Never Forget Me

Chapter 155

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"I will take these, but you just missed big brother, he stepped out for a meeting. Just have a seat and you can wait for him to return."

Fei Fei Liu's smile dimmed a little, she was hoping that he was here, but it looks like she always just misses him.

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"Okay, I'll wait for him. He won't be long will he."

Song Du Ling shook his head.

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"No, not more than twenty maybe thirty minutes. I will send him a message that you're here. Why didn't you call him before you arrived?"

"Because it wouldn't be a surprise if I call."

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This was true Song Du Ling thought, she definitely surprised everyone. As they were talking the designer opened the door to the private room that held Sun Xi Zhao. Fei Fei Liu looked in and saw Song Chin, it confused her, if he was supposed to be away at a meeting what was he doing here talking to a ring designer? Fei Fei Liu hurried forward

"Song Chin, I thought you were off-site at a meeting."

Sun Xi Zhao barely spared a glance at Fei Fei Liu, Song Du Ling hurried forward.

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"Sister in law, this is Chairman Sun of Sun Corporation. You must have mistaken him for brother, now come and sit down and wait for brother to return."

Fei Fei Liu looked from Song Du Ling to Sun Xi Zhao, how could she mistake who her own husband was? This was Song Chin, but Song Du Ling kept saying that it wasn't. Could what her father has said was true and that Song Chin had a doppelganger? Fei Fei Liu let Song Du Ling pull her away, as she sat down she heard the designer talk to the other two workers about the special ring to be made. Fei Fei Liu's heart soared, no wonder Song Chin pretended not to know her. He didn't want to ruin the surprise he had for her, he was having a ring especially made. It was going to be their wedding anniversary soon and she was sure that is what he was doing. She was all smiles when she saw her father arrive.

"Papa, what are you doing here?" Fei Fei Liu said with a big smile on her face. Fei Ling Chung froze, his Liu Liu hadn't called him that since the incident.

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