Never Forget Me

Chapter 125

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Celeste didn't know when Sun Xi Zhao's face popped up in her head. Instead of being upset that she was thinking about what she called "The Great Betrayal." Celeste kept thinking about what Sun Xi Zhao's hands would feel roaming her body or pinning her to the wall by her neck. Celeste shook her head, she shouldn't have such forbidden thoughts about a man who probably just saw her as another notch on his bedpost. A lot of men wanted to get with her just to "try her out" because not only was she American but she was Black as well. And, that made her a unique in this country, then she could speak Mandarin as well, so when someone talked about her she understood every word they said. Which made some men want her even more, but Celeste refused to be anyone's number two or someone's one-time fling. So, she kept away from most places where she would run into men like that. Celeste hated that the one time she accepted her coworkers invite they wanted to come out to a nightclub where those type of men were.

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Celeste tried to hide in the corner so that no one would find her, and it was going pretty well until that Sun Xi Zhao guy. Even though he seemed different when he approached her. He seemed calm and quiet, nice even, he just asked her if she wanted some water and to go upstairs to the VIP room where it was quieter. He didn't automatically assume that she would instantly want to go to bed with him as soon as he flashed his platinum card. He seemed like he would be appreciative of her, but oh well she wasn't going to stick around long enough to find out. So, that was a bust even if she did want to know him better which she didn't. Celeste just wanted to get home so that she could get ready for work tomorrow.

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Celeste had a room in the hostel near the school that was provided to all faculty members. She was supposed to teach only advanced English literature but when the higher-ups found out she had an ESL certification. They told her they would pay her extra if she would also teach advanced ESL. She taught mostly fourth years but had some third years as well. Celeste enjoyed her job, the classroom sizes weren't large, the students were respectful and the pay was great. She originally lived with Benny, so she didn't have an apartment to live in and her minimal clothes and other things that she couldn't bring with her here were currently housed in her cousin Keisha's basement. So, other than a few essentials and eating out once and a while, all of her money was hers.

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