New World New Life

Chapter 113: 113

"Master Lycster, would you like to show them what you made," she hinted at him.

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Lycster looked up at her and realised what she meant.

"Oh yes," Lycster put down the lamb back in the box as Elisa passed him two small boxes, "After archery, I went to a blacksmith class where we could make our own simple jewellery. So I made this for each of us."

In each of the boxes was a simple bracelet with the Blackfire Emblem carved on a small round plate. It was a little crude on execution, but Vy could tell Lycster put in a lot of effort to make it. Who knew she had such talented children with her?

Dinner that night was a happy occasion. Hazel and Elisa informed the three of them that a special menu had been prepared for all the guests. All they needed to do was indicate their preference for choices of meat and their food would be delivered to them in a timely manner.

"For today's menu you have three choices; chicken, beef and seafood," Hazel explained.

"Shall we get one of each and share," Vy suggested.

"Sure," Lycster replied.

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Elette simply smiled.

Vy turned to Hazel and said, "Let's have one of each please."

Hazel bowed and replied, "Right away, Miss Vyrena."

Although both Elisa and Hazel found it odd that they wanted to share their food, they did not mind at all. They were not used to their guests wanting to share. All the guests they had served before Vyrena and her siblings all ate their individual plates.

Even the couples would eat from their own plates!

"They sure are different," Elisa commented to Hazel as they made their way to the Royal Kitchen.

"Different is one way to put it," Hazel replied.

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They never once felt like Vy, Lycster or Elette looked down on them or treated them like any other maid or servant. Each interaction was heartwarming, kind and pleasant. Both of them had their fair share of demanding nobles who worked them to the bone.

"If only all the guests were like that," Hazel chuckled.

Elisa laughed, "Fat chance!"

For the next two days, all of them occupied themselves with activities around the Capital City. Vy fully trusted Elisa and Hazel to take care of Elette, while Lycster and her went out to explore the various shops in the city.

Vy had heard about the unique goods sold in the shops and she was keen on finding some antiques or jewels she could sell. This line of work had proven extremely lucrative for her. During her time in the Prism Sector, Vy also picked up valuable knowledge from Mr Roods and her other acquaintances.

Even without her unique abilities, she was able to spot a valuable gemstone, rock or geode with careful inspection. This also helped to reduce suspicion around her and she kept her 'Black Clover' nickname.

Since then, many had come to her with rocks, wanting her to purchase their items with promises of genuine geodes. While she was careless on the first few transactions, Vy soon learnt how to identify the duds.

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"Vy! Look over there!" Lycster exclaimed as he pulled Vy over to a beautiful window display.

There were multiple handcrafted toys on display in the case, each of them unique and different. One look through the window revealed a packed store with tons of parents and their children busy picking out items.

Vy smiled as she walked over and examined the items in the display. The gears of her mind were working hard, there was clearly a business opportunity here. All she needed was to find the right craftsman, inventors, designers.

As her mind trailed off into planning her new business, Lycster grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her into the store. The little bell on the door chimed as they walked through it and entered the shop.

The myriad of colours, sounds and squealing laughter was a lot to take in at once. Everyone was well dressed, decked out in jewellery and the latest fashion that was popular in the Capital. Vy and Lycster were the odd ones out.

The children in the store did not pay much attention to the new customers that came in, but the parents and servants that accompanied them did. Vy could feel all the pairs of eyes that were on her and Lycster.

It was an oppressive feeling that they were not welcome in the store. As much as she tried not to pay them any attention, it was difficult, when she noticed the parents and servants moving their children away from Lycster each time he approached each display that was filled with different unique toys.

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Lycster did not notice any of this, while Dotty and Vy witnessed everything.

-Innocence and youth is such a wonderful thing.-

"Vy! This looks so cool! Doesn't it," Lycster exclaimed as he ran up to Vy, holding a wooden car with wheels.

Vy looked at the item in his hands and took a closer look. The red lacquer painted on the body of the car, the hinges on the doors, the workmanship was exquisite!

She smiled, "It's really well made. Go pick out what you like, get something from Elette as well."

Lycster's face lit up and nodded. He quickly ran further into the store, looking through the items and picking toys up to see how each of them worked. Vy silently trailed behind him. She too looked through the shelves. Each time she approached a shelf, everyone around her would move away. Even the staff members were keeping tabs on her and Lycster. All of this pissed Vy off, but she did not vocalise any of it.

She could see the happiness on Lycster's face as he figured out how each of the toys worked. Lycster arrived at a shelf stacked high with boxes containing building blocks that would allow children to build dollhouses. Other sets of furniture were also sold, each of them carefully handcrafted using patterned fabrics and other high-quality materials.

-I can't believe there is a market for such items here.-

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