Never Forget Me

Chapter 102

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Su Jin Wei clenched his fist, there was no way he was going to let another man touch her. She was his and only his, he had waited eight years to get her back and he refused to lose her again. He had to think of something and fast. Su Jin Wei walked into the bedroom as Modesty was hanging up.

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"Get dressed so we can go to dinner."

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Modesty swung her legs off the bed and headed into the closet to get changed.

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Sun Xi Zhao sat down in his study looking out the window. He kept thinking about Miss Modesty Cameron, Vice President of Cameron Corp. Yes, he thought she was worthy of him as a partner. Sun Xi Zhao was ready to settle down and find himself a nice woman that he could spend the rest of his days with.

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He was determined that Su Jin Wei wasn't going to have her. Su Jin Wei wasn't a strong opponent anymore and wasn't worthy of a woman such as Modesty Cameron. For once he Sun Xi Zhao was going to come out ahead. His company Sun Corporation was doing better in certain sectors then Su corporation. He was richer than Su Jin Wei because his Sun family came from old money. He was much more handsome than Su Jin Wei, and he knew how to woo a woman

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