New World New Life

Chapter 218: 218

While the meal might have gotten off to a rocky start, everything ended well with dessert. With food out of the way, it was time for them to move on to more pressing matters. For that, they moved to a different room where the document had already been prepared for signing. 

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All that was needed, was for both sides to review the terms and they could sign it. But before they were able to get to it, Tinee received word from a guard. With a darkened expression, she whispered into Sylvy's ear. 

Her previously joyous expression soon turned a little darker. Ramas also sensed that something was amiss. 

Sylvy looked up to Tinee and sighed, "She won't wait till this is completed?"

Tinee shook her head. 

With a sigh, Sylvy stood up from her seat and placed her pen down. She bowed respectfully to Anja. 

"My sincerest apologies, Leader Atlas. I have an urgent matter to attend to. I won't take long, I will be back for the signing as soon as I am able to." Sylvy said. 

The sudden development was highly unusual, especially when they were in the middle of a diplomatic meeting. But Anja understood that if it was not urgent, Sylvy would not have chosen to step out.

"I understand, we will be waiting," Anja replied with a smile. 

With that, Sylvy, Tinee and Ramas left to attend to the issue, leaving behind the Mothyleks, along with Vy and Lycster. Though Vy was not sure what was the issue, she had some theories on what it might be. 

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In the meantime, she just needed to keep the Mothyleks happy. 

Hallvard, seeing the situation unfold, was not very happy with the development. 

He commented with his arms folded, "If you ask me, all of this feels a little too convenient."

The other elders chimed in as well but Anja thought otherwise, "Well, let's give them the benefit of the doubt." 

Anja turned to Vyrena, "Could something have happened?"

Vy thought back to what had happened earlier in the day. She realised that it could be linked to Eskyl. Vy explained what had happened in the Throne Room prior to Anja's arrival. The Mothyleks were shocked to learn about it but they were also glad to find out the situation was resolved. 

"... Or it could be that the situation is not quite taken care of," Hallvard said with his arms crossed. 

Anja and Vy both knew he could be right. There could have been loose ends that were causing issues right now. But the only thing they could do for the time being would be to wait for Sylvy to return. 

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Anja asked Vy. 

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"Help?" Hallvard spoke up, "Leader Atlas, we don't even know if this King can even keep her subjects in check. We should seriously reconsider forging an alliance…"

"Hallvard!" Anja called out his name to shut him up. 

Hallvard was surprised, so was everyone else in the room. 

"Hallvard," Anja said in a much calmer tone of voice, "Do you trust me?" 

"Yes, Leader Atlas… of course…"

She stared deep into his eyes, "Then why are you questioning my decision?"

Hallvard shook his head, "No, I did not mean…"

"So you don't mean to question my decision? You're just worried that King Sylvy cannot keep the situation under control?"

One of the many reasons why Anja made such a great leader was her ability to read the hearts and minds of others. She did not need to ask too many questions to fully understand what they were thinking of in their hearts. 

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Hallvard knew she had captured his reasoning with perfect clarity, but his pride did not let him down so easily. Seeing the tense situation before them, Vyrena was not certain if she should step in to say anything. It was not her place to do so after all. 

But one of the elders, seeing the situation unfold, asserted himself into the conversation. 

"Leader Atlas, if I may," the elder asked for permission to speak. 

She turned her attention to the elder, Elder Loide, "Of course, Elder Loide, speak freely."

"Hallvard is worried on your behalf, he is worried…"

She folded her arms, "He's worried I am making a bad decision,"

"Yes, but with good reason."

"And that reason would be?"

"A lack of experience…"

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Anja arched her eyebrow, "A lack of experience?"

She knew this all too well. Time and time again she had heard it being said to her. Anja herself had repeated it in her own mind. This was one of the many reasons why she had worked so hard to prove her worth in every situation. 

She worked hard to maintain the role as Leader of the Mothyleks. She surrounded herself with the council of the elders to ensure each decision she made was not without reason. Everything was carefully planned. 

Having gained confidence over the years, this was one of the few occasions where she had gone against most of the advice she was given. In the past, it had not always worked out in her favour but she never shrunk away from responsibility. 

The same could be said, no matter how the present situation would unfold. 

"I will take full responsibility for my actions." 

Before anyone could rebut or add on to what she had said, Anja continued to speak, "I am the Leader of our people and I make every decision with careful thought. I know I am not as experienced as some of you might be but I do not lack the necessary experiences to make the right decision."

Placing her fist on her heart, she said, "I have full faith in King Sylvy's abilities. I have full faith in the decision I have made."

Being angry would have been anyone's first reaction. 

But the best way to deal with those of shallow faith, is to trust in your own abilities and hold on tight. 

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