Chapter 09: Engagement

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Editor: Scarlette Heart





The next day was still the weekend. At noon, Li JinCheng drove to the coffee shop where he made an appointment with Sister Fang.

Sister Fang was in her fifties this year. Because she often stayed at home and didn’t walk around much, when Li JinCheng saw her in that coffee shop, he felt that she exuded a sense of restraint and uneasiness.


Thinking that she was the best person in the world to him, Li JinCheng couldn’t help but feel sad.

Sister Fang was drinking orange juice. Seeing Li JinCheng had sat down across from her, she said: “JinCheng, is it true? That JiaJun is not master’s son?”

“Probably, but it still needs to be checked.”

He waited until the waiter left, then Li JinCheng said: “Did you bring the things I asked for?”

“I brought it.”

After saying that Wei ChunFang put two plastic bags on the table, pointed to one of the bags with cigarette butts and said, “This is your father’s (bag).”

As for the other one with a toothbrush, it must be Li JiaJun’s.

“JinCheng, we are doing this...... wouldn’t it be bad?”

Wei ChunFang had a timid and weak personality, and the most feared people in her life were the police and other people alike. Thinking that it was because of him that she had to do this kind of thing which would make her feel uneasy and guilty, Li JinCheng held her hand on the table and said, “Sister Fang, this is already a fact. We didn’t do anything wrong.” After thinking about it, he said again: “When the matter is over, I will definitely repay you well.”

“No! I do this for you, not to take advantage of you!”

Sister Fang looked very angry, Li JinCheng’s smile was unchanged, and said in a mild tone, “I know.”

After sending Sister Fang back near the door of that home, he gave the things in his hands to a doctor who he knew well, and Li JinCheng drove back to Song Liubai’s studio.

As soon as he came out of the studio in the afternoon, he was picked up by someone sent by He ZhenXuan to a famous western restaurant on Hong Kong Island.

He had expected what He ZhenXuan would say to him, but Li JinCheng still felt nervous along the way.

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He couldn’t open and see what was in He ZhenXuan’s heart, and he didn’t know how long the two people’s marriage could last, but soon, he might live together with that person and have an intimate relationship together.

Taking a deep breath at the door, when Li JinCheng walked into the hall, he quickly became a little speechless.

There was only one table in the hall. In the dim light, the flickering candlelight illuminated the food and wine on the table. He ZhenXuan was sitting upright, and standing next to him was a man in a white suit and a violin in his hand.

“You don’t like it?”

He ZhenXuan had never been in a relationship before and lacked experience. Everything in front of him was what he saw from books or TV. At this moment, seeing Li JinCheng standing there with a vague expression, he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.


Sitting across from He ZhenXuan, Li JinCheng couldn’t help it and finally said something, and said, “Can you let them go first?”

He ZhenXuan raised his hand, and the people filed out.

Looking at He ZhenXuan’s face in the opposite candlelight, Li JinCheng felt nervous again. It seemed that at this moment, this person’s meaning to him began to change somewhat.

After drinking a sip of the red wine in front of him, Li JinCheng pretended to be relaxed and said, “Do you have something to tell me?”

“Grandpa has already told you last night, but I think I should be the one to tell you this matter.” After a pause, He ZhenXuan said again: “I want to be engaged to you. Although we have not known each other for a long time and don’t know each other very well, but.......I don’t want to miss this opportunity.”

After saying this, he took out a small dark blue box and placed it in front of Li JinCheng.

“Can I open it now?”


He ZhenXuan on the opposite side looked a little nervous. After Li JinCheng opened the small box, he found a diamond-encrusted ring inside.

The ring was shining brightly in the light. Li JinCheng stared at the ring. He ZhenXuan looked at him quietly and said, “Are you willing?”

Such a thing could not be avoided. Li JinCheng nodded and said: “But I have a condition.”

“You say it.”

“I don’t like my family, and I don’t want you to contact them in private in the future.”

Thinking of the detailed contents of that information, He ZhenXuan nodded and said: “I will do what you said.”

“Then......thank you!”

After drinking the half glass of red wine in front of him, Li JinCheng solemnly put the ring on his hand.

This night was a little different for Li JinCheng after all. He had a fiancé, and his fiancé seemed very reliable. Perhaps from now on, he could rely on his fiancé to a certain extent.

He ZhenXuan always seemed a little inexperienced when facing emotional matters. After realizing this, Li JinCheng couldn’t help but want to tease him.

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Seeing the driver parked the car outside Zou JunKai’s apartment building, he leaned to He ZhenXuan’s side and said, “Should we kiss once?”

He got too close, and the heat lingered in He ZhenXuan’s ears.

He ZhenXuan turned his head and saw Li JinCheng’s smiling face in front of him. There were obvious flirtatious expressions and slyness in his eyes. Just when He ZhenXuan thought Li JinCheng would kiss him, his whole body gradually became stiff. Li JinCheng showed a regretful expression and said, “Unfortunately, the place is not suitable.”

After saying this, he got out of the car.

He ZhenXuan looked at his back, and only felt that this person’s personality really looked like a cat, a little kitten.

Coming back tonight, Zou JunKai felt that Li JinCheng seemed to be in a good mood. Not only did he cook late-night snacks for him, he also ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes without saying a word.

“Hey! You usually hate washing dishes!”

Li JinCheng looked back at him and said, “Then, do you want to do it?”

“Don’t! You are almost done washing!”

After eating supper, he took a shower. When Zou JunKai stood in the bathroom, brushing his teeth and discovered that Li JinCheng was wearing a ring on his hand, he didn’t even have the time to spit the foam in his mouth. He looked surprised and said, “Why are you wearing a ring?”

“I’m engaged.”

“Fuck you! You don’t even have a girlfriend!” 

Li JinCheng’s sexual orientation was only open to a few people. While Zou JunKai was gargling quickly, and Li JinCheng took the bathroom in front of him and closed  the door.

“Really...... He must be crazy if he wants to get married!”

After muttering this sentence, Zou JunKai still went back to his bedroom.

Not only Zou JunKai, but the people in the office saw the ring in his hand the next day, and they all showed surprised expressions.

Li JinCheng was surrounded by a group of people, and was later ridiculed by Zou JunKai, who had always thought that his charm was not as good as his own, and only then, he could get away.

“But JinCheng, are the diamonds on it real?”

The students of Li JinCheng’s school were both rich and came from strong family backgrounds. He just laughed when someone asked him this.

After school was over at noon, Li JinCheng received a call from He ZongTong. After asking Li JinCheng if he had time, He ZongTong then said, “Can you come to my office? Si KaiLin is already waiting for you at the gate of your school.”

RongSheng’s office building was located in the Central. He ZongTong’s office was on the 68th floor. When he came out of the elevator, Li JinCheng felt dizzy.

He ZongTong was wearing formal clothes, even if he was smiling, it would still cause an invisible pressure on Li JinCheng.

“JinCheng, ZhenXuan said you have agreed to be engaged to him?”


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“Good boy! Great!”

He ZongTong looked a little excited, but he didn’t seem to know how to express his emotions, but rubbing his hands with his eyes shining, Li JinCheng was unaware of the ins and outs. When He ZongTong handed him some documents that needed to be signed by him, his embarrassment quickly turned into a complete shock.

He once thought that He ZongTong would give him certain benefits, but he did not expect so much.

Several properties located in high-end residential areas on Hong Kong Island, with a large amount of deposits, and a 1% share in RongSheng.

Thinking of Huang YiQing and the reason why He ZhenXuan wanted to marry him, Li JinCheng only felt that he might die for it.

*(T/N: Like it’s exchanged for his life.)

“JinCheng, although you two can go abroad to register for marriage, your rights and interests are not protected on Hong Kong Island. So, I think......Rather than saying some pretty words, it is better to give you some practical protection.”

After he finished speaking, he pushed the documents to Li JinCheng, and said: “This is a little bit of our He family’s regard.”

Li JinCheng was now in urgent need of these things, and thought that this was his own choice. After saying ‘I will treat ZhenXuan well’, he signed his name on those documents.

“You haven’t eaten yet, right?”


“ZhenXuan’s office is downstairs. You can find him to have a meal together.”

Outside of He ZhenXuan’s office was a secretary’s room with four secretaries inside, although they were of different ages and looks. They were different, but they were all dressed smartly and exquisitely. Seeing Li JinCheng and Si KaiLin coming together, several people looked at him curiously.

He ZhenXuan’s office was almost two hundred square meters. It was different from He ZongTong’s office, which was mainly brown and black, and its style was more stable. His office looked more clean and tidy.

After entering the room, it was a pale white room, and the opposite wall was replaced by floor-to-ceiling windows, which allowed one to overlook a corner of the city.

There was very little furniture in the room. On the right side of the window was his desk, and diagonally opposite was a small place for meeting guests, but regardless of their colors, shapes, and materials, they were very modern.

Seeing Li JinCheng, He ZhenXuan quickly got up.

He was wearing a dark purple shirt that day, with his sleeves rolled up to one third of his elbows and no tie.

He was more than 1.8 meters tall, coupled with his looks and temperament, standing there would give people a pleasing feeling.

“Grandpa asked me to come down to eat with you.”

Hearing Li JinCheng willingly called He ZongTong ‘grandpa’, He ZhenXuan smiled deeper and said, “Shall we go out to eat?”

Knowing that he was busy, Li JinCheng said: “Where do you usually eat?”


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“Then we will eat here today.”

He ZhenXuan nodded and made another call before he sat down beside Li JinCheng.

He obviously knew the documents his grandfather asked Li JinCheng to sign, and only said that Li JinCheng deserved it.

“But it’s too much, right?”

“No.” After thinking about it, He ZhenXuan said again: “You and I are the same.”

How could it be the same?

He thought so in my heart, but Li JinCheng didn’t show his thoughts on his face.

As Li JinCheng imagined, He ZhenXuan was really busy. Soon after the two had finished eating, his internal phone started ringing non-stop.

Seeing He ZhenXuan finally put down the phone, Li JinCheng said: “You are busy. I will call you again when I am free.”


Li JinCheng turned around suddenly, making He ZhenXuan forget what he originally wanted to say.

Sitting in the chair, He ZhenXuan had a slightly disappointed expression on his face, but his eyes revealed obvious dissatisfaction. Seeing him like this, Li JinCheng only thought this person was very cute.

Walking up to him without saying a word, Li JinCheng was about to bend over and kiss him, but He ZhenXuan avoided him quietly.

Seeing Li JinCheng looking at him, he said in embarrassment, “I just finished eating and haven’t brushed my teeth...”

Was he afraid of the smell in his mouth? Li JinCheng smiled even more, and still stubbornly kissed him.

Until Li JinCheng left, He ZhenXuan later realized that he had just called Li JinCheng to stop by, because he thought of arranging someone to send him back to school.

After thinking about this, he quickly called his driver again.

As if to prove his sincerity, He ZongTong was preparing to hold an engagement banquet for Li JinCheng and He ZhenXuan. The date was set at the end of this month.

After hearing what Li JinCheng said on the other end of the phone, Li YaoZu jumped up from the sofa excitedly and said: “Really? JinCheng, are you going to be engaged to He ZhenXuan?!”


The smile on Li JinCheng’s face could be counted as cruel, but the tone was very calm.

“Great! JinCheng! You saved our family!”

‘Your family actually refers to the three of you, right?’

Li JinCheng sneered and hung up the phone. So, he didn’t hear the sound of Li JiaJun accidently breaking the cup in his hand.

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