New World New Life

Chapter 178: 178

Vy let out a sigh as she opened her eyes.

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The putrid stench of the dungeon cell was enough to make her throw up. But she had already done that yesterday and the vomit was still at the other end of the cell.

She was not going to add on to it a second time. Being in here made her wonder if Lycster had gone through the exact same situation when he was thrown in the dungeon. Judging from the cell that she was in, this one was not much different from the one she had found him in.

Before they had thrown her in here, they made sure to take away all her belongings. That included her spatial bracelet and dagger. When they tried to remove the necklace around her neck, they were faced with great difficulty.

As she looked at the dragon pendant that hung around her neck, Vy wondered why they were not able to take it off her. Was there some sort of protection spell over it? So that only she could take it off if she wanted to?

In the end, the guards gave up and threw her in here. The porridge gruel the guards pushed into her cell was not fit for humans or animals. Not to mention, it was very much poisoned. Vy was not a sitting duck, but if they were trying to wear her down it might be working.

She had not been able to sleep, and the growling in her stomach got louder with each passing day. Vy fiddled with the cuffs they had placed on her. It soon became clear that these cuffs were capable of rendering her powers useless.

She was unable to transform with the cuffs on her wrist. The Baron was a lot more prepared than she had assumed.

"Maybe I underestimated him," she muttered to herself.

On the second night, when she finally managed to catch some sleep, the door to her cell unlatched and creaked open. Vy pretended to be asleep to monitor the situation. Aether was coiled around Vy's wrist, disguised as a tattoo.

Two sets of footsteps entered the cell, their shadow loomed over her.

"Do you think she's really asleep?" one of them whispered to the other.

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The other nudged Vy lightly on her leg.

She did not respond to them.

"She definitely seems like it." the other whispered back.

Internally, Vy knew what the two guards were intending to do. If their sneaky actions were not a clear enough indication. She wanted to give them the benefit of doubt. But Aether's seething anger easily set off the alarm bells.

-I'll rip them in half.- his voice rang loud and clear in her mind. He could read their thoughts without them even knowing.

-What are they thinking in their minds?- Vy asked out of curiosity.

She could imagine it, but she wondered what they were thinking exactly.

"You hold down her arms, I'll hold down her legs," the first guard said to the second one.

-Despicable pests.- Aether seethed in anger.

Vy sniggered.

-Are you hungry, Aether?- Vy asked.

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She could not see his expression at that moment, but she could feel his emotions in her mind.

-Very.- he replied.

Just as the first guard was about to get a hold of Vy's cuffed hands, she opened her eyes and turned to face him. She looped her cuffed hands around his neck, grinning.

"What do you think you're doing?" she said in a cold dark voice.

The guard was shocked.

He was quivering in fear.

Even his knees were shaking.

But Vy never meant to wait for him to answer. With one swift move, she jumped onto her feet. With another, she kicked him in the groin. The guard yelled out in pain. Aether slithered over to the cuffs and unlocked it, freeing Vy's hands.

With another kick, the guard's body was flung out till he hit the metal bars of the cell. The other guard, who stood to Vy's left, was in shock. Seeing as the situation had turned sour, he drew his sword.

"Are you sure about that?" Vy asked.

The guard did not let Vy's words get to him. He tried to kick Vy down. She dodged the attack with ease.

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Without the restraint of the cuffs, Vy could hear the whispers of the Kyus in her ears.

One was in the light.

One was in the shadow.

Vy looked over to Aether. He had increased his size until he was as tall as her with his body coiled. The guard tried to attack them again. Aether immediately slithered over and coiled his body around the guard's leg.

Then, around his entire body.

Aether hissed at the guard who was now his prey. When the guard tried to wriggle out of his grasp, Aether constricted his body to tighten his grip. Slowly but surely, in the silence, Vy could hear the bones of the guard snap as writhed in agony.

Vy smiled, "Aren't you going to bite him?"

Aether looked over to her and shook his head.

-No worth my venom.- he hissed.

Vy crossed her arms and thought for a while.

"Swallow him whole then?" she suggested.

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Aether nodded as he unhinged his jaw.

Vy walked over to the guard that she had knocked unconscious and dragged his body out of the cell. He left a trail of blood since his head had hit the metal bars of the cell but she paid it no mind.

When his limp body was completely out of the cell, she closed the cell door and dusted her hands.

-What are you doing?- Aether asked telepathically.

-We are staying. For the trial.- she replied as she picked up the cuffs and cuffed her own hands again.

Having finished his meal, Aether made himself smaller again as he slithered back onto Vy's wrist.

-We could have just escaped you know.- he said as he coiled around her wrist again and closed his eyes.

-I know.- she replied as she pets him on the head.

"But where's the fun in that?"

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