Never Forget Me

Chapter 110

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Modesty ordered her usual fare of sesame chicken with shrimp fried rice, while Sun Xi Zhao ordered Beef lo mein. He had discussed with her before about them sharing the different dishes. Modesty was from western culture so he wanted to be sure she was alright with this especially since eastern culture was so different. They were having such a good time that before either of them knew it, it was getting late.

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Su Jin Wei was pacing around the house, it was going on ten o'clock and Modesty still hadn't arrived back home yet. He wanted to go and track her down to find out why she was out so long. Then he heard a car pull up, Su Jin Wei hurried to the window and saw Sun Xi Zhao opening the passenger door to let Modesty out. His hands clenched and his gaze iced over. When she text and said she was going to have dinner with a friend, he assumed it was Chu Hua Huan. Su Jin Wei didn't know that she had gone on a date and with Sun Xi Zhao of all people.

Su Jin Wei growled, she was his. His, and no one else's! He refused to let someone else touch what was his. Su Jin Wei realized that he was going to have to take drastic measures. He remembered Modesty's little phone conversation last week where she said she needed affection. He was about to make sure she had so much affection that she couldn't even breathe much less think of another man.

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