Never Forget Me

Chapter 25

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Modesty shoved another piece of bacon into her mouth quietly munching. Then her phone rang it was HuaHua.


Modesty answered.

"Hey, girlfriend what's up?"

Modesty smiled, "eating breakfast with Su Jin Wei."

Modesty heard a gasp, "did you sleep with him last night? I thought you were just going to meet his parents and ask questions about your own."

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Su Jin Wei watched Modesty smiling brightly, he wandered who was on the other line to make her smile like she was. Her cinnamon colored complexion seemed to brighten. He was a little jealous that he couldn't make her do that. He just seemed to be making all of the wrong moves when it came to her.

"No we didn't, and yes I did meet them."

Modesty was blushing harder and harder. Su Jin Wei wanted to make her do that for him. He imagined her beneath him with her hair spread out across the pillow with that look on her face panting his name. His rod started to harden and he had to think of other things to make it go down.

"We are hanging out today. So any news on finding me a house?"

Su Jin Wei knew then that Modesty was talking to her Assistant Chu Hua Huan. She had mentioned earlier that her assistant was looking for a place for her. What Modesty didn't know was that while she was in the shower, he made moves to block her from being able to find a place.

"No, nothing yet but I will keep looking."

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Modesty smile dropped, she was hoping Hua had found something so she didn't have to stay with Su Jin Wei. But, it didn't look like things were going her way.

"Hey, could you look into a different hotel for me to stay in?"

"I'm sorry Modesty, all hotels are booked there is a conference and a festival going on right now. What's wrong with your hotel?"

Modesty started to blush again glad that HuaHua couldn't see her.

"I'm sorta staying with Su Jin Wei there was a problem at my hotel."

Modesty heard Huahua screech.

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"OMG do you like him? Does he like you? This was so sudden. I thought you said that you guys didn't do it?"

The blood just receded from Modesty's face had now gone straight back up.

"We didn't as I said. I don't know what he feels, you have to ask him. Like I said there was an issue with my hotel so Su Jin Wei politely extended the invitation to allow me to stay here at his home."

Modesty didn't completely lie to Huahua. The only part that was a lie was the part about there being a problem with the hotel.

"Oh, I understand, well text me the address so if I have to come by and drop off paperwork I can. In the meantime, I will keep looking for a place for you."

Modesty was glad that Huahua was going to continue looking and not stop because she was at JinJin's. She hoped that it would only be a few more weeks here so she would just have to be patient.

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"Well, just keep looking, you're doing a great job. If you need me you know where I'm at"

Modesty heard another squeal from Huahua, it was so loud that she had to hold her phone from her ear.

"I swear I think it's more than a problem at your hotel. I think he actually likes you. I have never heard of him having a girlfriend or being with another woman. You know he's one of the most eligible bachelors you are so lucky. That dinner must have been something else after I left. But, aren't you scared of him? They call him the devil's son. They say he is dangerous and will mow down anyone in his path."

Modesty waited for HuaHua to take a breath.

"No, I'm not worried. I believe everything will be fine. He's doing me a favor, knowing all the problems with my hotel."

They spoke for a few minutes more and then Modesty hung up and turned to Su Jin Wei.

"Okay let's get going."

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