Never Forget Me

Chapter 160

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Fei Fei Liu paused, that woman must be Song Chin's personal assistant. Fei Fei Liu smiled when she heard that the woman had made reservations for them at her favorite restaurant. Fei Fei preened thinking her husband was trying to surprise her and show her how much he loved her. So, she hurried home to go and get changed, she didn't know if Song Chin was going to come and pick her up or if he was going to send a car for her. Either way, she had to make sure that she was ready and looking beautiful for her husband.

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Sun Xi Zhao pulled out the chair for Celeste. He loved how beautiful she looked. She was wearing an off the shoulder white cheongsam inspired dress from Synergy with red Louboutins and a red Coach handbag. He remembered picking out the heels for her, he wanted to see what they would look like in the air. Sun Xi Zhao had to hurry over to his seat or they wouldn't be able to eat dinner if he continued with the thoughts in his head. He needed to get through dinner so that he could talk to Celeste about marrying him.

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They have only been together for six months but he knew couples who knew each other for only a few days who have been married for years. So, six months shouldn't be too short of a period of time to get engaged or maybe even married. He wondered what Celeste would look like in a beautiful long wedding dress. "So, what are you thinking of eating?" Celeste's voice brought him out of his reverie. Sun Xi Zhou grinned sheepishly and picked up his menu.

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Fei Fei Lui arrived at Ki Pao's at seven-fifteen, she was so upset at being late she didn't want Song Chin to be mad. But, it was all those stupid bodyguard's fault saying.

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"We don't have it down on your schedule that you have a dinner date."

It took her almost an hour to convince them that it was a surprise that she wasn't supposed to know about and another fifteen minutes sneaking away from them. Then yet another twenty minutes finding a cab to bring her here to the restaurant. She couldn't wait to tell Song Chin, he is going to fire every last one of them.

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