Never Forget Me

Chapter 163: 163

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Plus, they had just lost their child, and then she had to go away to heal. It was just like her father said, it was too much of a strain on him, men had emotions too. That must be it, if she gets rid of the sl*t then Song Chin will come back to her and they can be a happy family again. Fei Fei Liu wiped her eyes and walked over to the table she grabbed a napkin to wipe her face with. When she looked at all of the food on the table, and she began to laugh. She knew that Song Chin loved her, all of the foods on the table were her favorite foods. He was just using that woman as a substitute for her, now all she needed to do was remind him of the love that they share.

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Celeste walked into her room at the hostel. She was so upset she couldn't stop crying. She prayed that this was all just some sick joke because she really liked Sun Xi Zhao. Sun Xi Zhao actually made her feel whole for the first time in her life. He didn't tease her or put her down, he didn't care that she was of a different race. He made her feel special like she was the only woman in the world. Even when people stared at them and whispered behind their hands, he still made her feel like she was a queen. He even told her that he would destroy anyone who dared to say something about their relationship.

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So, why would a woman pop up claiming he was her husband and that she lost his child? This was all too much and a lot was going through her mind. Like why did she never see a wife or even a hint of one? She stayed at his house practically everyday for two months straight. She met his sister and she never mentioned a wife she even said that she was glad he finally found a girlfriend. He was talking about taking her to meet his mother next week, he spoke to his mother in front of her on speakerphone. His mother never mentioned a wife. Maybe, she just maybe she needed to trust what Sun Xi Zhao said. She knew that to be in the type of relationship that they had trust was an important factor.

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