New World New Life

Chapter 198: 198

After the formalities, the Morning Court Session began. The first matter of discussion was the Republic of Mothylek's request of passage through Papillion. The nobility in court was made up entirely of the four ruling families. Each family had brought forth at least two representatives who governed an area of the Kingdom's management. 

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Every twelve years, those in power would hand off their work to those who came next in line from a different family. This not only ensured an equal balance, but it also ensured that each ruling family were knowledgeable in all facets of maintaining the Kingdom and management of the well being of their subjects. 

The Kingdom of Papillion was an old and proud Kingdom. Their loyalty was to their Goddess Papillion, where the namesake of their Kingdom came from, and to each other. Traditions were part of the lives of all citizens. 

Everyone knew who they were, and they knew their places in society. No one steps out of line. 

"The Mothyleks have insulted us during our previous negotiations. We should not give in to their demands." one of the nobles spoke up. 

His name was Torbuck, of House Patterwing. Though it was difficult to make out the faces of those who were in the room through the dark coloured curtains, Sylvy was able to pick up based on their voices. 

After all, she had been their King for six years. Even if they still did not trust her as a younger leader, she at the very least did her part in knowing those in her command. With each passing year, Sylvy grew more and more restless. 

She wanted to prove to her court that she was a leader worth listening to, but the traditions of her people could not be broken. 

~It is better for you to be seen and not heard.~

How many times had she heard people whisper that phrase?

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How many times has she heard it said to her face?

Too many times. 

Sylvy had read up all she could find on the Mothyleks. Unfortunately, it was not as much as she had hoped. Even the Royal Archival Library had little knowledge of anything that lies beyond the Vallis Valley. 

"Their crude behaviour and bold words will not be tolerated in Papillion." Sylvy's brother, Eskyl, chimed into the conversation, "Regardless of what the negotiator brings to the table, I think we should not allow them into our Kingdom."

He was older than her by three years yet he acted as if he was wiser beyond his years. Hearing his voice and words annoyed Sylvy. She folded her arms and rolled her eyes. Tinee immediately nudged her and glared at her. 

Sylvy instantly knew what her lady-in-waiting was signalling to her. She immediately unfolded her arms and sat up straight on the throne. 

The nobles in the court agreed with Eskyl's words. 

"Let us put it to a vote then…"

"Wait!" Sylvy's voice shot across the room, shocking everyone, even herself. 

Sylvy gulped. Her heart was ringing in her ears and the silence was deafening. 

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Seeing the situation as it was, made one person smile. That person was none other than Grand Priestess Alfin. Unlike most of those who were present in the room, she was dressed in a traditional long flowing white linen dress with off-shoulder sleeves. Her blonde coloured curls cascaded down her shoulders. 

The rest of those present in the room remained silent for a while, waiting for their King to speak. But like each time they had experienced before there was nothing more than silence. A thousand different thoughts raced through Sylvy's mind. 

What should she say?

Every word counts!

Just as she was about to speak, someone cut in before she could. 

"Let us put it…" before Eskyl could even finish his sentence, Alfin spoke up. 

"Our King clearly has something to say. Let her speak," Alfin commented. 

No one dared to cross the Grand Priestess, no one dared to rebut. Sylvy's right hand tightened into a fist. This was her one chance! 

"I think we should hear the Mothylek's requests before we make a final decision," she said firmly. 

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"But their disregard for our traditions and rules! They are boorish and wild!" Eskyl rebutted. 

Sylvy hated when her brother talked. That smirk he had on his face. How many times has she pictured herself wiping that smirk off with a punch to his face? 

You should be more ladylike. 

You're a king, you should be more careful with the way you act. 

"I was not there to witness your supposed accusations on their behaviour," Sylvy spoke up. 

"Yes, and we all know why that is," Eskyl said with a smirk across his face. 

Is that how you speak to your King?!

That was what she should have said at that moment. But Sylvy did not. Her initial fire of wanting to speak up from herself instantly vanished into thin air. It did not even leave behind a trail of smoke. 

Sylvy closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. 

"I will meet with the negotiator when they arrive, privately. Any further discussion on how we deal with the situation can be made after. Please bring forth the next matter of discussion." 

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Everyone was surprised by how well Sylvy managed the entire situation. Even Tinee was impressed. 

"You did well, your Majesty," Tinee whispered to her King. 

But Sylvy could not even savour the moments. She was still mad about the way her brother snubbed her in front of her court. For the rest of the court session, Sylvy did not speak. When it finally came to an end, she was about to take her to leave when a request stopped her. 

"Your Majesty, if it would be alright, I would like to see you in private," Grand Priestess Alfin spoke up. 

Most members of the court were already leaving the throne room when she made the request, but Eskyl was still there. 

"If you have matters to discuss with the King, you can discuss them with me, Grand Priestess," Eskyl swiftly replied to Alfin. 

 Alfin did not even turn to look at him. She did not even give him a passing glaze nor acknowledge what he said. 

"All I need is a moment of your time, my King" Alfin said. 

"Very well. We can converse in my study, Grand Priestess Alfin," Sylvy replied. 

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