New World New Life

Chapter 175: 175

In the days that followed, Vy and Lycster remained in Timbretune. It had been quite some time since they returned to Timbretune, so there was much catching up to do. Both siblings had difficulty readjusting back to the norm, but with time things got back on track.

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Word of Vy's return to Timrebtune soon travelled to the ears of the Baron and he was already busy making plans. The humiliation he had suffered was still fresh in his mind. He had become the laughing stock of high society after Vy threw him into the dungeon.

This time, he was going to be more careful. He had acquired some interesting information regarding Vy. Baron Koufer was going to use it against her, to paint her as the villainess. But knowing that he could not enter Timbretune, he needed to bring her to him.

It was the third week since they had returned to Timbretune. The morning began for Vy like any other. She had finally been able to let her guard down a little, and relax. This allowed her to sleep for longer periods of time through the night.

As such, she decided to take a trip to the market to purchase some ingredients to cook. As she walked from stall to stall, it became increasingly difficult to ignore the gossiping townsfolk who stole glances at her every few minutes.

Her keen sense of hearing was a curse in such cases, as she could clearly hear every single word they said. Vy tried to block it out, but the more she heard, the more she wanted to know what else they had to say.

Where was the source of this hearsay, she needed to figure it out. As far as Vy knew, she had only told Caster and Carole what had happened in the Capital City. They had both given her their word that they would keep it to themselves. After all, the chances of the information being twisted were very high.

She tried her best to pretend that everything was normal, picking and choosing the fruits at the fruit stall. As she was about to put an apple into the weaved basket, the stall keeper snatched the basket away from her and placed it back in the pile behind the counter.

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The stall keeper was a tall rough man and he did not have the most pleasant of facial expressions.

"We're not selling, Miss," he said in a monotonous tone.

Vy bit her lip.

Not wanting to make a scene, she decided to head over to another stall instead. But as she continued from stall to stall, the stares were getting increasingly difficult to ignore. Even Aether could sense the unease as he shifted himself on Vy's forearm.

-I could remove their eyes for you.- Aether hissed in her mind.

Aether could feel her emotions as if they were her own. The burning fire and the cold storm that crashed into one another. Vy wanted to deal with it civilly. As the mayor of Timbretune, she had an image to uphold.

On the other hand, she wanted all of them to know she was innocent. When she finally had all her purchases, she left the Market Square. But instead of returning home, she found herself heading towards the Bureau.

When the guards noticed her, they saluted her and allowed her through the gates. Bankster saw her and saluted her immediately.

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"Milady there have been…" before Bankster could say anything else, Vy swiftly replied, "I know."

The air around both of them grew cold, Bankster could feel a shiver down his spine. Where was the sudden cold air coming from? He did not dare to look directly at Vy but from a side glance, he knew better than to anger her now.

"Please ask Caster to come to my office immediately," Vy said before quickening her pace.

As soon as she entered her office, she closed the door behind her. Her grip on the doorknob was tight, and she did not let it go. Vy closed her eyes, taking in deep breaths through her mouth. With each breath she released, the air grew colder.

After a couple of seconds, she removed her hand from the doorknob and placed her purchases on the low table. She walked behind her desk and took a seat on the black leather chair. As she waited in the chair, Vy did not say anything.

All that she could hear was her own breathing and the ticking of the clock that hung on the wall. Waiting for Caster to arrive was driving her nuts. What was taking him so long? Her mind began to wander.

What was the next best action to take?

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Leave Timbretune? Forever?

That felt like the easiest way out. She could go back to the Prism Sector with Lycster. After all, that was her plan in the first place. They had things to take care of there so it was only a matter of time before they would have to leave anyway.

After that, she would have to head off for her first task from Future Eye.

But why would she leave now? Like a coward?

That would just make her look even more guilty! It would be like owning up to the crime itself.

Vy swallowed her saliva. She needed something to quench her thirst. Looking around the room, she noticed a liquor cabinet towards her left. Instinctively, she walked over to it. Vy picked a bottle of hard liquor and a shot glass.

Placing the shot glass on the table, she opened the bottle and was about to pour herself a drink when she stopped.

What was she doing?

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What was she thinking?

Alcohol, to numb her mind and dull her senses?

At this time?

Without a second thought, Vy threw the shot glass onto the ground. Upon impact the shot glass shattered. Glass shards flew across the room. The ear-piercing shatter made Vy flinch. She placed the bottle of liquor down on the table.

Her hands were shaking.

Her heart was pounding in her ears.

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