New World New Life

Chapter 203: 203

Tinee rolled her eyes as she walked over to the curtains. She did not need to see the pair of shoes to confirm her suspicions. Tinee placed her arms on her waist. 

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"Are you coming out? Or are you waiting for me to drag you out?" Tinee asked. 

Ramas knew the jig was up, so he surrendered and revealed himself to her. 

"It's good to see you, Tinee," Ramas greeted her with a grin. 

Tinee smacked him on the shoulder, "It's Miss Tinee, Sir Ramas. I hope you remember that the next time we meet."

Released from his 'prison', Ramas moved over to Sylvy's side and took a seat next to her. Before he could even rest his rear on the chair, Tinee smacked him on the back of his head. 

He yelped, "Hey! What was that for?!"

"No one can sit directly next to the King! Only the Queen… or the future regent can do so," Tinee explained. 

"Oh…" Ramas lamented as he rubbed the back of his head where Tinee had hit him. 

Despite Tinee's warning, he still swiftly took a seat next to Sylvy and reached over to grab a slice of meat off one of the plates. Before anyone could react, he quickly placed it straight into his mouth and smiled at them as he began to chew. 

"Sir Ramas!" Tinee huffed in anger as she reached her hand out. 

"Tinee," Sylvy called out, " It's alright, let him be."

Tinee immediately kept her hand and begrudgingly replied, "As you wish, your Majesty."

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Ramas happily continued to pick at the food in front of him. But before he could get his hands on another piece of food, Sylvy handed him a fork. Ramas was famished, he had not eaten all day! Seeing the spread made his mouth water. 

Sylvy quietly ate the food she had picked and placed on her own plate, while Ramas picked an item from each serving plate to try. His growling stomach made him stuff his mouth with food. 

"Slow down, Ramas, no one is going to steal the food from you," Sylvy commented with a chuckle. 

Seeing how elegantly she ate made Ramas feel like he was a caveman biting off a chunk of grilled meat off a turkey leg. Sauce from the chicken leg was dripping down the side of his mouth as he ate and his hands were dirty despite using the fork. 

"Do you always eat alone?" Ramas asked with his mouth filled with food. 

Tinee could not stand it, but for the sake of her King, she silently tolerated Ramas's behaviour. Sylvy was surprised by his question. She had never thought much about it, neither had she noticed it. 

Thinking back to her childhood, Tinee had fond memories of her family having their meals together. While her mother and brother did not care much for her, she had the affection of her father. Lord Torfin Flutterheart, Sylvy's father, loved her very much. 

Her own mother, Lady Yvon, was always focused on her brother. She did not have time to care for her daughter. When Sylvy was selected as the next leader, it came as a shock to everyone. All the preparations to move into the castle was done in haste. 

Ever since she had entered the castle, she had been on her own. 

"For a long time, I have," Sylvy replied as she pondered over the memories that surfaced in her mind. 

Ramas knew from the moment the words left his mouth, that he should not have asked. How could he be so insensitive! This was Sylvy Flutterheart. Based on the case file, he already knew everything about her past. 

But there was a lot that the case file had left out. First and foremost, the King of Papillion was a woman, he had not expected that. Ramas also did not expect for their first meeting to be castle gardens while he was scouting. Their first meeting should have been in the Throne Room, where he introduced himself to her as the negotiator. 

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Things don't always go to plan. 

This was definitely a classic case of that. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that," Ramas blurted out. 

"What are you apologising for? It's not your fault," Sylvy laughed it off. 

After their meal was completed, Tinee brought them a freshly brewed pot of tea and some lemon cakes. For quite some time, they sipped their tea in silence, uncertain of what to say next. Finally, it was Sylvy who started to talk. 

"So, when are you leaving?" she asked. 

Ramas was surprised that she remembered. He assumed that she had already forgotten about it. 

"Actually, I decided to stay," Ramas replied as he took a sip of his tea. 

Sylvy turned over to him. She looked him straight in the eyes. She masked her happiness so well! 

"Did you say you're staying?"

Ramas nodded. 

"But… but why? Didn't you say you have other missions assigned and that you can't stay?" Sylvy asked. 

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She was confused! He clearly told her the last time they met that he would be leaving soon. Had she forgotten such a crucial detail? Seeing her flustered expression made Ramas smile. Her blue pupils shined brightly under the light of the room. 

Ramas wanted to say what his heart wanted him to say. But alas, he could not bring himself to do it. He leaned back in his chair. 

"I've grown fond of Papillion, so I decided to stay indefinitely," he replied. 

He could see the flicker of disappointment in her eyes. It was as if a lit candle had been blown out. But as a Monarch, she kept it in well.

"Oh I see…" but it was difficult to hide the disappointment in her voice, "Well, if you're ever in need of work, I'm sure we can arrange something for you." 

Sylvy did not give him a chance to defend himself. 

"It's getting late, and I have a long day ahead. Tinee, please escort Sir Ramas out."


"As you wish my King," Tinee replied. 

She turned to Ramas, blocking him from getting any closer to Sylvy, "Sir Ramas, thank you for your kind service. You may leave now."

Tinee went towards the door and peered out of it to ensure there were no guards patrolling the area or any servants around. Once assured that the coast was clear, she dragged Ramas out of the room against his will. 

When he tried to enter the room again, Tinee closed the door behind her and physically blocked it. Before Ramas could say anything, he realised the lady-in-waiting's expression had turned cold. She pointed at him with her right index finger and took a few steps forward. 

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With nowhere to move, Ramas was pushed back until he could feel the wall against his back. 

"You!" Tinee said as she gritted her teeth. 

Her eyes darted side to side, after making sure no one was coming up on the hallway, she turned her attention back to Ramas. 

"You have a lot of nerve, Ramas," she said coldly. 

"I… I… got flustered, I don't know what to say!" he lowered his voice, afraid that someone might hear their exchange. 

Tinee let out a sigh as she released him. 

"If you dare to hurt her…"

"No… no that is not my intention," 

"Good," Tinee snapped back at him, "Let's keep it that way. Or else."

"Or else?"

"Or else, you go through me." 

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