New World New Life

Chapter 215: 215

Sylvy expected her brother to make a scene. But the panic on his face seemed to have faded away as quickly as it had appeared. 

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"My King. I must say, I had not expected you to do so. But regardless, this is a joyous occasion for our Kingdom," he said eloquently. 

The nicer he was, the more worried she got. It was unlike him to be so rational. Especially when things did not go his way. Vyrena, who was watching everything from above, also sensed that something was amidst. 

Could the Grand Advisor be plotting something? It was too dangerous. 

"But I am afraid," Eskyl said carefully as an evil koi smile formed across his face, "There's no need for you anymore."

There it was. The cunning fox had finally revealed his true colours. 

"What are you trying to say, Grand Advisor Eskyl?" Torbuck asked. 

The evil expression on his face was the true face of her brother. She knew it all too well. Now everyone knew it too. 

"Guards!" Eskyl called out. 

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His voice echoed in the Throne Room. The main doors burst open as a platoon of guards marched into the room. All of them had the Flutterheart Family crest etched onto their dark leather armour. 

Seeing the crest, sunk Sylvy's heart. To have brought their family guards into this was something she did not foresee. It was moments like this one, that made Sylvy wish she had kept a weapon close to her. 

Standing up from her seat, she walked forward a little, "What is the meaning of this, Eskyl?"

"What do you think it is, dear sweet sister?" Eskyl replied with a sinister grin, "You're not fit to rule."

Those words echoed in her mind, loud and clear. The old Sylvy would have allowed the sharp words to pierce her heart. But not now. 

"And you think, you are fit to rule?" she snapped back at him with a grin of her own. 

Triggered by her question, Eskyl declared out loud in an unrestrained voice, "I WAS BORN TO RULE!"

Vy could not help but burst out in laughter. Her laughter echoed throughout the entire throne room. It bounced off the walls, creating the illusion of maniacal echoing laughter. Lycster, who witnessed this, had no idea how to react. 

His sister had essentially blown their supposed cover. Aether, who witnessed all of this, was amused by the situation. It only made him more certain that he had made the write decision to become her familiar. 

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The ominous laughter also caught everyone down below off guard, as they looked around hoping to find the source. Sylvy felt a little safer, knowing her ally was still here. 

"Who's that?" Eskyl shouted as he turned to look around, "Show yourself!"

When Vy did not reply, continuing her stream of laughter, Eskyl drew his sword and shouted again. This prompted all the guards who had entered on his command to do the same. 

"My apologies, King Sylvy. I didn't mean to crash… the morning court session," Vy apologised with a grin. 

Seeing that Vy and Lycster had the ability to transform into animal forms unsettled the guards and knights. But they remained on high alert. It was clear to see that despite what was going on. None of the Royal guards came forward to protect Sylvy, their King. 

Eskyl turned to Lycster and said, "Negotiator, it would be best for you and your servant to stay out of this."

Lycster's expression turned dark. His anger boiled in his veins. 

"Servant?! That's my sister you're talking about!" Lycster exclaimed in anger to the Grand Advisor. 

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How dare he be so disrespectful to his sister like that? Lycster was not going to accept it. Vy was pleasantly surprised by her brother's outburst. She was happy to know where she was in his heart. 

"And seriously, do you really think a child, such as I, would be the negotiator?" Lycster corrected him with his arms crossed. 


Lycster pointed to Vy and said, "My sister is the Negotiator! If you're too blind to even see that, I don't think you're born to rule."

Vyrena could not help herself as she chuckled. The shocked expression on Eskyl's face and everyone else's took the cake. 

-Who knew my brother could deal a burn.- she said to herself. 

Sylvy, of course, knew that the negotiator was Vy and not Lycster. She also thought the situation was pretty funny too. 

"But… but you're a woman!" Eskyl exclaimed. 

"And what's wrong with that?" Vyrena snapped back. 

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"Women can't rule! You're meant to be seen, not heard," Eskyl said with a laugh. 

Vy's eyebrow twitched when she heard that statement. The grin disappeared from her face as her expression grew dark. She walked up to Eskyl with a cold dark stare. The temperature in their surroundings dropped. 

Eskyl could feel a chill creeping down his spine, even Lycster could feel the cold air circling them. 

"What sort of backward mind do you have? Seen and not be heard? It's people like you who should not be heard. Probably shouldn't be seen anyway," Vy remarked. 

Eskyl was Insulted by what she had said. But he had more important matters to take care of. He shouted, "I don't have time to waste with you, woman! Guards! Arrest Sylvy Flutterheart!"

Out of respect for Papillion's traditions, Vy did not draw her energy dagger. Instead, she physically prepared herself for a fight. Aether slithered off her wrist and took to his winged serpent form, towering above all of them. 

Upon seeing Aether's form, none of the guards dared to move forward. The temperature in the room continued to drop fast as Vy channelled the powers of her Kyu form. 

"I don't think that would be wise, Grand Advisor," Vy said in a calm tone. 

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