New World New Life

Chapter 213: 213

"My people are proud and my ministers feared that…"

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"They feared that if the Mothylek's leader knew that the King was a woman, they would be ridiculed?" Anja added. 

Anja took the words right out of Sylvy's mouth. But there was an additional reason as well. 

Nodding her head, she continued, "Indeed. Not to mention they don't exactly believe I have the ability to rule."

"I had that worry too," Anja said as she placed her hand on her heart, "Looks like we're not that different after all."

As discussions continued, both sides were able to iron out the necessary details. Sylvy made a bold move, something none of them had expected her to ask. She wanted a stronger alliance to be forged between the Kingdom and the Republic. 

"...Furthermore, I may require your assistance when I return to the castle, " Sylvy explained solemnly. 

"Our assistance?" Anja asked. 

"Indeed, I fear that my people and subjects are not as open-minded as yours. Just in case, I would like to have you come to my aid if need be."

Anja leaned back in her chair as she pondered over Sylvy's words. Before she could even formulate a reply, Hallvard spoke up. 

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"If your people don't listen to you, why should we even support you? How can we agree to work with you, a leader whose position is questioned?" 

Sylvy bit her lip. She knew Hallvard was right. She knew lowering her defences and speaking the truth showed her vulnerabilities. But it was all a risk she willingly took. But she needed to ensure that her future allies would trust her and believe in her. 

"I am their King and I intend to act like one. But I do not wish to risk it all without a proper back up place in place." Sylvy replied with confidence. 

"Some might call that cowardice," Hallvard replied sharply. 

"Some might call it tactical," Anja added. 

Hallvard turned to Anja, "Leader Atlas, I urge you to rethink this carefully. We cannot leave this to a game of chance…"

"Hallvard," Anja snapped back as she turned to look at him. 

With the fire burning in her eyes, Hallvard knew what it meant. He had seen this fire in her eyes before. It was the very reason Hallvard respected Anja as the Leader of the Mothyleks. 

"I think this is too risky," one of the Mothylek elders spoke up. A few others voiced out their concerns too. 

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Anja listened intently as the elders discussed the risks of the decision. She did not interrupt any of them. 

-This does not look like it's going to end well.- Lycster said to his sister telepathically as he fidgeted his hands. 

-Have faith. They'll get there.- Vy replied with confidence. 

As the elders debated amongst themselves, Sylvy got worried too. Her palms had begun to sweat as she listened to all the things they had to say. She could not figure out how things were going to play out. 

Anja remained unphased by all of it. After all, she dealt with their bickering on a daily basis. She had tried countless times to get between them, to get them to simmer down. But her voice was always drowned out. 

They had good arguments, which she had learnt to pick out over time. But they also needed to know when to stop. No one took notice when Anja stood up from her seat and walked off to the side. She brought over a heavy book which she had set aside for such an occasion. 

Without any warning…


She slammed the book onto the table.

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Almost everyone flinched. All eyes were on her and their faces had shock written all over them. The room was immediately silent. 

Anja sat back down as she leaned back in her chair. 

Sylvy was impressed by the way she commanded the room.

"Thank you for all of your concerns," Anja said to the elders, "I have faith in Queen Sylvy and the alliance would greatly benefit us." 

"Actually, Leader Atlas, it's King Sylvy," Hallvard corrected her. 

"What?" Anja furrowed her brows, "Isn't it Queen? Since Sylvy's a woman?"

Had she missed something?

Sylvy looked like a woman. Why would she be referred to as a 'King'? Ramas quickly helped to explain the rules and traditions of the Papillions. Regardless of whether the person who ascends the throne was male or female, they would inherit the title of 'King'.

"Can't you just change it? I think Queen would suit you so much better," Anja chuckled. 

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Sylvy was pleasantly surprised by Anja's suggestion. It was something she herself had not put much thought into before. She always felt a little uncomfortable when people addressed her as 'King'. It did not feel right. 

"I might just look into that when I return," Sylvy replied. 

With Anja's promise and faith in the plan, all that's left was for both parties to sign an official agreement. 

"In that case, I think we can return to the castle and sign the agreement first thing tomorrow. What do you think?" Sylvy suggested. 

"That's alright with me. Although it is already quite late. I invite you to stay for the remainder of the night to rest. You can leave at sunrise," Anja replied. 

Vy peeked out of the tent before turning back, "Well, it seems like the sunrise is already here."

Rays of morning light streamed into the tent. They had spent the entire night talking, time slipped through their fingers. All of them exit the tent, admiring the sky as it turned from shades of midnight blue, to warm orange. 

This realisation worried Sylvy, for it would soon be time for her to attend the Morning Court Session. If she did not make it back in time, her absence would definitely raise her brother's suspicions. 

Not to mention, her court would be worried too. Their worry would then lead them to make assumptions, such as the possibility of her having been kidnapped. 

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