Never Forget Me

Chapter 97

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Modesty stood still as her bridesmaids especially Ch Hua Huan all fluttered around her making sure that her dress was ready for the wedding. The wedding was a mixture of both of their cultures. The dress, reception decorations were all of Western Culture while the wedding decorations, the food for the reception, the music, and everything else were all of Eastern Culture. There was a knock at the door and everyone turned to see who it was. Modesty's uncle Keith opened the door.

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"Modesty it's time."

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Modesty smiled, her uncle Keith was going to walk her down the aisle in lieu of her father and he and her aunt were going to give her away in true western style. Modesty stood up and walked towards the door, she gave her uncle a big hug.

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"Come on uncle Keith lets go to my man."

They walked arm and arm to the wedding chapel and Modesty gave the biggest brightest smile when she saw Su Jin Wei standing at the end waiting for her. She knew that this was going to be the happiest day of her life. Modesty finally had all of the answers, all of her memories, and her the love of her life.

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