New World New Life

Chapter 236: 236

When Lycster woke up, he rubbed his eyes and noticed that the fire was still burning. Outside the cave, there was still no sight of the sun. In the days they had spent in the Bleak Lands, this had become the norm. 

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The young boy turned over to look at his sister. He heaved a sigh of relief as he watched her steady breathing with the rise and fall of her chest. Next to her, he saw Aether with his back against the stone walls of the cave, staring deep into the fire. 

"You need to get some rest," Lycster said with a yawn as he stretched out his hands, "Let me take over the watch. 

Aether shook his head. 

-I don't need rest.- he replied softly. 

"Even if you don't you should." Lycster chided as he threw a fur coat over the fae kin. 

Aether was still in his human form, it was easier for him to take care of Vy like this. He thanked the boy for his kindness and wrapped the fur coat around his body as he placed a few more twigs and wood logs into the crackling fire. 

Lycster took out two fish that they had caught previously and begun to grill them over the fire. From his own spatial storage, he brought out a small sack of rice grains and a metal pot. The boy collected fresh snow in the metal pot to boil it over the fire. 

Once the snow melted into water and started to boil, he threw in a few handfuls of rice into the pot. Every now and then, he would turn over to check on his sister, to see if she would stir awake. 

-She needs a proper place to heal.- Aether sighed as he said to Lycster.

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"Maybe we should find a more suitable place to rest. Could there be a village of some form?" Lycster asked. 

Aether's face lit up. The boy was right, they should find a village so that Vy could keep warm and get some proper rest on a real bed. They also needed a healer to look at the wounds, just to ensure that everything was alright. 

-I'll go out and look, you stay-

"No, I'll go," Lycster said firmly. 


Lycster looked down at the ground, "I'm not strong enough to protect my sister. But you are. So you should stay."

-But it's dangerous out there.- Aether warned. 

"I'll be alright," Lycster replied with a grin, "I can take care of myself." 

Aether did not care much for the young boy. He only cared for Vyrena and her well being. But having spent time with him and seeing how the relationship Vyrena and Lycster stirred his heart. Aether found himself worrying for the young boy. 

-Don't die out there.- he said. 

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Lycster laughed, "I hope not."

Having experienced the attack from the moles, Lycster was not about to take any chances. He decided to play it safe and took to his sky form to search the area. His form as an owl allowed him greater mobility and stealth. 

-I'll figure it out.- Aether said in an annoyed tone. 

Lycster walked over to his sister's side and lightly kissed her on the forehead. He could feel a slow rising heat on her forehead. It could be a fever, which means his mission has become ever so important. 

"I'll be back, sis. Hang in there!" he whispered to her. 

When he got to the entrance of the cave, Lycster looked back once more before he took to his owl form and flew into the open sky. The icy winds sent shivers through his body. It had been a while since he took to his sky form. 

But after some time, he quickly got used to his form and sped up his flight. Lycster scanned the landscape beneath him and all around. The Bleak Lands were largely barren, apart from a selected few mountains and caves. 

As far as his eyes could see, everything was covered in a blanket of white snow. 

-There has to be something around here.- Lycster thought to himself. 

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Even in the harshest environments, life thrives. 

Back in the cave, Aether woke Vy up to feed her. The injuries on her back made it difficult for her to lie on her back when she sat up. So Aether made sure to place extra furs to create more support and provide Vy with more comfort. 

Despite that, the pain still made her wince and she was tired. Vy could barely keep her eyes open. 

"I can feed myself," she said softly as she reached for the bowl from Aether. 

Aether shot her look. -What nonsense. I'll feed you.-

Vy did not refuse his help for a second time. She obediently ate the porridge he fed her. The rice porridge helped warm her up as she ate it. 

"Where's Lycster?" she asked as she took another mouthful of porridge. 

-He went out to look for a more permanent shelter.- Aether replied. 

"Oh," Vy replied. 

When she put the pieces together, she turned to Aether and said, "You let him go alone?"

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Aether gently hit Vy on the head. 

"What was that for?!" she said in annoyance. 

"Did you expect us to leave you here alone? To fend for yourself?" Aether snapped at her as he glared from the side. 

"I can protect myself."

-I know you can. But you're still better off with me by your side.- he replied. 

Aether continued to feed Vy her porridge until it was all gone. He then helped her get some water before laying her back down to rest. 

"Wake me up when my brother returns," Vy said as she drifted off to sleep once more. 

-I will.-

"Aether," Vy called out softly. 


Vy held out her hand and held onto Aether's. Her hand was warm from having been under the fur covers while his hands were icy cold. She gripped onto his hand tightly, unwilling to let go. 

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