New World New Life

Chapter 165: 165

Lycster's face turned beet red as he looked away to the side, while Vy burst out laughing. As they continued to talk about different topics, Lycster soon lost interest in their conversation. He was instead entranced by the students outside the window.

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They were dressed in their brightly coloured uniforms, playing games with each other. He stood up from his seat and walked over to the window to get a closer look.

Seeing Lycster's curiosity at the children prompted Miss Loraine to ask, "Miss Blackfire, I hope you don't mind me asking. But have you considered enrolling your brother into our institute?"

Vy glanced over to Lycster, watching him look out the window. He seemed to be following the match that was happening out in the field.

"I wondered about it before. But I have not put much thought into it," she replied casually.

She knew what it meant for them if he went to school here.

They would be separated.

Deep down, she knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Vy needed to prepare Lycster for a time when she would no longer be around to protect him. She also wanted him to become independent. The future was uncertain for her and that uncertainty affects Lycster too.

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Furthermore, he was a growing boy! He needed friends his age that he could relate to.

"Regardless, it is his decision to make, not mine," Vy continued.

She would respect his decision, regardless of what it may be. There was something Vy was more curious about with regards to the Institute.

"Do you take in older students?" Vy asked candidly.

"Older students?" Loraine asked to confirm what she had heard.

Vy nodded her head.

"Oh not in our institute, I'm afraid. But Gilmoore does," Mrs Petterson replied.

Gilmoore Institute was one of the many branches of Magic Institutes of Learning that was present in Gaeia. It was situated in the valley of the Smoke Peaks. It was the only institute that exclusively took in older students.

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Usually, it referred to people who decided later on in their lives that they wished to study and deepen their knowledge of magic and the different techniques. The Institute was difficult to get to by normal means, but it was accessible by well-placed keystone portals and though the other institutes.

"The institutes are linked to one another through a series of gateways that function a lot like the keystone portals you might be more used to," Loraine explained.

Loraine and Mrs Petterson were fascinated not only by Vy's identity as an otherworlder, but also her ability in summoning such an interesting familiar. But their curiosity could not be quite satisfied as Vy did not have many answers for their questions.

Before long, a bell rang throughout the institute and the teachers needed to head off to teach their next classes. Vy realised that it was also time for her brother and her to leave as they had other matters to attend to.

After bidding the teachers farewell at the gates, Vy and Lycster decided to make a trip into the forest covers to stretch out their forms. According to the map Nayla had previously given them, the Alterra Sector had a lot of forest cover everywhere.


Dygo had been travelling for quite some time through the wilderness, collecting more and more hounds as he went. But when he received word to return to his superiors, he was not pleased. Had their original plans changed?

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He was finally returned to Hexakite Stronghold. The entire parameter of the Stronghold was covered with illusion spells and had rotating shifts of guards to patrol the area. When Dygo arrived at the gate, no words were exchanged. He simply made his way through and entered.

There were all sorts of creatures in the camp. Everyone here had their own reasons for being there.

"Well well well! If it isn't Dygo, the hound whisperer!" a booming voice shouted across to Dygo.

Dygo removed his hood and turned to the source of the voice. If he could smile, he might have done so.

The voice belonged to Malimus. He towered over Dygo and had a strong build of muscles. He was definitely someone you did not want to mess with. He was wearing a simple tunic and trousers, with a huge two-handed sword strapped to his back.

"Malimus, you've been well?" Dygo asked.

Malimus bellowed in laughter, "As good as I can be. How's the scouting? Any new friends?"

Dygo tapped his staff twice on the ground. A shadow pool spread out all around him and his hounds appeared all at once. The hounds were curious about their surroundings, ready to explore the grounds around them.

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Saliva dripped from their opened jaws as they hungrily looked for prey. But none of them dared to take a step out of the shadow pool. Without Dygo's instructions, none of them dared to make a move.

Malimus knelt down on one knee and tried to pet one of them. Seeing it more as an offer of food, the hounds fought over each other attempting to bite him on the hand. Luckily, he was quick. If he was not, he might have already lost a couple of fingers, or more.

Malimus took a few steps back and grinned, "Impressive."

Dygo tapped his staff again and immediately the hounds disappeared, so did the shadow. As he looked around, he noticed that things had changed since he was last here. Malimus looked out to where Dygo was looking and could read his mind.

"We've gained more allies since you left. Soon enough, we will need to expand further," Malimus sighed.

"Will we ever have enough space," Dygo questioned out loud.

Malimus gave Dygo a pat on the back, causing him to nearly fall over. That made Malimus chuckle a little.

"Well let's worry about that for now. Our lady is looking for you, so you better go meet her."

Dygo nodded and went on his way towards the manor that stood tall, towering above the rest of the buildings in the stronghold. He walked freely into the manor and found his way towards the throne room. When he came to its doors, the guards immediately saluted him.

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