were taking our classes. That’s why we all decided to ‘Make furniture!’ as soon as club starts today. But why, oh why, on this important day, do I have to be on cleaning duty?

“Come on! Hurry up with the dustpan! We’re going to be finished after this!”

“Why are you so energetic about this Nishimura?”

Shaddup, just hurry up and get it over with.

The thoughts of skipping out on this filled my head, but as someone who talks big and keeps chastising Ako for skipping classes, I can’t very well be the one skipping on anything now, can I? I got this over with in a flash and hurried towards the club room.

I slipped through the students who were walking along the hallways, running towards the building were the club room was located. I tried to catch my breath for a while before entering the club room.

“Sorry I’m late!”

As I opened the door, what I awaited me on the other side was,

“Welcome back, Rusian!”

Ako, wearing an apron with a ladle in hand, stood there as she greeted me with a smile.

“……Sorry, wrong room.”

I banged the door shut.

As I did that, the strange scenery that I saw in front of me disappeared beyond the door.

When something similar to this happened before, I thought that not panicking really showed just how much I’ve matured. But thinking back on it, there was really no need to mature, was there?

You don’t have to look at the things that you don’t want to see. That’s the most important thing. No doubt about it.

Anyway, I guess I’ll go home for today. After I decided to do so, the moment I was about to turn on my heel, the door opened from the other side this time.

“Welcome back, Rusian!”


You’re opening it from inside even though I slammed it shut?!

And what’s more, you’re continuing that script?!

“It was getting late so I was worried. Now, please hurry up and come in.”

“Wait. This is strange. Could you stop approaching me so cheerfully as if it were normal?! There are still people in the hallway! Don’t just naturally take my bag from me! Go back! Hurry up and go back into the room!”

I pushed Ako from behind in order and dived into the room. After that, I immediately closed the door.

They were giving me really suspicious stares. I’ve gotten used to people glancing at me when I’m with Ako, but being stared at for something stupid like that just hurts.

“Oh Rusian, you’re so forceful. But it’s okay, anytime is a go…”

“That’s enough of that already! We’re in the club room you know!”

At least save that for when we’re alone together!

Sorry, I lied. Please don’t do that sort of thing when we’re alone too! It’s dangerous after all!

That’s not what I meant. This is the club room. This is the club room you know!

‘I was pretty late, so I wondered if everyone was here already’ is what I thought as I looked around the club room. And as I expected, everyone was already here.

Segawa, Master and even Akiyama-san were already here.

But of all of them were, for some reason, standing in the corner of the room, looking this way with fear in their eyes.

“…Err, guys? What are you all doing there?”


“How should we explain this?”

Akiyama-san and Master were at a loss for words.

Segawa, who had a sullen look on her face, then spoke up in their place.

“Because you were late, the rest of us came here before you and when we did, Ako was right there you see.”

“Ah… don’t tell me… you were subjected to that too?”

That thing where Ako comes out to greet you, fully equipped with an apron and a ladle.

“That’s not all you see. As soon as she realized it wasn’t you who was at the door, that girl switched to a real menacing face as she clicked her tongue at us.”

“‘Welcome back Rusi… Tch!’ is how it went… It was so scary…”

“What is it about a club president dropping by her own club room that you would click your tongue at for I wonder…”

“Just what are you doing Ako?!”

They’re you’re comrades, aren’t they? They’re all your important friends right?! Don’t go clicking your tongue at them!

“B, but! They weren’t Rusian so I…”

“Don’t go dissing them just because they’re not me. In the first place, don’t go wearing an apron at school. We’re not in the Cooking Club you know?”

“…Is this… no good?”

Ako in her apron seemed uneasy as she looked up towards me.

Of course it isn’t. Having Ako wear an apron over her uniform like this makes her look strange that it would draw attention to her. And for some reason, having an apron on emphasizes her chest more than simply wearing the uniform by itself. And if you look at it from a more family-oriented view, she really looks the part. You could sense that Ako’s cooking ability is way too high just by seeing this. In other words, summing it all up, it’s extremely cute.

“…It’s cute so I’ll allow it.”


“It’s nothing but a bad experience for those of us who got dissed though…”

I deeply feel sorry about that.

She didn’t mean any harm, so please forgive her.


“Now then, it’s about time for the house to be finished building right?”

“I know. It should be finished already right~”

I logged in and headed over to our house. As I arrived, I found Master and the others waiting nearby.

“We all thought that we should just enter it after you and Ako-kun got inside so we waited someplace nearby.”

“Once you’ve had your fill looking around, let us in okay? I want to see how it looks inside too after all.”

“Can we make a doghouse for Mu-tan in the garden?”

“Sorry about that, and thanks.”

We can talk about Mu-tan’s doghouse later.

The finished Marble House’s exterior was made completely of smooth, white stone that it looked really high class.

‘I wonder how much this would cost you in real life?’ is the thought that I had as I looked over it. I guess this is just how a poorfag thinks.

“Then Ako, shall we go in?”

“Please wait Rusian.”

Ako stood in front of my Rusian as she said that.

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“Since we have the chance, let’s do a rehearsal for how it would be in the future! Rusian would be coming home from work while I come out to greet him!”

Didn’t you already do that earlier?

Don’t tell me that the thing earlier was a practice for the rehearsal?

“I don’t really mind that, but I just have to come in normally right?”

“Yes. Please come in after I’m inside.”

The reason why we were able to build such a splendid home was thanks to Ako anyway so it’s not like I’m that reluctant about this.

After seeing off Ako, who went inside the house, I waited for a while.

“Please, come on in.”


As I drew closer towards the front door, I saw the nameplate ‘NISHIMURA’ written on it.

So the house’s name was NISHIMURA Residence huh… This is like asking to be doxxed.

Rusian: F, for now how about… I’m home—

I opened the door and led Rusian inside.

And well, it’s not as if the front door was made of marble too, it was wooden. But even so, you could still feel it’s pretty high class.

“Welcome back, Rusian!”

Ako: Welcome back, Rusian!

As Ako ran towards the front door, I heard her say that beside me, the same time that she typed it out in chat.

The view in-game was quite the spectacle. It was, but— it felt strangely vivid. I thought that it would probably look like this in the real life as well.

As soon as I get home, Ako would probably come out to meet me at the front door. And then she would look at my face, looking happy if I seemed fine, and looking worried if I seemed tired. That’s the feeling that I got.

Mixing up the game and reality is definitely a big no. But I’m sure that Ako would turn out like this as well.

Ako: Well then Rusian, do you want to have dinner first? Or perhaps a bath? Or maybe you’d like to have… ‘Lil’ • Ol’• Me’?

Rusian: ……

‘She would definitely say this too’ is the unfortunate realization that I had.

But since she’s saying that, does that mean she has all of those ready?

Rusian: Then I pick dinner.

Ako: Sorry, but it’s still not done yet…

Rusian: Then I’ll wait until you finish.

Ako: No, no. I mean the kitchen is not finished yet.

Rusian: …Well, you’re right.

It just finished getting built after all, so the interior was completely empty. She couldn’t actually cook here yet.

Rusian: Hmm, I’ll take a bath then…

Ako: That’s still not done as well. The bathroom, I mean.

Of course right.

There was something written about being able to turn the bathroom into different types such as the Hinoki baths and the like.

But oh, wait a minute? That means the bedroom still isn’t done yet too right?

The house still doesn’t have a bed yet, right?

Then there’s no problem even if I pick this one right?

Rusian: If that’s the case then I pick… Ako.

I pointed at the ‘Lil’ • Ol’ • Me’ option.

Ako would probably look vexed as she replies ‘The bed isn’t done yet’— is what I thought.

Ako: I understand. You want me right?

Ako’s cheeks turned a bit red as she took both her hands off the keyboard and mouse.

Eh? Why are you taking your hands off of those? You won’t be able to chat like that you know?

In front of me, who was currently dumbstruck, was Ako, who had completely abandoned the game and now has her hands behind the apron.

After that, I could the sound of clothes ruffling underneath her apron and the sound of something being unbuttoned in addition to that— wait. Stop that you idiot!

“Just what do you think you’re doing?!”


I chopped down on Ako’s head, which made her bend down forward.

I could see her half-undressed uniform between the gap in the apron, but I pretended with all my might that I didn’t see that.

I have no idea whether she’s embarassed, ashamed, or just plain angry, but Ako was beet red when she said,

“Uuu, Rusian! That’s domestic violence!”

“Even though I did chop you there, I really didn’t want to hit your head there.”

But even so, there are times that I simply have no choice but to do it.

That’s right. This much is true, especially when Akiyama-san is looking at us, all excited, like that.

“It’s fine, go on and continue! From the Uniformed Apron Play, once she takes off her uniform, it transforms into a Naked Apron Play! For an otaku couple like you two, extreme stuff like this has to fit you the best!”

“We— won’t— do— that—!”

To me, those lethal words are a fatality.

Seriously, give me a break here.

“That’s enough Nanako, just hurry up and defeat this sea otter. It gives pretty decent EXP.”


Sette-san finally took her attention off of us so I could finally catch a break.

“That was pretty rough even for a joke, Ako. Everyone is here after all.”

“I just thought that if I dealt damage to Rusian at a regular interval then maybe you’ll eventually let your guard down…”

That guess of yours isn’t completely off the mark so please stop it.

In any case, I want to go see the interior of the house so I went inside with Ako.

The interior was also wonderfully built with stone so Japanese people like us may not be used to it, but we can still see its splendor.

It’s a two-storey building, so it’s pretty spacious and not to mention, well made. It’s a splendid detached house.

Rusian: But… it feels kind of lonely.

Ako: I guess… you’re right.

It somehow feels really dreary. That’s the feeling I got.

It might be because there isn’t any furniture yet that’s why it feels so empty.

But as I sat in the living room with Ako, all I could feel was this sense of uneasiness.

Ako: Let’s decorate the place, shall we? And if there’s a room with a view of the ocean, I’d like to have that as our bedroom.

Rusian: Yeah, I’m fine with that but…

I wonder if this feeling of emptiness would disappear if we did that.

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Though I wonder if it would really be washed away with those superficial decorations.

It’s like I’ve walked into the hangout spot with no one there, staring at the static chat window, waiting for something to happen.

That’s how it currently feels like.

Ako: ……

I wonder if she’s feeling the same thing? Ako fell completely silent as she stared at the screen.

“Hey Nishimura, Ako. Isn’t it about time you let us in? You said we each had our own rooms right?”

Suddenly, Segawa said that out loud from the side.

“I want to make an armory you see, an armory. One that would take your breath away the moment you set foot into it.”

“You mentioned that I had my own room as well, did you not? If possible, I wish to turn it into a study.”

“I really want to make a doghouse for Mu-tan—”

Since we were a bit slow on replying, the three of them voiced out their ideas.

Rusian: …Well, is that fine?

Ako: Yes. That’s what I intended from the start anyway.

Well then, sorry to keep you all waiting.

“I get it, I get it. Hurry up and come on in.”

“Alright, thanks for letting us drop by!”

“Where’s Mu-tan’s house—?”

“If I had only saved up gold, then I could say ‘I’m back!’ at this moment.”

“I don’t really mind that you know?”

“But Ako, your ‘Welcome Back!’ is only for Rusian, isn’t it?”

The three of them entered while saying all that.

They just selfishly started opening doors on their own and dropping items everywhere.

“Ah! This room is nice since it’s close to the entrance. Is it fine if I use this one?”

“A study definitely has to be in a room further back on the second floor. I’ll be asking you to let me use this room then.”

“Hey, hey, can I use the living room? If I place Mu-tan’s house in the garden, then I’ll be able to see it from here.”

Rusian: …Hmm, well…

Ako: Feel free to do as you wish…

We’re already at the room we decided as our bedroom, so it’s fine to let them use the other rooms as they please after that.

It’s a pain having to decorate numerous rooms, and we decided to give each of them a room in the first place anyway.

And besides, they might be noisy and lack modesty but— that desolate feeling from before has completely disappeared.

Ako: This is really much better, isn’t it?

Rusian: Right you are.

After simply exchanging words in chat, we turned to smile at one another.

“While I’m at it, I might as well make this room amazing that it’s good enough as an entry for something like a Housing Contest.”

“Hoho, that’s interesting. A Marble House should be pretty rare at this point so it should stand out from the rest, don’t you think?”

“Then let’s do our best to win and get that 100,000 yen prize money!”

“Hey now, this is our house you know? Why are you deciding this all—”

Just then, I stopped in the middle of my sentence.

And right after I did so, I firmly turned my gaze towards Sette-san. At the same time, the other three also directed their vision towards her.


TL note: In both physical and digital copies, it says the ‘other four’ here, but I don’t believe Nekohime was around. It was probably a typo.


“Oh? What’s the matter?”

“What you ask… Prize money? What’s that about?”

“You guys were the ones who told me to check the official site right? Didn’t you take a look at it?”

In response to Akiyama-san’s dumbfounded look, Segawa pouted and said,

“But I’m not really interested in contests after all…”

“Jeez! It’s written there that the management and its sponsor are hosting a Housing Contest that will be decided by player votes and the winner gets 100,000 yen you see!”

“…Are you serious?”

‘What am I going to get by lying to you?’ said the disgruntled Sette-san.

100,000 yen… 100,000 yen she said. That’s unexpectedly a pretty hefty sum for prize money.

“…If I had 100,000 yen, I could buy a PC right?”

Segawa said that in a low voice, with a tone cold enough to send shivers down your spine.

“And what’s more, this house might just have a chance of winning… That’s what you said too right, Master?”

“I, I may have mentioned that.”

“Nanako, this kind of thing is your specialty right? And you can have fun doing interior design for a house to make it look good right?”

“Sure I like it but… Akane?”

Segawa suddenly raised her head up and decided everything with this one statement.

“The Housing Contest! Let’s participate in it and definitely claim victory!”

“U, uhm, Schew-chan? It’s our house you know?”

In an attempt to respond to Segawa’s one-sided declaration of our participation, Ako timidly tried to voice our her disapproval.

“What are you saying? This is your chance to make your Love Nest known to all the players in-game right? You can show off the ‘My Home’ that you’ve always dreamed of you see?”

“I understand, let’s do it!”

An instant reply.

“Ako… You…”

“Let’s do our best Rusian! It’s time for our home to make its debut!”

Why is my wife this easy?

But I can boldly declare that that’s what’s cute about her, so I wasn’t too skeptical about it.

“But see here Segawa. Are you really someone who would profit off of someone else’s house like that?”

“It’s not like I’m saying that I’ll take the whole prize money by myself you see. Even if we divide evenly between the five of us, that’s still 20,000 yen right? I still think that would be a decent addition to the budget you know?”

“Oh, that so?”

Now that she calmly explained all of that, I feel embarrassed for butting in on her.

“And anyway, even if we do win, I still plan on giving you my share.”

“I don’t mind if you partake of mine as well.”

“Really? If I have 60,000 yen then I can definitely buy one right? Alright, now I’m getting all pumped up for this!”

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Segawa’s eyes sparkled in wonder.

I had no particular reason to burst her bubble here.

“It’s not like we’ll lose anything by trying right?”

“The original plan was to decorate the whole place anyway. If all goes well then that would be for the best. Let’s give it a try, shall we?”

“It would be nice if Akane could get back into the game right?”

That’s right.

Without her, it’s definitely lonely after all.

This is also another event anyway. If we’re going to do something, then we’ll make sure to do our very best!

“Well then, in order for this house to fulfill our dreams, let the ‘House Makeover Plan’ begin!”


Though we said all that, people like us who our chugging along at full speed on the Otaku Highway don’t really have much of a sense for this.

This is especially true for the exterior design of the house. Nothing just comes to mind.

“We’re still at the ‘default house placement’ stage right?”

“If we can just design the interior to make others want to live in it, then it should be fine.”

At a time like this, we can really count on this person for help.

She is thy meisister of personal taste, Sette-san.

“Sette-san, if you please would.”

“This happens to be somewhat my specialty. I’ll do my best so just leave it to me—”

“I’ve been waiting for those words!”


TL note: Reference to Persona


For starters, let’s work on the furniture first. I then checked the crafting list on how to make them.

As long as you can get the base materials, it seems that you can choose whatever design you’d like.

It looks like you can also decorate the walls with equipment and items. Hoho, this is pretty interesting.

There are some really expensive furniture as well, but those are the very large ones. These are stuff like the Grand Piano, Chandelier and the like. We can’t fit those things in our house.

“That said, there sure are a lot of types of furniture listed in here. It’s important to first pick out which ones to craft so that we may use it as decorations later, no?”

Master said that as she folded her arms.

Sette-san voiced out her opinion too just then.

“It’s a matter of going for uniformity or individuality right?”

“Which means?”

“It’s a matter of whether to make the house appealing to everyone as a whole, or whether to make each room appeal to different people.”

“Ah, now I understand.”

If we’re going to set one room as the model, then others would have to follow suit for that sense of integrity in design.

Likewise, each room should have their own appeal if we’re going to pine for the individuality aspect of it.

That’s probably what she’s talking about.

“I really admire those rooms used by day traders that I sometimes see…”

“It’s those rooms that have like 10 monitors in them right? I’d like to try living in one of those—”

“And being able to use your PC while you’re sleeping is also nice right!”

“Hmm… it seems that everyone has their own image of what an ideal room is, so how about we each decorate our rooms to suit our preferences?”

“Let’s do that!”

Each room was originally supposed to be decorated by the one that was going to use them anyway.

The room near the entrance is going to be turned into an armory by Schwein. One of the rooms in the second floor is going to be turned into a study by Master. And lastly, the exterior and the living room would be handled by Sette-san.

We assigned each room to a specific person and began getting to work right away.

Sette-san immediately went out towards the garden and started fiddling around. She then began placing items here and there.

“What are you going to do about the front porch? Put a flower bed maybe?”

“Hmm, going with the usual stuff is boring. And since the color of the Marble House is distinctly white, we’re going to need a lot of little decorations if we decide not to go with a large one. Anyway, I’ll try out anything that I can.”

“…Please do.”

It was a topic that I simply couldn’t poke my nose into.

Master and Segawa were messing around with their own rooms as well.

I have to get to working as well.

“Let’s do our best with our room too!”

“I wonder how we should decorate it though?”

‘It’ here being our room. That is to say, Ako and I were in charge of one room.

We don’t have any gold, and the plot for the house is small. Since we couldn’t get a much larger house, once we handed over one of the rooms to Sette-san, Ako and I automatically got paired into a room together.

That might be one of the reasons why Sette-san is really energetic about this.

The main contributors, the couple who put out the money and materials to build the house, are being forced to put up with sharing a room after all.

I say forced to put up here, but Ako requested for this one.

“For now, let’s place a large bed okay?”

“That’s what you’re going to start with? You really are that kind of person, aren’t you?”

“Do you not like it? Ah, maybe you like a smaller one that we can sleep together in?”

That’s not what I was getting at.

“Why would you go out of your way to even put down a bed anyway?”

“If you sleep in it, you can recover HP and MP you know.”

“So it was actually for the utility?!”

“And what’s more, if you get one of those high quality beds, you can use the drawers at the foot of the bed as storage!”

“Gah, darn you management team! Taking weird things like that into consideration…”

If it’s like that, then we have no choice but to place one, don’t we?

Being able to open your storage without having to walk all the way to the NPC is way too convenient.

“Then I guess we’re setting the theme of the room as a bedroom huh?”

“The theme is a couple’s bedroom right!”

That’s exactly what it is, but having Ako say it like that sent chills down my spine.

And without paying attention to me, Ako happily began placing furniture in the room.

“Ah! There’s a Yes/No Pillow included in the furniture list.”

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By Yes/No Pillow, you mean that pillow that has a Yes on one side and No on the other?

They sure added another old-fashioned stuff into this.

“Just what did they plan by adding that in exactly…”

“To put it simply, you place the pillow up on either side to answer your spouse’s question if you want to cyber today or not.”

“Sorry, that was the wrong wording on my part. You don’t have to explain how it works.”

The words that I thought I would never see again were mentioned by her again, but instead, in real life this time. Argh darn it. Getting excited from something like this is stupid, so just quit it me.

“Then, the materials say it needs 3 Wool and 2 Red Pyroxene so I’m going to craft it okay?”

“Wait, wait, don’t craft that.”

This house is going to be displayed on an exhibit for the contest after all.

They’ll be putting it all out there, including the interior design you know?

“If you make it all No/No Pillows with the No side facing up then I’ll allow it.”

“You say that Rusian, but there might come a day when you fall for me and answer with a Yes right?!”

“That might happen actually.”

“Eh, Rusian, you’re going to admit to that?”

Why are you that surprised about it?

Even if it’s only in the game, we’re still husband and wife you know.

“You may have forgotten this, but I do love you, you know?”

“I, I know right! That’s how it was right!”

If I don’t say it out loud sometimes, she starts looking as if she thinks her affection is one-sided.

“Then let’s place those pillows!”

“If you would just read into what I just said earlier, I already picked No so that means I don’t want it.”

But if you didn’t keep saying couple this, couple that, then it would’ve been an easy Yes from me.

“In the first place, we’re living with our guild members under the same roof you know?”

“Ah, now that you mention it, that’s right.”

It seems that even Ako understood that isn’t going to fly, so she agreed to it.

“Then let’s place those pillows when we buy our own house, okay?”

“Please do that.”

I may have had grim prospects once we started working on the interior design of the bedroom, but after I’ve seen the results, I can say that it’s actually progressing unexpectedly well.

And as for why that’s the case, well you see…

“These curtains don’t look like they actually need curtain rails to hold them. As long as there’s a ceiling, it seems like I can still place them. And since it works like that, let’s put up short curtains beside the walls and put some lighting behind them. That way, it would look like indirect lighting which really gives off that bedroom vibe right? It takes 3 Magic Stones to make the moderate intensity lighting furniture so I’m going to use it okay?”

“G, go ahead.”

“For the bed, I’ll just go with the King Size one for now. I want to place it along the wall, but if we want to prioritize aesthetics, then having space on both side of the bed is important so as to make it not look cramped you know.”

“Is that so…”

“But ultimately, there’s still the issue of what curtain to put on the windows. The one that sets the mood for everything in the room are the curtains after all, so this would decide what exactly we’re going for but…”

“Err, Ako-san?”


Ako, the girl who had trouble remembering things, were memorizing things from the recipes at an unimaginable speed.

I can’t even keep up with her anymore.

It looked like she was happy about something as she was brimming full of energy.

“Err… Why are you that serious about setting up the bedroom?”

“I’m practicing so that I can do an even better job on the house that me and Rusian would someday live in!”

Do you mean that in real life? Or in the game?

You meant in-game right? I mean, the only placed we’ve built a house is in-game after all, right?

“You look like you’re having fun so I don’t really mind, but let me just ask one thing.”


“I don’t particularly have anything in mind, but if you’re that energetic about it, then I don’t mind leaving it up to you, you see.”

Though if she begins saying that she wants to place a heart shaped bed, then I would certainly speak my mind, but I generally don’t have any qualms about leaving this all up to her. There’s only one thing I’m curious about.

“I’d like to give my opinion too whenever I can but— are you having fun with this, Ako?”

“I would have more fun if we thought about this together you know~”

“I see.”

There’s lets do our best and mull over this, shall we?

“For me, I definitely prefer the European style bedroom. That makes me feel at ease the most, so I like it.”

“I want to place stuffed animals too but, it wouldn’t match the mood of the room.”

“Then what do you say about putting up a canopy? We can hang white laces drooping from it too.”

“If there’s something like that then I’d like to make it! That’s the dream of every girl!”

And so, we excitedly continued on decorating the room.

For a while, the club room began sounding like an office with everyone talking very businesslike but then the mood would immediately do a heel-face turn and the sound of everyone’s voices having fun could be heard.

“Uhyaaa! Look, look! Just by putting the Twin Blades of the Dark Flame on display here, it made it look like this! And if I put the Musket beside it like this, it really gives you a good feeling of Fantasy and Reality coming together in one huge display!”

“This desk… I thought I’ve seen it before but, isn’t this simply a ripoff of that well-known manufacturer’s design? —But I like the spirit put into this! This is actually a preference of mine!”

“Wait a minute… This wooden slab… Ah, I knew you could place it like that! Hmmm? So as long as there’s something underneath it, the laws of physics don’t matter at all huh? Then if I use this fence as a foundation and let it float in midair…”

What is this? Minecraft?

“You all look like you’re having fun huh—”

Segawa’s working on her armory, Master on her study, and Sette-san on the living room and garden.

In order to save up for the cost of this house, all that running around not only netted us gold, but also a ton of stress.

And now that we’re free from all of that, we’re all here, lively enjoying LA.

But all that is about to come to an end. Club activities end at 7 PM after all.

“No! Not yet! I still haven’t finish decorating it at all! Just a little bit! Just a little bit more!”

Once we get home, we can still work on ours, but Segawa, who couldn’t do that, desperately cried out.

“We told you that’s impossible, didn’t we?”

“We’ll all wait for you and refrain from decorating until club tomorrow, so just let it be, okay?”

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuu, we’ll definitely win. We’ll win and I’ll buy a PC worth 100,000 yen, just you see!”

“Hmm… Well let’s think over tonight for what we’ll be doing tomorrow then.”

The server maintenance ended at 5PM during the day that the update went live.

And the deadline for the entries for the housing contest is exactly three days after said update, which means it also ends at 5PM.

Let’s do this! Let’s make a wonderful house that won’t lose to anyone else!


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