New World New Life

Chapter 221: 221

The rest of the day went fairly smoothly. The alliance was sealed with a signed treaty and everyone rejoiced together over some celebratory champagne and light snacks. Vyrena could finally heave a sigh of relief as her first task for Future Eye was complete. 

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Sylvy had wanted to celebrate the occasion with a party in the castle but Anja politely declined. With the alliance set in stone, she needed to lead her people through Papillion so that they could continue their journey towards Mount Mattenhorn. 

Sylvy was a little disappointed by the development, but when Anja told her more about Mount Mattenhorn, she desired to go and see it for herself. 

"You could come along with us if you like," Anja suggested. 

"Me? Go with you?" Sylvy asked. 

"Why not? You're the King, you can do whatever you like… right?"

Sylvy laughed, "If only that was true. But maybe another time. In the future."

Before the Mothyleks left Papillion to bring their people, Anja thanked Vyrena for the help she had provided. Although she might not have had a direct role to play, she helped to bring both nations closer together. 

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"You're not bound to any rules from what I am aware of, Vyrena. Would you like to come to Mount Mattenhorn with us?" 

Vy was extremely flattered by the invitation and was eager to accept. Based on all the descriptions Anja and the Mothyleks had made Mount Mattenhorn sound like a beautiful place to visit. 

However, she would likely need to head off to her next task assigned to her by Future Eye. When Vy had asked Zylphy what would happen after their mission was complete, she simply told her that they would receive their next set of instructions. 

Their next task may or may not be ready for them by the time their current mission is complete. Vy decided to remain in Papillion for a few more days, to wait for the next orders to arrive. She also made sure to write letters back to Carole, to update her on their current situation. 

"Well then, till the next time we meet again, Vyrena Blackfire. My people and I are ever grateful for your help." Anja said before she left. 

Sylvy invited Vyrena and Lycster to stay in the castle while they remained in Papillion. The King had also wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about the world beyond her Kingdom. Anja had also promised to write to Sylvy so that both leaders could learn more from one another. 

Vy was more than happy to share the information she had on the places she had been to. Sylvy was extremely excited to learn that the world beyond her Kingdom was full of interesting places and things she had never even heard of before. 

"I would love to visit these places someday," Sylvy exclaimed with glee. 

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"If you ever come to where we're living, we would definitely show you around," Vy replied. 

"Is everything alright, King Sylvy?" Vy asked out of concern. 

Faced with Vyrena's sudden question, Sylvy did not know how to respond. Apart from Tinee and subsequently Ramas, she never had much of anyone she could confide to. She had many feelings and thoughts swimming through her mind. 

Observing her silence was all Vy needed to do to piece the puzzle together. 

"Pardon me for being so straightforward, but it's about Grand Advisor Eskyl, isn't it?" Vy asked. 

Sylvy nodded, "You've hit that right on the head."

Sylvy never really had anyone to talk to about the things that went through her mind. She could confide with Tinee but she already knew everything. It was nice to have Vyrena around, even if it was just for a short period of time. 

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After explaining what happened between her and her mother, Sylvy felt a sense of relief wash over her. Vyrena listened intently, she pitied the situation the King was in. It was not easy to balance the weight of a nation and family at the same time. 

"Have you considered what to do after your term as King is over?" Vy asked out of curiosity. 

She knew that Sylvy had already served half her term. Once it was done in six years, she was pretty much free from the bounds of her duty. Sylvy was pleasantly surprised by Vy's question. She had not expected that at all. 

Thinking back to what past leaders had done after their terms were complete, almost all of them took up important roles within their family or in court. They would maintain those positions till their death. Just like her own father, Lord Torfin Flutterheart, became the Head of the Flutterheart Family till his untimely death. 

But she had never seen herself doing that. There was something calling to Sylvy, something beyond the Kingdom of Papillion. 

"I've always wondered about what was beyond Papillion," Sylvy remarked. 

Listening to how Anja had described the homeland of the Mothyleks, and Vy's stories of Timbretune, Prism Sector made Sylvy more curious than ever. Everything she knew was through the countless books she had read. 

But she wanted nothing more than to see it for herself. 

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"You could travel the world," Vy said. 

The first thought that came to Sylvy's mind, was a simple question. 

What would her mother say?

But did that question really matter anymore? Do her mother's words still have such a strong hold upon her? Thinking back to everything she had done in the last few days, Sylvy realised how much she had changed. 

She knew the changes did not happen overnight. It took her time to build up her courage. Sometimes, she still found herself shaking uncontrollably when she was about to make a decision. But with time, she knew she would be able to stand on her own. 

"I can, and I think I just might," Sylvy replied with a smile. 

"What about Eskyl? What do you plan on doing with him?" Vy asked out of curiosity. 

She could see the change in Sylvy's face as soon as she mentioned her brother's name. Worried that she might have unintentionally upset the King, Vy apologised. But Sylvy shook her head and assured Vy that she was just a little worried. 

"I plan to offer him a deal." she said as she gripped her fists tightly, " A deal he would not be able to resist."

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