Never Forget Me

Chapter 158

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Also, with the same addendum, that if anything were to happen to him and Song Du Ling was without a wife and child then the other ten percent would also revert over to Fei Group. But, what no one knew is that the shares wouldn't be given over to Fei Ling Chung as everyone expected. No, they would be given to Fei Fei Liu's younger sister Fei Lei Ahn who was currently studying abroad. Fei Lei Ahn was working on her masters in business so that she could one day take over Fei Group. So, Song Du Ling knew what Fei Tien Ting, his Uncle, and his cousin were plotting.

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They would take out Song Chin and Fei Fei Liu, so when the shares reverted over Fei Group. They would then kill off Fei Ling Chung and Fei Tien Ting would take over Fei Group and pass the shares of Song Corporation over to Mu Dai and Mu Long Gu. It was the perfect plan except that Fei Fei Liu didn't die and Fei Ling Chung gave a voting proxy to Song Du Ling until either Fei Fei Liu healed and could take over Song Corporation or Fei Lei Ahn came back and took over Fei Group and Song Corporation as well. Fei Ling Chung was currently working on getting his youngest daughter to come home and finish her masters via distance learning or another university. This way she could help him combat their treacherous family members who wanted to take all that they had.

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Sun Xi Zhao was excited, he knew that Celeste would love the ring that he was making for her. He was finally able to have a woman who loved him and didn't care about his issues. He was going to plan out how he was going to ask her to marry him. He was bouncing off the wall, and he knew that his mother would be ecstatic.

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Over the next few months, Fei Ling Chung kept Fei Fei Liu busy by taking her out of the country and on trips. He didn't want her to think about Song Chin, also he finally convinced his youngest daughter Fei Lei Ahn to come and take over. She complained to him for three days about not coming home until he told her what happened to Fei Fei Liu at Song Jewelry. The minute she heard that her sister kept mistaking Chairman Sun with Song Chin, she agreed to come home.

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