New World New Life

Chapter 158: 158

After Dygo saw Vy and Lycster at the strawberry field, he did not go back to Yama Yoma immediately. His hounds were restless for some playtime ever since they had arrived in Yama Yoma.

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For the rest of his afternoon, he had spent time in the dense forest, letting the hounds play and hunt. One of the hounds nearly killed a fox, earning him a stern reminder from Yini to keep his hounds in check. That woman's smile always creeped him out. But at least she still retained the ability to make a facial expression.

When he returned, he had his dinner in the Dining Hall before returning to his room to soak in the pool. Ever since his first trip to Yama Yoma, he could not get enough of the hot spring experience.

Not only did it help him to heal his wounds and injuries, but it also helped him to clear his mind. That way, he would be ready for his next mission whenever he received it.

Remembering the events that had happened earlier in the day warmed his heart. Smiling in this situation would have been nice, but he had no skin or muscles on his face to do so.

-They are probably having their dinner in the Dining Hall now.- he said to himself.

He reached over to the side of the pool and poured himself a glass of plum liquor. Monma had prepared it for him on his request. The sweet plum made a fine liquor that could not be found anywhere else.

When he was beginning to prune, Dygo knew it was time to step out of the water and call it a night. He dried himself with a fresh towel, put on his yukata and took out the futons and blankets.

One futon was never big enough for him so he could put two together to form a bigger area. Switching off all the lights, he quickly settled comfortably and drifted off into sleep. The sweet flavoured liquor definitely helped mellow his senses but it also helped him to quickly drift off into deep sleep.

That could also be why he did not hear the door to his room creaked open, or hear a girl shuffle into the room and laid on the futon next to him.

The sudden warmth of a body next to him only helped him to fall even quicker into a deep slumber.

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A mysterious man and woman were lying in bed next to one another. The woman had long black curls for hair and a beautiful red lip smile. She was wearing an oversized shirt laying snug next to the man who was in a t-shirt and shorts.

She laid her head on his chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat as they listened to the soft jazz music playing in the background. The warmth of his body, the smokey oak wood cologne emanating from his body comforted and reassured her.

The man leaned down and kissed the girl on her forehead. He would never forget the sweet fragrance that emanated from her hair and body.

"Mmmm," he said.

She grinned at him, "Are you smelling my shampoo again?"

"Well don't call me out!" the man rebutted playfully.

"It's weird," she pouted.

The woman turned around and kissed the man on the lips. When they released one another from their loving embrace, the woman smiled. Their foreheads touched as they shared a laugh.


Vy slowly opened her eyes. The rays of sunlight were glaring, causing her to squint. As soon as her vision cleared, she felt as if her head was split in two.

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-Shouldn't have drunk that much.- she said to herself.

Thinking back to the events of the previous night, Vy realised that she had ended up drinking two cups of the rice wine Monma offered. She had even asked for a third but Monma cut her off and advised her to return to her room for the night.

As she rubbed her left eye with her hand, careful not to touch the bandage over her right eye. She let out an inaudible sigh.

"I hope I didn't embarrass myself," she muttered to herself.

It was at this moment, that Vy realised she was not lying on the futon on the ground. Whatever she was laying on was warm, she could even hear a heartbeat. Her eyes blinked open, as she turned to look to her side.

Vy was about to greet Lycster when she realised the shadow that cast over her. Did Lycster had a sudden growth spurt overnight? He was a growing boy but do humans here grow that quickly?

She saw the dark coloured fabric. She could feel the person's chest rising and falling with each breath they took. Just then, a hand moved and landed over her shoulder, cuddling her.

This was not Lycster's arm.

Awkwardly enough, it felt eerily familiar to the dream she just had; although she could not quite recall it. Vy tilted her head up to see whose embrace she was in.

Never in a million years, she would have seen this coming.

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Her heart rate increased, her heart was about to leap out of her chest. The heat in her body rose as her cheeks flushed red.

-How could I let this happen!- Vy said to herself as she placed her hand over her face.

At the very least, all of her clothes were still intact.

It was at this point, that the person stirred awake. He could feel the warm body he was embracing and could smell the floral fragrance from her hair. It brought him immense comfort, but it soon turned into disbelief.

Was he dreaming?

He tightened his hug.

"Let go of me!"

Dygo immediately opened his eyes and released the body he was embracing. If he could blush in embarrassment, he would be doing so right now.

But, he had never been so close to her before.

Her black long curls cascaded on the side of her face. Her serene grey eye and sharp facial features. He realised that her right eye was covered in a bandage. Had he not noticed that before? She was still wearing the yukata she wore yesterday, black with purple butterfly prints.

Was he still dreaming?

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"Miss Blackfire?" Dygo called out.

He was still trying to process what was going on. Did he drink too much last night?

His mind was a little foggy but he had been in his room all night.

"Yes?" Vy finally mustered the courage to reply.

"What are you doing in my bed?" Dygo asked.

Vy quickly moved away from Dygo and sat up. The rush of blood to her brain intensified the splitting headache she had. Rubbing her temples in an attempt to soothe the pain, she was also trying to formulate a believable reply.

Vy quickly stood up. She was facing the door.

Taking in a deep breath, she said, "I got drunk last night and I came into the wrong room. I'm sorry."

"Wait," Dygo called out, he reached out and grabbed on her hand.

But Vy did not wait for him to continue speaking. She grabbed hold of the doorknob, turned it and left the room.

Dygo had not gripped onto her hand tightly. Her hand simply slipped out of his. He watched her leave the room as the door closed behind her. To his surprise, he felt something in his hand.

Opening his palm, he realised there was a spatial bracelet in his hand.

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