Never Forget Me

Chapter 146

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He was heading to his phone he needs to call a certain someone about the steps he should take against his brother Fei Tian Ting. He thought that his brother was involved with what happened to his daughter, he just didn't want to believe it. Now he was sure, especially after his Liu Liu's words. Not many people knew that she witnessed everything, they just thought she was depressed due to her miscarriage happening so soon after her husband was murdered. No one but him and a select few people knew the truth, that she was actually there at the time that everything had happened.

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How they tortured Song Chin and made her watch. How they cut his body to the point that he was almost beyond recognition. How they tried to beat and **** his daughter causing her to miscarry her baby. How he found her in a pool of blood, crying with her dead baby in one arm and her dead husband in the other. That was something Fei Ling Chung could never get out of his head, and it took years of therapy to get her to even this point. Not only was he going to avenge his daughter and son in law, but he was also going to make them pay for going up against him.

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Sun Xi Zhao needed to go to Taboo, he hadn't been there in a while because he spent the majority of his time at work or with Celeste. He was starting to feel antsy needing to get all of his pent up frustration out. But, he also didn't want to go to Taboo it wasn't helping him at all. Plus, he still hadn't talked to Celeste about his issues, he was still scared to bring it up to her. What if she ran like the others? What is she didn't want to participate? What if she didn't want him going to Taboo? There were a lot of questions rolling through his head. He didn't think that he could bear another heartbreak. Sun Xi Zhao was thinking about what he should do when his phone started to ring.

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