Chapter 01: The Past

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    Hearing the door closing, Li JinCheng, who had been waiting for the return of Liao ChangYuan who never waited for him in return, asked in a daze, “You’re back?”


    Liao ChangYuan didn’t speak, instead threw himself on him and started kissing him hastily.


    In the past, Liao ChangYuan would do something like this when he went home drunk. Li JinCheng was also used to this kind of Liao ChangYuan, but soon he noticed something was not quite right.


    For example, the person on his body was too heavy, and that person didn’t have the familiar feeling he was used to.


    Panicked, Li JinCheng turned on the bedside table lamp.


    The one pressing on him was Liao ChangYuan’s boss, Chen KeYi. Li JinCheng had seen him only once from a distance. He was in his forties and a fat man. Now he was so close to him, Li JinCheng also found that Chen KeYi’s eyes were lecherous and had bad breath, breathing very heavily.


    Seeing Li JinCheng turning on the light, Chen KeYi was stunned for a moment. Then, he pressed Li JinCheng’s hands on the pillow and said excitedly: “I have already agreed with ChangYuan. It’s just one night. After tonight, I will pay off his gambling debts, that one million, for him!”


    About that debt, Liao ChangYuan once said to him a few days ago. But, at that time, Li JinCheng thought Liao ChangYuan was just joking with him.


    The two had known each other for many years, and they came to this city together after confirming their relationship four years ago. Originally, in Li JinCheng’s heart, Liao ChangYuan was his lover and thought Liao ChangYuan would stay with him for the rest of his life. But now, for his gambling debts, Liao ChangYuan actually gave him out like a gift.


    “Get out.”

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    “Humph! Liao ChangYuan actually borrowed money from a loan shark. If you don’t help him this time, do you think he could stay alive after a few days?”


    Chen KeYi’s tone was full of certainty. Li JinCheng showed a bleak smile when he heard those words.


    Four years ago, for him (LJC), Liao ChangYuan did not hesitate to abandon his family and elope with him (LJC). For this sake, even if he had been aware early on that Liao ChangYuan was just a playboy who had nothing but only a good look and he (LCY) would not be too good to him (LJC), Li Jincheng had been very patient with him.


    Now that things had reached this stage, he really didn’t know what he was still insisting on.


    Looking at Chen KeYi who was still lying on him and preparing to do whatever he wanted, Li JinCheng said one final sentence in a deep voice, “I’ll say it for one last time. Get out!”


    His voice was so cold to the point of freezing, but Chen KeYi’s strength restraining him was stronger. With full force, Chen KeYi tore open Li JinCheng’s thin t-shirt apart; he bit on Li JinCheng’s delicate collar bone again, and said vaguely: “Do you think it is possible? The meat is right in front of my mouth. How can I still......”


    Li JinCheng had an elegant and delicate appearance and he looked like someone pure and free from the restraint of this dirty world. That day, Chen KeYi just glanced at him from a distance, and he was already obsessed with Li JinCheng. If Liao ChangYuan had not owed the gambling debts this time, and was unable to repay it himself, Chen KeYi thought he would not be able to get involved with this person in his entire life.


    It’s a pity that before he could say those words, Li JinCheng, who suddenly exerted force, took the table lamp and slammed it on his head.




    Li JinCheng pushed Chen KeYi, who was badly bleeding, and walked out of the door barefoot.

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    As he thought, Liao ChangYuan was sitting on the sofa in the living room outside the bedroom all this time.


    Generally, people who had done this kind of thing would, more or less, feel nervous or embarrassed, but Liao ChangYuan was not like that. He was eating a box of fried rice noodles and having fun with his mobile phone, looking very relaxed and comfortable.


    The bedroom was quite soundproof. Only after hearing the sound of the door opening, Liao ChangYuan turned to look at him.


    “Where is my boss?”


    “He’s dead.”


    Seeing him say this coldly, Liao ChangYuan finally showed a trace of panic. After pushing away Li JinCheng in front of him and seeing the scene in the room clearly, he roared in anger, said: “Li JinCheng, are you fucking a human?! Do you really want me to die?!”


    “Did I ask you to gamble? Did I owe those gambling debts?”


    “Humph. How did you flee from Hong Kong island four years ago? If it wasn’t for you, do I have to cut contact with my family for so long? And you, can you also be able to live so freely and easily like now?”


    Living freely and easily? He never once felt that way ever since they came to this city four years ago. The food and clothing, all of the living expenses of the two were the responsibility of him alone. Even at that time, two months ago, when Liao ChangYuan went to a nightclub on a whim to gain some publicity, wasn’t it also the ‘reasonable’ excuse he came up with: ‘It is necessary to continue his pathetic life’!


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    Not to mention that every time a dispute occured between them, Liao ChangYuan would always brought that matter* up and blamed him**!


    *(T/N: about their elopement and how Li JinCheng is responsible for Liao ChangYuan’s ruined life.


    Raw: (更别提每次发生争执他都会把这件事单独拿出来说一遍!)


    **I translated as I seemed suitable.)


    Was this really the attitude of a true lover?


    Looking at Liao ChangYuan in front of him, Li JinCheng began to suspect that maybe this man had never loved him for once.


    “What are you doing?”


    “Break up. I will move out from here now.”


    This was the first time that Li JinCheng had said to Liao ChangYuan about breaking up. Li JinCheng had never said to Liao ChangYuan about breaking up no matter how bad he was in the past, even if he hit him (LJC) to the point of hospitalization. Thinking that he was about to lose this long-term meal ticket, Liao ChangYuan couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.


    He wanted to say a few coaxing words to hold Li JinCheng as usual, but when he saw Chen KeYi who was lying on the bedroom floor and had passed out, he then thought of his gambling debts, and thus Liao ChangYuan, who was instantly controlled by anger and helplessness, quickly pulled off his tie and strangled Li JinCheng’s neck.

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    Really, wouldn’t it be better to be as meek and obedient as before? Besides, wasn’t it just to accompany someone to bed? It’s not like he hadn’t done it before, so why pretend to be chaste at this time? Also, didn’t he always keep saying that he loved him? He (LCY) was about to lose his life this time, why was Li JinCheng not willing to help even this little help?


    “Liao...Liao ChangYuan......”


    Li JinCheng’s face turned into purplish red due to lack of oxygen. Thinking of his hopeless life, Liao ChangYuan felt the unprecedented pleasure, thrill and wanton excitement in his body, and tightened the tie in his hand. Later, he half-kneeled on the ground and said, “Li JinCheng, do you really think I took you away from Hong Kong island because I loved you?”


    After he said that, he smiled indulgently, and whispered in the ear of Li JinCheng who was short of breath: “No. At that time, I owed a large amount to the loan shark just like today. It happened that your little brother found me and said as long as I take you out of Hong Kong island and leave with you, he would give me two hundred thousand. Although two hundred thousand is not a big deal, and the Liao’s family can be considered a famous family in Hong Kong island, but as you know, I’m just an illegitimate child, and my mother is just a prostitute from Australia. So, even if I die, those people in the Liao family probably won’t feel anything.”


    Thinking of his miserable childhood and the grievances he suffered in the Liao family, Liao ChangYuan exerted more force. It seems that only in this way could he be released, getting rid of the unwillingness and anger in his heart.


    Seeing that Li JinCheng, who was still struggling just now, had stopped his movements with a surprised expression on his face, Liao ChangYuan laughed again and said, “You don’t understand why your brother would give me money? It’s because he loves He ZhenXuan so much and he loves him to death! He wants to take your place and marry himself into He ZhenXuan’s family! But then again, Li JinCheng, I have never seen anyone more stupid than you! Back then, your mother broke away with her family in order to marry your dad, and your dad relied on her private money to make money, but the result? Wasn’t your mother still being driven crazy by your dad and that slut, Song WanRu? Then, what about you? Calling Song WanRu ‘mother’ every day, are you having fun? And, there’s also your ungrateful little brother! You treated him so well, but what did he do to you in the end?”


    Thinking about it, Liao ChangYuan said with some feeling, “Speaking of which, your family is really utterly stupid! Your dad is also as stupid as you and your mother! Not to mention about raising someone else’s eldest son, he raised that child so well and treated him better than you, his own biological son! Tsk tsk! Seeing his stupid look, the entire Hong Kong island’s high society knows that he alone is being kept in the dark! So....... It serves you right! It serves you all right!”


    Li JinCheng had only one breath left at this time, but he still stared at Liao ChangYuan tenaciously.


    Resentment? Unwillingness? Unfortunately, Liao ChangYuan had no time to bother.


    The only thing he could think of at that time was to end all this and quickly leave here and then never come back.

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