New World New Life

Chapter 170: 170

"And what request would that be?" Norvak asked.

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Vy's request was simple. She wanted a self-moving vehicle.

"A self-moving vehicle? How did you know we had such an invention?" Norvak asked.

While it was not a well-guarded secret of their organisation, it was not known to many outside of it either. At the very least, not in this region. Regardless, it was not a difficult item to acquire, so they readily agreed to Vyrena's request.

To seal the deal, a written agreement on the first two tasks were drafted, reviewed and signed. The third task however, would be arranged and discussed at a later date.

"What about me? Don't I have any task to complete? It's my arm after all!" Lycster said out loud.

He could no longer keep his thoughts to himself. His outburst surprised everyone in the room. The Future Eye representatives' reports of the Blackfires were always centred around Vyrena. Not much was ever mentioned about Lycster Blackfire.

Naturally, they capitalised on the protectiveness and care Vy would have for her brother. Hence, the deal was formulated in such a way. It would be difficult for Vy to pass up on such a tempting offer.

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-My little brother has grown so much, yet I was too blind to see it.- Vy thought to herself as she ruffled Lycster's hair.

She held his face in her hands and said to him, "You have the most important job of all, Lycster,"

Their eyes met each other and Vy never broke his gaze from him. Her brother was pouting but he was not going to ignore his big sister.

"And what would that be," he said with his arms folded.

Vy smiled, "You have to welcome me home when the tasks are completed. When I'm gone, you have to protect our home and wait for me to return."

"But… but I want to go with you! It's dangerous and you shouldn't have to do it alone!" Lycster exclaimed as he held his sister's hand.

"If you go with me, who's going to be there to welcome me home? Who's going to look after me when I'm injured?"

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Lycster looked down towards the side. He recalled the nightmare that occurred in Arkwing Castle. The blood, the pain, the helplessness. Tears well up around the corners of his eyes. As it blurred his vision, he wiped them away with his hands.

"You won't be injured, I'll be there to save you," he said through his sniffles.

Vy smiled as she pinched him on the cheek, "I know you will."

It was their final day in the Alterra Sector. The time had come for them to leave and head back to the Capital City. Vy gathered as much information as she could about the situation in the Capital City. She also heard about the royal decree that King Olwin had made.

As such, while she was still cautious about the idea of returning there; Vy decided that they should. After all, they needed to figure out what happened to Elette's body. After that, they would return to Timbretune and then finally the Prism Sector.

As per Vy's request, her tasks with the Future Eye would begin after all matters had been settled. With all of their things packed up, the siblings checked out of the hotel they stayed. At the gates of the Alterra Sector, Nayla was waiting for them.

"Take good care of yourselves! I don't wanna see both of you anytime soon in the hospital. But other than that, please visit any time!" Nayla said as she gave each of them a hug.

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"We will, Nayla! Thank you so much for saving us!" Lycster replied cheerfully.

"Thank you for everything," Vy added.

With that, the Blackfire siblings left the Alterra Sector gates and returned to the forest through the keystone portal. Returning to that spot was bittersweet for Vy. She instantly recalled the struggle she had gone through on the very steps she now walked upon.

While she might not have fully recovered from the experience, she was definitely feeling a lot better. Not wanting to waste daylight, the siblings took to their sky forms and made haste for the Capital City.

When they got to the city walls, Vy made sure there were no wanted posters of them around. The information she had gathered was trustworthy, but she just wanted them to play it safe. After all, there was no telling of how things could change.

Once inside, they headed straight for the castle and looked for someone who would be able to help them. As they explained their situation to the guards, a familiar face recognised them almost instantly.

She was surprised by how different they looked since the last time they met, but she was certain they were the Blackfire siblings.

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"Miss Vyrena! Lycster!" the lady exclaimed as she rushed forward to greet them.

"Elise? Is that you?" Vy called out when she turned to see the source of the voice.

All of them headed over to a nearby cafe to have a chat. After their conversation with one another, Vy and Lycster came to understand what happened after they left. Elise also informed them about the rumours and events that occurred; leading Vy to explain their side of the story and their reasons for returning to the Capital.

After all, it was the next logical step to take. Not to mention, they also wanted to retrieve the items they had left behind.

"Oh yes, Hazel wanted to bring your belongings back to Timbretune for you. But she was also worried that you might come back to look for it. So we kept your items safely here."

"Is Hazel not working in the castle anymore?"

It was at this point in their conversation, that Elise revealed to them what Hazel had done, to bring Elette back to Timbretune. None of them knew about their house in the Prism Sector, so no one thought to return her there either. Needless to say, the siblings knew exactly where they needed to head to next.

As they were about to leave the cafe, two royal guards came by and stopped them in their tracks. Vy already had her hand on the hilt of her dagger. Ever since the incident in the castle, she had been on high alert.

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