Never Forget Me

Chapter 152


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When he finally let her up for air, he slid his hand in her hair and pulled her head back exposing her neck to his hungry mouth.

"Are you going to break up with me?"

Celeste had to hear the words, what he did made her think that he wouldn't. But, women are auditory creatures she needed to hear the words.

"Why would I do that?"

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Sun Xi Zhao picked her up and sat her on his desk continuously kissing and licking her neck.

"Because I have certain proclivities that cause me to need to go to a place like Taboo."

Celeste managed to get out even though Sun Xi Zhao had her panting from his kisses.

"I'm more upset that you went without me. I can teach you more than anyone there can. Plus. you are mine, and mine alone. I refuse to share you with anyone, especially at Taboo, understood?"

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Sun Xi Zhao looked Celeste in her eyes. Joy bloomed in her chest but she couldn't do anything more than nod her head.

"That's not how you answer me. You answer me with a yes Sir, understood?"

Celeste smiled.

"Yes, Sir."

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Sun Xi Zhao caressed her face.

"Good girl."

He smiled.

"Are you hungry?"

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Sun Xi Zhao raised an eyebrow at Celeste.
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"Yes, Sir."

"Good, let's get something to eat. I didn't ride my bike today so you have to deal with my Aston Martin."

Sun Xi Zhao shut his computer down grabbed his phone, keys, and coat then thoroughly kissed Celeste and they walked out. @@

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