New World New Life

Chapter 211: 211

Sylvy looked all around her. Before she could figure out where she was, a familiar voice sent chills down her spine. 

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"Look straight, chin up," her mother, Lady Yvon, said sternly as the made powder puffed Sylvy's face. 

Two other maids were pinning her hair up, clipping on the gemstone encrusted hair clips onto her hair as they went. This scene was all too familiar for Sylvy. It was the day that changed her life forever. 

"Mother, why do I need to go?" Sylvy asked. 

"Straighten your back. Sylvy Flutterheart, you are the daughter of the Flutterheart Family after all," her mother chided. 

"You have to go because it is tradition. All members of the Flutterheart Family must be present for the ceremony," Lady Yvon continued. 

With most of the final touches done, Lady Yvon sent the maids out of the room. Only the mother and daughter remained. 

Turning to her daughter, she said, "Remember Sylvy…"

���Seen and not be heard," Sylvy replied as she closed her eyes. 

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When she opened them again, she was no longer in the Flutterheart Mansion. A beautiful monarch butterfly landed on Sylvy's hair. She was now in the Pavillion Dome, where the Crowning Ceremony took place. 

Grand Priestess Alfin and her two assistants stood before Sylvy and the rest of the Flutterheart family who surrounded her. As the child of the head of the family, Sylvy and her brother stood right at the front. 

The two assistants each held a giant crystal sphere in their hands. Sylvy turned to the side, her brother had a wide smirk plastered across his face. Seeing his expression made her grin a little, knowing what was about to happen next. 

"The ceremony will begin now," the Grand Priestess announced as she lifted her hands into the air and began to sing an ancient hymn. 

As she sang, her assistants harmonised with her. Both crystal orbs began to attract and absorb light particles from their surroundings. The butterflies in the Pavillion Dome were attracted to the crystal orbs. They rested on its smooth surface, their tiny bodies were instantly enveloped by a blinding light. 

When the ancient hymn that the Grand Priestess had sung came to an end, another assistant bright forth the royal crown that rested upon a satin pillow. The glowing butterflies flew off the orbs and onto the crown. Together, they lifted the crown off the soft pillow, flying towards the Flurtterheart Family. 

As the butterflies fluttered nearer, most of the Flutterheart Family took a step back; leaving Eskyl and Sylvy standing next to each other. Sylvy remembered her mother's words. She too wanted to step back. 

But when she tried to move her feet, she found herself rooted to the ground. She was mesmerised by the beauty of the glowing butterflies. As the butterflies fluttered their wings, they left behind a trail of sparkles. 

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Yet the butterflies never placed the crown upon his head. When Eskyl turned to look at her face, his contorted expression was one of surprise. Sylvy turned to see her extended family who stood a few feet behind her. All of their eyes were on her. Even her mother. 

Before she could say anything, she felt the weight of the crown landing softly on her hair as the butterflies surrounded her. One of them landed on her palm, fluttering it's light covered wings. Sylvy turned to look forward. She looked towards Grand Priestess Alfin. 

All of this was not the way things should have been. Right? Fate had different plans for her. Now it was up to her. But before Sylvy could say anything, everyone knelt down on the ground. Even the Grand Priestess was on her knees. 

"All hail King Sylvy of House Flutterheart," the Grand Priestess declared. 

"All hail King Sylvy, long may she reign!" everyone else echoed. 

The next time Sylvy turned her head, everyone disappeared into thin air. All that was left was her and the darkness of the void. Walking in the darkness, she soon noticed someone standing far ahead. 

Realising who it was just from the back view, she ran forward as she called out to him, "Father!"

But before she could reach him, she tripped and fell over. Her father looked back at her, Sylvy reached out her hand. Calling his name. But he never came to her, he simply turned back and walked further away. 

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When Sylvy opened her eyes again, she was back in reality. Tinee was about to wake her up, for it was time for them to leave. 

As the lady-in-waiting helped her King into a set of clothes, she could not help but ask, " Did you dream of your father? You were calling out his name."

Sylvy nodded, "I dreamt of the coronation, then I saw him."

"What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything," Sylvy sighed before she continued, "If he was here right now, he would be extremely disappointed."

Before Tinee could rebut, a knock on the door had them both on high alert. But upon hearing who it was, they heaved a sigh of relief. It was Ramas. He was here to escort Sylvy out of the castle. 

As they prepared to leave, Tinee was visibly worried for her King's safety. 

"Don't worry Tinee," Ramas assured, " I'll take excellent care for Sylvy." 

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Tinee smacked him on the back of his head, " It's King Sylvy! Don't you ever forget that."

She pulled on his collar and glared at him with a fierce gaze, " If anything were to happen to her, don't even think about living to see another day."

Ramas gulped, "I promise to protect her. With my life."

"Good, cause her life is worth more than yours," Tinee replied. 

The lady-in-waiting turned back to her King. She had worry written all over her face and Sylvy was trying to reassure her. All they needed to do was follow the plan they had. As long as they followed it, all would be alright. 

Lycster has come by earlier in the day, to inform them that everything was going according to plan with the Mothyleks. He would be covertly following them, to ensure they are on the right track. 

With that, they were off. Instead of leaving through the main door, they left from the window and rain into the night. Slipping through the castle undetected, they mostly hid in the shadows to avoid being detected. 

When they were finally out of the castle, both of them heaved a sigh of relief. 

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