New World New Life

Chapter 161: 161

"Are these crystals?" Vy muttered to herself as she touched the wall of the inn.

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The exterior of the building seemed to have been formed by jagged crystals fused together. It was likely their smooth and clear finish, much like solid coloured glass. The building, like many others in Alterra, was also covered in vines and flowers, but it seemed to blend well into its surroundings.

A silver-haired elf lady greeted them at the door. She had wrinkles in the side of her eyes as she smiled at Vy and Lycster. The lady introduced herself as Maya, the owner of the inn.

"We would like a room to stay, for at least the next four nights," Vy explained as they entered the inn.

The interior was beautifully decorated with wood-based furniture, carpets and glowing crystal lights. Lycster could not help but be amazed by all the wonderful colours he saw in the decor. Seeing all the colours definitely brightened their mood.

"For four nights, that would be 12 silvers. If you wish to extend your stay further than that, you can always let us know at the front desk," Maya replied.

Vy paid her the full amount upfront. With the payment made, Maya rang a small silver handbell. Within seconds, a bell boy appeared to bring the siblings to their room.

"If you need anything, please feel free to let any of the staff know. Breakfast is included in your room rate, at the ground floor cafe." Maya reminded them before the bell boy brought them up to their room.

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With their accommodation settled, for the time being, the siblings realised it was getting late. There was one place on their list that they wanted to visit, and that was the Florenza Institute. Nayla had mentioned the place to them previously when Vy asked her about summoning a familiar.

On their way there, Vy refreshed Lycster's memory on the details of the institute and they came upon the topic of school.

"Do you want to attend school, Lycster?" Vy asked casually.

The concept of school was familiar to her and it never really occurred to her that a boy at Lycster's age should be in some form of former education. Atleast, not until the existence of the institute was brought up.

That being said, the boy had done really well so far. He picked up skills really quickly and he could think on his feet. His reading and writing skills were also improving over time. Vy wanted a bright future for Lycster.

With how uncertain the future might be for herself, she wanted to ensure that if anything were to happen to herself; Lycster would be able to fend for himself. So that he could lead a happy life.

"Have you attended school before, sis?" Lycster asked curiously.

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For him, the concept of attending school was for the rich and wealthy. Even in towns like Timbretune, there was minimal formal schooling for children. But was it really that bad to not have it? After all, everyone in the town came out fine.

"I think I might have, I'm not very sure. But if you do, you could at least make some friends that are the same age as you,"

Lycster hugged Vy tightly, refusing to let her walk any further and refused to let her go. He buried his head in her abdomen.

"What's wrong, Lycster?" Vy asked, concerned about his sudden change in behaviour.

"Don't leave me," he said in a muffled voice.


"I said don't leave me!" Lycster exclaimed as he looked up at Vy.

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There were tears forming at the side of his eyes. Vy smiled as she knelt down to wipe off his tears. She pinched him on the nose which resulted in a smile from Lycster.

"I never said I was leaving you, lil bro. I won't ever leave you!" Vy reassured him.

She patted him on the head as she continued to speak, "I just want to make sure you lead your best life. Even if that means we have to be separated."


The Florenza Institute was home to thousands of students and teachers from all over Gaeian. Some say that they even had scholars from beyond Gaeian who come to the institute to learn and master their powers.

The Florenza Institute stood tall and proud amongst the many buildings in Alterra. It had a rustic brick exterior with tall stone pillars and large stained-glass windows. The crest of the Florenza was a blooming blue iris flower, symbolizing hope for everyone.

While they walked up the stone steps to enter the Institute, many students were entering the building alongside them. All of them were similar-looking uniforms in varying shades of colours.

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After some observation, Lycster realised that there were many students his age entering the school. They were all dressed in similar-looking uniforms with slight variations that gave each of them their own unique style.

As soon as they stepped foot through the archway entrance, their surroundings transformed into an open field garden lined with tall willow trees. An elegant lady wearing a beautiful midnight blue form-fitted dress was greeting the students as they entered.

"Welcome everyone! The Morning class bell will be ringing soon! So please head on up to your respective classrooms." She said with a sweet and melodious voice.

"We will, Miss Loraine!" some of the students replied as they scurried quickly towards their classrooms.

Loraine is one of the teachers at Florenza Institute. Her long platinum curls cascaded down the side of her face with locks of her hair slightly covering the right side of her face. She was wearing a large sun hat that provided lots of shade, keeping her fair skin out of the sunlight.

She had sapphire hazel brown eyes and a high nose. When she noticed Vy and Lycster approaching, she was quite surprised. It was unusual for the Institute to get new students this far into the school year. A human, no less.

Loraine walked over to them, her heels hitting hard against the rock paved pathway as she did.

"Welcome to Florenza, are you here to sign up this bright boy for classes?" she asked with a bright smile.

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